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Emily Aug 2018
20 techs working all together
10 scientists reviewing all their work
2 techs gone for questionable behavior
3 techs lured away by lucrative positions
3 scientists went on to greener pastures
1 scientist promoted into management

Two-thirds the work force—extra work for all.
Management decrees that:
Worker shortages are not sufficient cause for revenue shortages or excess overtime.
Lunch breaks are mandatory and not to be worked through.
Invite all your friends to work here—isn’t it a wonderful environment?
Just think, we’re getting a new building in 3 years and will double in size.
All your woes will be solved then, if only you survive.
The age old question: is the grass greener elsewhere? Or is it that fewer sheep are grazing there?
Stephan Cotton May 2017
Another shift, another day, Another buck to spend or save
A million riders, maybe more, delivered to their office door
Or maybe warehouse maybe store.
Or church or shul or city school, right on time as a rule.

Clickety, clackety, clickety, clee,
I am New York, the City’s me
Come let me ride you on my knee
From Coney Isle to Pelham Bay
From Bronx to Queens eight times a day.

Ride my trains, New Yorkers do
And you’ll learn a thing or two
About the City up above, the one some hate, the one some love.
On the street they work like elves
Down below they’re just themselves.

Through summer’s heat they still submerge,
Tempers held (though always on the verge),
They push, they shove – just like above –
The crowds will jostle, then finally merge.

Downtown to work and then back to sleep
They travel just like farm-herded sheep.
In through this gate and out the other,
Give up a seat to a child and mother,
Just don’t sit too close to that unruly creep!

With these crowds huddled near
Just ride my trains with open ear,
There’s lots of tales for you to hear.

Dis stop is 86th Street, change for da numbah 4 and 5 trains.  Dis is a Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.   77th Street is next.  Watch out da closin dowahs.

     I’m Doctor Z, Doctor Z are me
     I’ll fix your face or the visit’s free.
     Plastic surgery, nips and tucks
     You’ll be looking like a million bucks.

     Looka those pitchas, ain’t they hot?
     You’ll look good, too, like as not!
     Just call my numbah, free of toll
     Why should you look like an ugly troll?

     You’ll be lookin good like a rapster
     Folks start stealing your tunes on Napster
     Guys’ll love ya, dig your face
     Why keep lookin like sucha disgrace?

     Call me up, you’re glad you did
     Ugly skin you’ll soon be rid.
     Amex, Visa, Mastercard,
     Payment plans that ain’t so hard.

     So don’t forget, pick up that phone
     Soon’s you get yourself back home.
     I’ll have you looking good, one, two three
     Or else my name ain’t Doctor Z.

Dis stop is 77th Street, 68th Street Huntah College is next. Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Watch out da closin dowahs.

     It was a limo, now it’s the train;
     Tomorrow’s sunshine, but now it’s rain.
     The market’s mine, for taking and giving
     It’s the way I earn my living.

     Today’s losses, last week’s gain.
     A day of pleasure, months of pain.
     We sold the puts and bought the calls;
     We loaded up on each and all.

     I’ve seen it all, from Fear to Greed,
     Good motivators, they are, both.
     The fundamentals I try to heed
     Run your gains and avoid big loss.

     Rates are down, I bought the banks
     For easy credit, they should give thanks.
     Goldman, Citi, even Chase
     Why are they still in their malaise?

     “The techs are drek,” I heard him say
     But bought more of them, anyway.
     I rode the bull, I’ll tame the bear
     I’ll scream and curse and pull my hair.

     So why continue though I’m such a ****?
     I’ll cut my loss if I find honest work.

Dis is 68th Street Huntah College, 59th Street is next. Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Watch out da closin dowahs.

     He rides the train from near to far,
     In and out of every car.
     “Batchries, batchries, tres por un dolar!”
     Some folks buy them, most do not,
     Are they stolen, are they hot?
     “Batchries, batchries, tres por un dolar!”

     Who would by them, even a buck?
     What’re the odds they’re dead as a duck?
     “Batchries, batchries, tres por un dolar!”
     Why not the Lotto, try your luck,
     Or are you gonna be this guy’s schmuck?
     “Batchries, batchries, tres por un dolar!”

Dis is 59th Street, change for de 4 and 5 Express and for de N and de R, use yer Metrocard at sixty toid street for da F train.  51st Street is next. Dis is a Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Watch out da closin dowahs.

     “Dat guy kips ****** wit me, Wass he
     tink, I got time for dat ****?  Man, I
     got my wuk to do, I ain gona put
     up with him
     no more.”

          “I don’t know what to tell this dude. Like,
          I really dig him but
          ***?  No way.  And
          He’s getting all too smoochie face.”

     “Right on, bro, slap dat fool up
     side his head, he leave you lone.”

          “Whoa, send him my way.  When’s the last
          time I got laid?  I’m way ready.”

          “Oh, Suzie,..”

Dis is fifty foist Street, 42nd Street Grand Central is next. Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Watch out da closin doors.

     Abogados es su amigos, do you believe the sign?
     Are they really a friend of mine?
     Find your lawyer on the train
     He’ll sue if the docs ***** up your brain.

     Pick a lawyer from this ad
     (I’m sure that you’ll be really glad)
     You’ll get a lawyer for your suit,
     Mean and nasty, not so cute.

     Call to live in this great nation
     Or if your bills got you in a rut

     We’re just three guys from Flatbush, Queens
     Who’ll sue that ******* out of his jeans.
     Mama’s proud when she rides this train
     To see my sign making so much rain.

     No SEC no corporations
     We can’t find the United Nations.
     Just give us torts and auto wrecks
     And clients with braces on their necks.

     Hurting when you do your chores?
     There’s money in that back of yours.
     Let us be your friend in courts
     Call 1-800-SUE 4 TORTS.

Dis is 42nd Street, Grand Central, change for the 4, 5 and 7 trains. Dis is a Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Toity toid is next.  Watch out da closin doors.

They say there’s sev’ral million a day
From out in the ‘burbs, they pass this way.
Most come to work, some for to play
They all want to talk, with little to say.

Bumping and shoving, knocking folks down
A million people running around.
The hustle, the bustle the noise that’s so loud
Get me far from this madding crowd.

“We can be shopping instead of just stopping
And onto the next outbound train we go hopping.
Hey, it’s a feel that that guy’s a-copping!”

They want gourmet food, from steaks down to greens
Or neckties and suits, or casual jeans,
It’s not simply newspapers and magazines
For old people, young people, even for teens.

Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Dis is Thoidy toid Street, twenty eight is next.  Watch out da closin doors.

     “So what’s the backup plan if
     He doesn’t get into Trevor Day?
     I know your
     heart’s set on it, but we’ve only
     got so many strings we
     can pull, and we can’t donate a
     ******* building.”

           “Hooda believed me if I tolja the Mets
          would sail tru and the Yanks get dere
          by da skinna dere nuts?
          I doan believe it myself.  Allya
          Gotta do is keep O’Neil playin hoit
          And keep Jeter off his game an
          We’ll killum.

               “My sistah tell me she be yo *****.  I tellya I cut you up if you
                ****** wid her, I be yo ***** and donchu fuggedit.”

     “I wish you wouldn’t talk like that.
     And we can just **** good and
     Well find some more strings to pull!”

          “Big fuggin chance.  Wadder ya’ smokin?”

               “Yo sitah she ain my *****, you be my *****.  I doan be ******
                wid yo sistah.  You tell her she doan be goin round tellin folks
                dat ****.”

Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Dis is Twenty eight Street, twenty toid is next.  Watch out da closin dowahs.

     Do you speak Russian, French or Greek,
     We’ll assimilate you in a week.
     If Chinese is your native tongue
     You’ll speak good English from day one.

     Morning, noon, evening classes
     Part or full time, lads and lasses.
     You’ll be sounding like the masses
     With word and phrase that won’t abash us.

     Language is our stock in trade
     For us it’s how our living’s made.
     We’ll put you in a class tonight
     Soon your English’ll be out of sight.

     If you’re from Japan or Spain
     Basque or Polish, even Dane,
     Our courses put you in the main
     Stream without any need for pain.

     We’ll teach you all the latest idioms
     You’ll be speaking with perfidium.
     We’ll give you lots of proper grammar
     Traded for that sickle and hammer.

     Are you Italian, Deutsch or Swiss?
     With our classes you can’t miss
     The homogeneous amalgamation
     Of this sanitized Starbucks nation.

Dis is Twenty toid Street, 14th Street Union Square is next. Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Watch out da closin doors.

     “Ladies and Gentlemen, I hate to bother you
     But things are bleak of late.
     I had a job and housing, too
     Before my little quirk of fate.”

     “There came a day, not long ago,
     When to my job I came.
     They handed me a pink slip, though,
     And ev’n misspelled my name.”

     “We’ve got three kids, my wife and me.
     We’re bringing them up right.
     They’re still in school from eight to three
     With homework every night.”

     “I won’t let them see me begging here,
     They think I go to work.
     Still to that job I held so dear
     Until fate’s awful quirk.”

     “So help us now, a little, please
     A quarter, dime (or dollar still better),
     It’ll go so far to help to ease
     The chill of this cold winter weather.”

     “I’ll walk the car now, hat in hand
     I do so hope you understand
     I’m really a proud, hard working man
     Whose life just slipped out of its plan.”

     “I thank you, you’ve all been oh so grand.”

Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Dis is 14th Street, Union Square, change for da 4 and 5 Express, the N and the R.   Astor Place is next.  Watch out da closin doors.

     The hours are long, the pay’s no good
     I’m far from home and neighborhood.
     All day I work at Astor Place
     With sunshine never on my face.
     Candy bar a dollar, a soda more
     A magazine’s a decent score.
     Selling papers was the game
     But at two bits the Post’s to blame
     For adding hours to my long day.
     All the more work to save
     Tuition for that son of mine: that tall,
     Strong, handsome, American son

Dis is a Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Yer at Astah Place, Bleekah Street is next.  Watch out da closin doors.

