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ross Dec 2019

every single night she meets me in secret
under darkened sky she gazes down
we talk about how lonely we are;
me, among seven billion people
and her amongst the infinite universe

ross Sep 2020

every single night
she meets me in secret
under a darkened sky
she gazes down
far from the gaze
of the waking world
we talk about how lonely we are;
me, among seven billion people
and her, amongst an infinite universe

ross Apr 2020

the smell of your hair
like a field of a million sunflowers
the touch of your skin
like mulberry silk
your lips pressed against mine
lightning crashed upon waves
honey poured from your mouth
in those nights we got lost
beneath the sheets of your bed

not one day has passed, that i haven’t thought of you.
ross Apr 2021

you took off your clothes;
and my heart felt the weight
of things i’d never known.

ross Apr 5
warm summer nights
lost, intwined
under satin sheets  
a midnight worship,
souls unraveled
night crawlers
telephone lovers
pale skin
eyes burning
bodies dancing
soft moans in my ear
the sweetest lullaby.
like a siren you call;
pulling me into
every dark corner
of your mind
and still;
even now
i hunger for only you.
i once believed
i had fallen hopelessly
in love with a memory
but i know that not true.
for i would rewind
the hands of time
and stay
that moment
even in purgatory;
i shall kneel
by your throne.
ross Feb 15

some nights i wake
from another world;
another place and time
one where we made it.
i have lived out
so many different life’s
with you in my mind;
from better to worse
and i have loved you
just the same
in every last one.

ross Nov 2019

on nights like this;
lost under the blackness
of an autumn sky
the sanguine moon
she proudly hangs high
suspended in darkness
i feel her gaze down
each star seems less wonderful
when your not around
on nights like this;
my body aches for your fingers
my lips burn for your touch
one more night of sacred worship
lost in your church
if only i had known;
the world would feel this empty
time would pass this slow
i’d give anything to go back
just too never let go

ross Apr 2022

perhaps indeed
the greatest tragedy
the heart can endure
to lose the only one
to ever understand you;
the only one to see the perfection
of your imperfections
the only one too listen
when others speak
it’s a curious pain
to miss another so deeply
a kind of loss that consumes
memories of what once was
haunting hollow nights
you see;
even in your absence
you taught me;
time is the cruelest mistress
she wouldn’t let me have you.
she won’t let me forget you.

ross Apr 29
and so i had fallen for her
just as day becomes night;
quietly and patiently
without knowing
too then all at once.
the sun sets;
birthing an endless
array of stars;
in that darkness
in their audience
i confessed my love for you.
the universe held it’s breath
time stopped
planets wept
for i had been here before;
i would love you and lose you
in a thousand lifetime’s
if it meant i could have you
for just one.
ross Apr 2020

there are nights
most nights in fact
when i feel truly alone
in this existence
completely and utterly
disconnected to everything
and everyone else around me
on nights like these
i stare at the stars
and they remind me of you
sometimes, just sometimes
i wonder if you feel the same
and when you gaze out
into a midnight sky
do i still cross your mind

ross Dec 2019

i am terrified to lose
a love so sacred
we hid it from the world
a love so mysterious
we hid it from ourselves

ross Jul 2021

perhaps we never made it
to the end of this story;
but i’ll always remember
the pages your name was on.

ross Apr 2021

we are but
two lovers lost
between worlds;
worlds in which
we have always
lost one another.
time and time again;
we meet
we fall
and again
we lose it all.
how else could your face
reminder me of a home
that has never been,
but yet, was always so close.
how else could i know you
before you spoke a single world.
how else could i lose you
and remember this same
empty feeling.
my love
our moments together
are not measured by time;
our bond
our longing
our contention
transcends understanding
defies reality,
two souls lost
in the same place
at the same time;
forever searching
for each other.
a tragic love
divine fate;
our beautiful paradox.

ross Jan 1

i was an ocean
you; the moon
suspended in darkness
amidst a billion stars.
i’d reach for you every night
now; forever more
until the last star
burns into oblivion.
i’d reach for you every night
even knowing;
i’d never touch
your perpetual glow

ross Dec 2021

the passing of seasons
sown guilt on my mind;
a quiet place in my head
i venture into too find;
the light of ten thousand suns
your perpetual glow;
and just how much i once loved you
you could never know.

