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Big Virge Oct 2014
So, what is it ... with ... ???  
who think they're slick ...  
but ... act the fool ... !!!  
Well, here's my view  
your moves are crude  
as well as ... lewd ...  
In fact I ... Think ... ?  
it's fair to say ...  
you're the, "Weakest Link" ...  
in a ... Paper Chain ... !!!  
Making claims ... and ...  
Calling names ...  
as if your words ...  
are well observed  
when ... clearly YOU ...  
are living proof ...  
that fools refuse to ...  
face the ... TRUTH ... !?!  
Instead they choose  
to hurl ... abuse ...  
when those not dumb ...  
start to ... "Question" ... ???  
Moves they make  
that prove they're fake ....  
They make false claims  
without a case ... ?  
which is a mistake ...  
they should not make ...  
So ... why is it ... ???  
that they resist ...  
things that they ...  
should choose to ...  
...... " Enlist " ....... !?!  
Like .......................  
Knowing when  
they should accept  
that their nonsense has .....  
.... " No Defence " ......  
When a man presents  
Good Common Sense  
they should reject  
BiggING UP ... their chests  
under false pretense ...  
and making threats  
to make things tense ...  
Because ... in the end  
when they reflect  
at home alone ...  
things they have said  
will fill their heads  
with thoughts of stress  
they can't deflect ... !!!  
But many I guess ... ?  
will still deny  
to face the lies  
inside their mind  
Lying to yourself ...  
proves you need help ... !!!!!  
People Like You ....  
have got ... "ISSUES" ... !!!!!  
I've got some toooo ... !!!  
Believe, that's true ...  
but ... not the type  
that insights fights  
inside my mind  
or .... otherwise ....  
I deal with mine ...  
every time I write  
about termites ...  
of the Human Kind ... !!!!!!  
Oh & face to face ...  
I'm just the same ...  
I choose to engage ...  
rather than show rage ...  
Engage with brains  
that can relate  
and ... conversate ...  
on ... "Higher Planes" ...  
Do you get what i'm saying ...?  
If your answer is ... NO ...  
What you are displaying ...  
is ... " Ignorance " ... bro ....  
People Like You ...  
accept the road ...  
to the "Dark Hado" ... !!!  
A road that goes ...  
to down below ...  
where darkness GroWS ...  
from ... "Devilish Roots" ...  
PEOPLE LIKE YOU ... !!!!!  
PEOPLE ... like you ... !!!!!  
Can anyone school ...?  
People ... like you ...  
Well, my answer is no ...  
and that's no joke ... !!!  
but ... at the end of the day ...  
I guess many would say ...  
that they have to live Tooooo ... !!!!!!!  
cos that's just the way ....  
of .........  
"People Like You"  
Those with no manners  
and NO ... Common Sense ...  
The type ... Dr. Banners ...  
Hulk Up ... to Distress ...!!!  
and ... bring war like Thor ... !!!  
with Hammers for heads ... !!!  
Yes ... Heads like YOURS ... !!!!  
A shark with no jaws ... !!!!!!  
As usual ... your flaws ...  
will bring your downfall ...  
See ... it's people like you  
who end up on all fours ...  
spread out ... like a ***** ...  
because of ... abuse ...  
that they choose to use ...  
Now ... I'm NOT about that ...  
but like Terminators ...  
Believe ... "I'll be back !!!" ...  
if you play the Hater ...  
when i'm chatting ... Facts ...  
See it's people like you ...  
I'm talking about ...  
Those who exude ...  
what comes out down south  
usually when ...  
They Open their mouths ...  
Eeeeuuuwww .... !!!!!!!!!!!  
It's people like YOU son ...  
People ... like ... YOU ... !!!!!!  
What should man do huh ... ?  
with .......  
People ... Like ... You ... !?!?!?!
We all know one or two !!!
Ayeshah Apr 2020
I want to know why...

all I keep thinking about is how could you love me
so immensely;
so intensely;
so sensual;
so seductively;
so intimately
and yet all we are is

I want to know how can you touch me
to where my bones shake and my flesh craves you, so much so that I'd be happy to take ya last name!?

Why kiss me and put your soul into everything you do to me?

 Your spirits on a  rampage and it ran through my body like a tornado mixed with a rumbling lustful hurricane!!

My eyes watch you and what your administrations , they see every thing and my silly fickled heart lurches forth as you enter in and out of me - pounding rhythmically like African drums as you make me ******;.  

while you're kissing me; ******* me - touching my very essence with your  fingers amongst other things.

 while you're all over me and yet all we are is friends!?

More than friends with benefits and I never offered that - so how'd we end up thusly hmmmm!?

I never offered to be a FWD
Because I know my heart's  toooo precious and my body and souls toooo delicate to attempt it,

I'd be defeated before we ever got this close & this far
yet here we are
Just the two of us - me and you.

You said let's take our time and see where things go, but as it's going -
it's flowing in a different way  that I've not expected- obviously with me as ya sacrificial lamb; spread out on a mouth watering platter .

