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jingle splat, christmas song

jingle splat jingle splat

splatting all the day

falling on a nice cream pie

cheering all the way

jingle splat jingle splat

cheering for the mob

oh yeah, the big party dude

splatting all day long

you see on christmas eve

2 fat people have a dance

lifting up their body yeah

just to go splat on the floor

then they got right up

after 5 minutes on the ground

and then some cruel teasers said

they were the fattest people in town

ya see we go jiggle splat jingle splat

all over the dance floor, yeah

ya see we wanted to be thin my friend

but the forces of evilly made us fat

a day or 2 ago

we drank 2 bottles of egg nog oh yeah

and we got as drunk as skunks

and boy, our bellies were growing a lot

and we could hardly  see our toes

as we ate the christmas cake

and then 2 ladies walked right past them

and they were as skinny as a rake

we go jingle splat jingle splat

all over the ****** floor

but we were so ****** fat

we could hardly fit through the door

jingle splat jingle splat

christmas day is near

this is the day, we splat around ya know

eating fatty food all the day
Joshua Haines Jan 2015
Every soul I come into contact with
leaves an impression onto me.
But I don't believe in souls,
so how can this be?
How can I taste the flowerless
nature of a coke nose
and find it to be an eternal bloom?
For I, to without and before sunset,
**** the shadows that mask the morose
and keep the victimized stalwarts close.
See thy honor in the trauma of the night
and transient beauty of the light
that shines in all that I touch,
not enough or, perhaps, too much.
To break my empathy would be shimmerless,
but I'm dimmer, thus, a shallow crest
of what I thought was best
on the Earth's grass
and in the brain's broken glass.

Soda Pop and Popcorn in the lounge.

****** in France,
you like coke and being other people.
You tried to **** yourself with your car
but it only went as far
as the saliva leaping from your mouth,
when your head hit the horn,
and blared until your ears popped,
with your spit splatting against the speedometer.
Because what is fast isn't fast enough.
The EMT told you this when you saw the lights flash
across your eyes. Focus. Focus. Focus.
Follow the light with your eyes.
This isn't god. Do you have parents?
What is your name?
Your wallet melted in the heat.
What is your name?

You think you hear rusty bone saws
but they're trying to cut your friend out of the vehicle.
There isn't enough time. Time is never enough.
Lauren Mar 2019
By. Lauren

Ice cream.
This poem is definitely not the best work of mine. On the contrary it is far more light hearted and required much less thought than diving deep into my feeling although very therapeutic. From the most creative of minds this poem too could be conveyed deep in the emotion of everyday life in which we get into a rut and melt until one comes and saves us and our life is useful once more.
Kate Richter Nov 2012
I wish that when my
break cable snapped,
(you know, the one you fixed for me with your falsetto expertise)
in a downpour of slashing rain,
I skid through the stale green light, turning red, like the leaves now on the trees.

I would be unable to stop, because of your spite
(you had it out for me all along)

I can picture it,
slow motion and horror,
gliding across pavement
until I become a physics problem:

"If Sally is riding her bicycle at a velocity of _, and a vehicle strikes her at a speed of _,  
how far will she fly through the air until splatting like an egg?"

I would feel satisfied
as you hung from a noose of guilt
just as you indulge in the power
of squandering the love city we built.
wulfhug27 Jun 2014
Pages and pages and pages of
splatter all over me.
Flitting like harmless leaves in the wild,
splatting like buckets of wet.
Fingers and fingers
nails and a thumb
crinkle and crumble self's shoulders.
And little prepared
are the splinters that's won
from the sharp  transformation of water.
OH give it an end.
Give it an end.
give it an end so we can burn it.
Sarah Dec 2016
I used to play a game where I'd try to see how much blood I could fill into one of my dads whiskey glasses, I never managed to fill it as much as I wanted to
I'm just always playing games, it gives meaning to my life somehow.

Sometimes I like to play with death
Death plays back quite well
More than others do in my life
Possibly I'm in lust with the thought of dying

I've always wanted to fall off a cliff
So maybe I could see if it felt the same as falling in love with him
And maybe now, how it felt to hit the rocks at the bottom to compare to the pain when he left

I've always wanted to shatter a mirror with my fists so I could feel how broken my mom felt before she died maybe the difference of impact would be like falling from a 5 story hotel and splatting on the ground

I kinda hoped after I took all those pills that day that I didn't come back from it
Death played a fair game
And so did the doctors
They all followed every rule, but me.

My father never really seemed to play much,
just handing me off to the next player at the soonest opportunity he got. Like the object of the game was to avoid my problems

My sister got out of the game a long time ago, she's just no longer a piece anymore
I scratched her out from the handbook so she wouldn't get hurt by the outcomes of playing

My mom always told me if I played the game right and I'd get what I wanted

I don't know anymore
I think I'm tired of playing
Nicole Dawn Aug 2015
I'm stuck in between
Used to be
And could have been

And splatting

And agony

And deeper

And gone

I'm stuck in between
(More commonly known as the present)
I don't even know
Sorry about this...
Chloe London Dec 2014
I still see her
She is everywhere
She lies between each word of the books I read

Her breath ripples between each whistle of the wind

Her words are the thing strangling me each time I dare to speak

She is the gleam in his eyes when we argue
She is the strength in every punch I throw and every slap I launch.
She is the tone in my voice,
in what I say when I choke from being bitter and agitated

She is everywhere.

