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Arcassin B May 2014
By Arcassin B

He stares at her,

like theres no chance,

Parten me for being guilty,

Mountains i could move,

but your feelings due for plenty,

he kisses her,

like he doesnt care,

parten me for jealousy,

i was kinda crule,

i shouldnt feel this shity,

he holds her,

like theres no tomorrow,

why do i feel pity,

i feel like a cut up mule,

needing someones empathy,

on the road to her soul.
This isn't a poem. Its just me ranting about my shity life. For all of those who dont want to here someone rant about there shity life, there is no one forcing you to read this.

So i'll start by saying that I hate my life. I want to have fun all the time but I cant. I'm to busy helpin my dad. Now what kid doesn't want to help out his old man. Me thats what ****** kid. Jut because I jump up and do something doesnt mean that you can ask me for anything and I'll do it. that not how it works. I'm an adult now and I dont have to tae you'r ****. But that's right I do have to take it. Why? because im a ******* and dont have anywhere else to go. So here I sleep on you couch and smoke **** and go to work. wake up and do it all over again. everyday. over and over. I hate this ****. my life **** bad enough with Her and all my stupid depression **** that I cant help and that you dont understand. I dont see how you can't tell that your own child is dying. I need to be free or go insane. You've seen me snap plenty of times. I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want my old life back. I want Her back. I want it all back. I want mom back. and miss I want her back too. I want my tree house we built. The jeep we always drove everywhere. The big house with room to spare not some little appartment under the place we work. I can't handle this ****. I'm ****** up I know but you dont have to tell me that. I know Im a ******* but whatever. I have some fuced up **** going on in my head and I don't know how to deal with it. If poeple knew what I thought I would be killed or something. arrested for sure maybe torcherd or some ****. Anyways hope all you readers did'nt mind that to much. I think I'm just gunna call it quits on life. I'm to tired to put on the fake smile. later guys
Arcassin B Oct 2014

Blame , my , dad ......
I hate my life
Micheal Wolf Sep 2013
A is for ******* we all know a few
B is for ******* they talk to you
C is for can't which really means won't
D is for *******, arseholes best friend
E is for Ego and yours is huge
F is for **** it, you know how it goes
G is for good you're struggling to find
H is for help we need it sometimes
I is for ignorant and so many are
J is for joy and seldom these days
K is for kids, Dont read this page!
L is for lover, I need a new one
M is for ******, we've all hatched a plan
N is for never or at least not now
O is for optomist, as you never know
P is for power a dangerous thing
Q is for quiet, there is none here
R is for random,  like this little verse
S is for shity, a day spent at work
T is for time,  never enough
U is for useless, you never are
V is for ******, your having a laugh
W is for wages,  gone in a flash
X is for xbox a plague on the brain
Y is for you, I missed you today
Z is for zombie as its 0130
And I can't ****** sleep so I wrote a crap verse!
Gabriel Feb 2014
Often plain will stain Greatness
That which stood so long without
Now can barely hold the word
The word is like tape with no stick left
Merely a shadow of what once was
And if pushed on very hard
There are days it sticks
Still that word quickly falls
Like a placid old *******
Lost the meaning of the word Great
Yet it still stands in all its useless glory
Too proud to sit the **** down
Admit that life…is always shity
Yet we smile
We smile until it hurts
To prove that importance is second
Because sometimes it's good to remember that happiness
Can hurt to reach for in the hands of others
Not because of anything
It is just the price of flying
Why when you know, the same thing will happen to you... do we subject ourselves to leason's already learned, roads you have already walked? Why do we live it over and over again until you no longer learn from it ?Whens its burned into your flesh as a map that you just retrace beacuse you don't know how to do anything eles. How do you learn the truth? Stop the cycle? He's lieing, i know he is, i knew he would, and still i fought for him. I hurt someone i loved and cared about, my friend... For what? to take on his shity fantasy, to know when he lies,and to turn the other way? to carry the weight of his faults and have them passed on to be my own? Tuesday i go to remove you completely from my body and wash away the stain you have left inside my womb. I walk away from you, the walking dead, you will not be the end of my heart!I am the mother ******* pheinox and you are just the ashes, that i leave behind at my feet. Your sickness stops with me.
Rachel Ueda Jan 2014
Just another night
Of drunk
And shity

