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Butch Decatoria Sep 2018
Hell is like waiting in a long line for the zoo
So this must be limbo...

Time stretches / skeleton skin skeins
The tock the tick / the clock
Schizophrenic melancholia
Mockingly sickening
Traffic of panic / deafening
Time stales / takes Forever
A long while - in limbo
Zombie shock / mind akimbo

And loneliness is a box
This corpse sits in
As existence / outside frightful / persisting
***** and spritz-ing
Our vibrant thangs
Songs shouts to gang sign slangs
Even when the lyrics
Go deep
Six feet sorrow
Hip hopping to defeat

But we gots to love it
The life we have
The Flava and the savor this last dance .
Makes me wanna Dougie
Percolating / jump / criss cross
Vanilla bean / jump jump

But what is a song to a diminished bird
No cage more cruel than the loss of worth
Hearts depart from its soul
Jester / fools / without cheer
No cartwheels glee or clue
Happy days adieu
High times zero new
Birds to the sky / fist pump / guns
This is for the Razza
End what's done begun

Waiting to get thru
Theme parks colorfully masking
Reality's streets and truth
Inmates as we are forced to wait
Hate is quicker to arrive
Behind bars hollows Time
Takes our forever
Even waking up
Still in limbo / thirsty without a cup
Same ole system
Who's business makes slaves
Kept blind and silently afraid
In a state / of mindlessness
Now worse than before

Schitzo screaming schisms
Crazy IS the war
Fear wreaks havoc
Boom boom back to a room
In your head goes the bomb
Shrapnel wounded / half none...

Are we there yet?
Just farts in the wind
Waiting is hell / how does life begin?
Just passing by / passed away / a passerby
Yelling and complaining
Let me in ? Get me out ?
Ghost to life's boo hoo / poor you
What happens to dreams wasted
In the zoo
Eyes turned frozen
Cold uncaring
Dying and lying / lifeless stories to share
As beauty within is in despair
As beasts overcrowd the fair
Flotsam in limbo float
Alone in its killer cold
Time still passing / parole / on hold
Much hope

Where are we
If there is nothing
No penny for fairy tale wells

Wishes are dead in fountains
Rich and heavy to the bottom
With tossed currencies. Fell.
How will a coin speak
Who will ever know
If we do not paint out loud
The masterpiece of the dream?

Tell me dreamer what time do you have
Still waiting?

In this zoo...

When it always was and is
And always will be

Up to you.
Revised retitled
bluestarfall Apr 2015
I have been living in these huts lately,
As this life seems aimless and desultory,
Slowly flowing like the splash of drops over the board,
Hallelujah . For me, it's still our God's handwritten story.

Two cents quietly sit in my little pockets ,
And they still fit perfectly in each,
Same as our feelings, as they huddle around our hearts,
Occupying the bijou portions and trying not to leach.

I will hold on till the day, staggering away,
In my tattered clothes, till the color withers and my story stales,
Lingering in the huts, with a hue of nostalgia,
Ailing but not wailing, after a series of massive fails.

Before God finishes writing my story,
I believe he will hand me the pen, its a fact, not a lie,
And with you by my side, I will scribble my glory,
I'll dress you your Gossamer, and myself a Suit and a tie.
There is always a story written for everyone, and as they say, there is always a room for improvement too. Stay fearless and set your mark. Don't let the silence or the hardships alter your way.
Tilly Nov 2012

of unique
in effulgence
  piezos &  
    stales of a
To my guiding light... x
vircapio gale Mar 2013
as conscious mode,
vague aboutness, it stales romance
in metaphysic stench, this telic sense,
unlike the comfort of a family nest
my locus drifts on wind
i'd rather culture in a jar
on the counter (no secrets there) or even cellared
responding to the world's response, anthophilous
warehoused too for sticky label stigma-sized
cover-glint akin with stamp of human frailty, resource that i am,
far from pink and snow banana plants
no inward passion of a chimpanzee in chains
though i assume the name
pan troglodytes applies to me as any species, or much more,
riddled with neuroses, caves every each to steal away from being seen,
from open goals to shade concerns, rotted fancies
manifestering the soil by the laundy-bin abysm--
commode in time, this musa media mind
so urgent in its pseudostemming scour
will flower unsterile and so find its fruit
with bunching finger fronding infloresce
and write about it in the bloom
*"Musa"* is one of three genera in the family Musaceae, including bananas and plantains
Emma Sep 2012

