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Olivia Kent Dec 2017
Post person or whatever.
Always turning up.
Regardless of the weather
I feel for the postie upon this chilly day.
Relied upon to bring with him, all Christmas in his sack.
Bringing bills and festive notes from Southampton to John'O'Groats.
No suprise from Santa Claus.
Just a chilly postman going to the doors.
Through rain and snow the postman goes.
Trotting with his smile intact.
Waiting for Christmas to come around again.
His mailbag always laden, that's a fact for sure.
I wonder when the day of e-cards supercede.
The postman may redundant, not coming to my door!
Thank you post person,
You do a vital job.
Enigmuse May 2014
  o when I die, burry me inside the deepest of graves
  farther than six-feet-under, because if I’m that close
  I won’t behave. I’m too close to him, through the earth
  I feel his sins, and they keep me alive until
  omorrow. When the quiet life subsides, there’s no blue
  left in the sky, and the life we thought we lived was just
  a happy little lie. **** affection, I don’t need it, all my
  lies will supercede it, and I don’t need some therapist
  ver-analyzing my thoughts, because I’m already dead.
  Love was just a word we made up to feel better about
  the holes in our shoes and the ones in our hearts, and
  maybe I’m not over him, but I’m over the thought of him
  eaching out and grabbing my hands, he’s a boy, not
  a man, and he’s too afraid to whisper ‘I love you, too’
  because he’s too busy trying on a new pair of running
  shoes, and I know he won’t ever love me, even though
  od and him both tell me to wait and see, and I know he
  won’t stay, even though he swears he’s anchored to me
  and I know when the sun sets, he’ll be nowhere to be found
  just burry me at least seven feet under the ground, ‘cause the
  arth will love me more than him, and the frigid temperatures
  will remind me where I am, and the sun will bleed down promises
  (not so empty this time), and my corpse will be the breeding
ground for new life. I don’t love him, but I’m glad he killed me…

I always wanted to be a flower.
Now I get to be a whole bed of them.
storge: another word for affection
Styles Dec 2014
Searching your mind,   
Revealing your soul.   
A piece of my mind,   
Making you whole.   
The depths of your feelings,   
Defines the depths I will go.   
I know what I know,   
Time for me to show,   
How well though. 
Like never before, 
Here I go.   
Persuading your body,   
In so many ways,   
You're powerless to evade,   
The prowess of my ways.   
Caressing your tenderness.   
These moments your memory will replay;   
Haunting parts of your body in a special way.   
Reminiscent of this very day,   
Our parts bonding as we lay.   
Still influenced in ways you can't see,   
Rather feel, so its as real as can be.   
These unique pleasures bestowed upon you,   
Impaling your reality with my point of view.   
This abundance of energy; this vitality.   
A reflection of you and me.   
Enticing you mentally,   
controlling you physically,   
releasing you and me chemically.
Doing it intelligently.
Getting deep inside of you
So you can better understand me.
I am the man leading your hand
follow my lead and you'll supercede
peaks and ****** in ways never seen.
Now that I'm on the scene
driving you crazy,  taking the scenic route in between throws of passion while Kinging my Queen
Jordan St Angelo Oct 2010
The word interminable
is more than just a word.

Interminable is watching the sunrise
from a sleepless bed.
Interminable is staring at the ceiling
for hours searching for answers
in off-white oblivion.
When your life is just begun
but cannot seem to end quick enough.
When you're happier surrounded
by smoke and strangers
than you are alone.

Do you know interminable?
I think you do
It's when you wander the streets
going to work
going to school
going to live
and the air screams
the sun flickers
and no one is saying anything
but no one will stop talking.

Interminable is the sadness
the confusion
the overwhelming yearning for silence or something graver.
And you know that that too shall pass
that you're not always so sad.
That you've got a laugh able to warm hearts,
but what does it matter?

Why does it matter at all?

Days weeks years of happiness
are but fleeting moment.

