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September Oct 2015
It's not morning sickness if it only happens when I wake up next to you,

S Fletcher May 2015
“The longing in our faces cannot end until both shores unite, yours and mine…”    
-- Virgil Suàrez*

Sky Deck, Promenade
You’ve got me: at anchor, arched back over the deck rail, swimsuit slipped to the side, I’m strolling your shoreline, thinking teeth, tongue and technique. Thinking about the worthy circumstances under which I could allow myself

. . .

to drown here with you.

Observation Deck, Tiki Bar
The making of a luxury cruise ship is always also the making of a vast, well-haunted wreck. The Accident, a promise, not unlike Death’s. This is axiom, accelerated by upper middle class leisure trends and the modern misunderstanding of the word “travel." It's five o'clock somewhere,

. . .

it's a matter of time.

Upper Deck, The Casino
It might not be cool to think about the Accident on a cruise ship. To whisper “Titanic” under the breath on the deck, is like “Macbeth” murmured in the wings. But the wreckage awaits, people! A tidal guarantee:

. . .

we verge always on crashing.

Main Deck, The Spa
Cruise ships make beautiful reefs. Deck chairs calcified by culling. Drowned halls streaked with schools of silvery ****-dressed sorority fishes flashing their empty ghostgirl glares.

. . .

The demise is in the design.

Deck 5, Main Dining Room
A good quick cry in your cabin’s matchbox bathroom, we’ve found, calms the seasickness within. Or, maybe it’s just the gin. So wanders me (engulfed in you) on the shore. Death’s sweet certainty scummy on my tongue, I want to ask you how it tastes,

. . .

we break for air.

Deck 6, Executive Suite Balcony
I map your profile. Or I try. I look for a crag to sweep my lingering thoughts of lifeboats beneath. Why me, anyway? I’m no angelfish. I am nothing (almost.) A spray of white noise in the night’s endless ink. A mouthful of seafoam spat off the stern. I am the lowest of poets with a cruel patchy sunburn,

. . .

I am slurring.

Deck 7, Slightly Smaller Luxury Suite Balcony
A gale catches my blouse in brief breeze-love. An Accident, momentous, sprays me in sea salted understanding—it pools in the kissprints that you left in my sand. Maybe I want me too. Maybe drowning isn't so bad. I let your wake flood the hull,

. . .

and together we swell.

Deck 8, Emergency Exit Stairwell
But the lifeboats linger. The Accident is pending, and from some recess in me, unheard before, the false urgency of the gull’s squawk wails. Within the invention of the ******, lies the invention of the broken ******. Within the invention of the heart, lies

. . .

the invention of poetry.

Deck 9, Economy Cabin 902
The surf beats on, our maps unchanged. I sink into bed alone, abuzz. Men are predictable fishes. The Accident barnacles me over with the stuff of graveyards. I am sorry for pocketing these stones. For thinking that I could walk into the surf, that I could sink with you, with any grace. I take no pride in this ***-soaked wreck, these postcard views ***** in triangle trade residue. A curse, a cruise,

. . .

an all-inclusive escape.
tc Aug 2016
turning tides and sickening waves
it comes in bouts
sea sickness in slow motion
an uncontrollable desire to scratch at my skin

it comes in bouts
the thoughts, the fear, the feeling;
an anchor of uncontrollable palpitations and irrational thought

for some people, home is where the heart is
my heart is a home
it knocks in my chest and one day i am sure it's going to knock itself down

home is where the heart is,
reminders of where my heart is come in bouts
dizziness and exhaustion
brown paper bags and air thick with lack of oxygen...
how close are you to passing ou-

home is where the heart is,
some people have buried their homes within me
and i cannot take care of my own heart - let alone yours
and i keep trying to stop the world from turning so i don't drown in these turning tides and sickening waves so maybe we can spend longer together but these waves come crashing in fast; like my heart beat, like that unforgiving train as it takes you further and further away from me

i have never felt so close and yet so far from you

some people have buried their homes within me
i am more derelict building; abandoned farmhouse; isolated corner shop than i ever could be home

there is graffiti all over my walls and it masks irrational thought with shadowed wisdom and make-believe positivity

i was not built
i was misconstructed;
the site that gets knocked down before the real construction begins

and no one is safe to live within me;
for as homely as my heart may seem, it is overpowered by turning tides and sickening waves.
Nick Hernandez Dec 2014
I hope it doesn't hurt too bad
when you leave and I carve your name
in the back of my hand

like plants that grow following rain
on a warm winter week
but dies in the next freeze
to you thats what I am.

but you know that I love you my sweet heart
although you may one day not care
its you whom I'll write to whilst
homesick in night school
the good times have come but I'm not there

