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 Jun 2015 Gemineyed Gypsy
 Jun 2015 Gemineyed Gypsy
Under the grieving moon
we whispered secrets long kept.
Beneath the roaring waves
that drowned us as...
we quietly wept.

We spoke in hushed tones
of promises made to last.
Our cracked voices
melded with the echoes of a time...
of a fond memory in the past.

Water in our mouths
with words we jousted and lunged.
Heard only as hapless gurgles
and inaudible whimpers.
Unparried speculations
unsheathed and then plunged.

We cupped our wounds and retreated
knowing that we each drew blood.
We kissed with our eyes,
broke down walls
and welcomed the flood.

We wiped our cheeks
now smeared hot with tears.
Where did we err?
Who do we blame...
for dishevelled years?

We would never know...
but we must learn.
Time had shown us our mistakes
but our hearts had taught us
eternal love that burns.
 May 2015 Gemineyed Gypsy
I ache for the ocean
I long for the sea

I desire for the coast
the shore
the sand
I crave for the tide
the current
the rip

I ache for the ocean
I long for the sea

I yearn for the reef
the deep
the bed
I hunger for the swim
the surf
the dive

I ache for the ocean
I long for the sea

I bleed
I breathe
I live
for the waters
the horizon can see.
You get exactly what God you think He is.
If you think he's an angry God, then THATS what you get. If you think HES a horrible God than that's what you get. How can you hate someone, you don't even know? How can you never open a book and hate everything inside it. Oh because you read one scripture & you hated it? Well guess what, read the whole thing and maybe your shallow mind will understand
there will be a time when your story will end
but for now you can just turn the pages forward
looking for the better more beautiful chapters in your life
making some good old memories you will never forget

there will be time when you will fall in love
maybe with your bestfriend or maybe with a stranger
you are young and gorgeous, a little bit to innocent they say
so please my love don't let them take adventage of your broken heart

and one day you will find your own way to happiness

loving this girl was so magical and strange
she has these blue eyes that make me go crazy, all the time
she has this smile on her face when she looks at me, it makes me melt

Im searching for more words to describe how I feel but I simply can't
and maybe that's what being in love needs to feel like, rare, special
the fact something is so complicated and mysterious
that you just can't find the right words..
but even your bestfriend was a stranger once.
i wonder if you can see
     a single beauty in me
  just like I see the whole universe
           in you.
I am an island child,
Of dire rocks and thistle,
Clear lake and lone skies,
Of bonny birds who whistle,
I race the strands with tides,
Waiting for my lad to meet,
So lonely are the night stars
I dreamt in my loft to sleep,
Far is the isle of my mind,
To slip away on new voyage,
Near is the sorrow into kind,
As I wait for keep in marriage.
Until the dark night lost its stars
and the moon fade its light
there will always be goodnight

Until my eyes saw its heaven
and my heart feel its desire
I will never say goodbye

only goodnight, *goodnight
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