Funny thing is I'm saying NO as  I allow you to lead me down your rabbit hole;  flipping me upside down in 69 positions  and then some

My tantric- karama sutra king.

You're causing havoc on my heart and my mind
you're sexually destroying my inner peace because you've got me  "a'****'ed"
yes there's a compromise to be had cuz my addiction for you differs from being

 I'll explain: my body wants you; my heart craves your inner beauty;  my Honeywell desire all that you give, but my mind&soul longs for a commitment!  
Can you understand & see there's a difference?

I'm speaking from my spirit.

You got me caught up, wrapped up in your swirling embrace.
You're suicide
heart break  
I can't get enough & won't let go.

The weight of your body's pressed against me - down on me as your muscles stand tight and taunt leavinf me breathless
And it feels so right like yo. you're home to me but we're just

The ways  you say my name has me delirious  and giddy.
I light up at the sound - everytime you moan it out, shivers go through me.

Ugh see that right there - that smile, don't do it.

I watch  how you touch every part of me, from
licking my toes ,
to kissing my lips,
from ******* on my fingers,
to moving my hips,
from dipping in and out
and out and in.

That's that **** that has me trapped & tripping all over THIS
friendship & myself
and I never want it to end.

Mmman oh man you really don't know, you be making me lose control of my senses& my ******* mind!!!

Tell me how?

Tell me why!?

Why would you do this to me?

Why would you allow yourself to open yourself up as you do and be so vulnerable with me;

beautifully so, I'm sure you know the effects you have on me;
it sends me to my knees .

Babe you're my walking waking dreamlike fantasies!

I'm worried,
even to think of all the possibilities!

Yo you quench all my desires and solidified my dreams.
You've made almost everyone of them come true .

My cups spilling  to overflowing with your loving
Sadly not your

why you holding me so tight
so intimately and we're hugging and held up in ya house
like this!?
it's unrealistic
it'll turn explosive,
my worrying heart
says for me to stop
everything you do is effective & messy
yet fun which tells me maybe
I should run and never look back but didn't I tell you I'm addicted ("a'dicked").

Yo ya got that  charismatic persona,

ya shy-boyish smile drive me wild.

You're skillful I'll give you that, but why you play so hard to get when we already have what we have!?

You stroke the core of me to my spirit with your own,

As you lay deep inside me and love me down in every possible way;  you spoiled me and tamed me while letting me spoil you. Yet we're just friends huh.
So much so that ya ravish my body and you let me wreck havoc in your senses and drink in your essence.

You and I play &  tease, tasting one another but you refuse to open up to me.

I **** myself up every time you're near.
Playing this love making game with our wicked deed.  

Tell me why do you explore me like a new  toy with your mischief curiosity concurring me like a new undiscovered land
hmm & we're just friends huh!?

You have this ability to see right through me to see to the heart of me
the parts I hide and ya say I'm reserved meant only for a specific person must be you huh.

And yet you hold yourself aloft, ya hold yourself off; you keep yourself at a distant where I find myself trying to reel you in; ya not giving too much and I wonder why is that!?

How can I get around that wall,
how can I climb that fence,
how can I penetrate that space-  a place where few others have been

I find it funny- sadistically so, yet  I find it downright obnoxious and wicked- that you do this to me and I have no one else to blame but myself because I can say no at any time and yet when you look at me with those beautiful hazel eyes I get weak;

I melt for you & melt into You!

I fall for you and I stumble-somehow you always catch me!


All I can do is ask you why?

Why do you
do this to me

I'm trying so hard not to put my feelings into it; but every touch;  
every stroke;
every kiss;
every hug;
every bite and evey delicious pounding  
spins me right round back to you.

Ya massive member fills me up and I take it all even when I believe I cannot.

look how good we fit
look how we mesh soul & flesh

I can't help it- this friendship is more than I've expected.

It seems you got me- naw I got me loosing control.

*** I don't know what to think or how to feel.

**** I'm loosing it,
I'm totally confused- is this Love or is this lust!?

All I need to know is Why.

*Why me?
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.®
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
  aas             th
    yyooou   rr
       hheeaart     tttt
i              c     a       h
s                r      s          i  n g
I  n  v aa  d ii n g
my  MIND
                                     my  s ssp pp paaa cce ee
Get oouuuuttt
              lls             over
       hi         t           ls th e
   h e              h      hil       h
T                        e            ills
and    OfFfFFffff
toooo         buurnn
       y           s   o     u    l
   m            s   o    u    l
               s   o   u     l     ...
How I feel right now. so Get Out
Delton Peele Nov 2023
Oo oo oooou
Here uhhh ah
Toooo oo a ooo
time to pay me whatcha owe me....
Don't act all surprised

Dropped a dime.....
Two tha tip toe
You Got ta to Go
Quick quick.....
Here come 5 0h
Out the window
Into the the shadows itsss.....
Run time .......
Big Virge Sep 2014
If you had a few seconds ...
What would you be ... " Expressing " ... ???

Your views about ... " Chicks " .....
and their ... " **** lil' bits " ... !?!?!

Or ... about being rich ...
and the things that brings ... ?

