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Another rose in the cracks of the concrete
Stomped out, surrounded by the wrong feet
About six feet north is the heads of men without the proper appreciation,
Of it's beauty, of it's patience, luminescence and essence,

But I appreciate it. I admire it. Hurt that my appreciation isn't appreciated.

Stop your complaining, it's a flower you godforsaken retched **** up.
you see there are problems in the world, but having patrick dunbar and greame thornes

previous life pattern, in my buddha cycle, like having thoughts of going out feeling like kids were playing games

with you, first of all, they will plant all these rats and feral cats and angry dogs, attempting to attack you

at every turn, and also back then when my place was messy, there were rats and dogs just walking in my

parents laundry, and it made me have problems cleaning my house, and i wondered why we saw rats and feral cats

and my cat muscles was also turning feral and i wanted to calm him down, and i started having my hooligans visions

coming when i went out, when i saw kids laughing or screaming in a drain in wanniassa, and this made me feel bad

i told the messiah about it, and he hated it as well, thinking, someone put the kids down there, and then i heard my

mate patrick, say, i am not mucking with the crazy person, because i was getting his clean mind giving me all sorts of delusions

making me feel, he was poisoning my mind with all these delusions like, muscles is the dingo that killed azaria, you see

i was battling my delusions, ya know, having a hard time, with a mate who hated what rupert murdoch was doing to this world

and i was wanting foxtel, but i seriously couldn’t afford, because rupert murdoch had the prices go too high, and when i had

foxtel, i remember i was in dilusion land, ya know, thinking i was getting a private jet to fly to the USA, to volunteer at a major league baseball match

and another thing too, i felt i was given USA TV, because, my delusions were putting the AFL, on the sunday night, and there was

a USAFL match, on there as well, and, i was having a great time doing volunteer work on the street, at the footy, i loved that, and i did

volunteer work at vinnies, i liked that, and i liked playing santa claus too, but i don’t do that now, i picked up all this ******* outside kingsley’s

and i got honoured for that, and i helped cook the meals at the rainbow, i loved that, but nowadays they turned it into a course, and i liked the

idea of giving the mentally ill people a good meal, and i worked at the softball field, in the 2003 masters games, and i cleared tables as well

as other jobs to do around there, i also worked at the kanga cup soccer, but i hated the last day, when they made us do crowd control, not my forte

and because my house was messy, my parents just went mmmm mmmmmm mmmmm, and this drove me crazy, i don’t want to miss out on opportunities

just because my house is untidy, i tried and cleaned my house, the best as i could, but i was hearing voices, you must help here, you must help there

you must help everywhere, the men will talk to me, if i helped people, and i loved when a man said to to me, your doing a good job, mate, and i liked

when men said, keeping busy, mate, and when i said yes, they said good, good, and when i said hello to dad, dad just did a sigh old hi, saying, i was only

like him if i cleaned my house, and yes, i know it’s important to clean my house, so i have a cleaner come Monday mornings, but, i wish there were opportunities

out there, where i can show off my novels to important people, i don’t want any cats anymore, one reason, i can’t look after a cat very well, and i could see lots of

rats and mice in my flat, and i am scared of rats and mice, because of the disease factor, and animals to me, i find, could send me to the psych ward

i know cleaning my house is important, and getting rid of rodents, is a way to clean, you see, lately i say, i got to help the poor, every time i see a poor man

give him money, cause i am not a rich *****, and i am not, and i spend money to try and give me things, i like computers, i was using the computer as a place

to display all my previous life and current life anger, but dad looked at my stories, as not very nice, but i was expressing where my anger is coming from

i want to have novels written and ideas pushed over to television, now i don’t want a cat anymore, or a dog or a mouse or a rat, i prefer to keep myself from

buying any sort of animal, because every time i am asked to do something,like take care of a cat, i go crazy, and i get cranky, cause i haven’t got a perfect life

because my parents have twisted m thoughts around in my head, if i had someone to live with, or moved to another city, with the same services, i will feel good

