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TD Rucker Jun 2012
Wht dos it mean
whn th trth apprs bfor u
an u wnt smthng tht doesn't wnt t b kpt.
Doesn't wnt t b hlpd.
Hope is falur b 4 falur.
U laff frm spite
wnt 2 fght
bt nv is ur lght
so to u dear
nd ur jkes
gd nght
Harley Hucof Jun 2017
(S)weet smile and bright eyes
(W)e said we'll wait but that was a lie
(A)nother night by my side and u crave it
(L)ets get naked i knw u wnt to taste it
(L)ife is short so is my patience
(O)nce i've said it it became my obssesion
(W)ill you be my wife?

(I) love you so much
(T)ime to admit what a mistake that was

Words Of Harfouchism.
Claudia Oct 2013
Gebroke sit ek
my hart vol emosies
my gesig uitdrukkingloos
Di masker groei vas-
almal **** ek glimlag
maar my hart skree van pyn
my siel staan snikkend
en my glimlag verlore!
ek wonder oor liefde
ek wonder oor haat
wnt in hierdi eensame wereld
gryp ons almal na hoop
verwagtend di antwoord le daaragter
ek verlang na jo stem
ek mis jo oe op my
en ek wil nt luister *** j asemhaal
wnt sonder jou voel ek leeg!
So hier staan ek mt my hart in my hande...
hopend jy gee wel 'n bietjie om...
Am supposd to b rytn abt hm.
Wat i wnt hm to do to me
Do for me......
Bt the moment ths pen reachs th paper she comes out
Her tht little scared gal
She wnts hr pain bared to u
Shz troubld
Inside hr heart
She hates every1, mst especially hrself
Shz manipulative, shz th mothr of pain
Tormentd little brat
Not all wounds heal
Shz damagd, u cnt help hr, i wnt let u
You see shz th main personality n am hr strongest outer ego
Th othrz r weak
Am in charge, she creatd me to protect hr
Am doin js tht. U wnt her.
Yes i knw such a pretty gal n yet such an ugly soul
Miguel Diaz May 2016
***, dat lingwistik ****
is so **** bro.
ppl dun wanna no nefing nemore, well tgif.
i just wanna *** some bishes
nd 4get abt lyf.
I ceebs bein gud wif werdz.
i jst wnt sum roofies 2 hlp me relx.
my comp is lagging 2much.
2 many **** on ytube 2dae.
imma go on COD and shoot sum *****.
jst add me on SC nd u can send me nudes.
i mite c u at da clubs 2nite.

inb4 dis is uncomahensabul

dis is 2deep4u.
This is reality. This is the way some idiots speak. I am disgusted by this character, but I also empathise with him.. or "it". I find reality something hard to bare and I am intensely dissapointed in the stupidity and evil of the world. There is humor in this, there misogyny, homophobia, anti intellectualism. Its disgusting. This character is real. We all know this person.

I believe it is unlikely for us to change and in a way we have to **** this person spiritually, metaphorically, literally or use love. Neither of these will work and I believe I had to express it through art. Poetry.

Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
Cnt seem 2 4get
Cnt get ya outa my head..
Wana c u all da tym
Want u 2 stay a while..

Thn u arrive
And its all clear
I hav good reason for ths fear

If thrs 1 thing I jst cnt handle
Its lies..
Da feeling of deceipt
A 6th sense tht comes s0 naturally

Been dwn ths road
Too many timez b4
U'v been cought
1 too many wayz b4

Wht I jst dnt get
Y wud my lov 4 u n0t jst g0?
Y wnt our roads jst part?

