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Apdoul Baron Mar 2019
As I try to put my words
Together to create a dramatic tale
Since I found you so dynamic
Your cryptic ways made me frantic
The traffic in my mind
Made me panic,
But you were stoic in your delivery
I got ahead of myself,possibly thinking we were magic
But we're just tragic
Friends? Honestly I think that might be epic!
Sadly I will feel ugly, but only for today as I'm happy
Truthfully I would love to be friends
Welll ain't that poetic
Apdoul Baron Mar 2019
My Inspiration came from 
heartache, sadness and anger. 
My creativity is as been gone 
for a while now 
and all I can do is put 
pitiful phrases 
together in neat little lines 
uneven stubby lines 
and hope they pass as second-rate poetry. 
My ingenuity as been gone 
for a while now 
because the heartache,pain and anger 
are gone... 
because I'm happy 
and even if it lasts for a day 
at least I'll remember that 
I was smiling that day
Apdoul Baron Apr 2019
She doesn’t care if your heart is broken  
Shee doesn’t care if it feels like every bone in your body breaks       
With every move you make       
She doesn’t know you’re gone       
While all I do is notice       
She will not cry about you being gone     
But all you can do is choke back the tears       
Shaking some sense into yourself     
In hopes you won’t you won’t fall apart in the night     
Why do I always make the same mistakes?   
Trusting people who will hurt me in the same way       
Over and over again       
They've cause my heart so much pain      
A pain you carry with you 

Throughout everyday     
It stalks you like a demon      

Demanding to be heard
No, Declaring it will be heard    
So you take a deep breath and look up into the sky, slowly closing your eyes trying to build your walls    
In an attempt to shut everything out      
So you can focus on not missing  
The people who didn't break you
The people who are still there      
But in your Castle 
The only things that can find you   
Are the demons
Apdoul Baron Apr 2019
I never knew that my mind could attack me like this. 
Falling in and out of my emotions 
there is no stable ground beneath me.
I'm drowing.
I try to side with denial, 
but like friendships it never lasts. 
I try to smile to cover up the pain 
but I'm not allowed to be feel
even if its for a little while. 
It feels like I've been sentenced life in my thoughts, 
that's worse than a death sentence
I've tried to fill myself with god's words but I guess I'm doing it wrong 
cause I've never been more empty. 
They say happiness will come to you 
if you know Jesus, I guess we're complete strangers. 
They don't understand, hope doesn't understand despair. 
I feel deserted because I am alone.
Because my body won't let me back in
Becuase I'm searching for someone to see me clawing behind the gloom in my eyes
Please, help me get out
I've been so desperately searching. 
Does anyone notice, please?
Do you not see the frown behind my smile? 
Can anyone hear the sadness thats caresses my laughter? 
No one...just me...again, but how much more of myself can I take? 

Emotions slowly leave the home that was my heart. 
This body is not my own
I take care of it,
but it couldn't careless
I don't evdn belong here, ****?
I suppose the only friends I have are the monsters that have taken over. The life playing in my head, is my death sentence
Apdoul Baron Mar 2019
Not Long Ago,
I loved you, my rock and my soul
So I loved you , because you were different from all the others
I had know, because of your courage;
your skin like the earth,
your mind like the ocean
and your smile not realizing how misleading your smile
But you became distant, the days, weeks, turned to months
and the phone calls pivoted to nothing.
I texted you, came to you, talked to you, wrote to you but
You never acknowledged me.
Then I had learned the reason behind your sudden separation
I was crushed, devastated as my fragile world shattered apart
I tried to hide the pain; and decided to move on.
Then I saw you with him, and you told me why
sundently it came back flooding into my chest like a tsunami
The sensation, feeling that you had left me like a castaway
from a shipwreck was more than enough
But to tell me "I wanted to just try it once" made it even more insufferable
Apdoul Baron Mar 2019
I'm sorry, I'm hungry

You've been on my mind 
for some time now.
My desire is spreading
Wildfire, burning the pages
Of your book in my memories
Miss your smile. 
Miss your talk. 
Miss your body. 
I miss you. 
I understand, 
but I'm stubborn, 
why I can't reach you
left here all alone,
for you, 
feeling empty 
of you. 
I crave you. 
I want you

I'm not blind
I understand
Love and lust.
I don’t think you ever loved me
I just satisfied your cravings.

