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 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
You'll always be the dream
that wakes me up at night
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
Know what keeps you warm
and let it burn you
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
You make me beautiful,
Because you make me smile.
My smile - is yours.
That joy - also a reflection of you.
 Oct 2017 Alice
Windy Darlington
I am lonely here tonight,
Lying under heaven's light.
I can see a million stars,
While I wonder where you are.
I am lonely as I wait,
Just beyond this garden gate,
To peer into the past,
Where we two will always last.
I am lonely as I stand
Where the waters kiss the sand,
As I look beyond the sky
To the days of you and I.
I am lonely in this place
Where I cannot see your face.
I miss you now you've gone
But I know you're moving on.
I am lonely here tonight,
As I lie beneath moonlight.
I am lonely, lonely, lonely,
You were my one; my only.
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
One moment you were here and now you’re not. Our memories only to become a distant dream, leaving me forced to watch them be torn from the seam. Oh, and how I would sleep the rest of my days if that were the only way for them to be seen.
From the first moment I saw you,
From the first moment you spoke to me,
From the first memory of us,
Only to leave me to hear the first of many lies you told, now I wonder how many other hearts you stole...
This is the story of how I lost you.
You, my love, broke my heart,
I don’t even know where to start...
Since now I live broken thanks to you.
Years have gone and time has passed, why can’t I seem to accept the fact that you’re gone now, and forever will be..
You know I loved you then and I love you now, I can’t seem to figure out how I ever let you down, but now I’m broken... since I lost you.
You were my only, my only lover.
You brought sunshine to be rain,
You brought kindness to **** my pain...
My source of freedom,
My source of power,
Only to leave me in the end with no source of survival...
I lost my balance when you stole my heart,
I lost my smile when you broke my heart,
I lost myself when I lost you.
While years have gone and time has passed, why can’t I seem to accept the fact that you’re gone now, and forever will be.
You were my only, my only lover..
You brought sunshine to my rain,
You brought kindness to dull my pain,
You know I loved you then and I love you now,
My heart is torn while my mind is a mess, while all I can do is pray for this love to give me some rest.. cause I’m broken and forever will be.
I lost my balance when you took my heart,
I lost my smile when you broke my heart,
I lost my life when I lost you...
You were my only, my only lover..
For now our only memory left is farewell,
I will never forget you and the serenity you gave me..
Goodbye to my only, my only lover.
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
There are days where the tree is full of roses,
Blooming in colour, right under our noses.

Everybody stops to admire its beauty,
Sweet and comforting like a hot cup of fruit tea.

As the days roll by the petals start falling,
One by one, you don’t realise the warning.

Deep in its winter, it’s no longer the same,
The tree is bare, was this caused by the rain?

Nobody stares and they just walk on by,
It is no longer radiant like a butterfly.

But the tree is still beautiful deep in its roots,
Just no longer wearing its birthday suite.

The tree stays calm and welcomes this time,
Just like we shut down at bedtime.

Before you loose faith and think it’s all over,
Stop for a moment and look a bit closer.

Slowly you’ll see the tree starts to green,
Day by day, like a non-stop machine.

Until again it shows off its wonder,
Teaching us to never be scared of the thunder.
Wasted, filthy, decayed.
Groaning for freedom and peace.
Hope is a far off fairytale.
Just a pleasurable fantasy.

Life devoid of joy.
Darkness in a search for treasure.
Attempting to fill the void
With thirty pieces of tarnished silver.

No fullfillment there-
Only more chains, more shackles,
More pain and despair.

Detestable, despicable, vile.
No life, just death.
No peace, no rest.
Torn and abused, broken, destroyed.
The will is gone.
Death has won.
No strength to run.
It's over.

Plunging deep into the filth,
Grasping for beauty and grace.
Breaking the surface with empty hands
And soiled dreams.

Nothing lovely there-
Just ragged wounds;
No melody here-
Just drunkards' tunes.

No hope in death, No hope in life.
Just one endless, painful, hopeless fight.

No hope, no peace, relentless pain.
Too weary to care,
Yet somehow aware.
Dim, halflight; decieving shadows
Filled with traps, tripwires,
Pitfalls and mires.

Broken, torn, neardead, tired;
Burned alive by unquenchable fire.

Will it ever be over?

Searching for beauty; Unable to find.
Trying to create, bless, design.

The beauty is torn and horribly marred-
An attempt to adorn with a result of scars.
A rose peirced by it's own thorns;
Broken, stained, *****, and torn.

Drowning in a flooding shower,
Defiled by the life it chose.
A hopeless, lifeless, whitherd flower-
But still a rose.
 Oct 2017 Alice
Aerial McAdams
I'm so tired of your sad eyes
trailing down my body;
a look of disapproval gleaming in your irises
more poisonous than any venom--
one little look and I'm dead

I'm so sick of your thoughtless words
You act as if I have no feelings--
Simply a mindless machine given as a toy
I am not a robot
I have run out of batteries

I'm so fed up with your heavy hands
They squeeze my sides
but feel like they are gripping my throat
You don't know how much weight your actions hold
or how I'm suffocating in silence

I'm so over your polite smile
that has everyone fooled but me
Stop hiding behind a mask of innocence
Show everyone what happens behind closed doors
Let them cast stones until you bleed the truth
 Oct 2017 Alice

The tears of a rose
Will soak and stain
They're from her heart
They're stored up rain

They come from heaven
To flow down thorns
They sing in screams
From her lips torn

They can be acid
To burn the bloom
They can be crystal
Reflecting moons

The rose will open
In dead of night
The tears from petals
Refract the light

They cascade down
Drop from the leaves
For her soul
She sits and grieves

For her soul
The drops fall down
They feed her roots
Under the ground

They bring her back
The legend goes
There's healing in

Tears of a rose

(C) 10/3/2017
I was talking to a friend this evening. Praying with her. She just endured a tremendous life setback. Said she couldn't stop crying. This metaphor came to my mind. This poem is for my dear friend. It is my sincerest hope that it brings healing.

I'm really sorry i haven't been reading. I have excellent reasons, of which some of you are aware. I just don't want you to think that I don't care. I do. I just have a lot on my plate. Thanks for understanding.

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