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i love you with
all of my darkness
and all of my light
like a midnight flower

hinged like a door
i battle to reach you

i know only of our love,
i'm a blue mood and
a strange sea, weeping
in winter's silver frost,

your fiery legs
leave me longing
like a jealous cloud
longs to dream of
the night and hold
it as its own,

i'm crazy about your
legs, crazy, crazy,
crazy about your love,

and i melt as you kiss me
crazy jealous of your love.
my poem monet in winter has been published in a weekly newsletter for avocet magazine. you can get a copy by emailing the editor charlie on it is also possible to subscribe to their quarterly magazine

light in lazy pools
patches of shadow
like closing doors.


i float
like a ghost
open the sky
like a love letter.


a bird hovers,
shudders to
a sky that
unwraps its
dreams like
inky pools.


greyer than ghosts
that kiss for my
that trembling
of my heart
just for you.
cry, tawny moon,
prism of a dark wood,

the stars wave and hurry
flow in their rivers of black,

the skies, so far away,
gather their metal loops,

guard a dark world.

the poetry silvers the stars
carries them in a tender arc.
dance sweet Belle,
i can see you in the shadows
all laughter and bluebells.

my nettles sting,
my mind dreams
of ghosts,
nothing seems
to settle
under that hovering
sky of wire.


lost to a broken civilization
in a sky of sighs
caves filled with


further than the sky,
further than the sea.


dreams like drowning

the waving wind
the castles of the mind.


the slow pulse of
the earth,
like the battling
like the far, far
dream of a star.
fascinated i draw in my breath,
little murmur of content, i am life
and i am death, what is there
to prepare, what to unravel,
what happenstance to know?
how does the tide, desiring only
to rise and fall, to sweep the shore
and then drawback like a warrior lunging
with a sword, the death-cry obliterating
the sky, then pulling his arm swiftly back
the same fire in her heart, unremorseful,
unrelenting, bring me such rest?
i’ll forget all my loves except
for you, die like a warrior for love
because my heart is a rugged shore and
it carries the crashing waves and the
clamour of gulls because it believes in
freedom, and needs to hear the brashness
of the wind and the far distances of the stars.
dipped into water
the night full of swallow-tails
dreams of bright mirrors.
dream of a dark
sky, where the ocean
with its gentle pull
gathers the mosses
of the waves, unravels
and drifts in gold pools
full of moon and love.
in the dream he asked me if
i would like him to read me some of his poetry -

i said i would love him to and we
set off for his house -

but we seemed to keep travelling
left, although i knew his house was on the right,

and suddenly i was in the basket of a
huge crane, lifted higher and higher

600 ft, 700 ft, i couldn’t find jim
and i crouched down in the basket-

with my hands over my head -
and everything was like

edvard munch's  ‘the scream’
and then i awoke and all i could

think about was seeing jim morrison
and how i’d have liked him to read me his poems.
dream of lilies,
blues and whites
in their little islands,
flower of the starlight,
flower of the water.
as beautiful as a star,
as beautiful as the night.
moonlight through
leaves, a ripple
on a pond,
above the naked sea,
the wind’s blue
raise their
of air.
streams of the stars
golden leaves
sinking in the fading light
dappled shadows
where the light drowns
its stones and unwraps
the sweetness of the night.
fragments of the moon,
watery night,
out of the darkness
a flower unfolds.
dreams billowing
like breezes on a sail
flowing rivers
blue flowers
mysteries of the moon.
i lean against an oak tree in a glade
to watch apollo fall behind the hill,
the sunlight in the west begins to fade,
as evening closes in, a sudden chill.
the nightingale sings songs of yesterday
an arching song that lifts my spirits high,
the robin in the branches drills a lay,
as sunset breathes and reaches to the sky.
the sunlight falls in opal on the ground,
a song of heaven, darkness has no place,
the world is hushed with hardly any sound
and i can sense her passion and her grace
  and still the sunlight drifting through the leaves,
  holds back the last of day that darkness weaves.

