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Gods1son Feb 2019
A few years ago
I walked with 4 of my classmates
For about 10 minutes
From school to our various homes
The only words we said were...
"See you tomorrow"
Throughout the walk
We were all looking down on our phones
That was when I knew we need help
When the only connection that means a lot to us
is our mobile network connection
Gods1son Jan 2019
I do ask myself this question
Are we still connected as humans?
The first answer that comes to my mind...
Yes, we are...
Connected by our social media profile pages

Emotional connection, it used to be
Face to face, we used to see
Face time has been replaced by FaceTime
Audible laughs replaced by emojis and lols

Loss of Laughs
Loss of Love
I understand that it helps us reach farther people
But I'm not sure it's made us better people
Gods1son Aug 2019
Happiness is not sold in the stores
Don't be deceived by the adverts at all
Buying more and more cannot fill the void
A rush of happiness derived from
a purchase is superficial and hard to maintain.

Creating short lasting or fast evolving trend is corporations' tactic to get you discontent my friend.

Well, you don't have to pay for it all at once
You don't have to cancel your plan,
here's a bonus for you.
Are you aware? 50% off the price of
what you don't need is no savings at all.

Contentment is the key my friend
The car I was stressing over to get,
I met a man ready to let go of his,
in exchange for working legs.
Gratefulness is the door to happiness my friend.
Gods1son Feb 2019
Give me a nudge with your words
Let me swim in your thoughts
Fetch words from the wells of your soul
Let your body communicate the words you've left untold
My heart is open for you to behold.
Gods1son Jul 2019
Almost everything in life comes at a cost
There is a cost for doing right
Including but not limited to;
Sacrificing fun time
Getting laughed at by other folks
Boldness to be different
Trading comfort for a while

Making wrong or no decision
often comes at a cost too
There is a huge conscience fee
Having to work at the appropriate rest time
Loss of self-worth and respect
Maybe loss of fingertips (bitten off)
Suffering the pain of unfulfilment

Pay the most reasonable cost today!
Gods1son Apr 2019
Clouds like white cotton candy
laying across the blue skies
I sat there and admired
the different shapes and forms
Smiling back at me was the Sun
The weather was nice and warm
Just like the temperature,
The sky's beauty warmed my heart.
Gods1son Feb 2019
One two three four five
Six seven eight nine; goes on
Counting my blessings
My first shot at haiku
Gods1son Oct 2018
Some spend time to create
And some spend time to rate what others spent time to create
They rate not to give support
But just to hate

To those who create
Never let negative feedback serve as a bait
To trap you in a cage
Keep getting better at what you do
'cause you have the potential to be great

To those that rate
Do it constructively
And genuinely
'cause you are also born to be great!
Gods1son Feb 2019
Hit me with constructive criticism
I'm aware feedback is a gift
I'm eager to unwrap it
I'm ready to face the heat
The positive, the negative
Deliver it raw
Don't sugarcoat it
It will be received in good spirit
Gods1son Nov 2018
This is the real shape of love
A man laid his life down for us all
Gods1son Jan 2019
Cry is not just the visible tears
That roll down the cheeks
But the weighty matters residing in the heart
That makes one feel sick
Sometimes, it's hidden behind a smile
Gods1son Mar 2019
Cuddled up in the sofa
Skin resting on skin
Creating the perfect temperature
Her favorite music videos playing on the TV screen
Rhythmic heartbeats
Love, the fragrance in the air
A beautiful moment to share
Intermittent passionate kisses
Nothing less than pure bliss
Gods1son Dec 2019
2019 is about to be over
This is not the time to be bitter
because of unachieved goal(s)
Do not allow regrets to fill the air
Even if the year looked unproductive

Consider it a blessing to be alive
'cause that's an opportunity to get it right
Let the successes and/or lessons of 2019
serve to boost your zeal
Choose to be fired up from within

Fill your heart & mouth with gratitude
Thankfulness is a door opener and
A catalyst in attaining higher altitudes
2020 promises to be bright & fulfilling
Get your spirit right & be enthusiastic
Gods1son Apr 2019
Go to work,
Make some money,
Pay the bills,
Maybe save a little
Repeated cycle of everyday living

I guess there is more to life outside
that rigorous cycle
There are places out there to visit,
Different cultures to experience.

