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 Oct 2018 Eryck
You will soon understand,
that falling in love does not include:

wanting and hoping
that they fall in love with us.

it is falling for the person that they are.

You will soon see that
late night thinking hoping we did not:
“say the wrong thing”
“are they seeing someone else"
“do I look good enough”

it is simply falling in love with your self

accepting and sharing
yourself with
kindness and care
to them

we can only
they accept us for us

we can only
they care for us as much as
we care for ourselves

as of now
stay true to yourself
for they will see in their eyes
how much you fall in love with yourself everyday,
they will see.

As of now
enjoy they joy they bring you
each morning
each afternoon
every second of your breath
every heartbeat they give you

but never forget
if we fall out of love it is ok.

We are only here to
accept ourselves
share our lives with them.

it will never be for eternity
for that is our own peace as well.
 Oct 2018 Eryck
Krystal Alvarez
When one falls in Love, we must be careful of our reasoning.

Are we falling for their gorgeous eyes?

   ...the iridescent barrier to their soul...

Is it their smooth skin drawing us in?

   ...the touch we crave continueously...

Does their body control our sensations?
...the shapely curves or sharp features...

So what happens when those dissapear?
Will Love suddenly be something we must have mistaken something else to be?

Through the looking glass,

I see your face.

I hear your voice.

I feel your soul.

Breathless when you smile

The risk we take.

The thrill of the ride.

The end of NOTHING...

...that NEVER was.
 Sep 2018 Eryck
Krizhe Ming
Even if as you go to work
You think of crossing the street
While the green lights are on
It's okay

Even if you go up the stairs
Up to the rooftop of your school
And stand in the edge
It's okay

Even if you happen to pass by a bridge
And ask yourself
What if you just jump there
It's okay

Even if you stroll besides the lagoon
Walk towards it
And imagine falling and drowning
It's okay

Even if you often wonder
How deep a knife will cut your skin
Or what knot is best for your neck
How long does a bullet numb your head
What pills will let you sleep forever
Or how cold will it be to lay on rail tracks
It's okay

Even if day by day
Life has been so hard to bear
That day by day
You think that ending it
Would be so much better
It's okay

You struggle
But you survive
From morning to night
Ill thoughts visit your mind
But you're still alive

So it's okay
Even if in the morning
You opened your eyes
That you still wake up
It's okay
See... if life is a battle
You have been winning it
More chances will be thrown at you
Since you've managed to stay alive
Despite everything
That's what matters most
You should be proud of yourself

I've been wanting to post something like this at least once. For anyone who might need these words.
 Sep 2018 Eryck
 Sep 2018 Eryck
“You’re not good enough”
Is the one sentence you should
Never tell yourself.
Hi. I’ve been struggling with this my whole life. It’s like I’ll never be able to convince myself. I feel like my poetry is at a decline. I feel as if nothing I write is good. I couldn’t tell you the amount of “drafts” &  private poems I have on here just because I’m afraid.
Afraid of ridicule.
Afraid of hating myself more.
Afraid of everything.
 Sep 2018 Eryck
I am losing my passion to fear
Slowly succumbing, steadily sinking
Safety is a pin bursting a balloon
That is too cowardly to float
To be so faraway untethered
So shakily afraid of the unfamiliar
It would endure the blandness
The dullness
Of the safe and the known and the nothing
But the emptiness
That accompanies the dull ache
Is heavier than fear
And stronger still
Is the wind, the will
To taste the clouds
And touch the sky
It cuts clean off the string.
When I am feeling too cozy in my comfort zone, I make myself move by thoughts of the emptiness in my chest and how heavily it weighs me down. There is soooo much goodness in the world I want to taste it all.
 Sep 2018 Eryck
Matthew Roe
“When ignorance is bliss,
Tis folly to be wise”.

I’m a fascist,
Whenever, I can’t make up my mind.
I’m a fascist,
Whenever, I anger those around me.
I’m a fascist,
Whenever, I mumble and my thoughts aren’t heard
I’m a fascist,
Whenever, smiling faces are
I’m a fascist,
Whenever, I memorise another useless number but not the answer to the sum.
I’m a firing squad leader,
Whenever, I see the slobbering Spastics.
I’m a firing squad leader,
Whenever, I read the slobbering spastics minds and I’m millions.

I see it,
Through the same alien eyes,
But I feel
no sympathy.
I would gladly command the firing squad,
Upon those who don’t have to exist,
I would leave my own child to the wolves if it were such.
So I could smile,
In my solo fish tank,
But without seeing my reflection in the glass.

I beg you,
Lend me no book,
Make it, instead, a log,
To keep the fire warm.
I wrote this while I was in a bad mood.
This is uncensored.
Interpret this as you will, I'll be interested to here your responses.
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