that darkness weaves, that churlish empty sound,
which deafens moments reaching in their gold,
desire or dream, the chains that hold us bound,
the drowning spirit lifts and then is bold.
while nature rests her head upon the land
and bird song fills the avenues of trees,
her vision is ethereal and grand,
a haunting inspiration on the breeze.
i'll echo songs of summer centuries,
that mock and hint their ebony array,
the wind calls out like wild and distant seas
as through the peaceful glade the light of day,  
   that held its last soft breath of falling light,
   in hollow sorrows dreams of quiet night.

the soul finds solace, time enough to rest,
the beauty of the earth is here to see
and where the light still lingers in the west,
i see a glimpse of sweet eternity.
so blindly now the day will sink and fall,
the light that holds the tenderness recedes
and my lost hopes their last enchantment call,
as that last glimpse of daylight leaves the meads.
while questions of the heart flow like a stream,
with tender echoed strings that fall so far,
as cheery revelations clear the dream,
of softly fallen evening's gentle star.
   so with imagination’s dying spark
   the day so leaves us here the tranquil dark.
we see the gold’s of a shimmering
sun fall on the horizon, the last of
day, leaving trails of hummingbirds.

the sky begins to mourn the last
of light, scattering breeze-like
in a cloud of dark ink.

the moon pours pearls into cloud
widens her eyes; the dark gathers
the pearls, softening like dream.

thick honeysuckle traces the
walls, the immense night
sings of love in a gentle voice

and as the tide sweeps clean the
wandering sands, beautiful and
infinite the last star falls.
dreams of the tide,
bold landscapes,
a breeze blowing roses.
dreams that soften,
calming the mind
until it sighs like a ghost.
she wanders through the forests and the groves,
her bare feet scarce upon the mossy ground,
as day sinks into night without a sound
and sunset fills the skies with pinks and mauves;
and like a restless breeze she wildly roves,
a love-lost woodland dryad, summer-crowned
and who could ever guess where she was bound,
or why the sea so whispered near the coves.
her eyes as bright as a white-feathered dove,
beyond the river, near a sheltered tree,
she rests awhile finds lilies for her hair,
their flowery mist no prettier than she,
(enchanting in the hearkened, vibrant air,)
her heart soft-brimmed with longing and with love.
golden streams of sun
sink, unwrap, dance,
melt into the trees
like honeycomb,
silver the ground
with their tender warmth.
the day is dying but so gently
that the shadows can only lengthen
dreaming their dreams of the night.
through the vortex
of clouds
god, princely.

a thousand angels
spread their wings
floating whiter than the moon.

trumpets thunder

we are reborn, forgiven
our hearts gladdened in joy.

only you and your love, my lord,
only you and your love
a second in time

and prayer
awakening the ether
trembling, thankful.
the iron gate sings of roses,
water and moon tremble and sigh,

the night breathes in its water colours,
shadowy and whimsical like a bird of
dark air,

its eye-sockets the moon-world
of dream,

its clouds the stream-golds of
the glistening, eventide moon.
no more poems now until saturday, but bizarrely my husband messaged me a poem today - the only one he's written in the last 30 odd years and he's said i can post it. (i'm so in love with his poem right now) - was it about me? you'll have to wait to find out :))) hahaha

roses in the dust,
winter-love greys, shadows
of a lost world.


i was much smaller than i thought
and the sky
a rounded dome,

a cathedral of light
with stone arches

river-green pillars

and the blue-green
of dream....


waited, an
opal star
blown against
the tide.


all i could see was the
blues and greens
paper blushed,

clouds and watermarks,

watery daylight
like a glistening pool

as if the sky
was a stained window
and there was
no fire,
only a scattering
of light

only softness
of the heart,
only the magics

of its mirror mists.


