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Yenson Jul 2018
May we live in and see interesting times, the old saying goes

another offers that when the mind is blind, the eyes cannot see

for me my days are interesting and the laughter readily and often comes

for the grapes of wrath brings forth mirth filled grapes on grapevine tendrils

As lemmings and sheep enact bellyaching absurdities, as the ridiculous does

Veracity on sojourn and falsehood in residence with doors firmly closed

Hamlet re-enacts hapless role, with Red Robin Hood and vigilantes to a tee

eager audiences, participatory scenes in towns and cities, leaving empty homes

come all and vent your spleen and satiate your prejudices without paying a fee

This land belongs to us, it is our birthright and we will send Hamlet to the catacombs

Nothing is private anymore, rights and freedom nailed, anywhere we roam

Ophelia not only went to Italy, she went to Hull, Turnpike Lane and even Essex

but a joke here, if all these were good, why did she come to me, you simple gnomes

perchance unlike you common goons,  she knows distinction has no comparison to thee

Your vacuous hate filled mind cannot see that difference in a Prince, that regally looms

Act two, dim, fooled actors in their Beggars Opera, screaming, 'we oppose' with glee

so called republicans, laughable in their ardent favor, ignorant of their lobotomy botches

we will do Hamlet's head in, totally unaware theirs been done in, for the brains of fleas

in a civilisation, our conscious and stable populace, roots for vigilante and mob rule, yeah

for a man of distinction is a threat reminding you of your insignificance and lack of tomes

Come friends, lets see how the home of Democracy, hounds a citizen for us all and we

lets know that Robin Hood is alive and taxing, and 'Windrush' is still active in dispatches

indigenous people power, meets criminal gang stalking, meets racism and we all drink tea

and in true cowardly fashion, its all done by insidious, indictable, nefarious, malcontents and psychopathic crazies

It is our proud duty that we should all ruin Hamlet, for mediocrity has no distinction for aspiration et excellence

Copyright LaurenceA. JUNE 2018.All rights reserved.
This is based on the experience of some one victimized by a contemporary Left-wing Group for daring to criticize their views and believing in aspiration. This poor fellow has been hounded all over London, lost his job, isolated by smears and outrageous lies now broke and on the verge of suicide,, all because he aired his own stance against socialism. The Reds are forsaken bullies, I dare say this. In the old Soviet States dissidents are subjected to a program called Slow death, where they are discredited, harassed, hounded, mobbed everywhere, isolated, they are smeared, character assassinated and persecuted. they are unfairly dismissed from jobs, denied basic Human rights and some are framed and institutionalized and declared insane, in essence their whole lives are summarily destroyed and most end up committing suicide. I regret to tell you that this happens to some in this great Nation too. Pls research Criminal Gang-stalking, Cause Stalking and Community Vigilantes online.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2019
.and what if the referendum was secured, by the single vote, if it was predicated on: only and only if, there's a 60% consensus... the current debate is taken place, because the consensus is, extremely marginal... we're talking about fringe politics, outlier political opinions... the the remain vote is argued with the same verocity as the leave vote... for the benefit of outlier opinions... if only there was a predicate: it will be passed... as long as there's a 10% difference between the votes... 51.9% for leave to 48.1% for remain, of the country having voted... if only the whole point of voting, was akin to the "ancient" enforced tactic of drafting men to serve in the army... 67.7% voting areas voting to leave... 32.3% voting to remain... yeah... the "obscure" parts of england... with scotland, clearly being an anomaly with regards to "obscure" rural regions... should the argument come: concentration of power, in urban babylons.

someone should, really, really try to remaster
that vague piece of work

                       that pristine rhythm
    section: notably on the song bite now bite
from the album
          eat your heart out -
                              by... a belgian band:
of all bands... it had to be, belgian...
  ******* choccies (KLINIK) -
   oh look, an intra-racial slur...
because what would be fun:
  if language was plain, safe,
                                                      in vitro:
and not the islam to the individual -
   whenever: i, am to submit,
                     to the language of the other?
well obviously malice is reserved
for something else, but not for breathing,
thinking or feeling,
   or for that matter:
     the "problem" of idle hands...
itchy hands...
               i guess some of the throng,
of the volk: chatter chatter chatter...
    bite... chew... but then forget to
swallow... (sow s-, s-, swo-, swo-...
'the **** an A charge in, eh?
                                     i guess, that's how).

but no one
likes to see
likening it
to the Milan

                               and all those poems
that look like this:

|begins here


|ends here:

|can anyone please tell me...
   why zee / zed:
              is a conotation
                        depicting the process of sleep?

