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db cooper Jan 2015
The beauty of our love
Paints a canvas of ages
With the softest brush
Haiku for my wife.
db cooper Jan 2015
I flip flopped and tossed
Awake and sleeping
Premonitions of a day of weeping
Lucid dreams on the glass I'm peeping
The moons surrounded my past
Revolving heartaches and the car crash
I saw two flowers grow tall before my eyes
They were hauntingly deceptive
Bluming toward the darkened sky
Like a mirrors reflection
I saw myself
Standing out of bed
The stars began to fall
The stars in my head
Through the open window
My nose again bled
I called for my mother
I forgot she was dead
Standing there, I'm screaming;
Like the clouds covered the sky
On this particular evening
Lucid Dreams
db cooper Jan 2015
Beneath the deepest ocean
I found a memory
One of a child
Doodling in his sketchpad
Blue birds
And willows

But those days at home
Are long forgotten  
A dream of when all was right
A story about birds in a tree
The tree beneath the sea
db cooper Dec 2014
It was new years day
I remember it like it was yesterday
We had a birthday party for my nephew
Everyone was there and I loved you
I told them all what I would do
I'd ask to marry you
You said yes
I was pleased
But I remember from then on
It was diseased
I loved you
More than you ever me
I couldn't help the jealousy
But that night I caught you
At the Wally Mcgees
That made me absolutely crazy
All I could think about;
Was that **** Beatles song
Where they sat on a cornflake
And pigs ran from a gun
I couldn't help what I done
I had to do it,
You were causing me too much pain

But I ended it
My pain I mean
With a knife in her vein
I guess you could say
That I was **Mad Hatter
This is fiction writing.. I have not killed anyone nor do I wear a hat, although I may be a tad mad.
db cooper Dec 2014
In vision; a small girl
She scurries
Scratches on her face
From the thickets
In a yellow dress with white front
Drips of blood fall from her cheek
They stain her beauty
Her blonde hair is free
Her eyes; as pure as the sun
She runs from the world
She runs from the hate
She runs from the war
She runs from the bullies
She runs  through the stabbing briers
Despite the pain
She saves her innocents
Even if it's just for a moment
She knows
Evil dwells beyond the tree line
db cooper Dec 2014
I sit quietly and rock in my chair
In the corner of the room
While she sleeps on the bottom stair

It's dark and cold outside..
We don't even have electric..
We don't have pride...

The mill shut down last thursday night
We were already behind
Now I can't see, a future in sight

We're starving in this one room home
We don't know anyone
We don't have another place to go

Maybe it'll turn around, but maybe it wont
I'll drink my last whiskey
...And to the hope for tomorrow, I'll toast
db cooper Dec 2014
Under the moon
In a unused lagoon
I swim alone
Searching for
A silver spoon
Ive heard rumors
The burial of
Old Doc. Boone
He had a fortune
Stolen from Mr. Blume
They left in his body
A Golden Harpoon

— The End —