But hell
I should at
least go to bed
Wishing you
all well
With love
Harry J Baxter Nov 2013
The apartment was covered with ash and dust. It wasn’t a big deal, only it made them self conscious of the filth. Matthew and Steve were used to the filth, but nobody else was. Dust hung suspended from sunlight like a death sentence.
“What are you doing tonight?” Steve said.
“Drunk. High. Who the hell knows?” Matthew said.
“What about Katie? That girl you’ve been talking to?”
“What about her?”
“Are you seeing her tonight?”
“No, not tonight. Tonight is for getting drunk.”
“so get drunk with her. She’s probably lonely thinking about you.” Steve said.
“We both know it isn’t that simple.”
The platter before the two of them carried salt, tequila, and sliced limes. They split a shot of tequila and sighed out their discomfort into the dead air. They downed another shot.
“listen man, I’m done with the dumb drunk girls, that’s all.” Matthew said.
“Shut the hell up man. You know she isn’t like that. Just text her.”
“what do you know.” The air settled between them. Matthew felt inside his breast pocket for his cigarettes. Lighting one he said,
“It’s not like you and that girl Danielle are making progress.”
“You’re right. But you actually like her.”
“Okay Dr. Phil.”
“All I’m saying is I’m going out tonight. If you spend another night bull ******* alone, I’ll kick your ***.”
“Okay. Yes sir.” Steve stood up and put on his backpack, ready to leave for the night.
With the apartment empty Matthew felt more at home. Stephen was a great guy, but he was naive about a lot of things. Things which really mattered. Like the disposition of other people. The only judge we have.
Matthew stood up and poured himself yet another tequila shot. Grimacing as it went down, shaking his face left and right to shake off the alcohol.
Matthew wrote some shity poems, waiting for the online responses to flow in like they always did. The 1800 tequila was empty, but he still had a whole litre of bourbon left to slug down.
“Here’s to me.” He said as he drank a shot by himself.
He felt the stress of the night’s potential weighing down on him and became alive.
“Let’s see what’s going on out there.” he said to himself as he tightened the belt around his jeans. He left his ****** apartment feeling ready to take on life.
Pulling out his cellphone he dialed Bernard’s number.
Ringing, ringing, ringing still.
“Hello” Bernard’s voice said.
“Yo, It’s Matthew. What are you doing tonight.”
“Going to some party with Cornice., You should come.”
“What’s the address?”
He sent the address and Matthew walked into the slowly cooling night.
Grace street is lined with legions of homeless. They post up at bus stop after bus stop. All the way past the police station. Matthew gave out a few cigarettes before he made it to broad and belvedere - the location of Bernard’s apartment. It was warm in there, the scent of pumpkin spice lattes permeated through the air with the central heating.
“How’s school going B-rad?” Matthew asked.
“How’s being a worthless drop out going?” Bernard said.
“Same old same old.”
“Well, how’s Cornice doing, anyways?”
“I don’t ******* know. Alright I guess?”
“**** I know the feeling man. Oh well. We’ll get drunk as **** tonight right?”
“You know it dude.”
The two young men gathered themselves and then left the apartment on a quest to find out something more about themselves.
Gabriel Jan 2014
Behold, the broken soul
The pain of others drips from angry teeth,
A true destroyer,
Willing to destroy his own world to decimate yours,
Hate cowers like a ***** in his presents,
Passion in veins colder than ice,
But still truer than a touch.
No amount of bleeding will suffice,
A price that stops short of my life,
Store bought anguish,
But you cannot reside where this pain lives,
You wanna fight,
I wanna bleed,
But we will only feel a need,
For all the sorry's said in jest,
I am not the boyish clown,
You already know I am the worst,
When it comes to girls, I'm gonna flirt,
But I always came home to you,
Never lies, only hard *** truth,
I never meant to be so ruthless,
I am merely akin to pointing out *******,
And when you speak,
I have no doubt!
Cause shity words come out of your mouth!
SPT Jun 2014
I scream I ****** cry
You hear me!!
Yeah!! I'm  ****** man
At you!!
Why weren't you here man
I needed you
I was on the ground too
Man lost it
Couldn't do it
I don't wanna do it
**** this ****
**** this life
It ain't right
Every day man every shity day
You know how it goes
Down the bowl
You do it right
Then they let you go
People like us
We can't do **** jobs
Naaa man don't think so
They can kiss my *******
I want to die
But I won't
I'm Too strong
I bounce the **** up
And it's ******* me off
Where are youuuuuuu!!
******* then
Pinche Anthony man
I should have let you get
Empire tatted on your neck
Bad Idea hu
Yeah now I'm watching
Your laugh in slow motion
Hope you get
Ran da car dover
**** I want some
French cries with this
******* man
I'm ******
I want to slobber on your shoulder ******!!
Just like you
Destre' Sep 2015
Its how i get through my shity creative writing class
Micheal Wolf Jan 2013
You didn't see me as I passed: My *** !
My smile fell flat before you like a missed catch
Oh your busy going about your day I know
Places to go people to see but never me
It was as if I don't exist, oh gosh am I dead!
Then who's the voice inside my head
It matters not I guess until your in your next mess
When you once again plague my door with all your woes
I get it, I'm just a mat for you to wipe your shity feet
I can't wait again for that old treat
But next time when you come to call you'll find no one behind my door.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Mister Sun light my way
You've been away to long
In the dark is where I've stay
Sorrow is my only song
I could use some fun today
But I fear soon I'll be gone

