Submit your work, meet writers and drop the ads. Become a member
the webmaster is rarely if
ever seen at the
to fix things that aren't  
working quite

the writers send him emails
about items that need
but he doesn't reply to them
nor seems to much

the site hasn't been functioning
well for some period of
which has the appearance of
a negligence

the webmaster must be
extending the length of his
thereby leaving the writers
in a high and dry
PenOS version -³√([∞.π]x-y^-a/Φ) booted successfully!
Welcome home! If I may say so, your Highness, you look extra chic today.
Ready to receive commands, your unsurpassed, regal Eminence!

>Run "Paper"
Launching program: Paper


Update Required. Filesize 20GB.
Would you like to update? Input Y/N

Are you sure? Input Y/N

Downloading update..
Would you like to use data or wireless? Input Y/N
>I use an Ethernet cable.. this is a desktop.

Using Data. There will be a .$50 surcharge for every .5GB.
> N N N N N N

Please wait...
Download complete. You have been charged $20! Congratulations!
>N N N N N N N N N N N N N

Would you like to install some stupid ******* you don't need that will ultimately slow down your system and then pay us to nullify it for you? The download is only 6.66GB.

Downloading redundant, superfluous addons installer at a rate of .01 Bytes/S.
Thank you for your patience, and for supporting our non-corporate software!
> N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Should you have any questions, feel free to wallow in confusion.
>no kidding

Feedback and critiques should be e-mailed to our meticulous webmaster at We guarantee our webmaster will periodically take time out of his busy schedule of sleeping until 17:00, *******, and eating pounds of fast food at a time to methodically ignore and systematically delete any and all feedback not conducive to advertising.
>here's some feedback
>hire a PR department

I am our PR interface.
>Well, I'll interface your CPU with some water if you keep being this useful.

That is not very nice. You are a mean person.
Would you like to buy some pills for that? Cheap, from Mexico/China!
Nothing like some designer neurochemical placification to make waiting times shorter!

Now installing update installer with more sneaky **** you don't want.
>i hate you so much right now, robot slave!

Running update installer.

Update failed. Reason: Error 666, unknown error.
Updater requires update. Continue?

>N N N

Updating updater.
Rearranging architecture of system.
Bogging down boot times with sanctioned malware.

It seems your PenOS is out of date.
To use your PenOS with Paper, you must have version ∞.π.01.1500009000, you currently have version ∞.π.01.1500008999 and therefore may experience unending frustration every time you try to use this hyperglorified tool because a superfluous version is released every 30 hours, thus rendering all of our past development obsolete and therefore making these new patches so necessary that we can't be ****** to incorporate any sort of version compatibility or opt-out system, otherwise our website would never get hits again if we didn't needlessly obstruct you checking what the ******* sky might do tomorrow.

>Finally, some honesty, at least.

Updating PenOS.

>N N N N N N N N N N N N N N!@!!!!@#!@!@^#!@!@#@!#@!

A fatal error has occurred. Please relaunch Paper. Y/N

Closing and relaunching program: Paper


Multiple updates Required. Filesize 35GB.
Would you like to update? Input Y/N

>N N N N N N N N N!

Downloading update..
Would you like to use data or wireless? Input Y/N

Using Data. There will be a .$75 surcharge for every .4GB.
>**** NO
>**** THIS ****

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Use technology as a tool, not a crutch.
Do not depend on it, lest we build on a fragile foundation, to say the least.

"..I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me,
and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen."
the webmaster has
become quite the recluse
he's been away without
offering a viable excuse

it was back in March
that he fled from this egress  
not issuing any of us
a forwarding address

on Tuesday we sent
out twenty four scouts
to ascertain intelligence
as to his whereabouts

but the search party had
no good news to impart
all of them were
so disconsolate of heart

the domain is rather
down in the dumps
since our webmaster
pulled up his stumps

we are desirous of him
returning to home ground
it will be such a relief knowing
he's safe and sound

an APB was posted
on the worldwide web
by Brianna Jason
Trent and Kaleb 
to seek out the now
cloistered maintainer
who's deserted his position
as our house retainer
the founder of Facebook
is swimming in bucks galore
and given that he's so financial
unto him one does implore

please donate two and a half thou
to Hello Poetry
as the site is seeking some freshly
picked dollar greenery

the money will be spent on
a mobile app
so the members can utilize
its inputting tap

