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Apr 2018 · 571
I am a Man Set in Stone
Aidan Mays Apr 2018
Unwavering I stand before the onslaught of decay;
A gust of wind will wear me thin;
and the downpour of rain will leave streaks across my cheek;
But I am unchanged;
I dare not make a move, for if I take a step I'll crumble and fall;
But today I am myself and shall not change until I turn to dust;
I am a man set in stone;
Silent and motionless;
Mar 2018 · 584
Six Months is All it Took
Aidan Mays Mar 2018
Six months is all it took to find my love,
a beauty that I never dreamed I'd find.
who knew our wayward paths would be entwined,
My love, you're my whole life or part thereof.

I like to think of all the reasons why,
the true, unbroken love I feel for you,
brought swiftly peace to pain and impromptu,
gave life anew to what had gone awry.

With life I'd long since given up the fight,
to find the life for which I had so longed.
What will you found in me you have prolonged,
and given me a bright and guiding light.

For years to come we'll watch the sunrise shine.
Each day with you our love will long enshrine.
Written for my girlfriend on our 6 month anniversary
Mar 2018 · 240
Lost in a Moment
Aidan Mays Mar 2018
I'm lost in a moment.
as if time itself is spent.

I'm lost in her eyes.
everything else seems like lies.

I'm lost in a dream.
we're exactly as we seem.

I'm lost in our life.
one day she'll be my wife.

This moment is perfect.
a love without circumspect.
Feb 2018 · 465
When Shadow
Aidan Mays Feb 2018
When shadow, what ruins the glint of light on dew,
does cast a moment in all of what can't be,
the wait for what is there, but seen by few,
starts search for those who find they cannot see.

But even the lost can hear the song of love,
and even the broken can feel the warmth of joy,
but time, what seems to stop but for the mourning dove,
must take a dream of love to then destroy.

Then when time slows its pace to give us breath,
and together we find our dream that lacks in strife,
eternal our love will be with no found death,
and in all things, we'll find a love of life.

Now and always, my love, we'll see things through.
Now and always, the one I love is you.
Feb 2018 · 544
What is a tear
Aidan Mays Feb 2018
What is a tear, but nurture for the rose,
whose bloom makes bright the darkest of the night,
and dulls all things for not, but what it chose,
to save and wait for when the soul needs flight.

What void that fills a space before its time,
does too find deep the nothing of its place,
and rends the heart but for what is benign,
to reach the far-off end of this dark race.

What choice is this to give a passing thought,
to shed a tear and fill the earth with day.
for those who find they wish to sit and rot,
the trap of ease brings toll that they must pay.

This act is one that most will find in fear.
In truth its just the shedding of a tear.

— The End —