     Summer subway’s always hot, AC’s busted, like as not
     Tracks are bumpy, springs are shot ‘tween the cars they’re smoking

     To catch the car you gotta run they squeeze you in with everyone
     Just hope no body’s got a gun 'cause getting there is half the fun.

     Packed in this car we’re awful tight seems this way both day and
     And then some guys will start a fight.  Subway ride’s a real delight.

     Danger! Keep out! Rodenticide! I read while waiting for a ride.
     This is a warning I have to chide:  
     I’m very likely to walk downtown, but I’d never do it Underground.

     Took the Downtown by mistake.  Please, conductor, hit the brake!
     Got an uptown date to make, God only knows how long I’ll take.

Yer ona Brooklyn Bridge bound Numbah 6 Train.  Dis is Bleekah Street, Spring Street is next.  Watch out da closin doors.

     The trains come through the station here,
     The racket’s music to my ear.
Images, overheard (and imagined) conversations.  @2003
its tha return of tha gangsta thanks to ya
too many blacks out here livin' they life in fear
families seeing tears problems tier
blurry visions make it hard to see clear my dear
cant get through the atmosphere
feel me it's the return of the gangsta I'd like to thank ya
Malcolm for giving me the principles and reaching a few people's
opening minds to grinds and you'll find
me chilling on the corner puffing marijuana yep I'm a gonna
in society outlaw outcast put my thoughts on blast
techs is humming cuz I smell war coming armies drumming
po folks crying innocent victims dying
for no apparent reasons caught in daily treasons which gives me a reasons to put an end to Americas sin but too many folks stuck in
a fantAsy called reality in actuality
they plotting our burials G
troops overseas findings empty caves so the government can make saves war profiteers racketeering gangsters hustlers
exposing lies don't be a busta like a Douglass no diamonds in my cutlass couldn't move so I had cut less people out of my circle I'm nerdy as urkel yea my intellect carefully selects
what's real from reality I envision myself as well as my enemies in a fatality so battling me I was made for war built off the backs of my ancestors sore yea white house was built by the slaves for white supremacy kind of irony they sayin' my folks was lazy?
worked up from Sun up to Sun down
I can't believe my folks walking with they heads towards the grounds
how bout we get mad and let off gun sounds pound for pound
you know they can't hang with us
that's why they had to make laws against us
scared of rise and corruptions ain't a surprise through the eyes
of real people who realize pain ain't a substitution for happiness bliss
I guess I was sunkissed
by wisdom mouth open hail Mary entered me and told me
we all family eyes lit no **** no fit nothing
but a glowing brain exemption of fame down goes my name
in the book of life made wisdom my wife
she took my arm she's my charm
as I glance at the souls gunned down on plantations farms gangsta....
Seb Tha Guru Dec 2018
A new year is coming.
We want all the money.
Telling every woman bag back.

We was lost.
We fell off track.
Let's hope we do not relapse.

How could I worry about shot clocks, when I’ve been fighting just to make it to the playoffs.
Getting fired and hired and laid off.
You’re too focused on materialistic and pretend things.
Trying to impress your friends and these women.
I say all the time let’s move different.
This won’t fix none of the things that I’ve mentioned.
The relationship’s more like tradition.

We fight and don’t talk but we're moving on.
I still stay to myself, I’ve been traded on.
I can’t rush into something I keep my patience.
But you’re giving techs, fouls and a flagrant.

We know I can hit me a buzzer to win the game.
But why would I win just to feel pain.
Trying to fix myself and my mind-frame.
Stay true to myself in my own lane.

We all know these other women all want me, but I act expensive yet they all adore me.
To tie the knot won’t complete this story.
Better tighten up, soon they can afford me.
A couple of years of dating.
We on thin ice like we’re skating.
Don’t want to break, I’m just saying.
Believe it or not, I’m not faking.
Spent my whole life for this training.

For shot clocks...

So you can keep timing me or move along.
I should be writing a better poem and songs.
Self centered, you’re right and I’m always wrong.
If anything, you’re the one taking too long.

For shot clocks...
wifi is literally the radio wave r.a.d.a.r. like sonar or ultrasound but super computer crunching the data to visual rendered interpretations of digital information like laser 3d imaging real time full spectrum 3d environment video rendered in some cases, and others tiny tiny pin head mic and cams, but wifi via modems, devices tablets and cell with land line and cell tower , then you see the full saturation of the principalities of the air. and yes. it is that all seeing. and then infuse the social media, digital records of criminal, medical, military, scholastic, employment, financial, political emails, all forms of communications even snail mail, news agencies, all world wide data transfers, all audio systems even car stereos, home entertainment and appliances have secretly been incorporating the circuits that can be used via wire less signal to act as data points even microphones like a speaker is a mic just huge, and a temp sensor and many sensor actually function in many other useful ways, this is not uncommon, sort of like how an butter knife becomes a Flathead ***** driver when in need. your tv, refrigerator, sound system, even light bulbs of the cfl pigtail sort have been claimed to act as data gathering point, but the scary stuff in not just that you can be seen in full move around with the target 360 and 3d is that many devices transit data or harmonic frequencies into your home even when you have zero internet or c able even electricity, just take note of your wifi lists of neighbors, then realize many do not transmit their identity to be seen, and all these sensors and outright cameras and mics do not alert or announce that they can be accessed by internet of many, many common devices and these frequencies can do a hell of a lot of scary things to living conscious biological tissue, like make you sick, or even change emotions and states of comfort or discomfort, like cause you to feel pain in the back and gut, ( most common side effect and a sign of its use) simply search elf wifi cell towers and mind control, sound manipulation, sound that you can not hear you still interpret and even sound can cause you to see different colors and never hear it. so go figure and let the mind wonder and you have still not hit the horrors of this techs use, try the assault and made to forget, or the hypnotic induced trance via wave length in wifi and not recall events of bad things and even loose time some small like 5 10 minutes others loose days or hours. we have, a lot and well, this might help folks realize the power that these things have and just think if bad people in groups decide to use it.
Lynda Kerby Jan 2015
In the middle of folding laundry one afternoon
thinking this might not be a big deal
but then again it's not such a bad way to spend the day and
the back door opened and
my neighbor showed up in full paintball gun attire and
pointed his paintball gun at me and
yelled at me to get on the ground!
i smiled and
put down my child's underwear and
grabbed his Buzz Lightyear sound and
light activated laser gun that he had recently gotten for Christmas and
aimed it at him and
yelled NO! You get on the ground and
then 40 men rushed into my house and
at least 10 of them had rifles and
i was thrown down on the floor,
wood floor,
right cheek made direct impact and
**** that hurt and
i heard a shout of a voice ordering the 10 men with the 10  rifles pointed at my head
not to shoot and
that the shoot to **** order was off,
that it was a toy plastic gun,
he repeated,
it was a plastic children's toy and
in one fell swoop of motion my right shoulder was taken out of its socket and
**** that hurt and
twisted around behind my back  in order to handcuff that hand to my other hand and
stand me up and
walk me out as I watched dozens and
dozens of what i could only presume to be storm troopers from the Star Wars movies wearing white protective gear covering their shoes bodies and
faces entirely
spilling into my house with the great invasion of an ant colony and
several groupings of men in black pants and
black shirts with white letters on the back spelling out different acronyms such as S. W. A.T., and
K.B.I,  KDH&E;  
The storm troopers were actually Bio HAZ MAT men
testing to see if  the air quality in the house was higher than their acceptable limits of
risk of having a chemical explosion occur
while in the house on that afternoon of January
when officers of the  Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Group
executed a search warrant at my house on Main my small town in Kansas and
made entry at the location and
took me into custody while
Certified **** Lab Techs from the Sheriff’s Office
collected 2 Mountain Dew bottles and
some rubber tubing and
rendered the items safe and
Agents of HazMat Inc. were contacted and
responded to collect the hazardous materials for disposal
I sat in the back seat of the cop car and
thought this might be a big deal
this could be a bad way to spend the day
aix, beck's, becks, blech's, checks, cheques, czechs, dec's, decks, dex, eckes, eques, ex, fecks, flecks, flex, heck's, hex, jex, kecks, lecce, lex, meckes, mex, necks, nex, next, peck's, pecks, plex, rex, sheck's, shek's, specks, specs, sphex, tech's, techs, teck's, tex, treks, vex, whelks, wrecks, x, x. amex, ampex, annex, apec's, apex, armtek's, avtex, aztecs, berlex, caltex, cemex, centex, cmx, comex, complex, comtrex, convex, crownx, defex, dissects, duplex, effects, ejects, entex, execs, expects, eyetech's, fanech's, fedex, finex, gatx, gtech's, inmex, intex, latex, memtec's, metex, natec's, nobec's, nymex, nynex, objects, onex, opec's, paychecks, paychex, pemex, perplex, pewex, playtex, portec's, projects, qintex, quebec's, railtex, rednecks, reflects, rejects, respects, roughnecks, scitex, simplex, starplex, steinbeck's, subjects, suspects, syntex, telex, telmex, tenrecs, timeplex, tridex, trintex, triplex, truex, vertex, visx, wall-tex, wedtech's, westtech's adaptec's, ametek's, atx, banamex, between decks, biotechs, bottlenecks, cineplex, cybersex, cytotechs, datarex, discotheques, equitex, eurochecks, gendrisek's, genentech's, govpx, hyponex, intellects, intersects, kaisertech's, malcolm x, medarex, mediplex, megaplex, memorex, methanex, metroplex, middlesex, multidex, multiplex, neorx, oraflex, pillowtex, prentnieks, rolodex, stratoflex, superx, symantec's, teleflex, turtlenecks, unisex, ventritex adaptaplex, ameritech's, audiotex, begonia rex, ****** simplex, solar apex, videotex, tyrannosaurus rex, regression of y on x
‘You’ve come to the end, it’s sad, my friend
But there’s nothing more we can do,
Your kidneys have malfunctioned, and
You’re at the end of the queue.
You’d best be making your Will out now
Or you may run out of time,
There’s just a question of fifteen thou’
You owe for our work, just sign!’