My thirst won't be quenched
Now open are my eyes 
I'm moving on, more
Thinking of, you less
But, from deep in my soul
I feel you must know 
that I was longing for you
on Sunday.
Apdoul Baron Apr 2019
I'm a creep and I'm a ******
they all say so

because I always have a book in my face
because my thoughts aren't controlled by second head
because I'm black so can I be a metalhead

I'm a creep and I'm a ******
they all say so

because my humor is dark
because I let my natural hair grow free
because I don't fit in their little box

But honestly,
I think they're the creeps

They are the ones afraid to be themselves
They are the ones who worships corporate Machines
They are the ones who life is controlled by what others think

But whatever,
Yeah I an creep and I'm a ******
all the other weirdos say so
I wrote in a very teuvvling time in my life, I was still trying discover and find myself, I've had time to grown and fully embraced this part if myself, and I just wanted to share it
Apdoul Baron Apr 2019
I am like a tree
  with its hard exterior,
   cold, I stand alone.
Apdoul Baron Mar 2019
Clutching my pillow,   
body draped in sweat. 
All of a sudden.    
I can hardly breathe.   
My heart had been ripped     
apart,and I had awoken again. 
A recurring Nightmare   
My death I constantly see.  
Every night it haunts me,   
it pains my lively-hood.   
Death so engulfing that     
suffocating sensation,   
the thought of fading into     
nothingness, it scares the     
living **** out of me.   
I cant change it, I cant     
stop dreaming my constant demise. 
   Then as I slowing lay down,   
    it hurts knowing that this     
    was only my first fright     
for the Night.
Apdoul Baron Apr 2019
A single tear flow 
as my ink leaves some
pretense of what
might be my legacy. 

I want to rest
a long sleep
The long night
of stillness, 
where winter
as come and time 
has no end 
and becomes 
a usless analogy, 
a measure of 
the human psyche

I am dying 
each day, minute 
and second of my life 
From the very first 
second that I was
thrown onto this 
Drifting piece of rock

Only that, 
I don't want to wait, 
a death bestowed 
upon me by any human
or divine intervention
a fair chance at death

I am tired, shallow and  fearful.
empty, lonely, repulsive, forgotten
and unloved
unworthy to leave
any tracks of who I am 

Some think of me 
as a poet, a nightingale
of dreams, a counselor
a friend
who always has
inspired words 
of beauty and sentiments 
and emotions. 
I am no such thing. 
I am a child,
jailed in a body 
of a man, frightened  
of my own thoughts. 

I am a victim of life, 
a useless piece of flesh,
so ugly and inadequate, 
who can't see a reason 
to genuinely smile,
who talks alone, 
who walks, restless throughout 
sleepless nights and is not 
really wanted

I'm a repulsive piece 
of meat, put together 
by mistake on an assembly line. 
I just want my beauty sleep 
the endless kind for those
who have been neglected
and have left of them 
no memories. 

I am one step closer. 
Oh Creator if you are really there
give me strenght to make the terrifying leap into the unknown 
and let me rest. 

To those I've loved 
as companions 
on this journey 
I ask to be placed 
under the shade 
of a coconut tree, 
so as I may give 
food to the hunger 
of those whom have 
allowed me to pass 
and my ashes will 
make good feed 
for the birds, 
the bees 
and the sons and daughters of man. 

So there I said it, I write it and put it out in the world to see, so at least one person will know

I am waiting for the end to come.

— The End —