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A Watoot Apr 2015
She once said,
"I'm made of steel."
"I never get tired."
"I never cry."

But she did.
She got hurt, bent, and burned.

She stood up
Once again
This time, with a smile.

Because to tell you the truth
I'm made of diamond.
Your words are heard throughout my changing mind
Saturating every part of my senses
Profusely renouncing all of my kind affections
Can you not see me building my shield of defenses

Your exasperation with life itself crushes my resolve
To see this world with you in a better light
As you seem to distrust each one who crosses your path
When I know each dog I see does not bite

All your subtle insinuations, unbendable points of view
Places a shadow on the light here in my heart
Yet, I will not permit you to ever steal my joy
Even if from your presence, I must forever part

I have always been in awe of your judgment and your wisdom
Deeply respected your opinion as your own
However, I will not be forced to think and act as you do
So for now, I will leave you alone
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Erin Dickerson Sep 2011
So funny how the reveal sometimes ends in surprise
When I, my leaning shadow, had everything to do
With the embarrassment of heart to another.
Soft edges have hardened, finally to their gain.
But the waiting now begins, for me, this selfish being.
The light part consumes and ignores the unbendable,
Insisting me to leave you free of my disconnection.
Possibly the good of me, or the evil has masked
My deepest seeds with hibernating greed and animosity.
All the fight left in me shudders deep into the
Midpoint of my body in fear of the reject I’ve past received.
But the aura of my chest says things will turn much differently
To beauty if I let it flow, for it won’t stop until I’ve cradled inner peace.
JMarcoM Jul 2018
I thought he is the one
Words sharp as swords
Unbendable like steel
For he has no fear
Ready to die and ****
Yet he has forsake
His intent is to deceit
The truth is revealed
His words are dull
His promises empty
Killing not the enemies
But ravaging the needy
In dark corners you see
The poison continues
He said he’d chain them
Yet the beasts were set free
Joseph Martinez Jan 2011
Experimental words used in secret societies by kids whose faces come sweeping in like electric-neon firelight, all aglow with the hard sheen of imperfection, flawed souls and humor

humor of the eyes and lips
humor of movements and behavior
humor of inherited traits

Mindful declarations of impartial feelings
reflecting deep, subterranean pools

Which may not exist-may only be self-perception

Who can tell? Where is truth?

Must it come through the reducing valve in increments or flooding through the forehead, unstable and insane

Certainly not in here, the realm of language and symbolic computer reality-building & the evolution of empty space

Taking headforms & nameless expanses
-from which galaxies of what in the corners of all looks right

Practices of the unknown, unthought
-bending the unbendable, pushing further on the boundless, frozen horizon
Joseph M. 01/20/11
Martin G Blake Oct 2012
Time consuming life
Pain of life's consumption
Soul of past pain
Dang... How it went out with a bang
The slender lady sang sweet melodies
Of infidelities to get past the rain
Me I mean...
He or rather...
We moreover...
Three came to be, one.

Mind if I take time to tell...
No, better yet enlighten you
Of this unbendable, inevitable, unmistakable truth?
No matter how hard you try
Emotions only go as far as you are willing to fly
One way roads to dead ends and old foes
Green lights to nowhere but fake feelings and new acquaintances
When do you decide enough is enough?
When it gets tough and impossible,
Or when the lies seem as though they are going to eat you alive
Why try?
Cross your heart, hope to die...

Sea full of bitterness and unnerving endings to the story
Body battered and bruised
From the battle on the mountain top
Lost to the ones that don't really matter
In fact her and her masters
Can *******,
Those *******
As they torture and harass her
She said save it
I'm past em'
As in he...
Rather me...
Dang, what a bang
She shot me down while she sang
As I bled out in pain.
Mind, Body and Soul;
She chose my conscience to  blame.
About a girl that didn't understand her partner's feelings when her's were all that mattered.
susan Nov 2017
i've forgotten
what a comforting hug
feels like

my arms are like soldiers
even the slightest

a hardness
encircles me




i can't remember

i'm confused
when kindness is offered

this world
my world
has brought me to this place

and the fight in me
has fizzled.
Guide her. However, expect that she will consider your advice apathetically—it's an inescapable affair. She will think that she has it all figured out and you're not one to lecture her on this matter. And then, only then when her heart is cut into ribbons will she realize that your voice was sound, only then, will she come to you for insight. That is, if she's even brave enough to talk to you about it. Be vigilant, instill sound teaching, unbendable values, and pray that our Holiness will escort her to the right man.
Andrew Jun 2019
I have pine
growing inside of me.
Strong and thick and
but not unbendable–
and able to be shaped.

There have been fires
inside of me as well—
burning away the old
beliefs and scars,
and shaping me once again
into something new.

From the tiniest of sprouts—
from sapling, to mighty
young fir, and old wise
redwood; I will grow
peace and endurance
and strength and hope.