‘I’ll not be signing my life away
Just now, though it’s almost done,
I may be taking a walk someday
But not ‘til I’ve had some fun.
You say I’ve only a week or two
To spend, and that’s at the best,
I’ll cram the rest of my living in
With the help of a Prescient Vest.’

The Prescient Vest, the brainchild of
A Silicone Valley clone,
It calculated the path of life
From the life already known,
It fed its images through a brain
That would never live to see
The normal span of the life of man
Through some abnormality.

So Kevin fronted the Institute
And was strapped into a chair,
Fitted with Vest and Headpiece
And was virtually aware,
It drained the memories of his life
That flashed on past his sight,
And stored them into a tiny file
Just less than a Gigabyte.

And then it started to calculate
Beginning with his wife,
It showed her having a sweet affair
With the boarder, Stanley Smythe,
They both attended his funeral
And she leant upon his arm,
And held the wake with a Currant cake
At Stanley’s father’s farm.

Then Kevin struggled within his bonds
And tried to say, ‘Not true!’
But then his favourite daughter came
Quite suddenly into view,
She stole the funeral money he’d
Been keeping in a jar,
Then jumped on into his Thunderbird
And drove off with his car.

She let her idiot boyfriend in
To sit behind the wheel,
But all he could see were dollar signs
And a car he’d like to steal,
He dropped her off at a candy shop
Drove off and left his Pam,
While only a half a mile away
He ended under a tram.

Kevin suffered a minor fit
At the wreck of his pride and joy,
But didn’t suffer a single qualm
At the death of the stupid boy,
His job had gone to a minor clerk,
Dumped records in the bin,
The careful working of twenty years
That he’d spent compiling them.

Then Stanley got at his savings and
He frittered them away,
His wife was clueless, she let him sell
The house he’d slaved to pay,
The future, once he had gone was not
The thing he’d visualised,
He strained and screamed at the Techs,
‘Just get this thing from off my eyes!’

He staggered home in a mood and took
Some gas from out the car,
Splashed it around the house, and took
The cash from the funeral jar,
He threw a match and it all went up
Though he didn’t know or care,
That his wife and Stan were up above
When the flames went up the stair.

He jumped on into the Thunderbird
And went for a long, last ride,
Along the Beachside Boulevard,
And once he had stopped, he died!
They’ve banned the use of the Prescient Vest
With a raft of bills and laws,
‘The future needs to be locked,’ they said,
‘For the damage it might cause!’

David Lewis Paget
yea big yosef
expose government expos
that's all I know
so **** the cash flow
but I make cash flow like creflo
never chased a dolla
yo it makes me wanna holla
not talking Marvin Gaye
um tAlking bout the words I lay spray
techs but prefer aks miss ya next birthday
make ya best ya worse day
never thirsty
stay quenching like Gatorade
make serenades
in the street
ask big leech
we after the money and the power
leaving scars on ya face
eradicate the weak out the race
I set the pace beat the case
cuz they know they place
uh we mob like Italians Mafioso's
put holes in ones
like gulf course
with ya open torso so
ya know
the game is to be sold not told
and since I'm standing large
you know we don't fold holdem
like texas pushing lexuses beamers caddys to
Bentley coupes
quick to shoot through my 30 odd six poppin licks like kilos bricks
in the hood it's understood
that when we play the game
we go for flames
but miss the burn though
we go ever where riots show quick blows
make for blood out ya nose
fluid leakin mind sinking
I mo assist than pastors to deacons
**** Spanish broads
from Columbian to Puerto Rican
I'm seekin
out the best from east north south and the west I guess
I'm tying to take down the commission
no General admjssion just listen
closely to the sounds of shots glocks pops it don't stop
til the elite off the top

uh who ya know do it better
pack a berretta
still.rock Cosby Coogi Sweaters
get hos ***** wetter ***** slayer mack mayor
say ya rhymes with me
the best on the master of the ceremonies
like ghost P come close to thee
watch my gun burn thee
like sun burn ****** neva get a turn
after i touch the mic
i melt **** hotter than lava get
out of a volcano
kick rhymes since i was embryo
make ****** sing soprano
if they try to my money though
we flips keys then take trips to Belize
on the track bless me says me
my pedigree is nasty as nas back in 93
ya see naw cuz i braille spotlight
n the limelight come in yo dreams at night
freddie cougar with tha 9 double m luger
make bodies flex like lex lugar
i drive a jaguar 20 inch rims across the bar ghetto superstar
n think before ya speak
think before ya blink?
my rhymes be confusin' as a riddle from the Sphinx
they can jinx
me all they want but all they get is a gun taunt amerikkaz most wanted
pop steels only if ya want it
representin' like ****** in the pen holdin' down on lock
i **** a glock for every year
that ya aint on the block
one luv to my army none can harm
if i got nations forming
every brother gotta ski mask
quick to blast from the past to present
never get tense or hesitant
we drop ******* puff on phillies
knock fools out til they look ****** n silly
i can go on & on til tha break of dawn
rappers get no delight when i grab the mic its like friday night lights
uh one punch one round
n you can tell i won before it begun
by listening to the crowds sound uh
They don't want no drama
Cuz ima
Bring the pain
So much heat I could burn y'all with one flame
Every ounce of my blood
Leave my soul in the mud
I'll be ****** if I die alone
Without taking government thugs
Never loved hugs
Only embraced in slugs
All types of weapons
Lay em out like a rug
Souls I dig split politics wig
I'm serious with this ****
So who's up with the next gig
Where I come from
Ya either smart or dumb
Ride on wisdom or come out a felon
Fools still telling
On they Gotdamn self
Stop talking fool giving up the hood fool
They same folks claiming they love you the most
Quick to drop ya jewels
Don't be a fool blinded
Elephants in the room
Heavy **** weighing in
On my conscious
So I feel doom hearts filled with gloom
Sitting in the living room
Thinking of a quiet place
But can't find no space
Up in the sunshine
Too much light to fight
Everyday **** day I face another flight
Dancing at heights with them devils
**** so deep I couldn't dig it with a shevel
Problems got a few and many of you do to
Call me big yosef
I'm coming with techs humming
Hunting coming to get you
No problems *****!!!!

You don't want no drama
Cuz I'll cause pain
Freeze your brain things ain't the same
Life is a maze so many in a daze
But I refer to revolver
Cuz it's my problem solver

Yeah I meant what I said
In my first rhyme
Think too much it's considered a crime
Subconscious risen break the spiritual prism
Hooked on intellects now they want me prison
But can't let it get to me
Since I'm public enemy
Number one cuz I'm black as ever
But they'll never
Get me to join the force
They got me first term
Serve it came back now I'm on a verge to attack
Thought I was average Joe
Now here my four four
Bust down the Washington's door
See bodies galore and Gore
Now it's time to even the score
I never seen man cry til I seen a man die
Now you want mercy
But God's image killing every wickedness
That was casted on earth
Demons now the worth
Say I'm black Naw I'm a Hebrew Israelites
Lied about my past now it's time blast to the ******* past
Once my skins hits the sun
I know I'm everlast
No sunburns here hear me ******* clear
I'm coming with the flaming swords
And blazing fire in my eyes
No socks on my feet cuz I'm in high heat
N by hight heat that means y'all know ya just met defeat
**** all these illusions
Cuz y'all ain't confusing
Me with the bias media *******
Spinning out the pulpits
What about G Carlin I'm sharp as a marlin
Y'all falling while I'm crawling
With my hands behind my back
Imagine that?
I'm tied to the game y'all know the name
Yosef can't be tamed
Until I'm dead man
No slow singing No flowers bringing
Just let die in peAce
Cuz my energy will still b breathing
Enemies in treason
Kick them ******* out
Restablish the clout
Retain my legacy I'm a King
That's the way it's was suppose
Renounce my throne
Wipe out the drones til they skulls n bones
**** me if you want too but I'll never ever be gone
My army will retain my seeds that was sown
No problems *****

You don't want no drama
Cuz I'll cause pain
Freeze your brain things ain't the same
Life is a maze so many in a daze
But I refer to revolver
Cuz it's my problem solver
Tatiana Aug 2020
The call comes in at six am,
I don't get into the office until eight,
My answering machine blinks red with warning;
I'll get this message too late.
"I haven't serviced my generator
in three years
and it stopped working
after twenty-four hours.
I have no power."
I check their name,
they've done no business with us before.
I cannot send techs to them
when my phone keeps ringing.
I answer it.
"Hello, how can I help?"
"We're current contract customers
and our generator didn't turn on.
I've got an infant and this storm
is too dangerous.
I have no power."
And all I can ask is for their name
and number,
send it off to my boss
who cannot send techs out
in the storm.
I inform them so,
"I understand," they say.
"Send them when you can."
I hang up my phone
only for it to ring again.
"Let me guess," I say
"you have no power?"
"Got it in one," then comes
the nervous laughter.
Our conversation repeats
just like the others.
When I go home tonight
I'll maneuver around branches,
dodging cones and power lines,
yielding for approaching sirens.
I'll go up my driveway
crunching twigs and leaves.
I'll enter my dark and quiet home
and flick a switch
but no lights will turn on.
I'll have no power.
I work for an HVAC company and we install and maintain generators. Due to Isaias, a lot of people ended up without power. And these conversations inspired this poem.
Third world livin' is the intention
While im.sittin' in Satan's detention
Need I mention all the little henchmen
Trolls streamin' tag teamin'
Nothin' but government covert
Intervenin' &. schemin'
Tryna see who's conscious and who advocates the nonsense
Big brother watching with there Rolex's tick tocking no need for.knocking
Kick down the doors walk through the corridors
of the media studios blast everybody I see
Set the Islamic bombs then escape free
Catastrophe givin' by me
It's me the prophet of Lost Destiny it God in me
And I'll be labeled an adversary to the epitome
jailed with no bail ain't no freedom.of speech
New world we'll slaughter fools ain't gettin' smarter
Wise up young blood wipe the crud out my eyes
Cuz brighter days are comin' Techs is hummin'
Armageddon World War III will be summoned
Millions of souls being rapture
Takin' captive
By the Muthafuckin' Puppet masters 