I'm so tired of the tears
I'm so tired of the lies
I'm so tired of the fears
I'm so tired of all the sighs
I'm so tired of all these years

I just want to lay down and quit
I don't want to stay here
I just want to exist
Life is what I fear
It only gives me ****

Cut my wrist, make them bleed
Throw this shity live aside
Swallow these pills so I no longer breath
I just so very much want to die
Paul Hardwick Sep 2014
To his Father from a son
worked as printer
went to work on his disrealey gears
mostly came home quite shity
and just sat there being served by mother so pritty.
Ste Feb 2018
I was under stress,
my life was a mess,
it was time to confess,
as I was a sinner,
but then came a chance to be a winner,
I was challenged by the Devil
to a game of Chess.

Win, and I'd be forever free
from his curse,
I'd find fame and fortune,
fatten my purse.
Lose and, well who cares?
At that time things could not get worse.

The game between the Devil and I
was looking level for a while,
then spread out across his face,
the faintest trace
of crooked smile,
He spoke and my belly filled
with the vilest bile.

"From Heaven I fell,
and from Hell I have been sent,
sweet lies I tell with ease,
to tease and torment,
those that refuse to bow and repent.
I've always had you under my spell,
we did not meet by accident.

Your out of your depth mate,
your like a china plate,
in a bullshop.
Off you pop.

Your out of your depth,
I bet your ******* your pants,
you've a snowball in hells chance,
your San Marino playing France,
a peasant facing knight
on horse with shield and lance,
If I was you I'd yeild,
are you sure you  want to dance?

Your out of your depth,
your Del boy trading on wall street,
you'll have no joy,
your fading before you peak.

Your out of your depth,
your easy meat,
I dont have to cheat,
I'll crush you under my feet,
so **** it up
and taste the defeat.

Are you insane,
can you not see?
You cannot win,
you and this game
have no compatibility,
your out of your depth,
like a scuba diver
trying to swim
the Sea,
of Tranquility.

Your out of your depth,
out of your league,
like a Sunday team,
living the dream,
they've got so far,
drawn to play at the Etihad,
and now thier gonna look bad,
City'll make them look shity,
because they are.

Life for you was not so smooth,
so you took on the Devil,
like you had something prove,
now your out of your depth,
and boy, it is your move."

I was like a seal,
surrounded by every type of shark,
at half past dinner time O'clock,
I'm the main meal, this cant be real,
its about to get dark.
Then his next words made me squeal,
his tongue was like an eel,
gave me a real shock.

I knew by then this game I'd lost,
but did not truly understand the cost,
this game would not my rapture bring,
but before he did end it,
and capture my king,
he stared in my soul
and started to sing,
my ears did fracture
and ring and sting.

He was not nice.
"Now its time for a sacrifice,
and you boy, are that pawn.
I've been watching you
since the day that you were born,
you turned away from all that to you
had been sworn,
turned your back on paradise,
for a hedonistic life of souless vice,
from salvation you've been forever torn.

