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xvy Nov 2015
It aches me to see
How memories can fade
Like smeared pages of a book
Yellowed and crumbling
Like the falling leaves of autumn

It aches me to see
How misty the images are
Like freshly printed polaroids
Preserve but then forgotten
Like old baby albums

It aches me to realize
Though how hard we try
Memories just wane
Even the most precious
Even those we treasure the most
xvy Nov 2015
I wish to see the stars again
The same way I saw it that night
When we're both under the sky
Lying and talking and dreaming
While the earth never cease to notice
Our time seems to halt for a split second
But such things never truly last
  Nov 2015 xvy
J B Moore
None of it feels real but rather surreal 
as my memories fade into dreams.
The future becomes the present and the present past,
As my memories fade into dreams

I feel lost in a fog, dazed and confused
Confused how I woke up feeling so bruised
I've lost all feeling in my past it would seem
As my past becomes a memory that fades to a dream.

Now that I'm awake it's hard to recall
Standing with caution, afraid I might fall.
Dreams fade into memories that can't be kept,
Memories of dreams, dreams that long to resurrect.

Resurrect from within, a life full of gladness.
Putting to death my sorrows and sadness.
I start to recover from the battle lost
My memories fading like dreams, is the cost.

For shortly after waking, dreams fade away.
In the same manner my memories won't stay. 
I fight to remember, I struggle to hold on
But lo, quick approaching is a burning new dawn.

And with every new coming dawn
Are my thoughts left wandering on,
Warm sun light so brightly gleaming,
My memories quickly fading as I awake from dreaming.
xvy Nov 2015
I walked into the rain
Expecting you are too
  Nov 2015 xvy
  •  they say light-
ning never stri-  
kes •  twice in       
the very same          
place•not as              
if it chooses                  
the  person                      
it likes•nor                          
has it targ-                              
   eted a familiar face • growing  
accustomed to these repeated  
                    jolts•i stay fro-
               zen in anticip-
           tion•for subs-
       equent influx
     of volts•is th-
 is love or me-
re petty infa-    
       n't believe my luck • be-
       cause  time...  and again,  
               stand here,
   very  ti-
me you
cast a...    
a gla-        

ME•                            ­  
Concrete Poem 7 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
  Nov 2015 xvy
Daniel Ospina
Come and wade with me in Lake Midnight,
Where fireflies join the stars,
Twinkling and glowing yellow warm light,
A swirl of reverie from afar.

Come be one with the water, still and sweet.
We are special guests here
To a concert of crickets, love songs they sing,
Which only you and I can hear.

Come dance with me among moon beams
Illuminating Lake Midnight.
Nature knows us very well, it seems,
Binding our hearts ever so tight.

Come and swim beneath the wild willows,
Watching our bodies become tangled
As we play with the midnight minnows,
Our laughter at a wrangle.

Come to Lake Midnight, where love is reborn,
Amends all that is torn, and makes new what is worn.
xvy Nov 2015
I am tired.

Please, let me sleep.
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