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Wind moves
To and fro
Time grows

Why to cry over split milk,
Dead and gone
Needs and wants
Know everything settles one day

Wind touches
Of childhood snowfall

Blissfully deaf
Music is dream but
Dance mesmerizes real delight

I smell
winds fragrance
Testing mettle
Weaving of my intricate embroidery

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
There is a certain Beauty in Brokenness
And Purpose in Pain.
 Oct 2017 Alice
Kenn Rushworth
What will come of me
When all my flowers become wreaths
When I make my visit
To the Other House
 Oct 2017 Alice
She holds her own hand
Sweaty and cold
Shaking with a quiver only she can see
Green eyes echoing back and forth
She feels everyone else watching
Even when no none notices her
A sip of coffee satisfies nothing
A bite of the lip only helps momentarily
The pain distracts little by little
But the fear stays
Extrovert when convenient
Introvert when the other is needed
Smiling to everyone but herself
She cries to herself in the mirror
One moment, laughing enough to cause a crowd to join
Next, sitting quietly, chewing her inner cheek
Not a fear passes as she walks across a stage
But trembles as her paper is read aloud
Her best enemy lives within her head
She's living with Anxiety
My stomach makes me feel like I'm sick as I sit alone in an empty room, feeling judged by the "no one" there
 Oct 2017 Alice
Silver Lining
 Oct 2017 Alice
At the break of dawn,
When tempests and tides subside;
I will remain here.
Bask in sunrise, awaiting;
Elusive silver lining.
My first attempt to write a tanka. Constructive criticisms are welcome. :)
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
I may have written;
A thousand flowery words.
All of them fell short,
Paltry, meager rendition;
Of such beauty that is you.
Words were never enough.
 Oct 2017 Alice
 Oct 2017 Alice
It was all dark;
but you lit up my sky.
Yes, you did.
 Sep 2017 Alice
Sadly Kida
At the blooming age of 18    
I knew what i wanted
Face up to wrinkled canopy and
smoky waves crashing down on me
I inhaled smooth
Blueberry clouds
releasing thick waves
Softly through
My lips

I thought about her that day
I closed my eyes
aquamarine eyes
that could drown
city after city
Consuming everything in its path
however cool
and calm
Like a  river

Laying there with the hot sun
on my face
I recollected that day
slow and sweet
kisses that left sparks
that caught fire
burning everything around us
until it all melted into a
brilliant river of light

Her velvet touch
Honey milk kisses
and a voice that dripped
like wet paint

She reminds me of blue
like a bright
One that made you close
your eyes to feel
the sun bath you
with sweat trickling down
the soft edges of
your jawline

She reminds me
of sunflower fields
that swayed lightly
in the cool afternoon of summer
A hint of dew
That seemed to melt
off their petals

She was beautiful
her mind, body and soul

She saw the world
as it was
Like delicately blown glass
filled with dandelion fuzz
and saw dust

She was art so greatly defined
made by satiny
and as years
flew by
she became more defined
with age

and her soul
was a jewel
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