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Dead Lock Apr 2015
So many people are dead
Because we had to settle the score
There truely is no hope
In this long and silent war
Dead Lock Apr 2015
Marred and marked from battle
He hides in the night
Searching and seeking
The shadow beyond the light

Fierce is this warrior
Pained by his past
Dark is his soul
But this he must mask

Giggling child
His hearts delight
She loves him and his darkness
With all her might

His tiny angel
His golden haired little girl
With her innocent smile
Oblivious to the world

He wishes to come from the shadows
And see her wide eyed face  
For he is the demon that guards her
Loving and unable to trace
Dead Lock Apr 2015
Falling into me
You are a butterfly in reverse
Letting go of your wings
And accepting my curse
Dead Lock Apr 2015
There is a thousand ways to say goodbye
I scream it out so very loud
Because the next time I find my voice
I may not remember how
Dead Lock Apr 2015
Another girl sings through my lips
Another girl swings with my hips
Another girl uses my crocodile smile
Im trapped inside
All the while
  Apr 2015 Dead Lock
Breanna Stockham
You don't have to be a tornado
To change the world wherever you go.

You don't have to be a thunderstorm
To be heard in this noisy world.  

You don't have to be a lightning bolt
To light the world and make it glow.  

Power doesn't have to be extreme,
And being gentle isn't being weak.
The Grand Canyon wasn't formed
By an explosion, but by a stream.
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