But every second of sadness
is as interminable
as the weary days and weary ways
of the burning stars which supercede time itself.
Meteo Apr 2015
Many blessings upon you as you settle into your new address.

Since that workshop of yours I attended many moons ago, I have been in the practice of what you call "kiss poems". Though this exercise comes as gracefully for me as to be almost involuntary, I disagree with its name, how it implies temporary as fleeting;

the breadth of time allowed for a kiss
should supercede that of a pair of lips pinching each other
it should be amnesia breaking like a fever
it should be dodging bullets
and finding forgiveness
capturing the sun
a spinning panorama centered around two people in a busy train station
we get closer as the universe drops away with every revolution
it's William Blake standing in line at MPI
it's long lost friendships
it's fond acquaintances reintroduced in a museum after a thousand years
it's the accumulating caress of cresting tides
it's finding out what's on the other side and staying awhile
it's a lazy afternoon to make up for a lifetime
it's your song on the radio
it's an unyielding hand on a shoulder as a foot leaves a precipice
it's, "I'm sorry"
it's, "I know"
all this said as read should allow for the breadth of a kiss
for more, for less

dear Mr. Wint,

the breadth of time allowing for a kiss
should leave a pair of what was once previously anomalous,
identified indefinitely as a singularity

lips like fingerprints
forever evident

At the risk of being contentious, I just wanted you to know I wrote a poem, and you're to blame.

Thank you.
"MPI" - Manitoba Public Insurance
Ignorant Minds, They Stay Behind
as Enlightened Souls, Fill the Sky
Their Souls Levitate and Intertwine
as The Ignorant Minds ,They stay blind
The Levitating Souls Twist and Bind
Forever Increasing At An Alarming Size
Illuminated Spirits, Illuminated Minds
Supercede All of Mankind
Joining Souls Start to Climb
All Together, Stopping all Time
Ignorant Minds, They Stay Behind
This poem was written for people who keep themselves purposely concerned with trivial lifestyle choices.
My need to pack a bag or two for an exciting trip 
supercedes the urge to spend this hour writing
doggerel in hopes someone will think I am a poet

I’m taking more than I will need. I do it every time
And bring back brand new clothes still neatly folded
Having never left the suitcase or tried on at all.

My poetry is over packed more often than I’d like.
The need to make my feelings clear approaches
Supercedence over litereary form and rhyming.

and the chorus:

A pair of jeans and 4 tee-shsirts is really all I need.
I wondere why I bring so much - it puzzles me indeed.
I wonder also why I write long verses you must read.

I’ll try to cut the wardrobe down, take just one duffle bag.
I’ll try to use far fewer words to raise my poet’s flag
If this should work out either way, I’ll be the one to brag.
Running out of time for playing. But I'm having so much fun with BLT"s Webster Word Game. I can make a poem from most any word, but I can make a GOOD poem from very, very few.
Y May 2015
I wish I discovered religion
Like how I accidentally discovered ******
That way I'll be ******* addicted to it

I wish I wasn't made to study religion
But learn about how God loves me
That way, my knowledge for his love
Would supercede the doctrines and rules

I can't be an atheist
But I deeply don't love him like I should
I want to but I don't want to study his love

So religion or nah.
ranDom mysTeries comes out in June. The first single piece comes out on 1st June.
my cup overflows Aug 2015
can you differentiate pain ?
and rate it according to your own scales
can you measure it by age or race
who doesn't know pain ?  
because we have all felt pain
it does not segregate
and so is love

should supercede the rest
call it what you want
Creating a new cryptic language.

These are the sips from the goddess 's fountain.

Deep levels of wizardry my mind constantly stuck in cardio. These reads SUPERCEDE your needs.

**** pressure. I always kept it together  no matter the weather

I will always see the TESLA in you.