and all this nonsense:
                   england is spelled with
a capital: who says it's anywhere but london?
E this, E that,
    E sat on a wall
                    didn't fall accidently...
i know a rat when i see one...
   Nigel, Nigel (see... capital N,
implies emphasis, like italics or a colon
       Nigel... can you please bring back
your fwend, Dawid?
                     just a few questions...
2 and a half 'ears lay'ter...
   and... no end in sight...
to those loitering... shuffling their feet...
how many votes do you actually need...
when there was only one
                     for die volk
- and i have to admit...
       it was close...
                roughly                      51 to 49...
i know why they voted leave...
           because of the people who poured
in, most, probably momentarily
back in 2004...
                              the people who were
taught two, of 20th century's prime lessons,
by foreign entities...
               arbeit macht frei

         so no laid-back work ethic coming
with the windrush, was there?
                    conflict of interests...
**** it, if i were strapped to a caribbean
island, i'd have a laid back work ethic:

yet still this whole blah blah debate...
          like... let's forget the good friday
   but finally...
            we can have the old terrorists back...
            maybe the IRA will
                  out-compete the jihadis?
or at least scare them?
  or... dunno...
                                            ol' Jack...
ol' Jackie boy'o will: simply...        unravel?
am i rooting for it to happen?
                            but it would suggest
that i'm rooting for being part of
                a historical event,
                            like the treaty of versailles...
or the weimar rep.,
                            and i was the voice
on the bottom,
               sifting through
                     eclectic ambitions to find:
culture that will never become
forever destined for the: archaic archive,
now forever the footstuff
                            of the gargantuan a.i.:
alternatively known as a.i.p.:
                   artificial intelligence purgatory.

- hey, i can't compete,
    i'm just a kid that forgot to bring
his crayons, and instead brought
   some matchsticks and toothpicks.

if only: 2 years prior to the referendum
they had a plan...
   but they thought they could do
a joker trick,
         so there you have it: agent of chaos...
agent of chaos says:
  people, 1 vote, politicians?
         an infinite number of votes by
the looks of it...
                  voting is not reserved
for the people, de facto,
we now have a strange despot on our
hands... der volk...
                    what a strange monster...
was i leave or remain?
   neither, considering that i ended up
drinking to stay somewhat sane
for the past... oh... 10 years...
    on debit...
                well... why would i even
consider drinking into the excesses of
phantasmagoria              on credit?
that would be stupid, as stupid didn't.

in summary: to minor points...
    i can understand why people don't like
or the fact that their everyday language
is already peppered with poetic techniques...
figuratively speaking...
                   akin to:
   where does the technique of poetry
end, and the comedy begin?
                     yeah, that: "not literally" part?

who would mind:
   it's not an elitist "thing" to like or dislike
a medium...
                 i like the "breathing" space in
the optics... of... the never to be seen
                              literary paragraph...
i like cascades...
                         paragraphs are sometimes
a strain on the eyes...
like watching really fast cars
zoom past you on a very small race-track...
**** just gets dizzy...

.......................................................­........ (click)
.........................................................­........ (click)
.........................................................­.......... (click) etc.

           well on the up-side...
once you've read some magnum opus...
say... the cantos...
    for some strange reason...
you can sit back, listen to some choccie
music from the underground...
open the book...
   and just stare at the poetry...
    without having to reread anything...
a bit like...
                  a painting...

                                    sure as **** you
can't do that with a novel,
      with its rigid, cluster-**** of a descriptive
paragraph: she said, he said,
then another descriptive paragraph:
he said, she said...

               as much as i love novels...
  give me a poetics of a framework of freedom,
or a philosophical monologue
    by some helmut
    (german) - oh look...
     another intra-racial slur...
    helmuty: germans...
                  derived from?
              helmut kohl -
                    german chancellor 1982 - 1998;

ah... what an enriching experience.
Chris Slade Apr 2019
What do you reckon? I know what you’ve been thinking…
We’re on a ship that looks unsteady, like it’s sinking…
We’ve made shaky plans to be gung-** and to go it all alone…
But we’re beginning to wonder… are we heading for some kind of danger zone?…
At first we were just floating along - enjoying the passing view
And 2 years off it looked a lot easier …leaving the EU!
But there’s a waterfall downstream…and it looks like a helluva drop.
And once we get too near the edge, well, we won’t be able to stop.

