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Cait Nov 2020
“Show Time!” I hear as they start to get everything ready for the two-legged beings.

I want to hide, not to be seen. Though I know that’s impossible.

I am locked in a cage for everyone to see.

My black fur and spots.

My brilliant golden eyes.

My long whiskers.

My paws and my claws.

All on display.

I start to hear the pitter-patter of footsteps walking towards me.

I stay close to the back wall hoping to blend in with the dark surroundings of my own personal prison.

If I hide my face, they won’t be able to tell where I am.

I hear them hitting the metal bars with sticks.

My ears flatten against my head.

Let me go please, leave me alone.

I don’t want to be seen.

Suddenly I hear it, one of them screams “I found it!”

My black fur raises on my back, sending chills down my spine.

They found me, why can’t they see that I don’t want to be found.

“Look at his spots!”

“Look at his fur!”

Why can’t they stop screaming?

I start to pace, I want it to stop, please stop.

I want to go home; I want to be free.

Why can’t you see what you’re doing to me?
This poem like most was something I wrote for a school assignment/writing prompt focused on a specific animal and emotion. Can you guess it?
Cait Nov 2020
I lay next to you in a field of lilacs and lavenders.
The beautiful floral scent fills my senses
I am surrounded by all that is purple.
I watch as the brilliant blue sky is filled with gorgeous violet hues.
I listen to the birds as they soothe my anxious mind.
I put my hand into yours.
Our hands intertwine.
My left hand held by your right.
The strands of purple in my hair cascade around my face,
I am surrounded by purple.
A crown of purple flowers rests on my forehead.
I am surrounded by all that is purple.
Cait Nov 2020
A memory haunts
Forever following me
Through the day and night
This memory never leaves
This memory haunting me
Cait Nov 2020
I walk alone down the empty street,
I look at the cars all parked closely to the curb.
Then I see you - a ray of hope in a world of darkness.
Unknowing to all the horrible atrocities that surround you.
You are perfect, not yet broken, not yet flawed.
You are a new beginning; you prove that second chances can exist.
So, as I see you, the little bud coming to life as I speak; I remember this.
Life may not be kind to you.
Life may hurt you.
Life may break you.
But you must not let it change you.
Life is full of unpredictability and surprises, some good and some bad.
But one thing is for sure, second chances exist.
You are proof of this; proof that we can change in time.
Proof that we can have a new beginning.
Cait Nov 2020
Girl in the back of the class.
Girl with her camera off.
Girl hiding in the dark.
Hazel eyes and the broken smile.
Lights off as she hides from reality;
Immersed in fiction.
The girl with the broken smile
The smile that no one knows.
So, to the girl.
The girl with the broken smile.
The girl whose silent tears put her to sleep at night
I see you.
I know you.
I am you.
I believe in you.

— The End —