You are the air currents that satisfy this mood

  the energy from my roots

             constantly fighting INERTIA  just to get next to YOU.
It seems that each time I climb my own Pulpit
Hoping with my Values you could soon know
These Arrows stab me; Some ***** my habit
Whilst others painfully stub my Big Toe
I suppose, that even if I Intercede
Which by the way un-crossed from my Contract
Would such Fence stand still; Yet I supercede
Beyond my Instructions I would extract
Apart from your Blood. Yet such Energy bleed
Checking my Virtues to your Good Effect
If at least Fail my own Ripe Moral's need
Must then tune your Future to your best Aspect.
Though Foreign am I, my Message give Hope
Could your Heart brush Wax; And your Mind feign Dope.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
smallhands Mar 2016
plenty, I'm free, I'll do it myself
this strand is an obscured veil
I'm towering like a queen of combat,
I've become unshakable

so, sketch, let me write you,
send inspiration
you crave it all, I'm aware
what do you seek in me these days?
maybe it's due that we partake

this, in this moment, the cold breeze
it becomes profound
just hide your lips for a vivid fabrication
scream music and lift up the mother warmth
the hunger won't cease until the light flees,
these days

the diagonal is luring an unfilled bottle
confidence that the muted can supercede
I'll take a quill to the creature

so, come, let me reveal the world
outside of your comprehension
your hold, make it real
I'm dragging you to the café

the atmosphere, the ground,
the diamond planets, and
mother warmth
we'll dig them down with
mountain rivers
I want your eyes to get big again
they're weighed with insomnia,
sleepy with stories
your hold, make it real
I'm dragging you home

Hanson Yang Feb 2018
This contemporaneous as conventional of the best of this age:
Perpetuated through time eternal as if spire was a switchblade to just a fist-blade finds heart-separating-breath to have you bleeding soul prone as relative in every ****-made;
Repeating poetry as if precision-aim-range lived was just a life to heart-protected of body of work as dialect-soul pierces all youthhood flesh of as if instead of the thigh as if the wisdom reflected work you imagine-defeat as it had missed-misses and pierces your heart-protection through the spire-contemporaneous-sacred as “bone” of every ribcage;
****** -lit-crave overtakes all renderings of the body of remaining as just this as I’m walking along reading yours for bliss-haze;  
Abdominal exertion absolution of currency of all structure as time motions flex compared posed as poetry is now contextual -body to know of what of whomever of “this” age;
Bicep growth to slow-life as all poetry becomes idle in competition as life again to “regrowth” idle idols as life to now just opportunity mere-stated-epic had just in the mere absolution rendered all to motions of time of this rage;  
There is no missed at all of work as all constant is now time;
None of it ever is ******* with mine;
There is no life again to re-correct or to ever re-see;
For none of it is never “ever” existence when ******* with me;
There is no regrowth as if metamorphosis of being time in pace of paths of “species even of duplicative Man” that will never meet ever again of know of this-phase;
Now psychological beings to body to poetry is now only supercede from just one being from time-absolute is now manifesting only Id-shame exerted poetry now to just a fist crave;
I take all body as if they were all as intellect absolution becomes only of youth now to wish-epic is Id manifesting now moment-existence of just what this changed
Like a dream--Contemporary Convention and the eternal infinite dropped down grasps lifts all heavy objectivity up as the body of just this day…
Crafted one year ago today
yours truly – hopefully self plagiarism okay
worse case scenario,
I would meet ill fate re: kenway
named after Assassin Creed
Black Flag's protagonist.

"Yo, I totally Kenwayed that guy."
by Bilbusbagginzies

Passive stance, but aye agreed
and did promise to pledge troth
faster than greased lightning airspeed
once the missus temporarily
ceased menarche regarding monthly bleed
became in family way with child
thee eldest, whom one day may breed,
when permanently settled
or opting out begetting offspring,
alluded daughter much more mature,
cuz parent trap truly ensnared me,
and I nearly capsized
manning figurative prairie schooner,
I captained poorly
barely surviving emotionally
analogously shipwrecked existence
I must forthrightly concede
done dirt cheap ***** deed.