Thrs nofing left here
4 me 2 stay

Da trust is gone
Yea so uh this ***** thought
She played me ruin me
But'll be still bailin'
Even if they lock me in the penitentiary
Worry me ?naw im care free
She must sense jealousy?
Hatin' for what? ******* ****
Since i let u in the yard
U used to be hard
Til ya put down to guard
Ya say im wrong n ****** another broad
But aint found nothin'
Just all in her feelin' and ****
Just cuz another chick likes my ****
Poetry is what i do
So why the **** would i play you?
Try to set a ***** up
But i caught ya on a slip
Choked up
now ya gaspin' for air
N if you die *****
I wnt even care and dare
Any muthafucka from ya family
To bring drama to me
Ill bring a graphic fatality in reality
My mood is chill
But fools take ya out ya character
So now the blood spills
Bodies chill i got no heart
***** we been off since the first start
Im yellin' **** life enticin strife
Now im stickin' to ya intestines like a knife
Ya dont know me **
I blaze a blunt then commence
To bust rounds
Leavin' bullet holes
Through out ya body killuminati
N ill be chillin' in Brazil with thick hottie
*****! !!!!!!!!

GUESS whos back?
Its the villian in black
Quick **** all chit chat
Run to ya homies n homettes
Go ahead and make a death threat
I wont break a sweat
***** been overseas
I been blown up by IED-s
In the army ya cant harm me
Like honeys
They always swarm me
Its soldier in me ya cant stop me
Pop me
N still be talkin' ****
Til im in a casket though a *******
My raps is hazard
Approach with caution prepare
For danger
I aint no stranger
To deaths cells thrive on pathways of hell
Turn ya skins pale sail yeyo
I takin' no ****
Its the dawn of new millennium
New years baby i gotta new lady
So **** the past i let my shot gun blast
Yea i always get the last laugh
Its gauranteed so go ***** n hate me
Yall under me im above thee
So bow down ya ***** *******
I gotta new queen
Mary Jane fixed with *******
Make my thoughts go numb mayne
So suckas beg in pleas
When the bullets speed freely
Mobbin figures
This for my real ******....
Infamous one Nov 2013
My mind is occupied with thoughts of you
My heart skips a beat when we speak
I don't want to ***** this up
I only wnt to do right by your side
Being loyal and share the truth
I don't want to hurt or hurt you
You're always on my mind
Do you feel the same
Things keep us apart but everything feels right
I love every minute we spend together
Make the world brighter when we are together
karen dannette Apr 2015
Oh, I'm lucky - am i ?
The canyon is so far between that I can't jump that far anymore
The echo of my voice lingers between jumps as i screeeeaaammm..
The screaming is from m inner soul and it just continues to sccccrreeeeeaaammm until no words are left.
Lately, I've been feeling a little under the weather, let's face it.. loony tunes.
I can't keep my anger in check and I appear a little ****** around the edges
.My dog keeps licking me, in an effort to make me relax a little.
It's cute how she knows m feelings and makes an actual effort to comfort me.
That is way more than any other person that I know actually does.
Her name is Harmony, for that reason alone, it makes sense.

Here comes the part that my boyfriend feels bad he isn't the dog.
I never wanted him to be the dog and never said, "hey bf--- can you act like the dog."
No, he is the boyfriend and in no way do I wnt him to be anything else.
He did telll me today that I should be happy that I woke up in the bed and not the street,
Which was comforting in  a way... absolutely... I mean what does a ****** like me deserve anyway.

**** that ****.  Are you kidding me?  What do you take me for? I'm not that bad off....
Lay someone else down in my tomb today to die,.. it's not going to be me.. so sorry to give you the bad news.
So call me ******, lame ***, and i will crawl up your *** to die (it won't be pretty)
Don't **** with something you don't understand.  I know you will never understand me.
What's it going to take to make you get it'?  Don't play with m emotions or I'll turn on you, in a hot second.

I'll make you wish you remembered the times that I tried so hard to please you.
I'll make you wish you were back with your mommy and daddy to protect you.
I'll cut out your tongue with my own and laugh as you try to beg me not to do it.
I'll close both of your eyes and burn you in your most sensitive spots with my cigarette.
That's what you deserve.  I should be lucky to wake up in my own bed?   *******.
indelible ink Jan 2013
Everything ..anybody reminds me of you..
if a guy cracks a silly joke ..i want to share it with you.