The cycle doesn't have to be broken,
It can definitely be expanded
Recreation and wellness should be included
Life is more than that tiny cycle!
Gods1son May 2019
Dim lighting
Blues playing
Bodies swaying
Lips smiling
Atmosphere's relaxing
Lips interlocking
Skins are warm
Clothes coming off...
Gods1son Mar 2020
Why do we complain and whine about
darkness as if darkness is the problem
Darkness prevails as light sources wane
If we have been called to be the light
of the world, then the real problem is us.

Before pointing our fingers at others,
we should first blame the person that
we see in the mirror. Say to him or her –
You could do much better than this.

These times call for us to look within
ourselves and really question ourselves –
Am I really shining forth as light?
Food for thought
Gods1son Apr 2019
Taking "advantage" of too many deals
Can actually deal with you
You could end up purchasing things
you don't even need.

I did learn the hard way
But once in a while,
I still fall for it with the mindset
Afterall I worked for it,
It's my hard-earned money
So, f*ck it
You know what I mean hahahha
Gods1son Jul 2019
I want this, this, this
I need that, that, that
Thank you God but
You know...
I need this, this, this
I want that, that, that

We often have more than we realize
We mostly need less than we try to get
Gratitude is an eye opener
Gratitude is a door opener
Ask less and give more thanks!
Gods1son Oct 2018
Open our eyes to see the light in our spirit
To illuminate our path and get rid of all forms of darkness
To give us a clear vision of the things ahead

Open our eyes to see the love in our spirit
To live everyday and function in this love
To treat ourselves and others as pure spirit beings

Open our eyes to see the potency in our spirit
To achieve all of our dreams and ambitions
To make us unstoppable regardless of oppositions
Gods1son Mar 2019
We love one another
Do not believe the lie that
Each man is living in his own world
We do not belong together
Don't buy that lie
You are my brother or sister
One big family we are
It's a deceitful statement that
It's every man for himself
Which is a deception, top to bottom or the other?
Gods1son Jan 2019
I love deciduous trees
I think they are smart
This is what they do

During harsh seasons (tough times)
They shed their leaves
To conserve their resources
That they might survive

When everything seems right
They grow the leaves again
A smart move by trees
To focus on what's most important
Without considering what humans think.
Gods1son Jan 2020
How do you prove your determination
if you're not faced with obstructions or oppositions?
How do you strengthen your faith without
facing some challenges or tests?
The tests/trials/obstacles aren't the issue then but what you do with them.
The real question then becomes...
How do you turn these stumblingblocks into steps?
What's in this challenge for you to learn?
Is the end result that you see worth striving for?
Your response to the challenge is more important than the challenge itself
Because every response is accompanied by its own kind of result.
Gods1son Mar 2020
Chaos and uncertainties in the world
It's time to sharpen my sword the more
I mean spending more time in the Word
Studying & meditating on the Scriptures
To stand strong & firm from being tossed
by all the news and happenings around
To saturate my mind with peace that
comes from above
It's time to be immersed in the Word.
Gods1son Oct 2018
It's my duty to define who I am
If not, people will call me what I'm not
Or drive me around like a tram
Or treat me like I amount to naught

I'm a Lion who doesn't go about roaring
I'm a walking power and I'm not a boaster
I don't take no for an answer
Negative energy, I'm always rejecting

I'm all about loving
I believe in karma
I stay far away from gossiping
Still, I'm friendly, when you see me, please holla!
Just define who you are and the world wouldn't have a choice to treat you like that. They will definitely try to see if you would stand your ground but it's all up to you at the end of the day!
Gods1son Jan 2019
Every outing with you
Feels like déjà vu
Probably because
I had painted all these moments in my mind
Way before you were mine
Gods1son Oct 2019
Why does a delay have to attract other delays
Like, when you leave your house later than normal
Then the buses decide to run behind schedule and
Almost every traffic light turns red as you approach
Oh, there's a collision ahead too, another unexpected traffic
Sitting in that bus feeling grumpy, grouchy
Just that, you never really know because
Sometimes delays can be a blessing
Ask the person who missed a flight (due to delays) and that plane ended up crashing
I guess it's just best to embrace the uncontrollable
Knowing/Assuming that all things
work together for your good.
Gods1son Nov 2019
What is love without respect
What is communication without truth
What is community without unity
What is faith without action
What is prosperity without charity
What is presence without attention
What is speed without the right direction
What is leadership without service
What is a gift/talent without use/fruits
What is life without a purpose
Which is your favorite or which can you relate to the most? Or add more in the comments. Thanks
Gods1son Aug 2019
The unplanned sometimes
come in the way of the planned,
which usually feels like a roadblock.
Painful, saddening, even depressing.