Tick, tock.
Snakes on the clock. Brains. Skin. Air. Hair. Coils of fabric, and teeth.
Oxygen reeks. Stales. Pales and contracts.
Breathe nonetheless
Pull on a dress. Pull on a vest.  Step outside. Feel the wind.
Oh, the days I’ve spent-
Instantly forget.
Put on my face
Roses in a vase
Feelings cased in the closet
Filling space

Seems sometimes we’re just filling space
What a waste


Deep breath
Rose-scent fills her head

This could be it, she said
You’re too pretty for that, he said
Black and white embroidered with red
The cold air stung her lips as she read
This stone is where I’ll lay my head
The ground is made of bones
She’s alone

Steps on gravel, sounds awake the night
Jump into the abyss? She might

Memories of childhood fights
Initial dislikes
Periwinkle paint sets and tights
Once, learning to draw a rose
Once, hanging onto a hose, drenching strawberries
With brother in backyard
Family is a golden memory
At least there are pictures

The first one she kissed on the lips.
It was a dare. Fleeting but his eyes dripped sweetness. Twelve years young? She can’t remember. She ****** the same boy, drunk, four years later. He wasn’t the first, though.
And he still seems innocent

Hovering tensely
At the half-open door
She’ll never feel loved again.
She said.
Aches. Heavy ferocity ready to tumble. Dread.
Wake-up song every morning in her head.
The ground is made of bones.
She’s alone.
I’ve come this far. Revs up the car. Tears down her cheeks.
Runs over herself repeatedly in the street.

Why so gray?
His lips hold secrets
Autumn hay-stack drenched in dryness
Cool but bright, he’s a working man with a voice made of sunshine
Her eyes twinkled hello at his fingertips’ first brush-by
Smiled and walked away
Perhaps another day



Rain soaks my skin.
I was walking, computer and books weighted on my shoulders,
Lightning crossing my path
I’m visualizing math

The air is cool. The wind rolled darkness in on its back.
The storm is roaring and strobing the sky
I’d like to derive your kind
and the rhythm of my mind
From the grains of sand left behind


And listen to the song of the sea


And float in the lingering breeze
As the storm dies down
The night’s dying down
I’m counting for now,, and "you"
Are a ghost of an idea, wispy but fresh but

Much like the memory of yesterday’s storm


As I was drenched in the shower I could only think about taking pictures of my memories and tearing them into a storm
A catastrophe -
I'd laugh.
I'd call it art.

This storm is ******* beautiful.
Summers ago when he was ten
his first blush was born from her glance
on his yard fell the first rain
he had but met her only once.

Most precious gift gave her tiny hand
one that he kept in a matchbox
no ring it was a red rubber band
long lost still at his heart knocks.

How can stop time by a girl's whim
stales never a moment of closeness
when love was an unripened dream
lust was an unknown address.

The boy soon grew to become a man
the girl went to some faraway land
they come but once in one lifespan
his first blush her hand's rubber band.
this poem waited for over forty years to be born.
The blood of Christ
Constantly dripping over my life
Listen hear I am blood bought
My King took the punishment  for sin...rugged and uncut
Blood sport
No mark of the beast
I'm talking the mark of the free
Blood of the lamb yes his blood marks his sheep..
Death pass by my front door
**** the Egyptian first born
Jesus beat from limb to limb..the sight of flesh scorned
Oh my Lord your beard it was tore
Off ..
Bless it savior you fulfill the laws
Kings blood only type that could pay the cost
And save the lost
I bang blood with no gang affiliations
Striped naked sin causes  humiliation
One death saved humanity every civilization
You see sin stales life sterilization
Kings blood brings life  fertilization
Not talking zombies, when the dead start raising
I meant rising.
Followers of King Jesus we behind him
Like the man from Verizon
The world denied him and still denies him
Died once and rose into forever ..the key to our eternal survival
People open the Bible
Satan's no rival
Hells hot  souls drenched in sweat no Cabo
I stand as a man ...A witness
Anointed in Kings blood
White and Red blood cells..healing, health, love
EEZ Dec 2016
Yesterday I wrote to a judge
on the behalf of an old friend
who has done the unthinkable.
“Sitting where you are,
Your Honor,
you could not possibly know
the boy”—the