As I travel through time
Deep in my mind
Hip hop approachin' the flat line
Nigguhs in blackface lookin' disgrace
Wipe the smiles off Satan's face
Corporate Companies ****** up our unity
Dictatin' what to play in our community
They say it ain't about race
But I'm lookin' with my optics
White audience is the topics makin' hot profits
Got nigguhs minds lynched my fist clinched
Punch out the airwaves and the medias a and how they portray
US want us to keep the guns bust
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Breakin' off America's Pie Crust I don't eat it
From.the ******* they feedin'
Rockin' craniums im.from the slums
Makin' liberals go crazy mental in an asylum
So as the beat goes on I'm gonna continue strong
No hate for whites but hate for whites that push that ******* black stereotypes
Deep aim wipe my snipe wipe
Out competition **** the FCC commission
As my visions progresses movin' faster
Eradictin' my enemies that are servant to the ******' Puppet Masterssssss 
Real.Talk all.the BS walks
Everyday I wake up
I glance at the sky
To get a natural high
From spiritual sighs
Ha got me head now
Filled with sun energy
Felt like I was
Listen to a clergy
Man can you innerstand
My wisdom that
Sits in my hand
Palms never wet
An ultimate threat
To higher grounds
That's why I chill
Deep unda the ground
(underground) sounds is digital
No humpty dumpty
Just keep my techs
On me they wanna push me
Near the wall
But I can't
Since I got *****
Sweat drippin' soakin' draws
Cuz the pressure
Made me an outlaw
Had no choice to but to
Bruise and cruise through
Enemies I
Put a slug and leave em plugged
Electric shock from the glock
I'm aimmin at head
over the hill's forreals
This ain't no shill so just chill
As I  **** like bill alley oop
A Dunk so you can feel
Led in yo head now ya dead bleed
So that'll give ya something
To think about
No screams and shouts so

Hold on be strong hold on Be Strong
Hold on be strong Hold on be strong
I ain't gone never led you wrong
So hold on Be Strong
Cuz I ain't gone never led you wrong
So christen that **** yeah

Now that the raindrops stop
But the reign  didn't stop
Thought I was dead
But I rise like early sunshine
Roosters cluckin'
Got these demons tryna **** in
Me in my sleep
I shake the shells
Going crazy naw
Its just my mind get lazy
Or they purp that hazed me
Got keep it
True to Screws legacy hive
Bump out the jive
All the way live
In your stereo
Can't break me or make me
Into a mold
Hard to get a hold
Of something you
Can't touch can't clutch
I plot rhymes like
****** from Dutch
Shultz my lyrical occult
Shakin' fools at the wake
Stay baked takin' estates
Keep to body
Frosted as flakes no undertakes
We take
Everything from the hand
Never took a reprimand
Dodge minivans
Stacked with multiple
Ski mask quick to blast
Yo *** in the past
Now you in cask-et
Racked like bread in a bask-et
Led turn em into ac-id
tryna hold on
But ya soul long gone so

Hold on be strong hold on Be Strong
Hold on be strong Hold on be strong
I ain't gone never led you wrong
So hold on Be Strong
Cuz I ain't gone never led you wrong
So christen that **** yeah
I got choppers on deck
45 and techs
I'm lying just like this rappers that say they claim a set
People are blind to deception
Mistake food for a weapon
Embrace violence like swallowing a bullet for breakfast
The nature of man is wreck less
That's why innocence die from  AK-47s
Death is considered to often
Walking the path to a coffin
Who could of predicted the senseless bombing in Boston
Hence the word senseless because men lack feelings
For no one but themselves
My mistake, they have feelings for their  women and children
So ****** is the case
The hate for the United States
I say history don't lie
Even though the truth was masked with lies
God help us, if from Israel we sever ties
God protects America because America  protects Israel
The one and only promised land.
Sustained since the times of Abraham
No dignity for the 4th Floor Psych Ward gang
Paraded about through the entire building
Rockin' and rollin' blue & white striped bath robes
Didn't bother with the belts, we coulda made it work
By sheer determination and the awkward looks on our faces
We set the trend for people who didn't know any better

Out for a trip to the commissary
Fifty cents in hand for a can of soda
Even though the medicine I was on
Made Dr. Pepper taste like club soda infused with flecks of rust
And a metallic, radioactive aftertaste
That was far from the sugar rush one would expect
Coca-Cola was even worst

Such dignity we carried, they called the food tray box "the chow cart"
And the food was barely fit for animals
Quickly transitioning from warm to cool
Always some ridiculously nasty chicken-based meal
I had never seen a fried chicken breast that was gray
But the sherbet was heaven for my cotton mouth
Dry as the tundra
I lost a lot of weight during those months
I survived on the fourth floor
I shot some 8-Ball pool with swagger and Sinatra confidence
Convinced I saw recognition in a visiting gal's eye
A flick of the wrist and this goofball magically exuded *** appeal
Nothing more than confidence
I could make those two girls smile and blush
Because they could sense the looseness in my crotch
They could see I was in charge, batshit crazy as I may have been
I had reached the perfect weight
For those blue and white striped bath robes to truly shine

I let them walk away, didn't say anything
I knew where they were going
I knew what they'd be doing when they got there
Always on their minds

Why couldn't the catatonic Ethiopian soldier girl do it like me?
She couldn't even hold a spoon
Psych techs had to feed her like a helpless baby child
Even then she resisted
So that food dribbled down the sides of her cheeks
But one day I passed her room, looking in
She was brushing her hair without a problem
There was some intelligence in her eyes
She caught me staring and with perfect ease she rose to close the door in my face
Catatonic no more?
Or was she ever?
Was ANY of this real
Or was it all staged for my benefit?
What exactly was I doing on the fourth floor?
Was it a test?
Was I a guinea pig?
That spot on my skull just behind my right ear
It itched a lot lately
Was that bump a quartz crystal embedded between skin and muscle?

Why yes, I believe it is
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
As the earth turns round
the sparrows sing
tweet, tweet, tweet
ta tweet, tweet, tweet
tweet ta tweet
ta tweet tweet ta tweet

and now the humans tweet as well
and when they drop their machines
the radiation rises
like the sun rises
higher and higher
'till all the techs die - of cancer
What's up to the "woke" nation, faking like they ain't part, of the mass incarceration,
While yall playing they vids, and throwing money, they taking vacations,
Off your earned, sweat and tears, then have they nerve, to say we bloods,
But I see crips, in the making gangstas posing, let's get this sage baking,
I dissect, fake intellects, this is a lyrical syringe, you can't avoid the inject,
It's like covid, delta threat, how many suckas out here, using techs,
I just sit back, and let my thoughts recollect, these phonies, only using your hearts to self select, a more comfortable living,
Say they close to God, but in the life of sinning, everyday they gamble winnings,
It's their beginning, but I'm fixing to be the main ending, they just pretending,
To preach, that real **** after they had, a couple of encounterments,
They really government, they used they own, against they own,
Operation clone a clone, only dogs still dig up bones, goddess Nina Simone,
Cherish the skin that ya own, suckas racing, for the battle, of Youtubes throne,
Monetize ya videos, just to stand on, with some fancy music, with some words on,
I stand with nature, glancing the sun and moon, enlighten, off its natural natural perfume,

These fools do it for the dough
But I do for it for souls
Of the people people
These fools do it for the dough
But I do for it for souls
Of the people people

Fake third eyes, I see the **** gleaming, sly must be a sty, as the pain multiply,
Can't play God, and still die?, why ask why, I'm tryna elevate like Elijah,
Dancing in the holy water, with fire but it can't consume me,I'm the slaughter,
What about the sons and daughters, pass generation, too selfish too selfish,
We eating too much shellfish, maybe that's why, we in the perfect, counterfeit,
I treat my body authentic, yall speak that new ****, I keep it vintage,
Old school rules, I hold it valuable, I'm angel raging, against all these devils,
Learned the laws of power, see poison gets devoured, by a natural remedy,
I am the public enemy, against humanity I can't help, but to be free,
Real spiritual folks ain't after money, this the age of the clout, soon to reroute,
So many folks out here, unsure, don't know where to go, what food to grow,
I only speak what I know, and yeah I make music, but its from the soul,
**** chasing scrolls, I let the spirits set the tolls, at their own expense,
What goes up must come downs, that's how gravity weighs the pounds,
I'm the shadow in every battle, to war every cut, that leads to gore of ya core,
Day and night, like Al B sure, can't escape the culture, death leeching vulture,
Ready to peck at ya sculpture, we War Angels, walking amongst chaos,
Every new topic, of the fake wokes is hands tossed, they getting soft,
They ain't got enough heat to bake,maybe that's why say they awake,
Look at Young Pharaoh, he brought a Lambo, at the expenses of the poor,