ross Apr 2020

pick yourself up
and carry on
no matter the storms
that lie in wait ahead
carry on you must
far in the distance
against all judgement
skies are clearing
seas are calming
and the pursuit of happiness
is always worth fighting for

my message to 8 year old me.
ross May 2020

under pale moonlight
she leaves roses in her wake
demons dance in midnights hour
as gentle hearts must break
my queen of the underworld
i wait patient by your throne
and to say that i won’t love you
is the sweetest lie i’ve known

ross Oct 2019

i am no better
i am no worse
i try improve how i am
to improve who i am
from the experience
of who i was

ross Apr 2020

every night in my mind
i walk the bridge of time
a world between our own
to place roses on your throne
i hang my head in shame
accepting of the blame
i remember the regret
just so i never will forget

ross Apr 2020
her skin, scented in sage and witchcraft
moonlight spilled across her naked body
the air, screaming out with our filthy sins
you will forever be my sweetest hallelujah
ross Jul 2021

barefoot prints on wet sand
as waves and sunset meet;
light dancing across the water
seashells washing at my feet.
within i hear an ocean
a lullaby once lost in time;
or perhaps i hear an echo
of a time your love was mine.

ross Mar 11

that’s how i know
with you it was different;
something else entirely
something other-worldly.
all have come
and left by dawn
nothing but
empty desires
a hollow love
but not you.
with you
i obsess on our memories
fixate in our moments
long lost to time.
and just like van gogh
within his work
i have lost my mind.
here is all that remains;
years passed
black words
on white canvas
two ghosts
between worlds.
it is indeed oddly
beautiful and bizarre;
for i am lost and floating
within the darkness
suspended in your space
amidst the stars
dancing between worlds
sending out signals
just so you know
i’m still here.

ross Dec 2019

and so i had fallen
in love with her
just as one falls asleep
without knowing
gently, effortlessly
and all at once

ross Dec 2019

this bed is cold
and lonely without you
in darkness i lay still, silent
the little space beside my shoulder
that you made your own
now empty, forgotten
counting cracks on the ceiling
terrified that you’ll forget me
i sink my teeth into the pillow
screaming to the god
i don’t believe in
a symphony of pain
pouring from my lungs
a sonata of sadness
rains from my eyes
drowning in myself
pleading to the universe
to bring you back to me
even as a shadow on the wall
or a memory in a dream

ross May 2021

from darkness we emerged
a fragile little dream;
the wonders of the universe
and all that she had seen.
our bodies each a vessel
from a time before our own;
suspended between a sunbeam
a world we call our home.
and yet, the beauty of it all
is the clock upon the wall;
as when nothing else remains
perhaps only the stars,
will remember our names.

ross Dec 2020

i believe that through our dreams
we can re-write moments
once lost to time.
not as in, to alter what has already come
but merely to glimpse back;
as to what may have been.

reliving the same sequence of events
trying to find, how each moment
played out best.
i dream of holding you again.
longer, closer;
each breath more synchronised
than the last.

every night i fall in love with you
all over again in my mind
yet, we always end up back;
stuck, in the same place
at the exact same time.

with you, taking my hands in yours
your head pressed against mine;
a gentle mumble
pushed across your lips
you ask;
“how could you forget me?”
and then, like from a hellish nightmare
i awaken once more.

i don’t know if loving someone
could be more tragically poetic;
perhaps, the greatest trick
the devil ever pulled
was crossing our paths.

you asked me;
“how could i forget you?”
i can’t.
i never have.
every single night
i find you in my head;
just to speak to your ghost,
too utter sweet nothings in your ear
and to be hopelessly lost
utterly and completely entranced
in your gaze once again.