The simplicity of Cameron’s ‘in - out’ referendum question dawned…
Cos, divorce is complicated.  Those who voted leave were scorned,
branded racist, or at least suffering some kind of mental disorder.
“Didn’t you stop to think about the about the Northern Irish border?” (best read in a 'silly', sneery voice).
But - back then there were 2 million Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis all walking toward Calais.
Some thought serious overcrowding problems could come our way.
Single Market,? Sovereignty? Customs Union? What the hell’s all that?
It means you’ll need a visa to go to Benidorm you ****!

Meanwhile Merkel diffused things by taking the refugees in.
But only served to rattle the bars of the **** leaning right wing.
The Spanish got all Oity Toity about us having Gibraltar.
And some of those previously unforeseen problems made Brexiteers falter.
This is David effing Cameron!… Farage embarrassed him into calling for a vote.
And, when the Remainers lost, Dave saw his chance to produce his sick note.
“I’ve done my bit”, he said “so… I’m standing down…  so who do you think should take my dodgy crown.
The Buffoon, the Backstabber, the Right Honourable Lady Home Sec?”
She, the author of  Windrush, Repatriation, food-banks, lower benefits? She got it! ****** heck!…

Hoodwinked by a government you maybe invested your life in, in all the earlier polls
Now we’ve all been tricked by a bunch of, navel gazing, self serving arseholes!
So it’s the blind leading the blind… Well, no.! Misinformed…and maybe just a bit short sighted.
And, you know, Theresa… she’ll most likely still get knighted.
But I doubt this episode will score with generations yet to come,
Deserted by this Parliamentary shambles - sitting on their hands, their collective ***.
The proletariat are cut adrift, and heading for the falls…
So we’re looking for a new saviour - someone with charisma…big *****!

Let’s look forward to this time next year… When some trusty politician re-writes our little story.
When we may be out - but far from down… Well I somehow can’t see it being a Tory…
And if isn’t Jezzer - who HAS got his eye on the prize…
McDonnel, Starmer, Benn, Tom (call me Slim) Watson? Who should THEY try for size?
And, just supposing, by chance, the Conservatives actually crack it
who, amongst the front runners there, could get the job and hack it?
Lord Snooty, Gove, Hammond…Hunt the err… Foreign Secretary,  Javid, Liam Fox (surely not!). Bojo?
With this current stay of Brexicution, for just a couple of weeks… the petition, the march, the chaos, could it still be NO-GO?…
Whatdya reckon?
The complexion of this subject - Brexit (if I hear the word one more time on TV I think I'll unplug the thing and throw it out of the window) changes by the minute so it's hard to pin it down - Here is where we're at up to this point.
BlackMind Aug 2018
It's all so quiet
Silent within its hidden slumber
And dreams a beautiful dream which guides and cools the Windrush on the water.

Its dream song flows through my patterns
Atoms wave like sunkist fields of wheat
So peaceful is its essence
It is silent when it speaks.

Black Mind
Nico Reznick May 2018
(A follow-up to "Whimper", which was written in response to "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg)

I have seen the best insanity of my generation destroyed by the worst minds.
I have seen humans turn into robots and the robots turn to fascism
because of What The Internet Told Them.
I have seen the weaponisation of our most rancid fears and watched
in horrified fascination as our inner demons got their own agents.
I have seen and felt the horizon constrict so tight, it’s getting
hard to swallow.

You have to understand, this isn’t what I wanted.
You have to realise, this isn’t what I meant.

This isn’t crazy.
This isn’t pure, natural, spontaneous crazy.
This is synthetic madness, manufactured madness,
genetically modified, mass-produced, mass-marketed madness:
As Seen On Television; approved by test audiences;
none of the calories, all of the carcinogens.
This goes beyond the deplorable allure of a free red hat.
This goes beyond dinosaur-dodo-dumb nostalgia for a blue passport
and a golden age that never was.
This is why you hire Cambridge Analytica.
This is the Project For The New American Sentence:
The message is, “It’s chaos out there, people; do what the hell you want.”
And the echo chamber,
and the echo chamber,
and the echo chamber,
and even the rage…
even the rage isn’t real.

Mercenaries, not maniacs.
No more lunatic songs.
That howling you hear is only feedback:
an endlessly shrieking loop of absolutely nothing, broadcast on
every channel, into every dream, until the fillings in our teeth buzz
and our institutions tear themselves apart, as
component materials hit resonant frequency.