- A. I. Myles     26 May, 2019
Everyone grows and changes from day to day. Thanks for reading my poem!
Dave Williams Jan 2016
we all have it
i am me and you are it
what it is that i know is for you to find out
if i work really hard and get good at it it'll earn me a living
but if everyone knew what everyone else knows
there'd be nothing to sell
and nothing to buy
nothing to share
and nothing to hide
nothing to tell
and nothing to write
nothing to fear
and nothing to hate
nothing to look forward to
and nothing to be proud of

but if i manage to keep that ace up my sleeve
that influences time or even technology
that makes the unbendable sceptics believe
that notable pattern in astrology

what i see is mine because i saw it first
and i saw it explode with a perfunctory burst
it might make no sense whatsoever
but that isn't going to last forever

because if you knew what i knew i wouldn't be me
or have we forgotten what it means to be free
or have we given in to our own charity
or would we oblige to that old blasphemy
that says even sinners deserve sanctuary
or is altruism a strange alchemy
or a studious drive to epistemology
or a political divide over ideology
that critically questions theology

we need to keep secrets because that's who we are
but we also need to be fair
to the selfish and greedy, beware
Bob B Feb 2022

What stands out as your element?
Do you shine and inspire?
Do you radiate confidence?
If so, you're probably FIRE.

Then you'll show initiative,
Enthusiasm, and strength.
You'll be fearless, blunt, and outgoing,
Encouraging others at length.

You might be impatient at times,
And maybe you like to lead.
Others might find it difficult
To keep up with your speed.


Or maybe AIR is more your thing,
In which case you will find
A rational objectivity
Brings order to your mind.

Curious about the world,
You'll crave for understanding.
Being allowed to express yourself
Will never be too demanding.

Relationships are important to you,
And so is sociability.
Loving concepts and principles, you'll
Demonstrate mental agility.


Perhaps WATER defines you more.
Reflection will be the balm
Protecting you from outer chaos
And giving you inner calm.

You'll tend to trust your intuition,
And empathy will guide you.
Your sensitive nature will like the comfort
That secrecy can provide you.

Being involved emotionally
With others is a must.
Your compassionate heart will give you
Advice on whom to trust.


And then there's EARTH. If that's you,
Your patience will be key.
Caution makes you always want
To seek a guarantee.

Extremely practical in nature,
Stable and dependable,
You might sometimes go too far
And then become unbendable.

Attuned to much of the physical world
With heightened physical senses,
Your self-discipline and grit
Have fruitful consequences.


What is your dominant element,
Which you should make your friend--
Or are you a marvelous blend?

-by Bob B (2-3-22)
Immeasurable maturation profoundly
transformed thy Shana Punim
within whose corporeal femininity
gravitas resonates and doth hum
whose unbelievable transition, now
follows the beat of her own drum

approximately four years ago,
thee second and youngest born
daughter didst squawk and crow
aforementioned fledging eagerly,
instinctively, and naturally clamoring ergo
summoning unbendable biological

propensity to grow
which, she recognized
to this papa, a regular Joe
who realized, he did not know,
the painful necessity Brexiting

"FAKE" moors whar
family cows did low
aforementioned hyperbolic fabrication,
albeit this poe
whit did cavalierly usurp license to show,

(within the third eye blind mind's)
pace of autonomy a father cannot slow
as call of the wild for kinder
(progeny) chomps at figurative bit lest...
regret (like this papa), she will

like an albatross around her neck,
thus our twittering youngest
offspring experienced beck,
and call (declaration) of independence
from being shielded
(more so sunken) within dreck,
an abysmal living situation

(with me and the missus),
whose own respective impetus
to get away from hen peck
king parents, which crimped,
cost, and castrated, or effect
similar stunted growth on mine
body, mind and spirit thereof

until ultimatums got hurled at me
extremely unpleasant twee
mend us vitriolic bile lashed out hee
ping loathsome spittle at this free

****** sole Harris son, who overstayed,
and wore out welcome Matt, now re
vile ling forsaken opportunities
forever leaving my mental, psychological
social, et cetera state to atrophy!
Erin Dickerson Sep 2011
So funny how the reveal sometimes ends in surprise
When I, my leaning shadow, had everything to do
With the embarrassment of heart to another.
Soft edges have hardened, finally to their gain.
But the waiting now begins, for me, this selfish being.
The light part consumes and ignores the unbendable,
Insisting me to leave you free of my disconnection.
Possibly the good of me, or the evil has masked
My deepest seeds with hibernating greed and animosity.
All the fight left in me shudders deep into the
Midpoint of my body in fear of the reject I’ve past received.
But the aura of my chest says things will turn much differently
To beauty if I let it flow, for it won’t stop until I’ve cradled inner peace.
Travis Green Sep 2022
Your great glowing machoness is
The freshest, gratifying delight
That provides fuel to my heart and soul
That revs up my engine
To travel the magical splashy paths
Of aesthetically pleasing paradise
To your bright, striking sight

Allow your divineness to enliven  me
To activate my gayness
Give me unbound and sound power
Allow me to devour your empire for hours on end
Detain your amazing amorous flame
And brilliant, iridescent game
Press my caressers against your deliciously
Ripped and bewitching chest

Let your action-packed rareness finesse my expanse
Smell your tantalizingly exhilarating fragrance
Wafting in the breezy breathable air
So impossibly indomitable
So mandorable and absorbable allure
Your explosive and potent flex is
So adventurous and unbendable

Intensely ardent and showstopping
Fraught with undoubtedly flawless logic
Your softness sends me
Into glorious transports of enjoyment
Makes me soar higher
Into your towering desirable galaxy
Bursting with incredible expressive passion

— The End —