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Saying goodbye
To someone you love
Is like reading the final page
Of an amazing book.

As the last chapter ends
You begin to notice
Just how beautiful
And perfect
The plot always was.  

You appreciate the joy
And even the pain
As you read and thumb
Through every page.

Finally understanding
The moral of the story,
You realize you've reached
The end of this journey.

Although the last sentence  
Is the most difficult to read
Another great book awaits
Once you turn the final page.

Eventually you may stumble
Upon yet another great find.
Or maybe you'll return
To the book you left behind.

You may just discover
Once all is said and done
That this particular book  
Was your favorite story
All along.
For Ty & Des ❤️
I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.
I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.
I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.
I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.
I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.
I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.  I never got to say goodbye.

On my knees, falling to the ground, in your arms, screaming,

I never got to say goodbye.
A piece from a larger body of work about the death of my best friend.
The petals begin to die

The heavens start to cry

Let out a collective sigh

The drudgery of life
The need to avoid strife
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

It's all in your mind
A fabrication
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

In and out
Up and down
They go as they come
They bring gladness as they leave sadness
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

Deathly still
As still as death
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye
I've been told to move on

As young and beautiful
As a newborn fawn
As broken and doubtful
As a mind so torn

Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye
You have left us tonight
You're nowhere in sight
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

The moss spreads
The dust collects
Decrepit but not dead
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

I've been told I'm wasting my life
I've been told to let go
I know it's all true
It's something I must do
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

You left
and now, I'd like to leave too
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye


A simple word
A simple meaning
All over my mind
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

I won't let you go
I refuse to do so
You embody life
A life I wish was mine

Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

You said goodbye,
not on purpose, of course
But they said goodbye
on purpose.

Who do I believe?
The living or the dead?
Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.
It's the only word in my mind.
I’m running in the darkness,
Running from myself;
I’ve been running for so long now,
Myself is someone else.

Despair had my heart in pieces,
I wanted to run and hide,
But I couldn’t run away from myself
And escape all the voices inside

I’m lost without Your justice,
I’m sick without Your peace.
I’m dying without Your loving touch,
And I’m chained without Your key.

When I’ve lost my way
You’ve never lost me.
When I’m frozen in the pain
You’ve never lost me.

I will fail at everything I try to do,
‘Cause I’m nothing without You.
I only know one thing is true:
When I’ve lost my way and I’m afraid,
You’ve never lost me.
When I’ve lost my way
You’ve never lost me.
When I’m frozen in the pain
You’ve never lost me.

Secure in my possessions,
I was trying to save myself;
Discovering my weakness,
Myself was all that was left.

I covered every blemish,
Abandoned all my dreams;
Maybe if I lost myself,
I wouldn’t want to scream.

When I’ve lost my way
You’ve never lost me.
When I’m frozen in the pain
You’ve never lost me.

I will fail at everything I try to do,
‘Cause I’m nothing without You.
I only know one thing is true:
When I’ve lost my way and I’m afraid,
You’ve never lost me.
When I’ve lost my way
You’ve never lost me.
When I’m frozen in the pain
You’ve never lost me.

Can You take this mess of me?
Can I forget all I knew?
Can You build me up again?
Can I just belong to you?

You’ve never lost me, You’ve never lost me
(You’ve ne-ver lost me)
You’ve never lost me, You’ve never lost me
(You’ve ne-ver lost me)

I will fail at everything I try to do,
‘Cause I’m nothing without You.
I only know one thing is true:
When I’ve lost my way and I’m afraid,
You’ve never lost me.
When I’ve lost my way
You’ve never lost me.
When I’m frozen in the pain
You’ve never lost me.

When I’ve lost my way (You’ve ne-ver lost me) (I'm lost without you)
You’ve never lost me. (I'm lost without you)
When I’m frozen in the pain (You’ve ne-ver lost me) (I'm lost without you)
You’ve never lost me. (I'm lost without you)

When I’ve lost my way (You’ve ne-ver lost me) (I'm lost without you)
You’ve never lost me. (I'm lost without you)
When I’m frozen in the pain (You’ve ne-ver lost me) (I'm lost without you)
You’ve never lost me. (I'm lost without you)
Hey guys, let me know if you have any suggestions!  This is from an assignment.
 Feb 7 Faith Cubitt
Time seems to be frozen and flying at the same time
as summer months creep closer to
You and me, I feel my stomach start to churn knowing
these months, for you, I will yearn
Time seems to be frozen and flying at the same time
I lie here and stare at an expanse of cracking white
for I wonder, if this, is all out of spite?
The coldness seeps into my bones and my fingers burn
knowing these months, for you, I will yearn
Time seems to be frozen and flying at the same time
I stare at the sky and how the clouds make love to fiery towers of leaves
My heart is cold
my veins burn blue, bold
Breathing in slow heaves, for you
I know
will leave
****, **** me for you
I wear my bitter heart on my sleeve
Time seems to be frozen and flying at the same time
Incessant love pours from my being for you
Ineffable sadness consumes my aching frame
and these tumultous feelings of shame
In these months, for you, I yearn
Time is freezing and is no longer flying
For you, I yearn
Time is frozen and no longer freezing
Time is frozen and so am I

Can I be Frozen?

at 0 degrees Celsius Water Freezes.
am I so fluid that I have the same resistance?
you are made of 50-60% water.
half of your body freezes at this tempature.