What do you call it when
the desire of an “I
told you so!” stales
to nothingness.
Silence. Everybody
is invincible

“30 years.” the voice came through
the collect call from County.
“They gave me thirty, thanks
for nothing,” said the

But now there’s nothing for you,
but time and prison wine.
Sequestered May 2016
Life's so unfair,
Tempting and rough.
Prey to despair,
Taunting and tough.

To earn a dime,
She became enslaved;
Becoming crime
Begging to be saved.

Her pains smile,
Her bruises tell tales;
Many miry miles,
So sour it still stales.

One fateful day
She braced her senses,
Then walk'd away
From her own offenses.

She said goodbye
To today from tomorrow;
Ventured into sky
To fly away from sorrow.
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Not magick, nor the fires of Heaven
Can outshine the beauty of thy charm
Burnished bright in colours heathen
That stoke the shuddering spirit warm
When stars have died and run out of colour
And marble and monuments decay
Your truth will be embossed, for time fuller
Written lucid on the sky, clear as day
Next to you illusion pales
And is made diminished, menial
The urge for superfluous passion stales
Deepest desires become congenial
   O Beauty, with burning eyes arise
   From enchanting peripheries
Poetic T Jul 2016
static, motionless
death stales life eternally

sorrows now entombed
Ronza Jairy Feb 2019
When a relationship stales
It’s easier to fade away with it
Rather than try to fix it
It is easier to give up
Sort through the disappointment on your own
Trying to remember who you are
Who they fell for in the beginning
The person they soon loved
That you lost along the years
Forgetting to love yourself
It’s a crying shame
But a day will come when you will regain your electric spirit
And you will fly
In your magic
But to get there
You must let the broken pieces fall
Settle in their own time
There is no race to coming back to you
Just remember that you want to
Because avoidance is a fool’s game
Clothed with the stars
Even the sweetest rose stales in comparison
For you the heaven grows hot
Causing hell to sweat
As a glimpse of your beauty
Sends ripples of unimaginable pleasure
Even the universe lusts after it's own kind
Your love is a universal one
U are a universe.
Murphy Guskjolen Dec 2017
In jest I aspire
To be
To be someone that I am
That I am what I think I am
But what am I truthfully

Do I jest then or aspire my true self
Do I jest into myself or others
Is this all there is to taste
My potential unseen
Unseen by me and to others

I crave this and this and this
And this is believable
But in myself my true self
It cannot be unto me
Roadblocks collide

Thoughts swirl
Momentum flourishes
Only to be broken by lies
Delicious lies and heavy shoulders

Keep running or keep running
Is one way the only way then
The answer I fear hungrily
Slowly starving as my body stales
Am I the beast fending off myself
Or importantly not

I, (and the missus)
     pleased as punch residing
     at this Schwenksville, Pennsylvania locale,
     (since july first tooth house

     sand eighteen), marks one year
and better with (on site
     service) wash and wear,
but most irrefutable attraction

     comprises rental assistance,
     when upon the merry month of May
     first, the dollar figure outlay
     to occupy a single bedroom