(with you)

so my dear if we go inside
the ghosts won't appear if we close our eyes
come down with me by the cypress trees we'll
watch the sunset through the leaves
forget what we've both done
but don't forget you once cared for me.
T Zanahary Nov 2012
Excuse me, if you must,
as the spinning causes seasickness.
Open the clouds as you continue on
in an aeronautical sarcophagus,
thirty-thousand feet
above broken land.
Grab your lover’s hair,
last resort to prepare for
the emergency crash landing
into mother earth’s disease,
or are they simply parting the seas,
causing darkness to spread
from the unfilled hole in their chest?
Stomachs turn as the
broken wings and sails
fall upon the shores.
An ocean of rage delivers
waves of hatred embraced.
The surf clears, exposing pain
and the premonition
of a cleansing blood red rain.
Shrieks of the banshee
and the howls of the hurt rise
to meet the clouds seeking
to brighten the days afar.
As thousands flee in terror
we make a toast in the French Quarter.
The chariots gain speed
and the wake gains mirth,
laughingly applauding
the approaching dark comedy.
The newly arrived antagonist
has forced the hero’s hand
and now she births forth
a wave of healing epidemics.
The wake’s in the wind
and the funeral’s imminent.
Its population’s been soothed
into a sedated slumber,
but our character has issued
too many warning,
and strikes deep at the heart
of this sinful city,
breaking apart the basin’s barrier,
and lulls its children back to sleep
with bloodstained lullabyes.
Nik Bland Feb 2013
We are all but sailors who drift upon love's seas
But one thing I can't seem to decipher is if the lighthouse is you or me
For this wretched tide tosses and turns me into a face in the crowd
And I pray to God that searchlight will turn on and finally single me out
For I am sick with love for you and seem to be obscured
Pondering on which of us is ill and which is the cure
And all I know is seasickness is making me yearn for home
And the open doors that are your arms let me know you're sick of being alone
So I will weather the storm clouds and the ever tossing sea
And I will look to you and know I'm the one for whom you're waiting
For when it comes down to star-struck hearts that finally choose to collide
It matters not on the infliction or remedy but that they're brought together in time
With this in mind I will fall in love with you and wrestle my way to the coast
So then you can see the days have been long and of my journey I will boast
And any treasure I find, whether lighthouse or sailor, is worth the world to me
But until then, if you seek me, my love, look outwards to sea
Shannon McGovern Sep 2011
This floatation device doesn't work
so well anymore, not now that night
is falling and the chill sets through
my marrow.
Currents were made to drift,
and so they do. In and out
the tides swell like lovers
falling into and out of bed.
All the rocking has made
me dizzy, and the seasickness
and nausea pools in the water
like shark red undercurrents
and skies at dawn.

The rain is usually an indication
that you're entering the eye,
where it is calm for seconds,
fingertips tingling, twitching,
waiting for the explosion
that rips the sails from above
you, and sends you plunging
into an eddy.
And when you are tossed overboard,
watching your ship thrashed between
the waves and weather;
waiting for the searchlights;
don't set off your flare at the first sign,
or you'll lose your S.O.S to the sea.
This floatation device doesn't work
so well anymore, not since you left
with what's left of my wreckage,
and the farther we drift apart,
the more I feel like dying.
Karissa Olson Jul 2013
the ***** burnt my insides
like strong fuel intensifying my fire
blurred dancing, laughing
jump, jump, jump higher

the wide eyes surrounding me
as I proved I could chug a beer,
the bubbles meant to lift me
only drown me, my dear

*** took over my limbs
moved my lips so close to yours
told me to forget about him
it turned us all into ******

and regret rises in our throats
yellow bile ***** hangover
seasickness is absent on my boat
but regret is a tsunami washing over

I drown, hands up in plea
I was with you not him
but still he forgives me
that makes one of us, not three.
Jenn Gardner Jul 2011
the girl in the spacesuit,
she haunts my dreams.

my ever-deepening thoughts are
building homes on the vacant plot of grass

that is my mind.

the girl in the spacesuit whispers her warnings

she tells me i am dying.

shows me photographs of the black
that i am riding gallantly towards.

on the back of a black horse.

the smoke is the only thing under the sun,
that will put her to sleep.

she keeps screaming to determine,
just how far her voice will carry.

or perhaps she is screaming
to someone on the shore.

begging them to relieve her of constant


because the girl in the spacesuit
is leagues and leagues under the sea.
trying to untie the recurring knot.

she is obscure, yet familiar
she plagues my mortal brain.

one dark evening
her face ascended from the skylight

of a crowded ballroom.