These fools do it for the dough
But I do for it for souls
Of the people people
These fools do it for the dough
But I do for it for souls
Of the people people
These fools do it for the dough
But I do for it for souls
Of the people people
These fools do it for the dough
But I do for it for souls
Of the people people
**** all they all apart of the plan
So many ******* want they hand
In the cookie lookin' afar
I see my enemies creepin'
Line em up like pawns spawnin'
guns loose tap that *** now ya brains loose
Marinatin' in the concrete pavement
No sentiment
From me or apologies entice misery
For those who ain't down with me
Did my wars  two by myself don't need no help
I do bad on my own time
**** checkin' the rhyme I'm droppin' dimes
Knowledge over fame don't act strange
***** ****** all act the same
Wither it be male or female
fools be actin" It aint hard to tell
caught between heaven and hell
Doing time cursed on earth lookin' at my clockwork what a beautiful perk
And how long will my reign last?
When they come blast my *** puff Puff pass
I stay smokin' hash leave my bullets on the steering wheel dash
Check how my gun blast !!
(Boo yoooo)
Trappin' enemies before they get a chance to see me
Burned eternally god bless the dead
Souls that had depart early  
Can't help if I'm caught in a violent flurry
Two fools in one night ****** lurkin"
On every sight
Deaths lookin' for pleasure
But a niggihs under pressurea nigguhs heard it wrong
I'm reincarnation of Don Coreolone
Fools still singing the same song
Over and over better find Jehovah
My straps swift as a Cobra
Drunk as a skunk hardly ever sober
Bust at everybody no remorse
Tears of a clown I always frown
**** smilin' I be wildin' hot stylin'
The perfection of a flawless ******
And there I was
Lookin'at a double imagery man in the mirror
Enticin' terror this ain't a new era
Times is bad so we all had
Nothing so had to bust something
I see my homies coming
Techs is humming I'm running and grunting
Lookin' for a safe haven I learn from the maven
Keep three steps ahead of one
Laws of power enemies get devoured now I showered
My GATS now death reigning
Things remain the same
Ain't a ******* thang changed
Eye for eye
Now buried under pressureeeeee
We rip through bulletproof vest
Expose meat on your chest
Curved like a crest since my adolescent
I was made for the battle snappin' rattles herd em in like cattles death to enemies who tattle?
My wordsmith be sharper than a barber blade sliced then fade this is a takeway
Like tom hanks they the get the cast away
Casket I means on display so bump the negativity
When me and Mac come through ya know how we do
Rip through vocals and spinal chords
Mortal combat bloat em like snorlax stuff em like kotex give em a klennex
Cuz they bleeding from they neck
Like an attack from Black Dracula
Rhymes spectacular connect with my vernacular
I be the rappin' consular eat em up like jentacular
braille em like macular
Once the ******* rhymes they embrace saccular
Knock amateurs yo Mac diesel we too ******* for em
Its the aeon of seclorum rhyming in foursomes me myself and I and the universe connectin' durums
Sound the drums the wars is coming techs is humming you can see the pain dumped in
Hearts exposed from sin tacklin' the uncontrollable djinn'
Huh I was made from within
A spiritual divine giving cursed inside a blessing
Flash minds like a bang from a Smith and Wesson
Hope these critics learning they lesson
Im a king with the five point stetson
Turn fakes emcees into a depression
Causing aggression make em change directions
Persona skills pursuing pressing with my intellectual weapons
Takin' souls captive addendum to my collection it was destined
I give em mercy once began intercessions
I'm a poet I love writing and putting words together it's a very simple but yet complex it's really all we have as humans...language

This I entitled "Geto CNNs Reportin'"

Im here to report the news ignitin' the fuse
To dim-witted crews feel these ghetto blues
Through my ****** flow Coltrane blow
Trainhorn born in the eyes of the storm
I calm nature it's an invocation
Of the creator you fools grimy players
In this industry how many died empty
Knowledge of the brains is real health
So *in' chasin' wealth stay in stealth
Enemies be on the look out lurk out
See the guns out another black out
See the lighted halos tuned into the radios cosmo so there goes
Another dead brother no other
Reporting the real feel the thrills
Knew i had a weak will once i saw bloodspill
TVs layin' the illusion it's an intrusion
On ya mental so it's bound to be confusin'
While you chasin' wastin' and pastin'
t on the internet with so many sharp threats
I take drama apart before starts to grit
From City to city i see the high rise of obituaries
tears stains of the ghost wonderin' through cemeteries
buried by guns evil flurry no need to
Since death has no patience it's waitin' chance
Pay close attention before ya be caught up in the glance

Since I was raised a street fighter passions of a raw writer
I'll body slam ya harder than Vega
Version two see me ghost you glue you
To the concrete couldn't beat ya feet cuz my heats
Too fast newsflash I'm leaving a **** so suckas cash
In all they checks mics i wrecks
More than effects check
one two
I got the spirit of Sun Tzu from red to blue
Them fools still gone smoke you
It's all a game see the lames see the fame
While the OGs remain the same from a broken grain It's a prison
reign pain
On this physical domain I broke the strain
I know a lotta brothers died for nothin'
While others died for somethin'
I got welts on my brain from the tight cuffin'
Stuffin' my mental with garbage bluffin'
Innerstand I'm just a common man like Ruffin
Left for dead since I first was bred
Competition eliminators blacks the originators
Soul invaders stashed away my papers
Not talkin' loot light a roach than shoot
Straight to the stars with no car look
a far
I'm gassed by Saturn's fuel who wanna duel
With the presence of Sittin' Bull a lone warrior
So don't think my techs will be ignorin' ya
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
All cased up as new as can be
Women are not the only one
With their cell phone's
Like men are the only
Wild Thang
How her heart sings
How it brings us
to move us
Or slows us down
Always he is mighty fit She's the case trim

The cell sun yellow chevy-rim
Cell baby racing the American flag
Way over our 100-speed limit
I have 90 days to claim
Another dream that cell

Go-Hollywood don't be a nag
Sunset Boulevard lights hit a snag
What claims do I have security
  heavy tears of his weight

Those chicks to be raised on
Animal farm jumped neigh
Mr. Mcdonald E- I- am E-book
I-O  U your cell phone please sigh

I summarize everything
That rings us like a childbirth
In a crib now men all hub teeth
Or the millionaire mansion their cribs
This isn't a game like ((Women lib))
Smart side sunny side
Benedict Arnold bread and eggs
Jet lag what conflict's

No luck not even Mike and Ike
My expensive cell phone took a hike
I met Chuck Titanic ship- cell-tip gift
of gab  talker those homewreckers
One decent sip Cyberbabe streaming
Her web-  Pirate-eyes stole away
Starbuck's became Lil Deb cell phone
falls in-between ripped car seat

The erogenous heat his fingers were
so caught in your middle ring tunes
Only the lonely the one song
Gave her the ******* just chill
Hot tune Billy Idol White
Paper embossed the wedding chaser
That day he was dreading every voice
sound loser
So mind blowing falling phones
silver tarnished

She was singing it's my party
I will cry if I want to
He picked himself up vanished
You would pry too if this
happened to you the devil
But it has been a long cell ride
With ((Johnny Angel)) how she loves
how he uses her phone destroys her
The Joker of I- ringtones

And she hoped one day he would
feel the same doing voice overs
But her cell phone caught
his fire flame
He was head cocked
Two jailbirds wherever we go
whatever we do we will always be locked
Together or even when we're through
The virus of germs mouth to mouth
Those higher-ups techs flying south
Memories dates and text intertwined in both

The ******* ****** talks like Goth
Addictions and love claims
She was ******* clammy
Those grassy moldy mummies
The negative side effect
So foreign in his pocket
Positive pants far from intellect
It slips out and falls

He is reacting from the
Blonde bombshells
The island some Liberty Bell
No man no God no lover
will be claimed in my
phone rich soil hand
Arrowsmith songs were locked
Dream on claim whats yours
Comic Xmen who claims
The crawling phone creatures

She has spider veins features
Total recall but cannot recall
All my important number
where flushed down my
toilet jail cell bowl
And he is so mesmerized with
the Super Bowl
I had nothing left to talk too
Not even my cell phone
I felt alienated like all clones
All claims how we ring them and numbers like tumblers. But they say is your birthday but you don't even have a cell phone you feel locked in a cell and no one will come over even your X- lover. You felt destroyed like you were the ploy everything is irrelevant  like a babe cell phone toy
I remember back in the days
In the barrio
Wearing fresh braids
And high top fades
With the big ol shades
Emulate super fly movies
I was young hard head
Felt like nobody could move me
Until them slugs hit me
Had me dreaming about reality
***** real I'm seeing my own blood
Is this heaven or hell ?
I'm close to death clutching for breath
Uh bust it
Couple hours later in surgery
Docts don't know what to do with me
To many peeps I'm strung out
Ask one of my homies to keep the heat out
And a ak by my bed
Just in case them.come again and http://****.me dead
But one ***** can't forget named Craig
og real never faked the funk
Had pounds of skunks one hit and we all high
Felt like our souls was touching the sky my eyes
Blood shot red half dead daydreamin' schemin'
Lookin to make my next move
Exercise and strategize at the same time
Keep all eyes on one time
But Craig had a lot of adversaries
His day was coming and before I started dumpin them techs was hummin'
Too late heart break souls break out
Am I lucky. To survive? Or do I really deserve to die? Uh
I wish I could see him again instant replay
Of the ****** stuck in my brain full of pain
No gain
From a lost one only death tallying the next one
As I reminiscence smokin' my dogia
Givin' a real shout out to my real nigguha
Who's strugglin'
Ballad for a dead souljah
when my techs sneeze
ya body freeze
thirty below zero
the violent hero
make ya sing high note
like saprano say **
i heard you hate my flow
but check my flow
i ****** all of those
who try to expose leave ya with ****** clothes
from head to toe
ya girl slobbin' my ****
hard to rob what ya cant get too
haters is see through like a ghost
in space from coast to coast
i give ya that high funk overdose
chose words cleverly none spit better than me
replica of who? b to i g ya see me
****** play nice
**** u and ya rhymes i got ya spliced
like wires plug in the amplifier
and watch me start a fire
in the ring with the king
ya cant stop me check the flows
leave em dead no autopsy
try to copy my skillz
dont ya know i got hoes thatll **** in brazil
fly down no ****
pictured memory of ya in a casket though a *******
yea i had to be
leavin' emcees with more hoes than cheese
foo please my rhymes make hoes strip tease
they way i flow they way i go
got ya spinnin' on the floor
brains sore from the leds the pour been breed for war
got ya glancin'
lookin' at the stars reminscin'
my pitch ya cant switch
givin' shotguns blows long kisses *****!!!

uh excite my anger makes for mo danger
death aint no stranger
to me ya see i make ya *** instantly
once my voice excels throught the avenues
breakin' crews **** the rules as i cruise
through ya mind
voyage with me to atlantis
smoke top flight cannibus
none candle us dangerous
as bus a bus none could handle us
yo raps be rust to crust
hopped back on the short bus
cuz my flows so ******* rewarded
from the spirits above sho no love
those who hate see suicide death date
Egyptian sheets covered over ya pate
who can relate?
to the madness that thrills so hard
make ya body peel from the blood spill
adrenaline rushin' slowly to concussions
with yo heart beat rushin'
enemies more common man than David Ruffin'
show ya ***
you get a lyrical **** ******' keep on truckin' like Kendricks
all you haters *******
im on that purple haze like Hendrix hittin' chicks
makin' licks hoes on my biscuit
eat flows up like a box triscuits
slow ya role as walk through
makin' ruckus as im uppin' the death percentages
givin' hugs from slugs
clearin' blocks n streets for distances long kiss
Tejas Srivastava Apr 2016
Trust, ties, tears, tears;
With setting rising sun,
just Truth remains.