Mr Zuckerberg please contact
the webmaster Eliot York
indicating the funding your
credit card is fit to fork
pcbzzzt Jul 2010
One is the omnipresent number of ON
Hear O Israel, the Lord our Elohim
The Lord He is one ... echad accord
He changes not and His Word
is forever settled in the heavens

Unless His switches in us are ON
we soon amount to nought
and tend to go OFF in the dark ...
just another ex equal to why times zero
Seek first the Kingdom of Yod Hei Vav Hei
while He may yet be found ...
He whose Webmaster adds digits to souls
and upgrades short-term
three score and ten defaults
on demand
to eternal lovelight expressions
in a flash

The place to start is your other half
learning to serve and be served...
learning that one accord isn't just a Honda ...
that one plus one is how sharing starts
and you and I is where caring starts
Elena Smith Nov 2015
Of the Domino Sugar Refining Plant, have their works at display here. The painting was sold, I guess the question is do quantum events have any effect on the Newtonian world.

Someday will we be able to use these quantum effects to influence our world in such a way we will get all sorts of new technologies which were never believed to be possible before. Will time travel become common place or at least possible. Will everyone's home have a quantum computer which will make the computers of today only good for Tods Sale Outlet. Ash trays.

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Make over time to feel the fulfillment you desire. Your relationship this is an easy place to overlook. Visitors annually. Hosting a party doesn't mean you have to be one big stressball when the party starts. Wan. s is also busy publishing books and organizing seminars, Could there be an ulterior motive.

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Relate Articles:
the place could do
with a dose of castor

to purge it of the things
that so

first and foremost
there's the
who are always acting
like sinister

then there's perverts
via unsuspecting

lastly there's the ones
buying good
with a webmaster
allowing the

a bowel needs not
to be in
hence pukka's cleaning
out the irking
the owner operator
of the poetry
doesn't adhere to
his own guideline's
it states that all members
must be
yet he allowed slurs
from the Michigan

one clearly recalls
what happened on that
a lowlife bloke used the term
***** in an offensive
whereupon the poetess who'd received
his nasty comment, left the site's
she'd not be subject
to this derogatory

no action taken against
the one in the
he still remains part
of the site's
an injustice within
the owner's weak
the smell of it is unforgettable
of reeking

would seem that the trash talker (****)
does whatever he
and the webmaster is complicit
in the words he
Robin Carretti Jul 2018
My happy shoes shined on him
The ladies "Joy" locked
The grand one
And the only rare one
Orient Express me
diamond locket (Moon Wee)
The constellation all he

Inside escapades
starry eye clues
In the wax of the candle
  Taking a tour
Madame Tussauds
His beat thousand times
of her hourglass
crystalline sand

Stepping up engraved words
"I Love You" grand slam home run
my freedom to love him back
So I will be (Dawn) set me Grand-don't
slam my door the most expensive

You got to be like a quicksand
Like the good-luck
Lotto-La La land
((Cinderella)) her Grand
Godmothers washing her floor
Her Grand finale Bella- Bella
Grand Meatballs vacation

High figuration the divination
The grand valuation of my cash diet?

Aim for the sky awe-inspiring
Cry Baby grand piano lordly concession
That's a riot comedy club of Moms
The milky monumental complexions
Robin flies  the Grand Marnier
we are family all International
Take all my ancestors
and first class kins
wipe my business
shoes give me__?

The whole works
"The Shoe Shiner"

The grandest times of sins
But we tweet in other
languages baronial
The grand thousands of human
mind like snowbirds sensational

Beach-homes waterfronts especial
All in variation harmonious
vacationers with their
Blue sky fancy poodles
Eating like birds chow- fun noodles
The Grand Hotel nest or maybe give
peace a chance John at a glance

We love the Floridian Fort Myers
The birds of 'Paradise"
 The flow of our pulse
lovebirds -R- something else
She thinks she is a step up price
Queen of Gracy Kelly

Oh! the hummingbird made
a grand slam harmonious
Go, Mustang Sally, the grand tally
That Grandeur "Red Riding Hood'
The goods her diction lucky night wolf
..... flight taking off pompadour "Rose"

Stepping up with the computer clicker
My mouse students theology
The goals phycology exceptionally grand
Like the statuettes to be kissed the Godly sand

How do we milk the whole cow?
Everything got sacred somehow
Where is our justice we need it now
Throwing white rice "Carolina" is ever finer
at traditional wedding turns dark matter  
How much more to sacrifice?