She is the blade that I keep locked away in the box
She is the thin piece of torture that gets right under my skin

She is the thought before and after every meal
She is the knife cutting through before every agonising bite
She is the sweet and sour substance that balances on my spoon,
Filling me up with insults and low self worth

She is the feeling I get when I am intoxicated
Sick, dizzy, angry

She is in every step I take, the dreaded trip to my every destination

She is in every rain drop, the splatting of the water are my feelings as she has my heart in her hands

She is in me,
In every rumble of my stomach,
In every thought that rattles in my head
In every word that I speak
In every blink of my eyes

In every smile that I fake
In every breath I take
She is there,
She is forever within me,
She is everywhere.
apathy Nov 2013
to the ground I go

finally ending it all,
is this really the thing to do?

leaving no one behind,
that's my goal,
I just don't want them to suffer,
and get a heart full of holes

here I am,
inches from my death,
I think about my life,
and all the secrets that I kept

as the days pass,
I don't leave this spot
every single day I have the chance to make my decision
will I stay, or will I go?

maybe, someday, I'll go
Sam Lincoln May 2014
I’ve been pulling words
From me like splinters from my palm,
With razor in hand
Peeling back dead skin to show the articulations,
And it feels like I’m losing myself when I take it out.
Each bit of language splatting on linoleum floors in front of a cackling audience.
I didn’t want you to hear this.
I don’t think I can say it. I think I’ll go home.
I’m losing steam through my mouth and moving nowhere
I don’t have any answers, unimportant questions to ******* peers
And I’m going in circles with them, and with myself.

Last month I tried to write a poem about childhood
When I lived in that house in the woods by the lake
I can think of the pictures but I can’t get them together
There were times when I walked in the rain to school,
And there were times when I told my mom “I wish I wasn’t born” because I had to go to sleep at 9:30pm but,
I keep thinking of the last time I saw my mom,
She was looking much weaker
And the doctors gave her morphine for the pain
Sleeping in the hospital bed
In the living room in which I grew up.
It didn’t seem real.
I was too shocked to speak
My only resolve to everything,
"That's life"
But that is life.
I don't need to narrate the hole in my throat.
Doesn't the soliloquy sound like a
Crying baby?
I am the melodramatic Hamlet crying for you now.
Don’t look at me.

I’m running circles on ***** laundry.
storm siren Jul 2016
Thunder cracks overhead,
And I'm playing happy music as loud as I can
Or else my dog will bark loudly and continuously until she barks herself to sleep.

And my hands are shaking slightly,
There's a reason I hate storms
And rain
And thunder.
I used to love it
And find peace in it.

But every time the thunder cracks
And I see the lightening behind the blinds
And the rain splatting across the windows,
I feel sick and scared and small.

If I pretend it's not there
I'll be okay
But I keep going back and back and back.

I'm in the back of my closet,
I'm ten years old
And mom's not okay
And where do we go
From here?
And the rain won't stop
The thunder won't stop,
Just me and my dog
Comforting me.

But now
I'm on the catwalk and suddenly
I'm destroyed and suffocated/suffocating
And my screams aren't loud enough
To pierce the thunder
And fall below
Because no one wanted to see
Just how bad it was.
And when it was over,
I found no comfort in the drops of rain
Hitting the roof like bullets,
No comfort in the crack of lightning
And the roar of the thunder.

My wish for finding meaning in a storm
Was swiftly and seemingly endlessly twisted
And contorted
Into a complete fear
Of any spontaneity I once had
And any sense of adventure
That was once mine.

And my dog barks at the thunder
As it tears open the sky,
And I flinch at the sound,
Hiding in a sweatshirt that isn't mine.

And I can't shake it,
But there's got to be something better
Than being afraid of rain.

And I'm hoping the storm passes
With ease.
Hey look rain. Hey look, I'm shaking.
Ben Jones Apr 2018
I wouldn’t pinch
Not **** or slap
No sucker punch or idle tap
No tipping cows
No booing geese
Or folding frogs until they crease
No splatting bugs
Or spraying flies
No salting slugs into demise
But mess with my dog and I’ll tear your ******* arms off

nick armbrister Jul 2021
Shift Galactic
The Space **** was big
As large as an abnormal man
Three miles across
By a million wide

It moved here and there
Splatting moons and planets
Like a tennis ball

Universal destroyer of crap
Not caring who died
Its death list was long
On and on till the end
Would it **** all planets?

Thus voiding all life
So only blackness remained
All stars being full of ****

Just like my teenage enemies
Unleash the galactic ****
Space **** is coming to Earth!
Nick Armbrister and other writers
Sam Lawrence Aug 2021
I don't know how long.
Before I understood it had changed?
An hour? A day?
The señora appeared on her balcony;
gathered washing,
glanced up,
closed the door behind her.
I blankly searched the empty sky.
A seagull swooped.
Gradually, boats in the harbour turned,
now facing the other way.
Suddenly, a new wind blew;
hot, breathless gasps of air.
No cicadas.
A few raindrops fell like birdshit,
splatting on the stone steps.
I'm sure all these things have names,
if you were local,
you would know them all.
I have no other words.
Jake Feb 2020
I shake as the blade cuts
Through my skin, gently pressing
Blood streams, dripping onto the wood floors
Like a river of crimson
Drip, drip, drip
Splatting, creating a deep red puddle
I crave the feeling
More and more
Deeper and deeper
Jill Tait Aug 2020
I am listening to the rhythm of the pouring I lie in my  bed not sleeping again..but there is something soothing about the sound Mother nature opens the floodgates from far and wide..pelting down on my window pane..splatting on our rooftoop and filling the drain

I like the rain when I am lying in my masks the tinnitus in my head.. and I know that I will stay safe and dry.. as the heavens open up to let the clouds though it is heavy it doesn’t hurt me at all.. coz I am tucked up cozily behind my wall

The torrential teem gets louder than before..I can hear it stotting off the floor..I imagine the rivers running to the sea..flooding the embankments wandering free.. I bet by morning light it will be dry again.. after the elements wax and wain

— The End —