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 Mar 2016 Faded
Echoes Of A Mind
I don't want to live
'Cause I'll only remember
Which I want to forget
Which before
Could keep me happy
On a bad day
Now only hurts
And reminds me
That feelings are a burden
But luckily for me
I can no longer
Feel anything...

What before was worry
Have now become stress
I'm all broken down
Not getting any rest
My dreams are affected
By the memories
So that even the sweetest dream
Suddenly turns into
A nightmare...

I want to delete
All these memories
I want to go back
Before they were made
I want to prevent them from
Ever being created
I'll start with the earliest
It all began
With a pack of my favorite chips
And a,
Back then,
Unknown person...
 Mar 2016 Faded
Echoes Of A Mind
I'm giving up on Love
I don't want it anymore
Don't want to hurt
and don't want to be jealous
Don't want to cry
and don't want to be nervous

I hate the fact that I smile
When his face shows up in my mind
Hate the fact that I
Always recognizes his voice
No matter where I am

I'm stalked by the feeling
That's slowly choking me
I wish that Love
would just let me be...
The day I tried to make a distance was the day he chose to move closer...
 Mar 2016 Faded
Maria Imran
Maybe it's okay to wait and keep waiting for that one encounter that isn't happening
to keep rekindling that one hope
day after day, and night.

It's alright to want for yourself a return of what you gave.
It's okay to wish. It's okay to not move on for as long as you possibly cannot.
 Mar 2016 Faded
Maria Imran
mercury splattered
across the floor
broken into a
hundred fragments and more

you try collecting
but never get her whole
she's damaged so deeply
it's not in her control
 Mar 2016 Faded
Echoes Of A Mind
How do you get over a broken heart?
I don't know anymore...
What else can I do?...

I've  gotten me a new hobby
I've tried to decive myself to believe
That he's not the one
Whom I love...

I've tried to listening to music
Music always help,
But this time
I really can't pick myself

Music doesn't make me happy
I have no appetite
I don't feel like sleeping
I would pefer to die
If I died I'm pretty sure
That everyone would be much happier
Mostly I..

I wouldn't be crying the whole time
I can almost fill buckets
I wouldn't have to eat
There's no taste at all
I wouldn't have to try to sleep
There's only nightmares, no dreams
I wouldn't have to hate myself
For only bringing trouble
To friends and family...

So as you can see
Everyone would be so much happier without me
Specially I would be...

So I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
When your closest friends are out the country
And you're just sitting in your room
With your curtains pulled down
Just starring at the lyrics
Which you've written on your wall...

Silence is the enemy...
Don't wanna fall in love...
It amazes me this will of instincts...
Shot through the heart...
Another one bites the dust...
Chaos rules the inner hell...

Diffrent lyrics
Different songs
Different artists
But not a single one
Can cheer me up again
Singing always help
In the shower or when I'm stressed,
But right now
I don't even want to talk...

I'm a gamer
But neither this
I want to do
My guitar gently weeps
More gentle
Than I do
It's sad since I haven't been
playing for a while...

I should be making dinner
And this poem have to end
But before I leave
I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
'Cause I've never felt this dead
And I've survived worse
Afterall, I had classmates
In elementary
Who tried to push me
Out the window
From 1st floor...

I've been beaten and spitted on,
But neither that have hurt this much
So please tell me
How do I mend my broken heart?...
I know nothing about love and less about heartbreak....I really should have stayed behind my curtains...
 Mar 2016 Faded
 Mar 2016 Faded
I woke up one day saying,
"I'm tired"
tired of waiting for you to come back,
tired of loving you know you don't love me anymore,
tired of whispering I miss you so much.
I just realized one day...
that I want to be happy too just like you. With her.
because waiting for you is like wishing to fly in the sky without wings. "Impossible."
Loving you still is too much. No, it's not too much.
It's foolishness.
I can't pretend anymore.
I'm tired of crying every night.
I'm tired of believing myself that you will come back to me anytime.
I'm tired of saying I miss you.
I'm tired of loving you.
I want to be happy too.
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