If a guy makes a pass at me...i wnt to tell u how silly he looked.. :p

if something happens around me...u d first one i want to share it with...

sometimes i get a satisfactry reaction...and sumtyms ur reactions make me angry..

but now i noe that ur reaction doesnt make me angry...u suprise me and dats the thing i like about u.. u are one unexpected thing... :)

but now evrythings gone.. u r gone...

u said u wont leave.. i made u promise me that u woudnt leave...selfish  me.. :).

but who can ever stop a blowing wind.. whoever has tried is left with  nothin but a broken home!

and now m left with nothin but my safe heart...which i have been trying to protect...when i pushed you away

i hoped u will pull me closer to u..but when have u done anything like i have alwys hoped :) and thats one thing i like and hate bout u.. :)
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2016
Hello Matthew,
Sorry I missed your visit the other day; I was obviously teaching and the office staff couldn't locate me.
It is encouraging to see I am now dealing with a published writer who will hopefully tell me what the book title is without my need for research.
Glad to see you have remembered that punctuation is a linguistic colonialist, for wNt of s better term.
I picked up your books yesterday and immediately gave one copy each to two year 13 students with the simple instruction to 'read this.'
The one you kindly inscribed I have taken home and intend to read over the October half term.
How's everything going?
Mr Bunce (or to use my colloquial Glaswegian first term, Tam)
Sent from my iPhone*

Hello Thomas,

no apologies necessary, it's well understood that a teacher is always untouchable when it comes providing an aqueduct of intellectual assimilation peppered with acquisition and relative hope for pedantic (missing the plural).

The apologies are all mine, I spent the week at the Cheltenham like ****** pusher, evidently not everyone is hooked on on poetry; but I did find the deviant art form that's known as "spoken word" a blast, i dare stand-up comedy to compare itself to the antics so hushed by society.

The part where you say: dealing with a published author... well, authored: but via my own expenses. Entitlements of the book being titled so? i was trying to remember how anyone gives up a good portion of their memory to remember something like the atom R               without the English softening, without the French harking up phlegm, and the age old Victorian trill            of the rolling Baskervilles... i tried to attire Grecian optics in how every child expands his capacity for memorising language on the basin of up-keeping and use: via the need to abolish hyphenated compound words, and against dyslexia that turn English into a complexity that's German, remnants of it remaining true with e.g. hydrocarbon, or chemists punctuating: or averting from the hyphenated ease: as truth goes: chemistry in English is a standard Saxon German. A lesson in finding enough eyes in a single tongue that might make me forcefully distinguish an N that's a V that's actually ν (nu), sharpened, and υ (a              u that's capital y that's less sharpened than nu that's Y that's upsilon - and that's lowercase gamma)... I hope some form of a kaleidoscope might be revealed with this revision of Copernican East on the moon.

I have more copies you can distribute, walking from that netherworld that's bound to be tamed with the name of Romford into the A406 region.

I hope you might find the inscribed opinion kindred to your own, its authenticity is based on how serious poetry is taken in the East, the western world has solidified itself in proclaiming poetry with rap, in turn poetry has become less rhapsodic, but that aside, I hope you enjoy the end-product, it's only a snippet of my work, evidently by the fact stated, I have more.

Everything is as everything should be. My 3 years in Scotland were a dream I wish I never woke from; I could not have wished for a more welcoming convent of lessened religious ridiculousness among people: churches turned into nightclubs and chandelier shops? Well, that's the bright-sprung reality of the Scotland I remember, and from what the journalists provide, it seems the story has just begun in terms of a youthful invigoration demanding a voice: yes, away from the infamous deep-fried Mars bar. I still remember that self-deprecating joke you made about how copper wire was invented: two Scots arguing over a penny (pulling it apart).