Trinity's traits transcending to transcript,
The temple trusting the tryst to tall togas;
Truces, tangs, tangles, tags, teams,
with tricks or trills are tackled, tamed by
Those trained to taste the towering truth.

Taints, taboos, tattoos;
With cycling of seasons,
only Truth stays there.

Transgressing traps, talons, treasons,
Thorns, thongs, tides translucent;
These tapes, talks, tales transient,
Are trifles, tickles, trivial, trite;
To tribes treading the track of truth.

Talents, tacts, top techs;
Against infinite labyrinth,
Truth alone can pass.

Taut troops trotting the toiling trek;
Taunting, tapering the tonnage of trash;
Transversing tough tests of tempts,
Are trails of tiring trials, For
Those who treble the tone of truth.

Thrashing traumas to transfixing trance;
With beast or with beauty,
Truth belongs to soul.

Through love and death,
the true timeless tapestries;
Life translates to truth,
and becomes a happy moment;
The moment which is forever.
Yea everybody that doubted us
I let the guns bust
I'm talking magnums to artillery cannons who's handin'?
Me the pressure I'll stretcher
Longer than a limousine heads I guillotine
Once they show they face miss the prison place beat the case
Cuz of all the franklins faces
Seen many tastes
Of life luxurious my foes furious
Got critics nervous cuz they know I be serious
Slap a rhyme til ya  delirious
Dangerous trust
Get away clean so **** the must
We stackin cream shatterin dreams
Lock the game like a snake bite
Grab it tight became a hustler overnight
While y'all overwrite with ya overbite
I keep it comin' machine guns lyrics
Like techs is hummin' stunnin'
Opponents til they see trinity visions
Easy decisions you against me
Lets be realistic
I'll make you a early news statistic
Hop off the biscuit
Unless you a chick cuz my ****
Only fits in a ****
All these haters rappin' ain't ****
I'll put em down like Jordan did the Knicks set the pick
My team we never fail and if we see jail will see bail
Countless enemies to sail ya going frail
My pockets never stale only swells
Shot guns shells
Crackin' brains once I set my aim
Verbal assassin so who's passin'?
Me up this is a hold up
Rap game I fold up grab a coca cola and a smile problem child
Since I got stuck in wild
Tears from my mothers when. I was in the womb soon
To come out a punish those whom
Had a problem with the way flip
My words aint script it's encrypt
Knowledge is power devour reign like a shower til the vary hour
My last breath death before dishonor feelin' like Conner
Terminators after me why cuz it's seems like they wanna Punish Me

Flip through tracks like an acrobat
True aristocrat f the democrats
We all about street stats cheat more than the Pats
Fools say they dogs but scream
Out like ***** cats imagine that?
Me loosin' who ya choosin'?
Me or them other phonies
Worshippers around me
Like I'm the black Madonna
Statue bless you guess whos?
Back again with the blacked Out benz with back tinted lens
We undercover lyrical smugglers
Heavy weight slugger I go for the juglar
Vein til every ounce of blood is drained simple and plain
Go against the grain
I got gangsters who pack the macks so don't turn ya back
Unless ya wanna get burned and turned
Over to the undertaker meet to maker
Word to the Anita Baker
Givin' the best flows I got
Like who shot?
Ya not Chris Wallace but chickas call me big poppa break em off proper
Shoot an 8ball in the bathroom stall
**** I'm fallin' like Denzel
Seen visions of hell as my brain sails
Into another dimension
Tainted reality living life bad as can be
Chainsawin' lyrics causin' massacres
In Texas don't none wanna plex with us
I'm from the 3rd ward born hard
Sniff out fraud
Fools snitchin' for a few grand large take another charge
Of the cannibus plantin' a fist
To adversary who tried to dissed
Dismissed know ya gettin' a kiss
Mothers bending over ya casket
No tears in the end come again
I seen colors blowing with the wind
I'm talkin blood and sin gin
Sippin' No slippin' rippin'
Styles with my vo-cals hit on the dial
If you suspect foul
Play makes for doomsday with the AK pray that I don't find you in a alley
Roamin' alone the dark zone
Death is a ransom
Why all this drama on me
**** it seems like they wanna Punish me?????????
first there was darkness
then came along the light shining bright
was a brother like me
made insight
brought joy intead of a toy
mama got tears
cuz it was a boy
made from bed ruckus trust us
i aint going no where
stop and stare
At the spiritual Sun
and recollect what God set and reject
what society sets
as a standard
since im a ******* child
destined for. a casket
though i mastered
the game
puttin' enemies to shame
with a single flame
burn em til they
a grain
of salt takes sip of the malt
liquor the quicker
i get with my flow
lets not forget that indo puffin slow
as my visions sped
feelin the last of a dying breed
though a corrupt seed indeed
greed feeds
a hungry soul
yearning for cash rolls
only to take a
bad toll and stroll
down to the valley
of deathrow
with each and every breath
i plan my steps
got these demons watching me
for cheap currency
but they cant milk me
cuz made my own serials
knockin- imperials
down the system goes
stay on my toes
watch the game
cuz fools actin strange
its time rearrange
thangs the way they
used to be phonies actin' like ya homies
til the good times
run out no doubt
since i got no love
from the start
i knew my part
gotta black heart
got **** im feelin hopeless
struggle getting bigger
but they tell me
to hope less
dont got no posses
so i stay to myself
watching my health
keeps techs on my  shelf
just incase of a confrontation
it's me against the nation
gotta **** the litigation
if ya black like me
know you an enemy
to them devils around the
you know how they label  us
say we equal?
but I always see the cops bust
at our frame crimes go untamed
feelin' left out of barge
as i sit back n charge
my mental sittin next to me is my pistol
tryna figure out
where do i wanna go?
is it life or death
im attracted to?
cuz these spirits that guide you
giving multiple clues
harsh ghetto blues
coming through
the neighborhood up to no good
black males misunderstood
can't help but bang my wood
cant a find a woman
whos really down for the cause
loves at a pause
got closed jaws
hand on my *****
as i stand against the walls
silent pains kills us all
got **** this aint life G
everyday they keep pushing us back
to slavery
but **** it
i fight against the will
powers that be in this reality
i know they dont like me
soon to see a jail
cell times aint well
can't break a job
so i guess its back to crack sales
hustle fiendin cash im dreamin'
adversaries come in
as tag teams and
can ya see me streamin'
up **** creek weak
loves to honor
the dead and gone
im in a new zone
prone to rippin- up ****
dont give a **** if die broke *****
lady liberty aint nothing but a *** to me
ya see trumps presidency
makin' po folks move residency
can ya see?
i feel like the begotten son
the only one
conscious sick of nonsense
somebody help me?
im going crazy
*** my mind refuse to  be lazy
cuz lately prophecy
be layin' on my mentality
cant focus in reality
cuz im spiritually touched
in world so clutched
by stupidity in actuality
my locality be
in the darkest state of mind as I grind
with this plot  made
hopefully we can all evade
the troubles coming ahead
and im in yo head
like thoughts soon to be said
this is my daily bread
feelin' invincible
which maybe explains
im untouchable????
Man I'm feeling sad but good, sliding on the leatherwood, **** near wrecked,
Up in the hood,
I'm misunderstood, my city like a ghetto, hollywood, so I should,
Let it off my chest, never grow soft, real man dont shed no tears,
Now that yall no longer here, I gotta embrace the fears, my death is near,
But dont shed no tears, when I'm up out of here, out of here,
Yosef get a control, of ya soul, **** Im in hidden in the valley of skulls,
Closet opened, now see all the pain unfold, I'm still living for the city,
Like stevie, and I wonder, will ever get a break from the thunder,
Under the lightening, it's kind of frightening, tryna be writing,
To ya in the afterlife, dayum you left behind ya wife,
I cant think straight , see double visions, while driving on the interstate,
**** it's too late, too late, why so many up in a crate,
Smiles and tears, as the caskets appear, closer and closer mayne,
And I'm a sit back cruising in the slow lane, while I focus on the puffs, of mary Jane,
Im So high so high, I'm lookin at em, so low so low, six feet deep they go,
Bangs on my mental, how i keep myself sane, in a world that so insane,
Mayne, it's enough to make ya wanna blow out ya brain, with no remain,
Tryna get a strain, on the devils mane see me up at 4 way holding it mayne,
I wish I could change, the world but too many love the evil that curls,
Love into pain, submission I'm giving, all that I got, til my body is shot,
Open for the plot, I see the enemies sitting near me, waiting for me,
To put a gun to my head, man I'm half dead see my thoughts, is half read,
Cant see through the Hennessy, demons shaking me, and the angels, tryna walk with me, at the same time,
Put my thoughts on rewind, so it dine, mayne I gotta stay on top of mines,
Grind, sunday to sunday, so many living the life one way, everyday I treat it like holiday, no matter what the haters say, I pray,
On bended knees, hoping one day I'll see, my babies, what up heaven?
What up hell? Will ever get a break, through this madness out of my shell,
****, first it was my uncle calvin, then next was my baby zekara, ****
This can scare ya, now I see the rapture, my baby Lelei, got caught up in the capture,
Mayne, im.being real, I miss yall laughter,
Now pops is gone, you was strong, you used to play the same ol song,
Now I'm humming, the band played on, them jheri curls was on, on and on,
You used to to get me gone, with your infinite wisdom, another kingdom,
Added **** I wish I didnt bat it, the bases is loaded, with spirits, wait to be loaded,
At home plate, where the angels await, another heart is on the stake,
Another family at the wake, silence sighs see the water in they eyes,
It's no surprise, another limo ride, in black for the disguise, I peep wise,
My eyes glow red, when I see another soul that's godspeed, my thoughts red,
Nothing but pain, I can see the grains, off wisdom stretching on my brain,
I cant maintain the goetias mayne, somebody come save me, pray for me,
I feel for any, you got pity, in they heart beware glowing darts,
Splitting apart, evil and the dark, I'm paced up happy as a lark, as I park
A bullet for ya mind, not even one time, can stop this shine, I miss yall,
I miss yall, man we gonna have a ball, celebrate ya homegoing call,
No more pain no more rain, only the sunshine, that gathers the opening lanes,
Clouds of joy, hands comforted around me, let my invisible wings, fly freely,
I'm feeling glee, spirits all over me got me, freaking out violently,
Cant sleep, cuz my eyes flowing like a creek, feel the sorrows of the weak,
Beckons like concrete, so watch ya speak, I only promise,
Hang with the wisdom of Thomas, I'm not a teacher, or a preacher,
I'm just here to reach to ya, how many people  gonna read, embrace my philosophical seeds, I'm here to breed, nothing but peaceful creeds, see the Rasheeds,
Out here throwing techs, for greed my soul only feeds, to the real indeed,
I bleed, nothing but war inside of chaos live life everyday, as a coin toss,
How I can see wins, if I'm stuck at a loss, one hand ya soul like Randy Moss,
Suckas get tossed, out my battlezone, many nights I've battled alone,
PTSD just another clone, many of soldiers ain't never seen home,
Visited many nights, of the unknown tombstone, so many hearts is gone,
Chasing, something they cant even chase, im.just sit, copy and paste,
Coming off my mind, its goes dine, I'm gripping on my iron, like mike,
I see enemies in my sight, I'm hallucinating got my brain creating,
Scenarios, scenarios, black mirror got me feeling homicidal, hits like a tidal,
Wave only for the brave, I see the crave hibernate pain, like a bear in a cave, naw I cant be saved, i dont wanna be saved,
Dear lord can you hear me, take me, away from the webs of humanity,
I know you see me as a key, like Joseph to Mary situations scary,
Can even look at my family, the same I see them as the same, adversaries stay lookin for me but they cant blast me,
Blast me cuz I got the armor of soldier, hell spawns all in me ya feel me feel me???
Still a dangerous emcee once I set my feet in the industry
Exposing used to be homies now they wanna ****.me
But can't I keep the techs on me
Just incase I gotta capture another soul makin' eternity
Placin' urns round me Cuz they soon to burn
To ashes smoke the greenest grass from Shannon Ireland
This captain ain't hiring
only killers I be admirin' y'all flows expirin'
Once the sirens sounding another Emcees gets a pounding
Heads covered with ***** plastic bags
Poked holes soon to be drowning
Fools tellin' jokes but you don't see me clowning
Only money and guns I trust so that's my surrounding
A King like Arthur I be the author
Sealin' emcees chapter takes notes for the rapture
Kidnapped ya team flashplay scenes Bones become fractured
Once I roll over weak emcees like a tractor
Major factor to this game
We ain't no actors
Flippin' heads With my metal spatula
Communicating to y'all with the street vernacular