about myself, because i would still get the cleaning done as well have carers and i need a job, i need a job, i want to show people how to write their problems out of them

i hate being treated like a girl from bay watch, getting kidnapped by old good mates because they fucken agree with parents ruling over their kids and i don’t

because i am going to get what i want and i am not aiming too high,my stories are good enough and even this story, please leave me alone, i want the perfect life

i crave the perfect life, and as long as i don’t buy a cat, i am fine
you see Steven Bradley and ronnie biggs are destroying the world at the moment

through tornadoes and shark attacks and heat waves and a fire storm in victoria which the

rain couldn’t stop, despite how it stopped, and then ronnie really was having a field day

with the big heat waves attacking the homes of many innocent people, you see Greame Thornes

current life Brian Allan, went to the great ocean road in 2012 and steven bradley used his power

to make every home destroyed, fortunately none of the people died but they are homeless and

that can be worst, well they might not be homeless, but still steven and Ronnie are having a field day

killing off the entire world, and the great ocean road was only the start, you see steven bradley and

Ronnie biggs were starting to make a tornado siege in Texas and demolishing homes forcing people

to be homeless, and then Stephen Bradley said, I have you i have you i have you,if we make the USA

bad, we can make Cronus suffer, and making cronus suffer was the main answer, and then the death

of Stevie Wright, which was made so he can get his hands on ronnie biggs and Stephen Bradley and force them

down but in hindsight, they he can’t stop them alone, and that is what he killed his body, but he had a great life

singing the party anthem called Friday on my mind and Evie let your hair hands down, well he wasn’t the only singer

who died on their way to battle the deadly tornado, you see Lemmy from the band Motorhead was getting sick of the tornadoes in the world

and sang a song to rid the tornadoes away from the after life, here it is

please please please i want the tornado gone

i don’t care how long it takes, it just ain’t welcome here

you see what the world doesn’t know what i know since my death

that all the old criminals down there in christiean hell

are causing problems oh yeah, i want to bring peace

and i want the devil to be calmed

my music was heavy but i ain’t as bad as the great

roninie Biggs and Stephen Bradley, they caused a lot of problems

please people of the earth, please take procautions

if you want to save your home and not want these satan criminals to win, well fine

but the police aren’t against you, please save yourselves

and don’t put the evil ronnie ‘Biggs and Stephen Bradley into the the police mans voices

because dudes it’s hard you see

I am not at all happy oh no not me

you see these criminals were evil, and that is not like my music

we need to calm these christians who think loud music is the work of the devil

i think i see Ted Bundy, and he is still killing despite being dead

and osama is having a field day making you guys hate muslims

dudes, all this isn’t easy to beat, like my mate Stevie Wright from a a band called the easy beats

we need to get together and stop these evil criminals,

because the only way if we can find eternal happiness is if we all worked together

please please please stop all the world, like heal the world and make it a better place

for me and Stevie and the entire human race, and micheal Jackson who sang that wonderful song

make this universe stronger for you and me, and i must tell you, stop evil stop evil

stop the evil spirits from terrorising our world, you see as i played my guitar really loud to hopefully calm Ronnie and Stephen down

I know it’s the weather, and i know it ain’t believable, but believe me, i wanted to die, to save the world from evil spirits

and this is causing a lot of problems with every member of the earth, and the earth can be destroyed if we don’t stop the evil

the way you stop the evil is get yourself fixed and think about your actions and get rid of the brian Allan word protectaselfer, ya know

all they care about is protecting themselves and not give a **** about anyone else and Stevie Wright sang

we are going to have fun on new years eve la la la la la la la la la

get with the girls who are so pretty la la la la la

and don’t get too drunk man it’s not real cool, it just takes the man out of you

and as we are getting close to new years eve, we are hoping that nothing known to man takes away the problems of nye

and Lemmy and Stevie wright get together to create the peace of this entire earth, and tara is starting to cause problems

with the earth, saying our future is going to be bad, when the world is too wrong for Tara

so Lemmy from Motorhead and Stevie Wright gathered together on Jupiter where Stephen Bradley and Ronnie Biggs are

to force the tornadoes to not cause too many problems, but bad guys are powerful up here, and the best thing to do is

just be yourself and protect each other on earth and enjoy themselves and stop the reign of evil which is happening in the cosmos
Jonnelle Jackson Dec 2015
In the head of a beautiful eclectic creature,
Tainted thoughts and black spots,
Disconnected synapses and brain damage.