This is how the world ends: Not with a whimper, but with

We got the message wrong, giving credence to people
whose hatred is their only art.  They taught us
to avoid such human folly as Ruinous Empathy, to
distrust painful, decaying love, when these were the
things that might have saved us.
There’s a poet I know, who served in ‘Nam, who thinks
he might have even forgiven Nixon.  
Field Commander Cohen has checked out of the Chelsea Hotel,
deciding we wanted it too dark for him.
Too many of our heroes have turned out to be monsters.  We're haunted by
historic *** crimes, Cold War ghosts and the knowledge that we
could have done things differently.

The message was supposed to be, “It’s chaos, be kind.”

There's no such thing as a stable genius, but we've got
fake news and alternative facts; we're discovering the side-effects
of living post-consequence.  We're hypernormalised.  We're
past shock; our incredulity stretched beyond its
elastic limit; we've broken satire and nothing is really funny any more.

Welcome to the Disinformation Age.  These are our Interesting Times:
Glee Club and Gun Rehearsal; bloodied blue uniforms;
tears for the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre;
an early by-election for Batley and Spen;
very fine people on both sides; Thoughts & Prayers, our
only surplus, the ultimate fiat currency;
poverty **** and the return of social ****** (71 dead at Grenfell, NHS black alerts, rickets making a comeback, lead in the water); Drink the Kool-aid; humans like Kool-aid - **** stars on polygraphs; Netflix and Kompromat; the portrait
in Kissinger’s attic; Ayn Rand for Beginners; Corporate cosmology
and casino capitalism; government by gaslight; constructive ambiguity
to preserve a kakistocracy; bring me
the head of Roger Stone!  #EndOfEmpire;
Windrush and Stupid Watergate…

I said we needed our madmen back, but not like
this.  Not
these posers, these gangsters, these Quislings…  
These are merely bad actors, playing to the crazy dollar,
but do not doubt their sanity,
which is icy and cynical and monstrous.  But,
in the cold fusion reactor of that sanity, they are unknowingly
forging a new generation of madmen, whose madness
will be righteous and real and burn with
a pure, perfect heat that cleanses and cauterises.  They
will know the difference between human
and humanoid.  They will be less afraid than us, less quick to
hate strangeness. They will use their craziness to
create, not destroy.  They have
already begun.

I know this because
I have witnessed six minutes and twenty seconds of silence that blazed hotter, howled louder than all your Fire and Fury.  I have seen
riot cops in Baton Rouge turn whiter and recoil in fear from serene, dignified, unarmed surrender. I
have heard the young sweetly whisper to the old,
‘Fine, but you’re wrong, and we’re right, and we will outlive you.’
You can’t hide that behind a wall.
You can’t say that life doesn’t matter.
You can’t filibuster the future.
Everything was forever, until it was no more.

Our madmen are gone, and they’re not coming back.  
But there will be others.
The best minds of their generation will not be destroyed by your sanity.
Follow-on to "Whimper", posted here:
Yenson Aug 2019
Thieving and burglary - deliberate
indulgent, ignorance, waste of opportunities - deliberate
drinking, loose morals, bad company, drugging - deliberate
lazy, stupidity, state dependency in viable health - deliberate
babies for welfare payments, employment avoiding - deliberate
hate, envy, jealousy, lies, slander, crimes, drunkenness - inadequacies
Racism, ignorance, small mindedness, pettiness, belligerence - Low scale inherent characteristics

Betrayal - engineered
Loss of employment and brilliant career ruination - engineered
alone and social isolation - engineered
lack of intimate relationship - engineered
Rudeness, screams, fractured relationship - engineered
economic stagnation - engineered
Physical limitations - engineered

In the woke civilisation of the great Island
Psychopaths Social and structural Engineers march in Red
In raving anodyne tones the entitled ivories do the twist
Please ignore all the listed deliberate glaring omissions above
No! you see in deluded grandeur
Its time for the blame game, its time for the blame game
Its all the fault of the immigrant
who studied and worked to make a better life
especially that black successful one
with everything just going well for him
we didn't boat him on on the Windrush
He's not cleaning our roads or in the factory
He's not fetching and wiping **** in the Hospital
He's not even into crime and supplying our drugs
No! No! No!
He is a leech and  a parasite
He is responsible for our miserable uninspiring life
Comrades, join us, the Revolution is now

They say I suffer, I have pain
How can I, I wonder
when its  all your engineered and dramatized work
of which I am not in the least responsible!
And you know it!
Narcissists, Psychopaths, Depressives, Mentally challenged loonies
We give you your Revolution, please enjoy the spoils!!!
see what they are reduced to.....hahahaha   hahahaha.....hahahaha
all those who come from all the old colonies would be laughing too.
we know them too well.....
Big Virge Sep 2021
Ya Know It REALLY IS... !!!
England’s STILL A *****... !!!