My personality evil as Mallory
Natural born killers
Intincts is what inspires me
Who better than me?
My flows poisonous like Ivy
Got more brothers than Isley
Summer breeze with me
Heat is what ya catching from me
My guns Rip through skin cells so rapidly
Paint murders so vividly graphically
They'll remember me I'll be
Notorious like B-I-G
Fools dry lookin' all thirsty
Sips bottles of the Dom Perry
**** Governor Perry we bake more dough than Pillsbury
Rolls so know ya role or else get the barrel to ya temple
Executions made Iraqi style so how?
You gone disconnect the dial?
Deaths is callin' soon to be fallin'
With the rest of the Angels
That we had to ******' strangle
Don't matter the point or angle
Fools chained like Django hop in the Black Tahoe we got deals for sure
I'm.hustlin night and day like Al B Sure
We choke out competition like Latrell
Make heaven out of hell never see a jail cell
Money lookin' too good I'm feelim' Richie
Chillin' at the top mobbin' like Big Paulie
BLitZeD Feb 2016
Stay with shell, guts and trails
techs, tape decks. 808's an gals
my trains on snowy tracks
gada blow off the rails
Tony Montanan man
my little friend yells
under the ground your little friend dwells
hasta manana friend, iIll see you around 12
with 12 in the gauge
on the dial sun swells
you can rest in this pain
we both burn in hell
What's up DMX, I see they got you next, I just wanna pay,
My respects, 21 gun salutes, with the techs, rough rider,
Like Theodore, for sure, I knew the pain, was plain, and pure,
What else do, we have to live for, too many greats, under the floor,
Resting peacefully, somebody put them slugs in me,
Reverse the tragedy, just to bring more tragedy, and agony,
Dodge the vanity, enemies sitting on the front, steps of mercy,
I seen many, died before, just another, unpredicted prophecy,
Thought I could shake, the cold flee, filled with lifeless memories,
First Kobe to Doom, then X, to close the everlasting, trinity
Now all I have is ya songs, rest in peace, dawg with the heavenly

Used to get amped up, to get at me dawg, rough on the hogs,
Living to die, so why even try, to muster the fry, last breed to die,
This game been *****, check the birdies, chirping slowly,
Crack the 40z, for the lost homies, too many, too name,
Lost in the fame, **** I should, have bit, the flames
Longer ago, seen death knocking at the doors, for the cure,
My best homies, all clay frozen, as isee the souls rosen,
From the watery graves, from the grief, that loves to stay,
Til the day, I lay in the ground, im a continue, to bust rounds,
Reload til my thoughts explode, I'm pain free, slipping easily,
Almost couldn't get up, never let up, this world's so corrupt,
Let the trails of tears,  uplift the curse, finally in a hearse.
Yo whos the mack
Is that brother with the same rap
Or the brother that's finna snap
Out of reality
Yeah I know your kind
But ya can't keep me blind
Blame everything on the white man
Please understand
I know history is a thang
Of the past
******* I put on blast cast
My villain time for the killin'
In the midst of the night .we stay hovering like
Ghetto birds in flight
Hidden in plain sight
Down for the fight
But everytime I fight
It seems like my brothers .wanna
Keep me down under
In this concrete jungle hard to be humble
When everybody out for self
Keep techs on the shelf
But you scared to claim that
Ya black .now ask ya self
Who's the Mack????

Born in the 80s rolled out the 90s
Tried to hide my feelings
But it seems to find me feelin' grimy
Ever since I was raised
In a society that's been caged
Animal instincts scared to blink
Cuz my eyes might
Miss somethin' gotta watch for
These fools dumpin'
My heart's steadily pumpin' jumpin'
Cause I'm itchin' for the real
**** the mass appeal slipped the meal
Cuz real
Soldiers move smooth and fast
Quick in a flash
Make em think I'm close
When I'm really far away
Yeah still I clutch the AK pray
Harder on darker days .even though real rhymes hardly pays
N I'm barely makin' a stack
N they say I slack
Now ask ya self who s the Mack?????
Yo bars sick more like aids infected I got heavily heaters selected
Techs rip through skin flesh and bones I attack like the drones
I see you all alone
Hiding against my forceful shield my lyrics make any yield
You playing in the battlefield with a special elite force skilled
I end careers at the start got a heart full of stones
Despised clones thinking they gone roam but I be the hidden vessel of Rome tookin' from the tomes
I reign with Kings of the Underworld this ain't for child play but call me Chuckie
Knifin' strong adversaries in the back makin' ****** macks  
ya whole team'll crack
Like a broken wooden bat
To a 100 mph fast ball but ya can't dodge these bullets
I'm carvin' in ya head with my lyrical blades nothing said but bloodshed
Covered from toe to heads beat the feds
Cuz I took spirits with me instead
I see you dreamin' of demons see I'm schemin'
Nightmares got you shooken and beamin'
Across the blackened corridors I be the God of war
Love the taste of gore too **** ******* I score
More than the Fugees check my filter premium crackin' craniums
With my super vibranium pack steels harder than Titanium
**** aluminium I be an alumni to the devil's eyes
I'm Hellspawn ya soon to don ya casket closed put his head in a basket
Uncovered my shell so I couldn't mask it
Easily I task it tisket a tasket *******
Better recognize when I rise you see the clouds demise
It's the comin' of the Demi Gods survivors of Maygog and Gog
Scripture wise my lyrics baptize
From the touch of lilith ***** beautiful wings
Makin' everything yield at my rhyming
Ain't no stoppin' me and my deadly pedigrees
Lace the blunts to get me
High as the Peruvian yey from the Chi to the Tre
Ride on enemies like Dr Dre experts with AKs
Leavin' smilies face silohuette over ya body that met
A billions bullets shavin' ya side with no mullet
Triggers I pulled it I'm ****** as Bail I even got jail in Hell with no bail
My minds explodes like a grenade six seconds I turn renegade vocals portrayed
I leave a path ****** as Capone Valentine's Day parade yea
Ken Pepiton Mar 2020
2020 -day 84

Tuesday, March 24, 2020
8:55 AM

Seeing wrong,
seeing all the light available,
in the shadows.

The unknowable turns believable.
Seeing monsters made up of

fears, non knowns, and warnings of what if;

how does the seer ever see
the absense of

all that never was as it all

appears as real
is now
visible in the light of day after tomorrow.