ross Nov 2019

thank you for the dance
our hearts have loved
and loved, unshaken
behind each stolen smile
they both were breaking
we sought comfort in each other
a place to feel safely insane
a world away from everyone else
a world away from our pain
without you, minutes feel like hours
days don’t even feel real
the love that cuts us without warning
is the one that the never heals  
i hope our hearts may
find each other once again
so that i finally have the chance
to tell you, that mines
has never stopped loving you
thank you for the dance

ross Sep 2020

in our words
we are made immortal
across an ocean of stars
through the window of time
the past is but a bridge
we cross in our mind
each night i walk silent
through darkness i tread
between this world
and another;
too find you in my head

on golden shores, where the ocean swallows the sun, wait for me my love; for i will return.
ross Apr 19

that’s the curious thing
about love;
it cannot be defined.
it cannot be measured
or reasoned with.
it knows no limit
it transcends time
and bridges space;
to love or be loved
or even have been loved
is to exist somewhere, forever.

ross Dec 2019

timeless she stood
bathing in the moonlight
the hands of time
long forgotten their duty
her eyes locked with mine
in a wondrous dance
through the stars
her light shinning brighter
than ten thousand suns
she was all i could see
even without looking

ross Nov 2019

i once believed we would
go on together forever
i once dreamed we
would sit side by side
gazing out into the blackness
as we watched each star
hanging in the night sky
go out one by one
our love outlasting their light
our love transcending time
i thought nothing could
pull you from me
that the laws of nature
would bend only for us
but my ignorant mind
and my foolish heart
lead me to believe
i could have you forever

ross Oct 2019

candle light burning gentle
the flames dancing so free
illuminating the water
a reflection of me
i gaze into it’s glow
i am lost in it’s gleam
lost deep in that water
the person i used to be

to be a prisoner of ones own mind.
ross Mar 2021

too learn in the teachings
of the lessons not taught,
too bathe in the waters
of the waves that brought;
a feeling of substance
right down to the bone,
and drown in emotions
that where never your own.

ross Apr 2020

that is what keeps me
awake almost every single night
not the moments i felt weakest
not the times i hurt most
but the feeling of losing you
because i was lost in myself

~ i hope in this life or the next you can forgive me.
ross Aug 2020

with you,
i found comfort
in the silence
clocks no longer
counting minutes
every moment timeless

ross Dec 2019
to allow her to love you
with a love that endures
first trust in her heart
and trust her with yours
pave way for her dreams
sit not on her throne
carry all of her fears
as if they are your own
allow her to grow
to question desire
nurse all of her embers
til she burns like wildfire
touch not her body
until you awaken her mind
she will give you her soul
and all of her time
ross Nov 2019

sadness is a quicksand
the more you wrestle within it
the more you allow it
to imprison you

ross Dec 2019
a burning love
by darkened night
her velvet skin
was set alight
in sweat and blood
a primal lust
an ancient love
made just for us
our bodies bound
by space and time
my heart you held
no longer mine
ross Sep 2020

waves crashing amidst foam
the sky lost behind cloud
an ocean swelled in my lungs
when her voice spoke aloud
those waters pulled me under
and as i drowned, i gazed above
her magic, unlike any other;
an unspeakable kind of love

ross Mar 2021

slipping out of that tiny gown
nothing could have caught her;
wet skin steeped in candlelight
honey, i was so jealous of the water.

ross Mar 3

time is fleeting
love her hard
love her fast
give everything you can
for as long as you have
be open
be honest
be humbled
admit your defeats
she will give you every thing
every part unraveled
stand with her
do not run from her magic
a love like that
may only come around but once
it is a fate far worse than any
to wonder what if.

ross Apr 2022

my body a vessel
my being, come true
from the source of my soul;
all my rivers and oceans
flow straight back to you.
for only you, could weave a magic
a witchcraft so divine;
that just a single thought of you
can take me back through time.
reliving each and every moment
every kiss and stolen glance;
to laying alone in darkness
realising it would be our last.

i still think of you every single day.
ross Dec 2020
its a curious thing;
that now even at it’s end
and through it all,
the sheer ecstasy
and complete heartache
my mind will only
and always remember you
in your most perfect form.
the heart wants;
what the heart wants.
ross Dec 2019

ink filled pages of my mind
still longing to be read
a song our hearts once sung together
still stuck in my head
these nights now just get harder
two souls longing too become one
like the moon i wait patient
for morning to return
in the darkness my body craves it
the gentle lullaby you moan
the electricity from your fingers
that sets fire to my bones
these thoughts haunt me now like demons
i am plagued by your ghost
and all our hidden little moments
are the ones i miss the most


— The End —