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xvy Nov 2015
I remember how deserted that road was
My journey into darkness and stillness
It creeps into my core
Afraid of the endless void.

But then there was light
Accompanied by glitters of the night
It enveloped my doubt with desire
And showered my fears with fire

Til the time I wandered through
*the endless void.
xvy Nov 2015
When the fire is far beyond my reach
When the sliver of silver is all I wish
When the tears are tearing me it bleeds
When the rooms go boom I am weak
All the lights inside me are now extinct
  Nov 2015 xvy
Let the crushing waves
wash the abrasive sand from our eyes

Let the infinite blue
replenish our breaths for deeper dives

Let these words fall free
and fill the silence between us

Let the beats of our hearts
set the pace for our lives
xvy Nov 2015
Memories ought to come and go
Though to fade or to tarry
You cannot choose

All you wish to hold
Will be forcefully taken
Those that you bury
Will forcefully crawl out of your skin
xvy Nov 2015
I seek the answer to the conundrum
you have  long become.
xvy Nov 2015
I am a broken glass.
I am an empty mug.
I am a withered pine.
I am a tasteless gum.
I am a burnt out pipe.
I am a falling star.
What should I do?
Where should I go?

— The End —