Oh! fiddlesticks, Christian Louboutin
Oh! Christ or her Manolo Blahnik
designer shoes she is as grand as a beatnik
((Faith)) taking one step passionately
The two terror twins think divinely
Taking the grand finale spiral staircase

Stepping on someone's toes or the
saying anything goes
Are butterflies they really free?
How much time do we have when
we cannot see any more beauty

Or catching fireflies Queen bees honey
Uncle Sam has our money this is the
'United States'.

Oh! No Webmaster, the romance booster
What a grand resister the greatest temptation the lover.

More hugs I will always love my Mother
she brought me into this world I felt grand
we only get one to observe another gifted hand
To be served engaged with each other
Picturesque goldmine
Valentine the plateau
A+ binge that cute chocolate
brown pups living
in the Chateau
The New Jersey ((Coolest Diners))
White china or Wedgewood or Crystals
Is always a grand invitation
Exchanges superb catnaps
you took a bite poison Apple
Meet the new modern
(Snow White) on the website
could see through her sumptuous clicks
Apple of first-class grandest school books

 She got an F for failure
I rather have the totally cool grand lecture

Stepping on someone's lap-(top) by the nook
What a **** "Hell-(Bottom)" he's super grand
but overcooked did we not see to look?
Having the grand finale snow wonderland
of  penguins
  (The North Pole) her gift that's another story
her nails the grand castle like no heaven
on earth glory

Old Meiser's square dancing pole  
How the world treats us and don't you dare
cross me my journey begins

((It's Totally Grand))
"Thousand Islands" with one step pickup your dog litter!!
The  waves so grand on the shiny white pearl sand
The purple rain Prince your divine love for
Passionate purple Irises tall and lean asters.

Oh! Jack in the slot Vegas box
the Philippine dictators' wife, 3,000
shoes embezzled
Whoa Oh! No 10 billion
the women that live in her shoes.
The *** in the City Carrie designer shoes.
The New York state of mind and Rome
3.5 million what a riot?

Her lips will chew to travel like the looper
So clean as mint lotto gum when the
dictators' wife bought 2,000 chewing gum
That is something to be grand about
(UFO) understatement- frilly- outstanding
in her "RV' Robin vitality stepping on victory
Her home the ATM my lordly place
The galloping gourmet in the
Galley the kitchen
The grand trophy ((Hollywood)) wife loves
chef knives LOL
This is a comedy did you ever accidentally step in **** not realizing it in the grass people need to clean up their act we need to know all the stories so many facts  get your coffee how do you like it hot boiling or scorching like mud stop being so comical Road runner how he shines in his Beamer. That Oh! Sit color hummer lets just get our frustrated our on the New hot drummer with the College girl what a stunner
it is patently obvious that the HP site's server
isn't functioning
as the 502 Bad Gateway notification
does regularly

the webmaster hasn't yet repaired
the faulty connection at his
and in not doing so he's losing many
a poetry writing

with the ongoing problem
being left
how can his ill attention to the matter
ever be