Honey dew on my fingertips,
Mystical shores of her mind,
Twisted vines with thornes and puddles of water sinking me into her wonders.

Eternal life,
Wandering eyes,
Excusing my hands because they just wanna touch,
They just wanna feel.
Living on the edge of her cliff waiting to jump into the warm liquid that is her.

Tasting like water in its purest form,
It's contagious,
She's contagious to me.
I'm sick but her poison is the only cure,
The only elixir that will make me feel sober when I'm lifted,
Touching the sky that's in her eyes,
Don't mind me I'm high.

Smoke and music that's nothing new.
My addictive behavior has me enticed,
My sense are heightened,
I'm elated,
I'm faded,
Fading in and out of reality.

Won't let me be but I can't leave her alone,
Her presence is my home.
That scent is refreshing,
Like freshly cut grass,
Beautiful as stained glass,
It's immaculate to me.

When I was introduced to her,
She changed who I am,
Took over my life,
She's my wife,
I put her first even when she's wrong and I'm right.

She takes my money and my time,
Ages better than wine.
Purity in its most innocent form,
Safety and comfort in her arms.
Now without further ado,
Let me introduce you to,
My everything,
My main thang,
Mary Jane.
Riot Jul 2016
Dilusional baracades
I've said everything I've ever needed to say
But it doesn't seem to be enough to go around

rose thornes in our poisened heads
stitched together with needle and thread
we take our brains and dip them in lead
it smells just fine to me

Dimmed dreams and shiny things
we thing about the lies we used to feed
feed ourselves and our decorated bleeds
Nothing is right
Because once we all had fleed
It was nothing but dimmed dreams
and shiny things
Stu Harley Mar 2018
rose is born
same rose
made of
broken thorns
Stu Harley Jul 2013
where is the
white rose
who sit
upon the thrown
hide the truth
in her
black thornes
her hands are worn
thus tainted in
ash rose blood
Amanda Araujo Nov 2014
I am but a rose thrown at a scorned lover,
Left heartbroken in the middle of the street,
It's petals falling and stem breaking
And it's beautiful colour fading.

My petals can never be restored,
Most have been lost,
Carried by the whispers of the wind,
Like peace,
I know that I will never be able to experience such a feeling again

I have been;
Stepped on,
Spit on,
Sweeped to the side,
And picked up

But I know that;
Those who step on me, get the sharp pain of my thornes
Those who spit on me, have an internal envy of my beauty,
Those who sweep me, the wind carries me back to the same place,
And those who try to reconstruct me, fulfil themselves with an impossible task, but I know those are my true friends, my greatest treasure, and my brightest hope.
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2012
How well do you pay attention...
small details can tell you a lot about any thing...
Then what is your reaction?...
Do you still feel the same way about things..
or have you awaken to the truth...
Ugly aint it...
but they think their lies are beautiful fruits...
That hide thornes behind it...
take one and it ******...
take two and you bleed...
take three you must love tricks..
and four well whats the need...
See pay attention what they are doing to us...
Finding ways to make us weak...
Show there true face one day they must...
and then we'll all play hide and seek...

Civil war began with whispering souls seeking setisfaction.
The floor is paved with thornes,
in streets filled with thugs
taking drugs seeking setisfaction in the sky world.
their dreams are getting high.
Like space race, we target from range.
South Africa's political system scar the hell out of me sometimes, we turn to shift our focus from keeping thugs off the street to taking our leaders down.
Stu Harley Aug 2023
Thy heart wears a crown of thrones,
And yet thou art so humble,
So kind, and so gentle.