Linton’s Words of Scripture...
Were Those of Honest Pictures... !!!

That Showed What It Is...
To... Try To Live...
Inna’ English Lands...
When You Are BLACK... !!!

Well Unlike Him...
I Was Born And Raised...
In A Place That CLAIMS...

To Be The... “ GREAT UK “...

Well Britain Or England...
But Now The Ships Sinking...
Because Heads DIDN'T Listen... !?!

To... Linton’s CLEAR Vision...
Cos’ It’s STILL A *****... !!!

A Country FULL of Tricks...
And Working Practises...
That Makes The Masses SLAVE...
To Earn Themselves A Wage...

So That They Can Get A Break...
From Working For Low Pay...

While MP’s Pave The Way...
For... CORRUPTION of The State... !!!

So These Words Here Are TRUE... !!!
... England’s STILL A *****... !!!

If You’re NOT IN... “ Their Crew “... !!!

Bureaucrats Who Sit and Plan...
How To Tax and Scam...
The... Average Man... !!!!

And Let’s Not Forget...
About... Immigrants... !!!

Like Linton Said In His Poem...
They Use You... ABUSE You...
Spit You Out And Then ***** You... !!!

From Legal Tricks...
To... Political Stings...
That’s Right Like BREXIT... !?!?!

Now Ain’t THAT A *****... !!!

Political NONSENSE...
Causing Folks PROBLEMS... !!!

Because of These Wrongun’s...

NOT Linton But BORIS... !!!
A Chuck With NO Norris... !!!
Whose Talk Can Be HORRID... !!!

So YES It’s A *****... !!!!!

I’ve Just Revamped The Script... !!!
From Windrush' To Brexit'...
We STILL DON'T..... Fit In...

When You THINK And Have Skin...
That’s DARK And Marks Cards...
of The... Whitest Of Hearts... !!!!

And Do As You’re Told...
Like Those Good Slaves of Old... !!!!!

From Being Called Lazy...
We’re Still Seen As Shady...

Because of Things Lately...
Like Street Crime That’s CRAZY... !?!

Well I Guess I’m That Baby...
Whose Now Become Brainy...
Who Sees That The Word...
...... “ STATELY'S “...
Connected To Hades... !!!!

Which Is Where ******* LIVE... !!!!!
So Trust When I Say This...

Linton... Made The Trip...
And Explained The Sitch' Quick...
Through His Truthful Lyrics...

That Inspired This Script...
That’s An OLD... NEW LIK'  ...
That I’ve... Changed Up A Bit... !!!

Which Reflects On The Fact...


... “ Ingland’s Still A ***** ! “...
LISTEN HERE :*****?in=user-16569179/sets/the-starway-vocals
Big Virge Sep 2020
MAN These HOSTILE Environments...

From WINDRUSH’ Scandals...
To... Black Lives Battles...
These Environments RATTLE...
And HERD Like... CATTLE...

The Types of RABBLES...
Who Want To DISMANTLE...
The Types of Panels...

Where Racists LIE And Then Decide...
What’s... BEST For Black Lives...
When Our Lives FLATLINE... ?!!!!?

Because of Designs...
Where Environments HIDE...

How Racism Lives And STILL ENLISTS...
EVERYTHING From Politics...
To... Employment Tricks...

To Make Things HOSTILE...
For Blacks NOT On Trial... !!!

But You’d Best BELIEVE...
That These LEGAL Teams...
AREN’T... Squeaky Clean... !!!

When It Comes To BLACK DREAMS...
of... Justice Peace And Equality...

From Where Black Folks Be... !!!

From Jobs To The Streets...
To... Dealing With Police...

Where Hostilities Supply...
Environments Where Black People DIE... !!!

EVEN When They...

DON’T Commit The Type of Crimes...
of... Corporate Guys...
Or White... PAEDOPHILES... !!!

Whose Environments LINK...
To The WEALTHY And RICH... !!!

Who DON’T Feel The Sting... !?!
That Environments Bring...
To... Young Black Men...
And... Black Women...
When Policemen Decide...
To Be MORE Than Hostile...!!!

When They Feel That They...
Can Act ANY OLD WAY... ?!?

When Dealing With Blacks...
And Those Words Are FACT... !!!

Have MORE Subtleties... !!!

When It Comes To How...
White Employers Treat...
Black People Like MEAT...
When We Work For...
... Their Companies... !!!