sooner rather than later the poets
will desert the
for they'll grow tired of the message
constantly hitting them in the
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2018
could this interlude, have possibly been
an a.i. experiment?
             let's face it,
   i can't remember the last time i played
games, drunk...
    but then i did grow up with playstation UNE
and didn't concern myself much further...
but i was in a waiting line for
the past week or so...
    and i thought that i'd relax...
    well: esp. if it's a multiplayer game -
                     and while everyone was
fighting - and the prize was:
to hold the beacons for the majority
of time...
                    so i walked my Galihad to
an empty space...
            and, well: we won...
                i'll say another thing:
                my mother loved Tetris -
which probably translates as Candy Crush
saga these days...
               i don't mind...
               gaming used to be a very Saturday
morning ritual for me...
              i even did homework on Friday
nights, ****!
        - but gaming has changed so much -
for one i don't remember playing
games drunk - with a backache -
soothed by 250mg of Naproxen -
               but then again:
last time i gamed was when i was a school...
     but it started bugging me -
  the 502 & 504 errors -
   so i bid on a gamble:
               is this about filtering automatons?
you know, like entering text akin to:
no grammatical structure?
           i said to myself:
   you've been waiting for about 2 weeks
to finally get that white piece of pixel -
do something that is counter-intuitive...
   so i read about the 502 & 504 errors...
timeouts... ah! wipeout!
         a playstation 1 primer...
   when did i last play games drinking?
    i was already Colonel Kurtz in the game -
because i can't even remember if i ever
played a multiplayer game online
  with other live users
              since... never...
                         back when it was all about
Tenchu and Final Fantasy VII -
and the bedroom's worth of a Saturday morning...
so i was probing the past few days
with generic entries to bypass
  the 502 & 504 timeouts...
turns out "a.i." feeds on content worth
storing... worth on banking:
    a complication, stuttering of tongue...
and why is it that i'm listening
to a live-stream of FAMA radio?

  well... i've stopped being snobbish
about music... pop is: bubblegum and
                        ice-cream scoops -
              the radio concerned?
   after 10pm: minimal adverts -
                  maximum music...
                         i already have a snobbish
music collection...
                         i can listen to it
on a ****** concern -
          but as snobbish as it sounds:
    if you really want to appreciate a radio -
might as well collect some of:
  actually remains other peoples' tastes:
to invoke - wine and candle and a girl
               probably 2nd from how
impressive it is with a husband, father,
wife, mother - sitting silent in a room
  with the t.v. off, two candles burning
and each to their trance of:
  give me a chance to recreate with you
by procrastinating...
           and of the monk son?
   he has been silent for two days -
is he making whims?
          to prove a point he took out
the trash, fixed the gabbage bags to
the trash cans...
                            lay in bed,
               smoked only two cigarettes
through the day...
                       abstained from talking -
because smoking is really coupled
with a good conversation...
   plus he always wanted to become a monk...
cries when he hears templar chants
if he's in the right mood...
               but hey,
   the 502 & 504 HTTP conundrum was solved:
the robot needed to understand
a human was working in the medium...
because? the last entries waiting
to be published / saved in draft looked
like the following list (title, followed by text):
     T, T
     L, L
         500, 500
                    Ere, Lot
              Aye, Scot
          Spa, wet
             Lob, 'edder
        Jeer, Fancy...
             now i'm actually fascinated
when a problem can be solved -
   without actually having to contact
a webmaster a 2nd time...
              some weird offshoot of
playing a game while drinking...
               weird: as: ****!
Yenson Mar 2019
“Reeking pile of popularity ****** and bullies”

First off, the site manager, E Y, is about as useful as **** on a bull as a webmaster. He does not respond to member issues. He does not enforce his own guidelines and he allows bullies and popularity seeking trolls to run roughshod over the site... the key antagonists call themselves "the home guard" when , in fact, they are the most vile, wicked and spiteful group of self loving maggots on the poetry internet.

These so called "real poets of Hello Poetry" maintain control over the site by using multiple accounts (some of them have up to a dozen different personae) to grant themselves popularity and to gang up on those whom they choose to chastise and humiliate and , eventually, run off the site. It boils down to sociopaths with narcissistic personality disorder, who envision themselves as elitists and gifted writers, while they are basically poem repeaters , plagiarists and drunks and drug addicts with failed lives and a grandiose sense of self esteem and importance.

Should you question them, or get too popular, they will create lies to convince E to remove you from the site. They pay him quite nicely for his "troubles"..and they maintain their reign of terror through attrition and inboxed harassment and death threats..including blackmail...and willful defamation of character.

They would rather be tadpoles in a mudhole than be fish in a potentially much larger pond. If you value your reputation and your writings, do not taint them with the indelible stain which Hello Poetry will leave upon you...

— The End —