Well me ... I'd Prefer ...
to ... talk about ... The World ...
and worms that ... " Turn " ...
and YES ... Girls Toooo ... !!!!!!!
but ... Without being rude ...

I'd speak about ... views ...
I feel are ... TRUE ... !!! ...

and would ... try to school ...
our ... " Wayward Youth " ... !!!!!  

Like those who ... " Choose " ...
to ... Pick Up ... " Tools " ...
for .... " Violent Moves " .....
cos that's ... NOT COOL ... !!!!!

"YO, Put the tools DOWN !
before you're found,
in living rooms, on the
Six 'O' Clock News !"

Pick Up ... A PEN ... !!!
and ... " Use Your Head " ... !!!
to help .... " Uplift " ....
through ... TRUE LYRICS ... !!!!!

Try ... " Investing " ...
Your time in ... " EXPRESSING " ...
Your Views ... about life ...
and all it's ... " Lessons " ...

and you might find ...
Yourself ... SURPRISED ... !!!!!

by ... what you write ...

In ...................

" Just a few seconds !!! " ........
Was challenged to write something outside of my comfort zone, i.e. sumthin' short, well, here it is !!!
Felix Dreams Oct 2017
I'm crazy..
Yes it took me a long time to figure it out because I never asked for help.  Usually people confined into me, I tell them what they need to hear and "****" they back in full function mode.  Until one day, I realized it was me, me stuck inside my own head thinking everyone else was crazy, tis was me!!!  
My love is crazy..
So crazy that it seems toooo real to be true.  Ever kiss and touch can stroke my chords but disappear by a crazy thoughts.  Crazy thoughts that would make me believe that you wasn't in crazy love with me because I wasn't too sane for you but in all reality you believe in me.  I'm just too crazy to comprehend the obvious.
MY Problem
Asking for help when my posture  is screaming for a hug but denying ever one because my slight moment of happiness my be a for day to attack my parade.
I REALLY Jul 2019
Yazad Tafti Dec 2020
it hadn't been since aunt martha gave me the gift of a warm cinnamon  hinted hot chocolate on that brisk winter day, had I felt such warmth from a kind hearted soul...hands heated, warm ceramic reviving my icicle ******* (slow) blood flow

the cinnamon sparkle that gleamed and aromatized my gibbous eyes giving me a sense of acknowledgement
helping me to reach a state of full illumination
emit unprecedented light

such kindness and welcoming feelings
Wonka had encouraged me this way as I chewed my way through his half eaten golden ticket
a delightful treat but my taste buds hadn't treated it toooo delightfully

thank you for giving me your time and many thanks for permitting me to give you mine

the best part of my day is seeing you

and if i ever said i wasted it away....
out of the 7 billion people (1000 i really know)
                 i chose
                            to waste it away
                                                            ­  you.


citronella and sit down with me cinderella
***** whooooo ya babbbyyy
daryll smith May 2018
Roses are red and blood two,
I think of you and wish I blue.
An i think to my self...
What's wrong with the woooorld!

Treeees are grrrreeen and I envy you toooo!
You're a better person than me in everything that you dooo!!!
An I think to my self...
I want oooout of-fff
Thisss wooorld!!!!!

Laces blue and now I'm blue too.
I cant bear this voice and I do not want too.
An I think to myself.....
The only one who can change meeeeee meeeeee meeeeee
Is my-------self!!!!

Once upon on Day
Flash flash flash
It’s break and breaking news
One brid given brith to four little birds
Let’s take break and see the nuisance on  our news
After break and commercial break
Nuisance reporter sorry news reporter
Over and over toooo
Theory teller pre and pre
It’s hard to tell but my duty to say
The young brid given brith to four little birds and its died early age
Let’s move to break some of stuff on
Back to back ...!
On our nuisance channels
We have big to small and small to big debates..!
Don’t and or not change
Avoid and throughout your remote
Stay and constant on our channel
We want ratings and top ratings
You all are see the stuff of nonsense on our nuisance channels
We show celebrities hotness and privacy  life’s in piracy
Stay tune with as for more nuisance
Iam telling about have the news going to nuisance on channels
Gothboy Jan 2021
There's toooo many souls but yours are more precious.
Nellie 55 Oct 2023
She hinted I took it toooo far, but I was just sipping beer and whiskey at my favorite bar. Might of pregamed too much, love and flirts is just far enough. I'm built tough, but my desires were more than enough. I played too much at a bar, I really hope I didn't take things too far.  A reset and restart. I'm a take safety courses for my and others heart. Pray and hope I don't break or go too far. Limits needed to be reached, but I was vibing and cruising past the recommended speed. I'm a learn how to take it easy, I should of known better. My sincere apologies I hope to make peace or at least make things better.
That foot
goes over there
Arm tilted here
Chin up, square up

Pounce, bounce
Swish, swoosh
Feet squeaks against the greasy floor

The ball drips with sweat
jostle, muscled

arms tauter than string
or rope

she reaches, dances, jumps, SCORES

twenty-FIVE    toooo    sevenTEEN
blares, the ref, roars

citizens -1, netizens - none

— The End —