Where NEW Slavery...
Is The Modern Theme... !!!

That STILL Deals In Hostilities...
Because of... Policies...
That DON'T Seem To Deal...
In Fair PAY Or Opportunities... !!!

Like Our Counterparts Get...
Because of Their WHITENESS... !?!

So Now... UNITY....
Is Now Proving To Be...
In... Twenty Twenty... ?!?

Are Now Being ERASED... !!!

But Is That...
... REALLY The Case... ?!?
Because I Read Today...

That... Melissa Rolfe...
Has Lost Her Job...
Apparently Because...
of... Political Moves...
That She Claimed Has To Do...
With... Her SUPPORT...
For... Policeman Crews... !!!

Because Her Stepson...
Has Now Become...

A Policeman Charged...
Because He Chose To Shoot...
Just A Little TOO FAST...
At... Rayshard Brooks...
And TOOK His Life...
Like Some Kind of Crook... !!!

The Environments Now...
Are Getting MORE HOSTILE... !!!

Because The PC Crowd...
Are Now SHOUTING LOUD... !!!

… Tearing Statues Down... !!!

And In My Honest Opinion...
Are Behaving Like CLOWNS... !!!

Just... RUNNING Around...

Because It’s... POLITICS...
And The Racists Who...
Are Hidden From View...
Who They NEED To Bring DOWN... !!!

Because Things WON'T CHANGE...
Because of Disarray And Violent Displays... !!!

It’s IN COURTROOMS And Chambers Too...
Where Laws Are ABUSED And Used To Set LOOSE...
HOSTILITIES... That Now Need To CEASE... !!!

Because The Race War Now...
Is What’s Causing FROWNS...
And Environments Are...
Becoming Like WAR Grounds... !!!

And That’s NOT A GOOD LOOK... !!!
Like Something OVERCOOKED... !!!

There’s NO Doubting That...
The System Is STACKED...
MUCH MORE THAN Heavily... !!!
Against Those Who Are BLACK... !!!

But We Need To RECOGNISE...
Who It REALLY Is That We Need To Fight... !!!

So I’ll REPEAT The First Lines...
of This Set of Rhymes...
Just... ONE MORE TIME...

For Those Who USE Their MINDS...
When It Comes To The FIGHT...
To Make... RACISM DIE... !!!



Are These POLICIES...
That Are Used To BREED...
And Now... INCREASE...
These Political TYRANTS... !!!

Who Now Seem To FEED...
Off These.....

A phrase clearly created in the UK by the likes of EX Prime Minister, Theresa May, is now causing dismay all over the place, but the question of a solution, is proving to be, very difficult to find a suitable answer for ....
Don't say it, I warned, I professed
Don't say
the tears of a woman
weigh more
than the tears of a man
I wouldn't dare, she said
for even though my tears could crush scales
their load could plant ten oxen in the dirt
capsize ships
they also carry the joy
that you are by my side
and your tears
bellow with the fear
that you are alone

I nodded
she understood

She rested her head on my shoulder
a weight that pleased me
a gesture that eased my heart
tell me, she said
about the scars in the river

I didn't know what she meant
a river with scars
what bled from it
water does not bleed
I told her this
she said
if water does not bleed
men do not cry
I said, men do cry
she said, then water does bleed
I ask, what does water bleed
everything breaks, she said
everything is made of finer things
fine things in men break, I said
who breaks them, she asked
women do, I said
did I break you, she asked
not yet, I sighed, not yet
and she then wished in her heart
that that would never yet be so

I wondered from then on
even after she broke me
even after I forgot her face
what are the scars in the river
what does water bleed

on a day when the sun baked the earth
when thirst drove one to madness for water
when children dove in the lake
dogs panted cross-armed beside steaming asphalt
just to feel the windrush of the cars
people, blasting air-conditioning, counted their blessings
people, sweat sogging their ragged clothes, counted their woes
and I watched the sea give of itself to the sky
water evaporated heavenward
and I said to myself,
ahh - water does bleed

In the days that followed
the bleeding of the rivers, lakes, ocean, and people,
I watched the heavens weep terribly
like a mother in despair over her dead child
and I saw people drink of the sky
dance in the weeping
laugh - laugh to crying if they must
laugh for exultation of life and love
dance and roll and frolic in the richness of the land
and I asked myself
having seen the bleeding of the river
Is this the bleeding of the sky