like maple leaves
fallen in a
stream filled
with moonlight
in the rivery
nets of the soul.
the stream is a pretty
mirror, the sky, sweet
sister to the moon,
slumbers in her
arbour where roses
flower mightily, in
love with the night
and the cloud.
the silvers of the moon
sing their song of winter,
exhilarating above the black
rock and distant trees, her
fire lights the night like a
street lamp, the shadows
thrown back, muted,
echoing the near-teary darks
of the clouds. i sit on the
window sill, look out,
breathe deep the midnight sky
built of love and winter rose.
everything of
me was choir-song

every bolt of
every summer
every drop of
cooling rain,

in spring i
melted like
a hedgerow,
in gold and

in summer i
gathered the sky
to my branches
green with shadows
of longing,

in autumn i trembled
downwards like a
girl unwinding her

and in winter i froze
on the doorstep
all black branch
and cold
rigging on
a barren ship,

everything of me
was choir-song and
i had the most
purple throat,

i was a soft
melody of love
on a strange
moody day.
it was near the cricket field,
stitched into the ground -

amid clover and tufts of grass -
a little ring of white mushroom,

longing for the night sky,
for the journeying cloud,

sweetened by flower and dust,
where the little fairies danced,

balancing on the air -
weaving the moonlight like cloth -

with their drowsy feet
and wings of blue stalk.
fairy in a cloud
daydream book
wings of fire
heart of glass
trembling flower
fairy in a cloud
february and the roses have
finally stopped flowering

above stormy clouds
the moon scatters like a ghost

i dream of you, of you...

and the night glides peacefully
to rest while i sigh and wait.
clouds of lilac blossom
thick in the blue air.

day unwraps in slow
whispers and the wind
is more lonely than am i.

the sky is a broken
vase, little
pathways of the sun,
her strange loads,
her happy voice.

the lilacs were our love song
may swept into our hair and eyes
little pieces of me scattering
like breaking waves.

dipped in the magical ink
of flowers
the garden cries
for its wilderness
its withering of sky
its blossoming of twig
until you can’t see the sky
and it becomes softly an impression,
a fine mist of golds.

no song now,
only the death of the
wind and a new road
that winds from the silver distances
of the moon.

only a harbour where i
rest for a while, a little
boat bobbing where the waves lap,
waiting for you...
roses, wild and overgrown break the sky
with their cloudy blossom,

image of a lily on a smooth pond,

the light flooding through lilacs,
delicate as a breeze.
white and blue swan
parrot feather
scurrying above
water of flame.
in a tea house
a jasmine girl
plays a piano
shimmering a
song of soft keys
to a lotus blush
of fine infusing leaves.

morning, the jewels
of dawn’s filigree nets
a summer storm
in a wintry sky
coaxed out of
a melody of
incense, trembling
to the infinite
blossom of
tranquil, arching

your poetry, the
cadences of the sun
the light of the
beautiful moons
that weep for
life’s joys,
wild summer
in our hearts.
this poem is inspired by the beautiful poetry of lena s and in particular a series of 'tea house' poems she wrote a while ago that i particularly loved. if you've not read her poetry do check it out i'm sure you will find it as inspirational as i do :) this poem is a response to a dedication poem that lena wrote for me very recently called blossom divine which you can find on my pages.
enchantment waits above the castle towers,
the midnight gleam unholy, she is lost
to darkling clouds and battlements of frost,
and enigmatic night shows all her powers.
bewitched by ages white as lily flowers,
the ivy creeps upon the broken walls,
a kingdom for the prince, high ceilinged halls,
fall, fall to dust and long the starry hours.
great knights in armour, restless for a fight
on thundering horses storm into the night,
with swords unsheathed towards their deathly foe,
and love is lost with nowhere left to go,
the mighty fall, their army silver bright,
beneath a slumbered moon the south winds blow.
i’m cold -
well stand in the corner
its 90 degrees!
best joke of christmas
you can only
imagine my kiss,

i am a mirage,
the glossy night
blown into

i am a phantasm
in the autumn frost,

layered like
the night’s soft
a stream of
golden leaves
crisp in the quiet

i drown in the
water of the stars

i faint, a ghostly
you can
sense in
the dream-like
surrender of
our love,
arousing our
kisses like
the flowers of time.
loving a ghost boy,
brown, gentle eyes,
dark flowing hair,
you magnetise me,
love soft as the sky,
enigmatic, beautiful,
out of a shadowy night
your love finds me,
and i find you,
ghost boy,
boy that i love.
cloud of dark
skies, where
the hollows
of the night

boy, you
make me feel
i am your

the stars at
my feet,

push me
against a wall,

burn into me
like mist.
through distant isles i searched for him
my only love, my one true knight,
and i a spirit, silver-haired,
a ghost of night.