But who really can tell if
it's truly an obstruction
without seeing the complete picture
Ultimately, it could be a detour to the right path.
When the unexpected seem to obstruct your planned actions, don't over-panic. It might be to your own advantage at the end of the day. Stay blessed!
Gods1son May 2020
It isn't everyone that leaves you that is a loss
As a matter of fact, some people might need to
go away from us for us to better flourish
and that's why a farmer would remove weeds
that are growing amongst his/her crops.
Gods1son Mar 2019
I was once in the rough
Not everyone recognized my value
Just like a diamond in that state
But deep down in me, I knew my worth
And that was my truth that I clinged on to

Some of my own didn't believe in me
It did hurt to watch them leave
I almost joined them not to believe in me
Then I remembered it's my life to live

Just to make it, I took different shots
From different angles
I lost money and I lost sleep
I laid in bed watch my ceiling spin
I was this close to quitting but
I did push myself back on my feet

I would constantly say to myself
Gold has to go through fire to be purified
For me to be free, Jesus had to be crucified
The pressure to give up, I nullified
The zeal to reach my goals, I intensified

Nothing exceptional comes easy
I was knocked down several times
but I didn't stay down
I picked myself back up each time
It did make my skin tough

A calm sea never makes a great sailor
Amongst my buddies, I found traitors
The few I looked up to were also naysayers
Nevertheless, I kept my goals on my radar

I kept on pushing till I saw the light
I kept on finessing till I saw the shine
I was determined to do only what's right
Along my journey, here's what I've learnt

If life breaks your pencil,
Make two out of it
If people place stumbling block your way,
Make steps out of it

If they say sh*t on your name,
Make manure out of it
If they throw stones at you,
Make sculpture out of it

Whatever life throws at you
Take it as material
And carve success out of it
Gods1son Jan 2019
I wonder if diamonds
Also have insecurities and self-doubt
Do they realize their value while still in the rough?

I wonder if they really wanted to be found?
Or scared of the process of refining?
Or proud of what they become after refining?

We all have diamonds within us
That needs to be discovered and refined or
We are diamonds ourselves needing refinement
Gods1son Apr 2019
What more can I say,
For His love for me
is much more than the oxygen in the air
more than the waters in the oceans and seas

For He who knew no sin
Left His throne because of me
Paid the eternal price of sins
Now I can boldly declare that
I'm redeemed and free
The product of His love for me
No amount of words can express my gratitude!
Gods1son Jun 2019
It honestly makes no sense
For someone to think that
they are superior to others or
think some others are inferior
in the name of the things
they didn't choose
in the first place

Was anyone ever presented
with a checklist to determine
their skin color, gender, height,
place of birth or any of those
before their birth?

Attempting to prove superiority
is a sign of critically low self-esteem
We are all humans
regardless our physical, spiritual or
cultural differences
This is my message to the world.
Gods1son Dec 2018
Here's my thought about some folks
I guess you know them too
Their names are Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant

You said your purpose is to make my life easier
To ask you questions and you will answer
Recently, I figured that's not all that you do
But you are constantly eavesdropping too

Pick all my data to send to your maker
The other day, I was talking to a friend about dining at Montana's
Couple hours later, every website I visited advertised Montana's
Just to have it glued to my mind and then
Generate some money off me

Well, you know all the things that I crave
Go ahead and put them all in my face
You have my credit card information
Just go ahead and make the purchase

Maybe that's why Google Home and the likes are quite cheap
Because our personal information is the real cost
They are definitely after their own cause
Makes me wonder if we are just guinea pigs for their experiments?
Gods1son Sep 2018
Distressing peace
Discomforting ease
Troubling serenity...
That's how I feel
When I have wronged you
And you choose to ignore it
Gods1son Aug 2019
Here's a couple seating across a table
With plates full of yummies in their middle
Occasionally, their eyes would meet
For the most part,
their eyes were fixed on mobile screens.