Your every selfish wish,
and to get rich, was your goal,
but you fool, lifes a *****,
this game has cost your mortal soul.

Your out of your depth,
and under the cosh,
you took me on,
now suffer the loss
and bear that cross.

Out of your depth son
I had you beat before we begun,
you were Icarus
flying too close to the sun,
full of belief,
but you never could of won.

Your out of your depth,
like a rabbit munching a steak,
you've had it,
tried punching well above your weight,
an amature slain by a great,
to be saved, for you its now too late,
except your fate,
before me kneel
and feel the hate.

Well my luck sure did run out,
I guess with the Devil
you should not mess about,
gave up my chance to be saved,
In favour of all the things
I desired and craved.
On Judgement day
you'll hear me cry out,
you'll hear me shout.

All ties to God I did sever,
to play a game I could never win,
against a former angel,
that fallen angel, dressed in leather.
I took one hell of a beating,
for breakfast, me he's eating.
He's far too clever,
I'll never defeat him, never.
Destre' May 2015
It roles off my tounge
Is is this the end?
Maybe its only just begun

Just the word instills fear
Makes them shake
Even shed a few tears

Am I wrong to think its beautiful?

Peace and Freedom
"freedom from what?"
  Life my friend
Life and all its fake 'happily ever afters'
  How can you possibly expect us to mend?
To pick up the shity peices and put them back together again
  Were like bats who have frogotten how to hang in the rafters
We dont no how to cope
  We will be the end
How can there be any happily ever afters
  Im afraid ive lost all hope

Am I going insain?
Or am just reaching clarity


They see it as the end
You see, but even just the word roles off your tounge
Ah, yes myfriend
Its all just begun
Dont you see?
Death is the only way to go
Its The only way to truely be free
Im done with society
Why cant we just be
jay may Mar 2015
Writing shity little poetry in this luxurious home,  it's not mine but who would have known. It doesn't really matter where I write
It's just my feelings pouring out from from the  inside
But sometimes there not my feelings at all
And for some they say I shouldn't write it at all
It may not get me anywhere in life but it is just really nice to sit down and write
Just to move people's feelings from here to there is like a super power I possess with just speaking out some air
So am I going to stop writing?  
Probably not,  I am going to do it weather you like it or not
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Mister Sun light my way
You've been away to long
In the dark is where I've stay
Sorrow is my only song
I could use some fun today
But I fear soon I'll be gone

I'm so tired of the tears
I'm so tired of the lies
I'm so tired of the fears
I'm so tired of all the sighs
I'm so tired of all these years

I just want to lay down and quit
I don't want to stay here
I just want to exist
Life is what I fear
It only gives me ****

Cut my wrist, make them bleed
Throw this shity live aside
Swallow these pills so I no longer breath
I just so very much want to die
svdgrl Jan 2019
My mind won’t shut up.
Count the breaths and listens to sleepcasts
like it should.
Am I bored with being happy?
I clung to creativity as the lifeline in my desperate years
and now it sits in the corner of my room
as one of the many things that spark joy
but isn’t instantly gratifying.
Dissociating is the only push I feel to write,
So I guess I haven’t been quite out of sorts
for a bit.
I have to be up in 5 hours.
I should sleep.
I feel my heart unbonding from the things that keep me.
I don’t see the damage quite yet.
I broke the empty Pyrex bowl that held my lunch earlier.
Right before I got on the train.
Right inside my cloth lunch bag.
I was embarrassed. And i smelt of chilli.
So i tossed the whole thing in the trash-
im heading for the hills.
I’m running.
I can’t be that invested in anything and i know it.
Wide awake and it’s almost midnight.
I don’t want to be the reason I slid right
Back down that shity spiral.
In the shape of sadness.
In the shape of discontentment.
Why is disco in that word?
Go to sleep now.
Tijana Jul 2018
Yes! God after a series of thoughts thought to himself, in a world full of jerks I'll create a good person they can abuse, so I can balance it all out.

And so came my existence, without a will to live a shity life, that I live now.

I didn't have a right to object, so God made me into an advocate of the world.

Now in the meantime I eat muffins and try to avoid the pain. And I pick through flowery thoughts, whuch one will torture me the most.

— The End —