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 Nov 2014 xxc
Juilet Rymarowitz
Sometimes, we seem to lose sight of who we think that we are;
Something can happen, and it feels as if we are broken into pieces.

You forget who you are,
You forget why certain things in life had or have meaning to you,
You forget how to smile with the same enthusiasm as you once had,
You forget why you found happiness around certain people or in certain events,
You forget your reason for living.

Yet, you pick yourself back up, give yourself a pat on the back and carry on.

You remember how to smile,
You remember how to laugh,
You remember how to be yourself,
You remember how to live again, and go on with your life as if nothing had ever happened.

In each relapse and recovery, however, a small piece of yourself is lost in the process. You cannot feel it, but you can see it when you take a step back and reflect upon the past.

An old habit is replaced with a new fixation,
A new characteristic has taken over in your personality,
An old friend is no longer on speaking terms with you,
A plethora of old notes and keepsakes were destroyed in an erstwhile fit of rage,
A sweet memory turned sour by a recent event.

Each time we fall into this cycle, we lose a small piece of ourselves.
We change, sometimes for the better, but sometimes for the worse.
Some never leave the cycle, while others simply relive it one too many times.

Valuable people, places, memories, recollections, and thoughts lost to the past, pieces of you that you tried to keep but ended up losing in the process. You don't want to change, you don't want to leave these pieces behind.

But each time you break you forget to pick up the pieces that fall off of you, or you lose them. You can never fully heal and return to the way you were before you shattered into shards. Without certain fragments, you can never be put back together the same way.

Yet, people grow, people change. These missing pieces grow back and manifest in new and strange ways, and it isn't all anxiety and melancholy.

Eventually, we can learn to live, love, learn, act, and behave freely once more; we can use the new pieces of ourselves to change into something great, new, exiting. We can flourish in another form, because sometimes, we are meant to be something other than what we had originally started out to be.

Sometimes, we seem to lose sight of who we think that we are;
But then something can happen, and it feels as if we are made whole again.
 Nov 2014 xxc
Kaitlyn Marie
A girl once pretended to be nice
she wrote it down to describe herself
yet the only people she talked to
were her friends

*A boy once pretended to like her
he told all his friends'
yet the only people he told
were his friends
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
 Nov 2014 xxc
Goodbye Cupid
 Nov 2014 xxc
I once had a friend
whom I loved deeply
I would hide from others
but I'd let him see me.....

but something went wrong
he quit singing me precious songs
he never visits anymore
I always break hearts!
*I should have warned him of this before...
 Nov 2014 xxc
Abandon all hope
Abandon ship
Even though our stack is full
The winds are fast
And the waters are still

This course is going nowhere
But to pain
Straight into ruin

So we stop chasing the elusive moon
And dedicate to drown ourselves
In the frosty waters
Of her negative.
Slowly coming back
From my sweet slumber
Hurt, more than ever
But gradually
Feeling better
 Nov 2014 xxc
When was our first kiss?
I wondered what you tasted like.
To this day I am dismissed-
though scandalous was our first night,
for me, it was still real bliss.
Not because you weren't him-
but you were you,
and not because it was a sin,
but you were you,
as much as now, and as much as then.
I'm tired of the guilt mongering, the studies, the insecurities, the *******...I know what I feel. I'm reclaiming my selfhood and my confidence with every old poem I dig up but am too afraid to post.
 Nov 2014 xxc
Rachel Morris
I showed you my heart
A heart ******* its masquerade
You showed me your love
A love composed with no conditions
 Nov 2014 xxc
The Fire
 Nov 2014 xxc
The fire made
a home in me.
If I tell you to come
and see would you
stay and burn with
me. We'll be brighter
than any star up in the
galaxy. Our light will
shine for an eternity.
Have a seat and drink
your whiskey beside me.
While I'll tell you how all
this could turn into reality* ~
 Nov 2014 xxc
Amitav Radiance
The house at the end of the street
In a dilapidated condition, today
There has been perpetual winter
Surrounded by the woods
Nature reclaimed most of the part
Tentacles of roots gripping tight
Many memories must be there
Still breathing with anticipation
The old framed pictures
Lying there, wanting to narrate
The story untold
Everything seemed gray
Roof will someday cave in
Burying the last remnants
It will be a part of nature
The folklore of yesteryear
The walls still holding fort
In few years time
That will be gone too
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