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  Jun 2020 FreeMind
Luna Maria
while we
let the sun kiss our skin
we watched the sky
through the leaves
and talked
about the weight of the world
which is laying on the shoulders
of our generation
these days are making it worth to stay.
  Jun 2020 FreeMind
The blackbird sings let freedom ring.
It’s difficult to fly with broken wings.
The burden of hatred bears heavy,
for only sadness it brings.
It’s difficult to rise as the fascist pendulum
With her heavy heart and tired wings;
In the thick of healing the blackbird sings,
let freedom ring.
  Jun 2020 FreeMind
Northern Poet
It's time for a name
Not to be just another 'name'

To anyone who lost a life
You didn't die in vain

Colour doesn't matter
Inside we're all the same

It's time to stop the suffering
It's time to stop the pain
FreeMind May 2020
I like seeing you happy
I just wish you shared that happiness with me
May 29, 2020
FreeMind May 2020
She would laugh during prayers and giggle at church
She wore skirts too short, let them slid up her thighs
She dyed her hair colors of rainbow when she got bored
and she did it all because it was her choice

I was warned to stay away from her
"she's a bad influence" and "the devil is near"
they were partially right

She was dangerous,
She was the devil,
And I loved to sin.
May 28, 2020
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