Unlike das papa, first born proactive
taking preventative measures
to avoid begetting offspring
with college manual, she carefully plots
being masterfully persevering
enroute to notch curriculum vitae
with two additional years of schooling
University of Pennsylvania degreed
well self groomed for succeeding

at aforementioned Ivy League
years before taking
advanced placement courses
at Harriton High School
yielding to positive advisory feedback,
she wisely did heed
shipshape smarts anchors ahoy mate
passed academic challenges
with flying colors
well seasoned life, yes indeed.

Wherefore sexually reckless
behaviour, though I eventually wed
future mother housing zygote,
nevertheless did bungle responsibilities
to exponential powers of ten -
experienced challenges to exceed
capacity of yours truly to handle
whacking thru jungle of lady love
until...making head way
verboten fruit fricasseed
essentially purring kitty
I petted and proceeded to feed
pitched, hitched, ditched

libido in throes of monkish celibacy,
procreating analogous to filigreed
custom made jewel of denial,
bubbling self cleaning oven,
plus compelled tug get ***** freed
after being ****** asthma gumweed
glommed, where male member
tiptoed thru tulips playing ukulele
playing biological equivalent
risque business "Russian roulette"
pregnancy eventually guaranteed.

Unlike me wily ***** cocked,
limp bizkit primed to hawk kitty
then future spouse did not intercede
once peppy begged, connived,
to forego birth control and test virility
attested, claimed, *******, et cetera
arousal without prophylactics keyed
sowing wild oats courtesy yours truly
didst adeptly beg, burrow, knead
testosterone totally tubular
lil trouser snake did proceed
letting call of wild take lead
tube steak king claim for fatherland
heady after slurping boot legged mead
stifled unnatural prime mate years
pent up ****** urge, thus did supercede.

Thence sore relief yours truly did need
for swearing against wearing raincoat
at seminal moment blithely releasing seed
subsequent expense imposed
on fecund counterpart
with snoop doggy dogg speed
generating prickly heat
inducing ***** fied stampede
appetite for reproduction
struggling with common sense
(particularly lacking gainful employment)
raising and supporting young ones
incurred courtesy one or more progeny
needs and wants of offspring,
who sprouted like loco crazy ****,
as greater demands imposed
on their mama and papa.
Yazad Tafti Dec 2021
heart born with freedom
blood flow through my ventricles late i supercede them
like a hailmary through my bool stream
blitz my arteries with cholesterol teams

face planted
cheek slanted
girlfriend panted
and my ******* neighbours ranted

how come when i go too numb
face hit **** floor
i got overthrown by a concrete ***
back in the alley with stuck up confetti messes of chewing gum
until i become so numb
until my heart sore

heart died with freedom
**** these ventricles i no longer need to redeem em
Aye agreed
and did promise to pledge troth
faster than greased lightning airspeed
once the missus temporarily
ceased menarche regarding monthly bleed
became in family way with child

thee eldest, whom one day may breed
opting out begetting offspring
later versus schooner, I must concede
first born proactive with beau
raising one or more progeny
sprouting like loco crazyweed

hypothetical kin unschooled,
viz no particular
race, religion, creed...
cuz unlike das papa,
she carefully plots
being University of Penna degreed

shipshape smarts anchors ahoy mate
well seasoned life, yes indeed
unlike me ***** cocked,
limp bizkit primed to hawk kitty
then future spouse did not intercede
once peppy begged, connived,

dictated tug get freed
birth control neither I,
nor missus did heed
sowing wild oats courtesy yours truly
didst adeptly beg, burrow, knead
mini straw nee

testosterone totally tubular
lil trouser snake proceed
letting call of wild take lead
tube (steak king claim for fatherland)
heady after slurping boot legged mead
wharf four hide hid bungle exceed

