Under a starless sky,
the sails billow in the wind
and across the deck surges the tide,
while the ship's wheel spins.
The wind carries with it a hypnotic melody,
luring sailors with a passionate plea.
Eyes captivated by their seductive beauty
and blind to ships broken on the reef.
Long, shiny hair in various hues,
green descending scales on their backs
and lustrous eyes, bewitching you,
leaving you oblivious to the trap.
Slowly sailors inch to the rail
and then they start to dive.
While others swept away by scaly tails,
but none will see another night.
They kiss you with honeyed lips,
letting you inhale their sweet breath.
Then, entrap you with their lovely limbs
and drag you into the deep and death.
ALesiach © 10/22/2014