I am still not cold.

at -2 degrees Celsius Human Blood Freezes.
Am I a deadly cold?
Am I hypothermia?
at what point do you numb your hands lose feeling in your toes??
fingers, legs,
stop motor function
lay still in a wet snow bed
waiting for your body to stop
It has already slowed so much
do you die from freezing?
is the numbness the sign
you are getting cold?

I am still not cold.

At -121 degrees Celsius, serotonin freezes.
your well-being crackles on a car window
the remaining strands of happiness, form icicles.
you cannot regulate your mood,
or appetite, or sleep patterns,
you are unpredictable and sick.
Serotonin heals wounds,
with it frozen, the scars you have collected, stay open.

I am still not cold.

At -128 degrees Celsius Dopamine freezes.
With your desire Frozen, no sense of Reward
You sleep more, eat more.
slipped into depression
you aren't addicted to anything anymore
unmotivated, and upper-less
given up Coffee, chocolate,
can't even have ***.
-128 degrees Celsius has even frozen your bedroom.
You are a hedonists worst nightmare.

I am still not cold.

at -211.5 Degrees Celsius, Adrenaline Freezes.
Your heart stopped racing,
No more sweat, dry mouth.
The initial fight or flight reaction, slowed.
You saw less red.
Stopped buying Epi-pens in packs of two
killed yourself saving the $600
Boycotted Epinephrine's codependency.
Adrenaline helped your heart put out.
-211.5 degrees Celsius has revoked your anticipation,

I am getting cold.

at -218.8 degrees Celsius, oxygen freezes.
crystallized on naked winter trees
each panic attack wheezes a Marlboro lung
gasps the surrounding air
vacuums icy lifeless C02
without oxygen you turn purple

I am Frozen.


I set fire to the blankets you used
like in-scents or prayer candles
tasted you hot in my lungs like cigarette smoke
if not for long, for memorial
your afghans burned to ashes
each night, I still covered myself in them
pulled them over my head
rubbed them into my eyes
swallowed them every morning
like vitamins or anti-depressants
because as frozen as my blood,
oxygen, water in my body was
your memories were cremated
my addiction to you was cryogenic
Walt Disney isn't going to bring you back to me
I will not fetch fire wood.
I will be cold.
I will die in this winter
I know falling though thin Ice is just drowning
which is no different from a frozen lung.
Your frozen heart.
how am I to pull farther from you
when death is as close to me
as any other flurry?

I can be Frozen deep into cryogenic slumber.
Thawed by some hearth,
or warm heart.
You called this feeling,
"Melting", didn't you?
Feel it again. and again.
It is always me, coming back.
Haunting you in the ashes and snow.


You've Thawed.
Do you remember me?
It's been awhile.
My Name Is Love.
 Feb 7 Faith Cubitt
Have you ever wanted to cry?
Cry a cry that would heal
A cleansing cry

A cry no one would understand
A cry which would make others weep alongside you
A cry which hollowed everything out

A cry that left you empty
A cry that washed away a thousand tears before this one
Have you ever wanted everything to be okay?

That you were willing to cry every tear that your body could produce even if it claimed the last heartbeat of your heart

A cry of pain
A cry of hunger
A cry for love

A cry for acceptance
A cry
My cry.
Cry,Cry,Cry,Cry Cry........................Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry.

I can't tell , I can,t tell; if love don,t mean a thing
You never believed me;but whatever did trust really bring.
I want you to leave me then at least I'm right about birds that can,t help but sing;
You think you deceived me ; I was always ahead of you running
You think you'll be happy now,happy now, because you were frightened for giving in;
All the world has changed babe and it don't mean a ******* dream;
I hope you still think of me as a gentle man I'm still,but that's always been easy , I'm just like a bee that,s lost it's sting.
 Feb 7 Faith Cubitt
I lie
I lie
I lie

I hide my behavior
to keep you safe.

I keep quiet
not to offend you.

I agree with you
to keep you happy.

I walk on eggshells
for you and
it’s never enough.

I lie
I lie
I lie

but when the truth
arrives at that
final moment;

jaws will drop
plates will shatter
dogs will growl

you’ll be long gone
after seeing what
a ghastly beast
I am

but for now

I lie
I lie
I lie

to keep us
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