A time meant for two to connect,
To plug into each other's world
But they chose to connect to
the world wide web instead

Digital connection
physical connection.
Gods1son Apr 2019
Searching in the library of my soul
To find words untold (by me)
And to my surprise
Herein lies the story of my life
A written description of who I really am

Uncovered parts of me that I didn't know
Found answers to my long unanswered questions
Discovered my true essence
Oh, a lot of things now makes sense!
Gods1son Aug 2019
Self-discovery is the second
best discovery,
first being God-discovery.
When you discover God, it's much easier to discover self. When you discover those two, life becomes very meaningful and purposeful.
Gods1son Jan 2020
It's not all cries that appear as red eyes
With tears flowing through the cheeks
Some cries appear as a smile or a grin
Only if you look close enough
You'll realize that the smile is a cover-up.
Gods1son Jun 2019
How easy it is to not pay attention
To some blessings in our lives
Not until we are in dire need of them,
we then realize how blessed
we've always been when we had them.

Immensely grateful for the gift of life
Sound health at free cost is a blessing
Seeing that your loved ones are in peace
and proper state of mind is priceless
Don't let your desires and wants cloud
your perception of how blessed you are.
Gods1son Apr 2020
When you realize that you have greatness in your DNA
And that nothing can successfully stand in your way
Obstacles & hurdles wouldn't bother you
because you know you'll always scale through
You become aware that nothing can limit you
because the greater One lives inside of you
You become conscious that you were born a winner
designed to be victorious and indomitable
And the only one capable of stopping you, is you.
Gods1son Feb 2019
Recently saw a documentary
Of neighbourhoods like war zones

Bullets flying
People falling
Blood spilling
Families mourning

Drugs circulating
Kids dealing
Cops bursting
Addicts overdosing
People dying

People getting robbed
People getting *****
Mass incarceration
Families with no fathers
Drug dealers are kids role models

Lack of education
Lack of opportunities
Lack of amenities
Crime is almost a norm
They definitely need intervention
Gods1son Feb 2019
Recently saw a documentary
Of neighbourhoods beyond words

Bullets flying
People falling
Blood spilling
Families mourning

Drugs circulating
Kids dealing
Cops bursting
Addicts overdosing
People dying

People getting robbed
People getting *****
Mass incarceration
Families with no fathers
Drug dealers are kids role models

Lack of education
Lack of opportunities
Lack of amenities
Crime is almost a norm
They definitely need intervention
Gods1son Mar 2019
One time,
I almost wrote that
If one of us falls,
We all fall
Very much like dominos

But I rearranged my thoughts
If one of us fall,
We ought to provide support
Protect one another's back
At least, help them fall forward
Gods1son Oct 2018
We agreed to go our separate ways
She requested for one more night with me
I asked for one more night with her
We've been returning favours
What's this suppose to mean?
Are we really done?
Gods1son Nov 2019
Don't cage your thoughts, speak out,
And you'll find out you're not alone
When you think your cup is half empty,
You'll find out that it's on its way to be full
Having a heart-to-heart conversation is like
taking a car to the gas station, for a refuel,
You wouldn't fill a gas engine with diesel,
So it's important who you open up to,
A good conversation would boost you up,
Re-energize you to go a few more miles
My friend, please don't keep in to yourself
Find some ears that will genuinely listen
It's not weakness to seek a hand,
Actually, it's a show of strength to be vulnerable.
Gods1son May 2019
Everyone is doing it
(cheating, lying, faking and all sorts)
So why shouldn't I
That will never make a good reason
Live your best in and out of season
Gods1son Nov 2018
Richness in vocabulary doesn't equate to richness in information

Richness in possessions and money is not a prerequisite for richness in kindness and generosity

Richness in belongings and wealth is not richness in joy and happiness
Gods1son Mar 2020
The fastest does not always win the race
Where certifications and qualifications fail
Where connections and man's promises fail
Where beauty and appearance fail
Where human wisdom and knowledge fail
You can count on God's favour and grace,
Those are keys that can unlock any door.
Gods1son Jan 2020
Doubts might knock on the door of your mind — which is reasonably fine
But you mustn't allow doubts knock you
off your feet
You have a great deal of power housed within
Never underestimate what you're capable of
You might be starting later or running
slower compared to your peers
But that doesn't infer how far you can go
You have all it takes to reach your goals
Just go! March on, ignore all the doubts.
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