Winter came slow
like death, we expected it
yet dreaded its presence when it arrived
how the snow choked the life out of the land
and we clamored in fear of the world without
We clung to one another
clung in ways I never knew in summer
intimate like a scarf around the neck
she and I snuggled in the sheets
no fear of sweat
sweat was desired
water was desired in every way
to break the spell of the arid air
she and I danced the way
only two bodies could
when connected like child to mother
she was connected to me
I was the nourisher
I was the farmer in the field
in her fields
in the fields of the future
generations could be sown and grown
and yet
they could cease to exist should I
deign to disappear from her
the cruelty of destroying the future was present
a cruelty that is
a man's purpose
to allow, or to abate

We held one another
by the window
watching winter fade
snow crept from the trees
the ground dissolved from winter white to early-spring brown
I watched the snow bleed
I then saw it all
the cycle of life
water and its many phases
and I turned to her
I said, "I love you."
She understood
as she held me tighter
shedding the weight of the past
she pressed her lips on my ear
said, "Thank you, my love."
And from then, I never scarred again.
My rivers never bled
and neither hers
I shall leave this one with a simple note:
Find the loves that inspire you.

As always, enjoy!

Mixing it up down in Brixton
fixing some lines in my brain
Windrush is busy,
not peaceful,
poetry flies all the same.

It's a give and a take it
the day's what we make it
I choose to make it
my own.

mixing it up down in Brixton
home to a few of my friends
giving it large on the pavement,
a candle that burns
from both ends
Big Virge May 2020
So The Forecast Today...
I’m AFRAID... Is For Reigns...

The Reign of... New Tech....
And Reigns of IGNORANCE... !!!

The Reign of Race Hate In Political Games...
That Reigns Like How Rain...
... DAMPENS Sunny Days... !!!

What Reigns Nowadays...
Is A Lot of Brain DRAIN... !!!

And Now ****** Strains...
of... SO MANY Names...!!!

That’s It’s Hard To Keep Up...
With Reigns That Now Run...
MORE Than Governments... !!!

Today’s Reigns Maintain...
Like... TYRANNICAL Days... !!!

Be Careful What You Say...
Is A Reign That Pulls Reins...
On People Like... Strays............................

Because of The Cats Now Reigning Like GATS...
Shooting Talk Down That They Want To DROWN... !!!

By Using Their Pounds And Dollars To DOWN...
Investment That Strengthens...
On YES... FOREIGN Grounds... !!!

A Reign That Now Hounds...
Poor Countries Where Money’s...
NOT EASILY... Found... !!!!!

So Now What Surrounds...
Are Reigns That COMPOUND...
Inflation In Nations Now Facing Starvation...

Because of Plantations...
Where Reigns Have Been Stationed For Centuries Now... !!!

From Slaves To Mass Graves Where Colonial Reigns...
Have Proven To Play In TRULY... SHAMEFUL Ways... !!!

NO SHAME Or DISGRACE Just Maintenance of HATE...
And RIDICULOUS Claims That Reign Over Lands...
of INDIGENOUS Clans Whose Forefathers Claims...

Are Still Fought For TODAY... !?!
From African Lands To The... US of A...

“Hey I Say Virge I Say, Don’t Forget The UK !”...

Where Sovereignty Games...
Now Employ BREXIT' Plays... !!!

Forget THEM... NO WAY...!!!

Because of Their Claims...
That We Blacks Have No Brains..
And Should Just Entertain...
In Ways That They Say...

Or Be Used Like We’re ****...
Like... Dumb Immigrants... !!!!!!!!

Who Thought That The Windrush...
Meant They Were Welcome...
... Oh Yes In England... !!!

Mistake Son... Uh Uh... !!!

Their Reign TOLERATES...
Which... ISN’T The Same... !!!

Like That Woman Named MAY...

Whose Party Maintains...
Supremacist Reigns...
Through Names Like... BJ... !!!!

Yup WRONG’Uns Like... JOHNSON... !!!
So Yes They’re A Virus Like Corona Strains... !!!
That Could Spread So Fast That Humans Won’t Last...

Some Cards Have Been Marked...
That... May NOT Lead To Laughs.... !!!

We’re On A Dark Road Where Reigns Of Cold Souls...
Are Likely To Lead Us... Into Some DEEP Holes... !!!!!

And So There Ya Go As The Story Unfolds...
No One Really Knows What The Future May Hold...

These Words Just Impart...


Big Virge...