Expect, see, out there, ex-spectate, wait

what if this all passes


Meeting death in the barren market place,

this old man insisted on standing, to see past

pasts claiming causal friction grows slicker

sticky corruption shorting
utilities to
ground us.

{about five hundred million functional on-offs
fit on the silicon in a single grain,

a finite grain, in the finite sand, FYI}

pearl essence,
a layer of lacquer on a rough cut stone, a single
granular bit of silicon,
not sand, not silicone leaked from cracks and cleavages.

Real natural silicon, minus the dioxide cubist sand shapers that
seem to hold silicon in three-d
inside an oyster gut,
but smooth
silicon, slick
flat silken surface,
formed via imagi-tec-hative prognostication of holo

bubbles shaping spheres of in fluence where once were

only circles
and every thing was as simple
as pi and Bohrian atoms.
from 1905 to now,
in some boxes men think in, imagining
orbiting electrons is how authoritarian sci using folk explain
chemical electricity,
and some try to say gravity is the active force at work.

Word, we know better... in the two d reality of words and flatness, here
psy psi sci
wist ye not- known knowns trump unknown unknowns.
Yes, we won.

Wisdom first, as a force, knowing, sci itself comes first,

by any name you claim you know but can't say,

for fear of the power in such names, no,
for fear
of the power
that makes such words, magic words,

words only magi-techs can utilize
safely in low light conditions,
adding matrices in
layers of little lies, informing the evidence chain
back to the idea of taking, and using, perhaps,

the idea of acting like only certain sorts of minds
may imagine knowing how to use
God - big g, all emanations and flavors
's name in vain.

Jot that down. Yod heh heh heh

here, have a sound track for the battle being set in array...

Don't Fear the Reaper

40,000 every day, la la, la la la

-- blue oyster cult mythic edge of sixties band

rock rollin' music for happy Sisyphus fans,

who find links to Camus in Covid 19 news, oh no

knowing growing must go on,
we leak out a spurt of

pearl essence, warning, this could be slippery,

keep your balance, walk don't run, listen we

survived, there is no guilt in that.

Nor must we do more than mortally possible, to believe
this life is temporary, at best.

consist, insist, resistance is futile, tiny grain

irritant emanating signals

secrete the pearly essence, encompass us

so smooth, so full of potential beauty
in this light
Bright and early, I remembered any music I wish for is probably on YouTube. And some times, I sing along
Yosef the pain deliverer tactical as my homie Mcgyver through years I got wiser
Smoke buds now I'm wiser despise tha
Haters that try to keep me down under
Once my rhymes cloud ya mind feel the thunder
Soon to rumble enemies become humble
Once I shock they cells see visions of hell ain't no bail
And you can yell but death will be ya last holy Grail set like a ship to sail
On ya brainwaves once my nine paves a pathaway
A lyrical injection smoke rhymes like the blast of a smif and Wesson any testin' only to get a blessin'
Initiated into the skies while ya fantasize realize
Im reaching for a status beyond the rockerfeller enterprise
Noble guys who really undercover mob guys
Feel the heat rise glands sweating cuz my mic is threatening
Once the vocals is laid pray em like raid
Leave em crawlin' for days with yo body in an eternal daze
Like Bufotenine cross through any timeline
Or dimension need I mention keep foes searchin' like an expedition so ******* keep on wishin'

Yo I tote mics like crack in hot spots
Soon to drop bricks off the blocks tell me who can stop?
This freight train emcee from running and gunning
Ain't no fronting fakers only be bluffin' soon to get a snuffin'
From my swift tae bow lyrical combo so
Know ya role or else I'll make ya body Rocky
From the shot gun it likes to get cocky
Cuz can't none top me or stop me ya flows too sloppy
Ya just a carbon copy burn ya whole anatomy
My tactics are ancient grafted with egytpian to aztecs
Check my the techs I select that could even make spirits sweat
Fools dying in disgrace
**** moving at a snails pace been around world like Mase
Even if I cop a case I got millions laced in a vase
Of my casa bashin' cacas who ain't nada
Son of Noreiga birthed with drugs and slugs
And hung with suit and tie thugs
Ain't nothing funny like Doug in the buns of Patti
She call me mack daddy banged her to Teddy
love TKO ya know my flows swift as a wind blow
Fools step ended with crushed pipes so
Learn the rap principal ***** I'm invincible
Take this l before ya be living in critical
Some question my tactics
Cuz I react quick
Leave critics with open backs split
Now you in deep ****
******' wit a soldier
Been trained for combat
I'll never back back
Down smackin' rounds
In the adversary
Of a clown I get around
Can you me comin
Naw but you see them techs hummin'
My verbal arsenal take it personal
So don't be a sucka
Or else be digged like a shovel
Still beatin' devils outlaw immortal known rebel

So they wanna silence
Me but can't touch me
Cuz of my lyrical artillery
Adversaries see the cemetery
Can't stop watch ya can't see
I be the born leader of the century
Rap revolution pistol in place shootin'
Hearts I'm lootin' and bootin'
Out spectators to haters
Ain't none greater a genesis like sega
Alpha to omega
Soon to break ya gats shake ya
Into a cold corpse of course
Check the quotas
I leave minds sizzlin' like sodas
Fools thought i was demised
But don't know
I been trained a combat soldier
Caught a glimpse of parliaments sunlight guns bright
With the flash as I sprinkle o dash salt the grass pass
Through the 4 seasons **** I'm still breathing recieving
Higher frequency desires amplifier keep the minds fire
No forte foreplay my words til it's nothing from something
I saw myself in the wombs of pains doom for me to consume
This world ain't nothing but a prison sentence reference  
My sentiment to the books of the innocent angel presence
Faced me since I was a baby I was made to save humanity
Christ like imagines me rolling nikes on the bikes fly as a kite
Broke the spiritual rites concave riding the risky wave
I may die a martyr but my moves made to much smarter
War epiphany strikes the minds of the unseen Machiavelli  
Ten rules to follow dont swallow the fake pills of the ills
I stay with the reals heart of soldier so I'm made to ****
Inspect ya deck once the mic check Gza gave me the connect
Rolex linked with my techs one of a set I'm down for the jet
****** was the case they gave me cruising down like Eazy
E 63 doing the **** I see the camel's eye in the needle
Birth from a rough Bethlehem theres I lays my jams lion for lambs
Watch out for the flim flams suckas more saltier than clams
Got **** I'm tryna escape the masterplan plantations
Change the stations rolled out the legions demons cleaving
Onto the weak hearts that's where I set my heart to start
Working from the mental state to annihilate the forged hate
I lay it in a crate dominate my fears through conquer of faith
Lawrence Hall May 2021
Lawrence Hall

                   Can Internet Service Providers be Saved?

                      Hey, that’s no way to say goodbye.

                                     -Leonard Cohen

Multiple Voices from an ISP:

Our order support team reported back…
you had 2 work orders. Your work order with us
has been cancelled and the email you forwarded
to me is the installation group you will need
to contact about scheduling. Sorry…We have received
this work order that was already scheduled for 5/8
morning. There are no notes from any dispatcher
speaking to you and changing the appointment
date/time. Below are the notes on the account
and no appointment changes have been made.
Called to t/s modem; modem is offline…
t/s modem is offline…Upgrade for
the Unlimited Bronze 12…set expectations…
I do not know who this sales group is. They
do state you are scheduled for 5/4 but the work
order they sent to the 3rd party installer
shows your [sic] scheduled for 5/8. We do not
have techs in your area tomorrow…I have sent
your account to the order support team…Your appointment
scheduled [sic] has been updated…Changes have been made
to your ViaSat account.

API INSERT (Note) 04/30/2021 11:01:56 AM CDT BEP scheduling work order during creation. API UPDATE (Schedule Date) 04/30/2021 11:01:56 CDT Unscheduled Unassigned API INSERT (Note) 04/30/2021 11:01:53 AM CDT

Installation notes…Our records indicate…
We need to confirm your appointment…Your appointment
schedule has been updated…as your preferred date
could not be accommodated. We sincerely apologize…
We have been trying to reach you with the number you provided…
We have received your work order and would like to confirm…
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message
to the following address…Your Viasat Internet
payment failed…Payment has not been received…
If you do not make a full payment soon…
relaying denied…To avoid interruption
of your Viasat service…You may also call us…
agent assist fees may apply…

Thanks for being a Viasat internet customer!
The sub-contractors who do the installation and repair are professional; the problem is with the office-gnomes who appear not to listen even to each other.
At some point
the pills stop being for you.
They become gifts for those
who care so much
that they don’t want you to die.
They are for the therapists
the doctors
the psych nurses
the health techs
the ER staff
and psychiatrists
desperately rooting for you.
Take them.
Take them until they’re for you again.
Livin' lavish seekin' adversaries cabbage
None could micromanage speak many languages
Money I'm talkin' chicken hawkin' mentally stalkin'
The Biggest dog so no need for barking my harpoon
Could **** all yall careers with one
Shot and who got
The skills to plot I could even
Make death rot
Gives a **** about about how many mics
They could write I'll still.outwrite
And out shine
The best of em some of em
Spittin' clever however I'll endeavor
Like creeps of subconscious
My shot guns will blast ya
The before and after the disaster master
Of ceremonies rhymes my crony
Techs heavy as Ronnie
Coleman I'm.not a show men but I' blazin' chaos harder than
Chiburgh from No Country for Old Men

Slippin' in ***** cats while I'll mack
These flows ya know how it goes break.em.down to the last particles I'm in every article
Gotta talk bout how I punish em
No easin' up my cup runneth up
The Hennessy got me feelin' breezy
But never fall down forever holding my crown
Fools slacking cuz they be jackin'
Off their own sales then have the nerve to say they living well
When they stiff as hell my flows leave em pale sittin' frightened as gargamels I can smell
***** from miles away **** the AK
Somebody gotta die today no delay
For the freeway
Of death with each breath I carefully write and recite sinister as Pike spike
Ya brain cells sizzlin' like a twist of Sprite say goodnight as I lace the mics

— The End —