oh, he was battle scarred and worn
from long crusades in foreign lands
and through parched deserts still i roam
the wind-blown sands.

i'll not forget him, never rest,
until i've whispered in his ear
undying love through moon-blanched lips
and held him near.

oh, hear me crying like the wind
through every forest, every sea,
i walk the earth, a phantom shade,

and snow is cold but not as chill
as the iced ****-frost of my breath
the taste of winter in my kiss,
a wraith of death!

i'll wrap him in my gauzy limbs,
ignite the fire in his vein,
encircle him in clouds of mist
and free my chain.

through distant isles i searched for him
my only love, my one true knight,
and i a spirit, silver-haired,
a ghost of night.
in the style of La Belle Dame sans Merci (the beautiful lady without mercy) by john keats.
sea, strange
ghost of
ghostly iron,

blue star of

love in your
song of ghosts,
in your ghostly

clouds darker
than the sea's
stark iron, their
ghosts the sweet
breathed mist,
their ghosts
the ghostly iron,

the sea, crashing
wild and iron-like,
the tide's ghost
also iron,

wind, wild and
high like a cindery
bird, caught in
the irons of the day,
metal star of the breezes.

sense of shelter,
ghost of grey
little sky of
iron, heart-beat
like a ghost,
heart-beat singing
of love.
limbs dancing
dark hair flowing
arms and legs
wound around the sky
pockets full of autumn leaves
above the rushing clouds
her heels pushed into
their misty brocades
twisting like a ghost
of the white skies
then singing on her ivy-covered swing.
the book is 29 today in
Barnes and noble irish poetry under $5 nook and I'm not even irish lol!!!! thank you to everyone who has bought it! the link is here

footnote : i put a lot of time and effort into putting poems into collections so that they would be read more. i really do think that that is what is important reading more :) without the adds into collections the poems don't get read. if there's a problem with too many adds cap it at 5 or something but yes i do try to help the poets who i like but i only have one account :)

i'm going to add one of the reasons i am at this site is because views are high and that is in all seriousness.
gold avenues of the sun
the playful wind
throws the leaves into
whispering like the
seas ebb and flow
carrying the leafy dreams of
the day
into my pockets
i drown, drown like a jealous tide
in the waves of your love.
golds sink down
the sky strange magics
miraculous the bridges
of leaves under October’s
wintry dusks calm and at rest
russet and purple the
trees yearn for the darks
of a retreating world
each leaf falling forever
each leaf a ghost
of hidden centuries
where the night’s eternal
stars wait, beautiful
in the perfections of the sky.
autumn moods
grey mists over the sea
desolate skies
dreams of the skies.
citadel of the rocks
sea jade
soft conjurer.
left behind, beside
shadow lands and winter roads,
the lonely heart grieves.
this was written as part of my coming to terms with the death of my father who i loved very dearly. i was in a sad place at the time but he will always be loved and always be missed.
low slanted white sun,
grazes like sandpaper,
an old mop falls down.
the hawthorn lays down its ghosts, thick
with dulling pink; the stream quivers,

its blue shadows sunken, gleaming,
at low ebb, breathing like a mirror

in the sun. beneath the trees it
is dream-like, cool, dark and

magical, the leaves little harbours
of breeze, voiceless, white as bone.
unfortunately i do not have enough spare hours in the day to respond to all the likes etc. if i do not respond it is because of difficulties fitting this all into my life it is not because i dislike you. i hope you understand. :))
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