.............. “ Forecast “............
A quick poetic, Big Virge Forecast !
Antony Glaser Aug 2022
Follow up at unhappiness
The sweet deadly rinse of decay
passing through chaos
A Windrush forest flame asures

I walk on the seashore
Through ordeals reign of pain
The deep sea canyons
To the ocean of despair
Those lonely contestations
Will fall away like confetti
Big Virge Jul 2021
" The Politics of Things "...
Affects How We LIVE... !!!
And Is FULL of TRICKS...
And Things That STING... !!!
The... Average Joe...
Trying To Make A Living... !!!
Because It’s Corporate Kings...
Who Have STRONG Links...
To These Political Leaders...
Deceivers And Schemers...
Whose Teams And... “ Schemes “...
Move Like... DODGY Car Dealers... !!!
Dealing In MEANNESS... !!!
And Movements INCREASING...
Societal BLEAKNESS.....
So What Does It Mean...
To Be A Conservative... ???
Well These Days I Think...
That It’s Hard To Believe...
In Conservative Peeps’... !!!
Whose Conservative Views...
Seem A Little Askew... !!!
When You Look At The Things...
That They NOW Conclude...
As Being... “ Cool “... ?!?
Same *** Type Visions...
Once Placed On... “RESTRICTION”...
Are Now Being Seen...
On Our Televisions...
By Tomorrow’s TEENS...
And VERY YOUNG Children... ?!?
While... “ Conservatism’s “...
CLEARLY Linked To RACISM... !!!
When Views He Be Spitting...
Leaves Immigrants Seeing...
NO RESPECT For Their Being... !?!
Republican Thinking...
Has Things Now Linking...
Themselves To Democrats...
Who When You Backtrack....
Had Thinking That Sat...
On... Political Tracks...

NOT So Far Removed...
From Those NOW IN VIEW... !!!
Political Coups....
Are Used To Confuse... ?!?
So Who Do You Choose... ???
Liberal, Republican Or Democrat... ???
It’s Time People REALISED...
That They’re From The SAME PACK... !!!
Where Jack AIN’T Black... !!!!!
But Now Of Course Political Skins...
Have Changed A.... Lil’ BIT...
In A Time Where THE RIGHT...
..... Is On The RISE.....
… You’ll Find DARK Skins...
Now Sitting With Todays’ FASCISTS...
As If Their Links Will STOP Racist Things... ?!?
Well Just Look At The Brits'...
Black Folks Seemed STUNNED....
When Immigrants From The Ship...
..........  “ WINDRUSH “..........
Faced Being Treated...
As If They Didn’t EXIST... !?!
So Were Told To GO HOME...
Cos’ They’re NOT British... !!!!!!
These Black Politicians...
Did EXACTLY... WHAT... ???
Well About As Much...
As A Ku Klux Son...
Whose United Kingdom...
Treats Blacks Like ****... !!!!!
... Running Their Gums...
After Deals Had Been Done... !!!
As If Their WORDS...
Could REVERSE The HURT... ?!?
That Their COLLEAGUES Inflicted...
On... INNOCENT Victims... !!!
But That’s The Politics of Things...
Right Across Europe Even To BRAZIL...
Where Right Wing Vibes...
Are Starting To... “ CHILL “...
The Minds of Tribes...
Who Thought Good Will...
Was Part of Life...
On... Foreign Coastlines... !!!
But Colonial Types...
Still Ride Waves... HIGH... !!!!!
And Still DON’T Like...
To See MIGRANT Types...
Living By Their Side...
Especially When They’re Doing ALRIGHT...
And Actually Have...
MORE THAN The Whites... !!!
Who Be Acting Like...
ALL We’ve Done Is INCREASE Crime...
And Have A NEGATIVE IMPACT On Their Lives... !?!
One Has To Wonder WHY...... ???
Are They CRAZY...
Or Maybe Just Maybe... ???
They’re Mentally LAZY...
And Physically TOO... !!!
To STILL Hold Views...
That Politicians USE... !!!
AWAY From... The TRUTH... !!!!!
That Their Politics...
Only Serves... “The Few“... !!!
Yup They And Their Friends...  
At The Masses EXPENSE... !!!
Cos’ Political Figures...
Are Basically TRICKSTERS...
Like Builders Whose Fixtures...
Fall Apart With QUICKNESS... !!!
So Let Me Now END This... !!!
By Saying Politicians... !!!
Are The Ones Who Spread SICKNESS... !!!
Because of Their Business...
That Deals in CORRUPTION...
And SEPARATIST Functions...
That DEFINE How LOW...
They’re Willing To Go... !!!!!!
To Retain CONTROL...
of What They Enlist...
That We NEED To DISMISS....... !!!

Which Is Simply... THIS...
... “ The Politics Of Things “... !!!!!

— The End —