Thy heart is a treasure trove,
Full of love and compassion,
Of wisdom and understanding.

Thy heart is a beacon of light,
In a world of darkness,
A source of hope and inspiration.

Thou art a blessing to all who know thee,
And I am grateful to have thee in my life.

May thy heart always wear a crown of thrones,
And may thy light continue to shine brightly,
For all to see.
aviisevil Feb 2014
Hey you, keep looking but I won't say a word
For you , i'll open up and you can see all the hurt
Every scar , that runs down till the end corner of the world
And the gun-shot wound that killed the lonely bird
Not our fault but it will always be our mistake to keep
Hush now, pretty child you don't have to weep
Come now , its been a while and I know you want to sleep
Come here , lie on this bed of thornes and let it cut you deep
I always wondered but now I have no reason to dream
Because now I know nothing is as it seems
Walking out of close doors into different realms
Always afraid to wander where i've never been
You only touch me where my scars run the deepest
And now i'm even more afraid to hold your hands
I've been away for a while and I need to rest
I hope with every word that I don't say you will understand
Maybe silence will teach you what my words could not
May the preacher be truth and ever so wise
The ink will fade away in the end and the pages will rot
You can paint over the ugly parts will all your lies
Hey you , we've been talking from ages now
But I still don't know who you are or whats your name
Now you , all you need is to turn around
Face me and tell me every word of your pain
I need to know what makes us what we are
You've always been the one to listen to your heart
I need to know what makes us the same
You and me , we are a thousand miles apart
But I can still see you in every mirror on the wall
You can stand on all you want but you'll still fall
Into this nightmare that will strangle your thoughts
One bad seed and you will have to burn them all
I've been waiting and thats the only thing that I remember
It feels like i've been here with you forever
And I still don't know the colour of your eyes
Every word had always been spoken together
And now i have no clue what's there on your lips
Just smoke and haze that hides your face
I've forgotten the last time I saw through the mist
A song that plays over and over like a maze  
Hey you , can you still look out of the window
Can you still witness the world pass us by
Do you , still dream about the quiet meadow
I can see the the light slowly leaving your eyes
Will you too , leave me alone now that you're lost
Or will you , find me again when i'm about to leave
The time has decayed and now I know what you're not
I can see you more clearly and I know you're not me
Hey you, keep looking but I won't say a word
For you , i'll open up and you can see all the hurt
Every scar , that runs down till the end corner of the world
And the gun-shot wound that killed the lonely bird

Will hurt no-more.
Notes (optional)
I said in the face of the tyrant
what reminds us of a tyrant before him .
I said : " in the face of the tyrant what reminds us of a tyrant before him.
I said in the face of the tyrant " what remindes US of a tyrant before him ? "
don"t be afraid..say we are not  holding  rose flowers in our hands ..but deep woundes from the throne of thornes on his majesty's birth day .
not playing with words
The Sonne of God my shepheard is:
                I am
                His lambe.
I shall not want, for I am His.

He leadeth me to tender grasse
                Where I
                Do lie,
And where still waters gently passe.

He doth restore (and therein blesse)
                My soule,
                Makes whole
My finely shatter'd brokennesse.

My comfort is His staffe and rod:
                They prove
                The love
And mercy of the Sonne of God.

For His names sake, my shepheard leades
                His keepe
                Of sheepe
Through righteous wayes 'twixt thornes and weedes.  

Yea, though I walke through Deaths blacke vale
                Of shade,
I'm not, for Thou dost leade my trayle.  

Sith Thou art with me, Lord, no feare
                I'll have:
                I'll brave
Evil with ease and eke good cheare.

Thou dost prepare, amid my foes,
                My food:
I am, and my cuppe overflowes.

Thou dost with oyle anoint mine head,
                Dost poure
                It o'er
The living head that once was dead.