     (at this low cost
     housing facility) didst veer
dramatically downward
     from an initial charge,

     sans five hundred, and seventy two unswear
     able legal tenderloin monies,
     per twelfth of Gregorian Calendar,
     when aye didst tear

away the page signaling June,
     thine checking account reduced sheer
     lee no misprint (to win unbelievably
     rosy, piddly, and giddy)

     one hundred and seventy
     seven buck a roos,
yet lesser benefits appended, asper
     this bucolic, diatonic,

     and harmonic rear
opportunity to espy
     white tailed non queer
yule less doe ting mama

     belonging to Cervidae family app pear
ring to take shelter in a narrow
     (sunset) strip somewhat near
enough from mine

     inside perch oblivious
     to this mad capped (Alfred E. Neuman),
who **** stumping for elections midyear
essentially to reinstate

     "FAKE" King Crimson Lear
on the throne,
     who strongly objects to killdeer
for eats or sport,

     and silences those hood jeer
his reverence toward gentle creatures
     including near extinct albino blushing zebra,
     hooves warp and weave interlinear

within said (postage size
     token) plot here ~ 1+ hectare
secluded upon a tract
     off the beaten commercial

     domain and glare
with suburban sprawl,
     a hop, skip and jump fair
lee quickly disappearing

     "in the name of progress"
though vanishing wild
     life eyes find endear
ring, though thine psyche

     wracked with despair
no matter ample (spacious
     free) parking, a clear
bonus as well un

     limited water usage
and to top off the list donated
up for grabs non-sellable (stales) breads,
     cakes, fruits, vegetables
     about twice a week doth appear.
Akwana Wa Odera Jan 2019
They say i am a man
But i I'm only human
Yes i am a man but
I am only human.
I tell you
I am writhing in pain
My, limbs both shackled in chains,
I thought I'd celebrate
When society furnishes my name
Instead I'm filled with rage
And vengeance in my head
Society tricked me
Now I'm paying my debts
In regrets and pain
Society branded me a stain
A stranger in my own lane
Added to the most wanted
With a bounty on my head
If I'm gone
From their hearts I'll fade
Just a lingering memory
Of a leaf that took long to fall
Or that stench that no longer stales
My name will no longer be called
I'm like that fold that never gets
To be unfold
Just because society tricked me
In to thinking i was fighting for my sake
It's funny and ironical
To swim across the ocean
Only to drown in a lake
Somebody call i need to wake
I've waited for so long
Hoping to hear my wake up call
I'm tired of the empty threats
On my soul
Knowing my fate
Has always been my goal
Amidst a life that sees no

Akwana Wa Odera
© 2018
they say my brother
would walk to Sherry’s
for the stales with a pillow

case to carry they say

he never ate none on
the way home and i

wonder if that is true

later years gran would
take me in the shop
to buy fresh

she favoured the cream horns.
We will take back our country 
From you unreligiously religious extremist 
The veil of blindness is slacken with see through holes 
We see your unbookish interpretaions.

We will take back our country
From you saints and sent  
Emissaries and missionaries of deceptions, 
Emitting venoms and vapor as charity

From you crooked agents and allies 
Unagents of corporations,  of cohabitions and CSO's
Infiltrating souls to condemnations 
We will take back our country 
Yes! We will!

We will take back our country 
From you poluticians and salesmen
Self serving,self fishing bigot
In the mucky waters of politics.From you
Despots,cronies and servants. Yes!We will.

From you tradesmen , tribesmen and heardsmen
Your stench stales the air 
politelyPolluting the polity
Violently voiding our unity.
We will take back our country 
Yes! we will! 

We will take back our country
From you facelessbook and Twitter mongers
Canversers of hatreds and mockers
Mediocre psych of lost spheres .
Instantly graving grams of unpictureable 
Images of gory and decapitations
DisWhatsapping occasions and languages of war, 
UnLinkedIn inseparable bias to languish.

Disnetworking observations and comments 
From juggled questions Google cannot answer
With attitudes of unlovable likes and dislikes.
We will take back our country
Yes! we will!
Note! Please some of the words are deliberate;
Etc! Kindly make input. I feel I need to add one more stanza .Still a work in progress.
Thanking you!

— The End —