Well, if I over-economised my reply I apologise, otherwise I hope I can enshrine your legacy further, with the motto: don't teach them grammar (the subconscious)... teach them language, or what's lessened arithmetic rubric concern, and more: authenticity - a variant word for familiarity and a tattooing on one's locality as primarily organic: given the inorganic trend of globalisation. Can I offend with an informality? I will anyway: sounds like a ****** manifesto - in the end all I wanted to reply with was: thank you.

Well, thank you, for teaching me English without necessitating a concern for a grammar consciousness / an awareness of grammar: public school ponces can have their Eton mess funfairs: language is pure, pristine, palpable, and we're allowed our own interpretation of grammar, even Nietzsche said: we only believe in god as long as we believe in grammar... as said, I can provide more copies of the book, I'm duly counting the numbers in terms of representation, given that the book is but a snippet of the Σ, I can gain as much as I have already lost, which in practical wording equates to nothing.

Kind regards, dearest Tammy (inexplicable innuendo to follow without the appropriated seasoning to match,
                            in this grand era of political hoo correct ha); or otherwise intended in the more formal
acquisition of familiars -
                                              thanks, Matthew.
Waverly Dec 2016
Can i tell u
Can i tell u
That the loneliest
I feel
Is whn im deepest
In my own mind
Tht the loneliest
I feel
Is so deep
That id rather reach in
Thn reach out
Rather feel u
Than me
Rather be ecstatic looking
:) :) :) :)
Than say whats going on
Deep inside of me
Wish i had u hear with me
Wish u could be the eventually
To eventually see
Whats ******* with me
Wht makes me wnt to push away freends
Of yrs
In sake of solitude?
Rather than love
I seek inner sanctum.
****** up
Push away friwnds of yrs.
Im so gone now
Grey Pryor Oct 2017
So here i write
Wishing to die
Because love is foregin to me
Because you cause me to not breathe
Because for once everything is alright.
Except my mind
I can't win every battle and lately I've been hurting
A wounded vet
And i have given up on the medic
I can see and feel the love
But its just that way for a moment so i don't wnt to put all my hopes in
There's no return price on this bet
I know all love is temporary
But so is my existence
This is about how my parents done kicked me the **** out and my uncle took me in
LetMeBeMe Apr 2014
Never count on a girl Theyll poison ur world A world tht is now fallin down Take my life away nd dumo me down town No happy future no cap or gown **** me swiftly no pain or sound Clean my blood of the ground Wat i have found Is wen a girl leaves you ur heart is no longer bound Volnerable every girl wants to pound At ur heart Leave u alone in the dark So now i want the mark Of death Wnt my life to end faster thn it did start
kenny Diamond Apr 2018
My mind is blocked
The only thing my body feels  is the sadness
The tears no longer flow
My heart scared and torn
I wish I? could  break this
The sadness is my cancer flowing in body with no care
I wnt scream but no hears me
break free  break free break free
My words  are the pain  that give  this  hope
Coloured Nov 2017
******, happy, sad, ugly,  pretty
Dats wat d everyday brings
Till yu showed face goldie
Happy and pretty d only tune dat rings

Tho faced with them withered trees
Fearing and hopin dey blossom again
But dear goldie be setting my soul free
Soul?... Yes.. Sweet yess.. Less loss more gain

Even when loosing,  goldie make you feel ure wining
All this i knw, wld jst have a sit
Clouds of thoughts, do i stay still waiting
Staring and rolling in d beauty of you it.

Or do i shake off dose feathers
Nd embrace d real truth.. Reality.
Left for Zeus to decide, lightnin and thunders.
Puzzle, labyrinth, crazy tunnel.. Captivity

Cant leave goldie, cant leave reality
Make goldie my lover,Den pursue reality together,?
Already have a lover.. Complexity, captivity
Dear oceans, ur waves nd sprinkles, nw or never....

No... You are my want nt my need
But wnt let go
Lets draw d curtains... Diamond nd bead
They need not to knw

D creator he knows all.. We leave it to him
But stay with me goldie.. We wld overcome this
My happines,  my smiles , my beauty beem
Lets ride on, i Victoria, with its thorn nd kiss..

— The End —