Surely goodnesse and mercy shall
                With me
                E'er be,
For Thou'rt my home and life and all.
the black rose Dec 2018
so confident in your incompetence.
embodying the most flawed,
form of existence
& you wear it so well like a second spine only fitting for you.
you are a perfect balance of
unyielding strength
& undefined weakness,
a mixture of beauty derived straight from the avengeful cosmos
& the
ugliness that settles the depth of the abyss.
you are clumsy &
you make a mess of everything you come in contact with
you are genuine in all of your oddness.
you make it clear that perfection is illusive,
holding your crown of thornes so proudly
that you make it easier to live.
Kara Jean Dec 2020
A demented hippie queen
The flowery thornes deeply wraps her torso,
she bleeds
She rubs it in the stained dress stepping so elegantly
Smirking at the roses nip
Sipping her tea nonchalantly,
The universe continuing to breathe
She knows the world is unforgiving
There is no return course
She rides her dark horse
The full moon guides her as she treads blindly,
hoping to find her a place to be free
SoVi Apr 2018
You were the light inside my eyes
Whispering to me throughout the night
Wanted a taste of you danger
But then I grew to hate you

Are you gonna stay the night?
Rather you just leave my sight
Rather you just leave my sight

I'll rather see you jump out right now
Hope you land on the rose bushes
Thornes all across your back
That's what you get when you
Decide that affections are to be sold

Are you gonna stay the night?
Are you gonna stay the night?

I rather just see you die.

© Sofia Villagrana 2018
Yogita singh Jul 2019
1) I know which to prefer
It will reflect well made of mind
I look at them and I see beauty
Not of body,of spritual that god made,
2)A dame sits on couch
Watching,waiting for something
Then her aunt visit
Discussing something privy,
3)Then me and comrade look at her
She were being nice towards us
As we ridicule,we muse that how will she for bruv
Then we converse,
4)confidant said,she is fine
Then she said,she looks clever,sinful
Then he enters and had same belief about her
Then I said,she may be has to be like this because of cruel world
We merely can't judge her,
5)Lack of wisdom,I conclude
Without brimful realization,they state her immoral
This little suffering,judgements,eagle eyes
Shattered me,I interrogate myself,
6)should i get angry, or should i feel pity for them
We should be the flower for everyone because there are people who are setting thornes for each other,
Be even kind to them who are unkind to you
Because they needed it most
Whether you're harsh outside, but be a flower inside.
7)Even when we write answer of a query it demands full anaylsis of that aspects,causes and then conclusion.
MissBah Dec 2019
The angry man pierces , pinches and pokes me every night.
Using thornes in his left hand and nails in his right .
That bitter man tortures me as i lie in my marital bed ,to put on my nightgown it is something that I dread .
This cruel man hurts me as I cry myself to sleep. it is in a bed of nails that I lie down and weep.
yv Feb 2019
Love brings happiness
It is warm and quite wonderful
Love gives a homely feeling
A belongingness, a place to be oneself.

When you're in deep enough
There's realization that love can hurt
Love becomes the reason for heartaches
It is harsh, and at times cruel.

The first experience of love...
Is pure, beautiful, and hopeful too.
Similar to when a flower blooms,
Giving off a sweet sweet scent.

You must not be reckless
Be cautious of its thornes.
For when the heart gets broken,
Comes second thoughts to love again.

But when in your heart
Comes love once more
Love without hesitation
Since all kinds of love are new
There's never the same love twice
Taylor Apr 2024
The roses look so pretty as they die
So she picked one up and squeezed it
She bled through
Her white satin gloves
She forgot how it felt
To have skin
That wasn’t bleeding

Days of
Became her

She spent her time
Swinging her legs
On the fence between
dying roses
and wet grass

She’ll say she was pushed
But really,
She jumped

Wrapped in the thornes,
As red turned to black
She hoped the sky was watching
She too
Looked so pretty

— The End —