ding whacking thru jungle of lady love
until...making head way
verboten fruit fricasseed
stifled unnatural prime mate years
pent up ****** urge, thus did supercede
pitched, hitched, ditched

libido in throes of monkish celibacy,
procreating analogous to filigreed
custom made jewel,
thence sore relief yours truly did need
at seminal moment ******* seed
with snoop doggy dogg speed

generating prickly heat
inducing ***** fied stampede
appetite for reproduction
essentially kitty feed
bubbling self cleaning oven
after getting ****** asthma gumweed

glommed, where male member
tiptoed thru tulips
playing biological equivalent
risque business "Russian roulette"
pregnancy eventually guaranteed.
Passive stance, but aye agreed
and did promise to pledge troth
faster than greased lightning airspeed
once the missus temporarily
ceased menarche regarding monthly bleed
became in family way with child
thee eldest, whom one day may breed,
when permanently settled
or opting out begetting offspring,
alluded daughter much more mature,
cuz parent trap truly ensnared me,
and I nearly capsized
manning figurative prairie schooner,
I captained poorly
barely surviving emotionally
analogously shipwrecked existence
I must forthrightly concede.

Unlike das papa, first born proactive
taking preventative measures
to avoid begetting offspring
with college manual, she carefully plots
being masterfully persevering
enroute to notch curriculum vitae
with two additional years of schooling
University of Pennsylvania degreed
well self groomed for succeeding

at aforementioned Ivy League
years before taking
advanced placement courses
at Harriton High School
yielding to positive advisory feedback,
she wisely did heed
shipshape smarts anchors ahoy mate
passed academic challenges
with flying colors
well seasoned life, yes indeed.

Wherefore sexually reckless
behaviour, though I eventually wed
future mother housing zygote,
nevertheless did bungle responsibilities
to exponential powers of ten -
experienced challenges to exceed
capacity of yours truly to handle
whacking thru jungle of lady love
until...making head way
verboten fruit fricasseed
essentially purring kitty
I petted and proceeded to feed
pitched, hitched, ditched

libido in throes of monkish celibacy,
procreating analogous to filigreed
custom made jewel of denial,
bubbling self cleaning oven,
plus compelled tug get ***** freed
after being ****** asthma gumweed
glommed, where male member
tiptoed thru tulips playing ukulele
playing biological equivalent
risque business "Russian roulette"
pregnancy eventually guaranteed.

Unlike me wily ***** cocked,
limp bizkit primed to hawk kitty
then future spouse did not intercede
once peppy begged, connived,
to forego birth control and test virility
attested, claimed, *******, et cetera
arousal without prophylactics keyed
sowing wild oats courtesy yours truly
didst adeptly beg, burrow, knead
testosterone totally tubular
lil trouser snake did proceed
letting call of wild take lead
tube steak king claim for fatherland
heady after slurping boot legged mead
stifled unnatural prime mate years
pent up ****** urge, thus did supercede.

Thence sore relief yours truly did need
for swearing against wearing raincoat
at seminal moment blithely releasing seed
subsequent expense imposed
on fecund counterpart
with snoop doggy dogg speed
generating prickly heat
inducing ***** fied stampede
appetite for reproduction
struggling with common sense
(particularly lacking gainful employment)
raising and supporting young ones
incurred courtesy one or more progeny
needs and wants of offspring,
who sprouted like loco crazy ****,
as greater demands imposed
on their mama and papa.
Man Jun 2022
you've nowhere to run
the thing you so hungrily sought
those lofty ideals that lead to this outcome
will be stabbed at
reverse engineered and understood
till they are gone

how does your judgement supercede your predecessors
do you profess to understand the pulleys
the intricate inner-workings
the mechanist and puller of the levers

do you understand the precedent this sets
do you care
if it fractures the nation
and opens the door
to absolving older legislation
so short-sighted
it is thunder
singing lightning
a storm brewing
to shadow progress
and bring on devastation

— The End —