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Feb 2019 · 211
Rachit Khurana Feb 2019
The Words that are left unsaid
I want to tell you today
You are in my Eyes
You are in my Heart
I'm a Unknown Mental Traveller
Who never stays Anywhere
Then i started getting your thoughts
its like i'm in custody of your love
and i don't wanna get out of this custody
You are in my Eyes
You are in my Heart
But you don't feel the same
because these are the words which are left
Was Randomly going through My phone and then found a photo of a girl who i used to love a lot but i was afraid of proposing her as i was afraid to lose her as a friend too...
Jan 2019 · 221
I was Wrong...
Rachit Khurana Jan 2019
Girl i loved you
i made you my life
What mas my fault
why i wasnt right?

i helped u when their was  need
why not i be loved , am i not a human being?
Jan 2019 · 823
I Am Sorry...
Rachit Khurana Jan 2019
I am Sorry...
Friends that i am not the best friend that you want.

Mom and dad for not being the son you want.

Teachers for i can't do what you expect or want me to do.

God for being a Bad person.

But i am just being myself and i cant do any better.
I was just sitting in class and was thinking about how everybody is enjoying in their and i sitting with my bestfriend ( Paper and pen obvio) as i am kind of introvert person.

— The End —