******* and

**** that glass room under the sea.

**** the day that they told me,
the girl in the spacesuit was me.
Anais Vionet Aug 2021
What was I up to while we were locked-in?
I was busy contemplating sin.
I had months and months of moments to spend,
Ms chaste without, misdeeds within.

Lust, like seasickness - upends reason
and it burns like underbrush fuel.
So dust my DNA, and ID my ***** dreamin'
am I guilty of breaking some rule?
who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? (the Shadow & Santa Clause)
Ariel Taverner Dec 2015
I sit outside here alone
The chilly air suspendes around me
The smell of wetness resonates boldly from the rain some twentt minutes ago
I wear my white formal shirt wrinkled and undone at the top and bottom as well as my black formal pants that protects my legs from the cold
It's dark....
Lights in the distance remind me of the isolation which beats in time to my heart
My fumbling hands reach for tge carton and I remove one
Placing it in between my lips, the taste making me anxious for what is to come
A scrape and a fizzle then a sudden yet small blaze of light erupts as the damp matches are lit
The frenzy of letting the flame touch the lip before the dampness kills it
The matche's flame burns out, ending its bright career
But not before it ignites the cigarette and leaves the tobacco smoldering like miniature embers
I inhale.... tasting the smoke and exhale, watching in awe at how the smoke lazily twists and curls in the air
I enjoy the taste of it in my mouth
I don't allow it to go further than my mouth simply enjoying the flavour
I finish one, staring at it as the sliver of doubt creeps in....
Better light another to make sure
I repeat the process but this time I inhale deeply on the first drag, allowing the bitter smoke to enter my lungs
Yup...There it is: the disgust
I sit in the dark like some kind of thief smoking a *** just for the sake of smoking it
I do what my friend taught me
I inhale deeply and take a big drag into my mouth and sharply breath it into my lungs
It stings......
It burns......
And I wait...wait for the- Ahh! There it is. The lightheadedness.
The only immediate effect I feel from smoking
It hits me harder than my freight train of insecurities
Here I'm sitting...
Outside in the dark as if I was a common criminal
My legs are on the table in front of me spread like a cheap *****'s
And in a way I'm allowing my insecurities to **** me as if I'm the cheap *****
I start to taste the disgustingness of the bile-bitter smoke in my mouth
The pretty patterns of smoke no longer making it worth it
I close my eyes and the dizziness causes me to feel like I'm on a boat in a sea somewhere about to drown
I'm never had seasickness but the nausea cripples me
I open my eyes and look at the half burnt stub I hold between my fingers like some posh *******
It smolders and despite the hate I feel towards its ugliness I love the beauty of the smoke
I realize how disgusting I am
How the smoke in my hand tastes like cud
How my below average body screams for attention
How the oily pimples on my chest swear at me each time I look in the mirror
I am disgusting
And so is this smoke
I close my eyes again and I feel like I'm falling forward
Towards the darkness within me
The darkness I kept locked away for so long
I plummet and right before the abyss I open my eyes and look at the now dead *** in my hand....

Maybe I need a new brand...
I still smell the smoke on my fingers.
Emmanuel Guerra Feb 2016
send me off to sea on the oceans between our hands
though I’m scared of water I’ll find peace in our waves
when the waters get rough I will be uneasy
I will find that seasickness I know that rests inside me
I will hold onto the thought of smooth sailing
of our blue oceans
our clear skies
Daily five minute poem
Eric the Red Apr 2018
massive squid!
60 foot waves!
Burials at sea
we commit his body to the oceans
tidal waves
octopus meals
broke rudder
compass malfunction*

‘My dearest love, by the time you get this
I will have perished in the high have my love, I will be forever in your were my driving force, my have and to anchor down.’
helios Jun 2016
i saved the unmarked bottle for the day after
when i came back to the destruction left by the hurricane of your wrath.
i could hear the clinking of glass shards you'd swept away and the whisper of a pale shadow where our picture hung the night before.

the house was empty.
i sat in the vacuum of our bedroom turning twenty stones in my hand.

one by one they fell into me like i was the bottom of a lake and they were finding home again.
we sank together in solitude,
the ebb and flow of water churning sleep songs and darkness.

at the bottom i saw colorless fish,
their bodies slack and immobile.
scales unreflecting,
like peachflesh forgotten under the sun.
only skin and seasickness.

i saw myself awake, wide eyed, entangled
in wet sleeping clothes,
fingers reaching and withdrawing,
mouth opening and closing, resigned to drown

and i saw you:
a mirage
a blurry refraction
vibrating and dreamlike
you scooped me to shore, laughing all the while.
your hand reached into my stomach
and skipped the stones into the horizon ahead.
Madison Claire Feb 2018
trying to move on from you
is like seasickness.

off balance,
the whole world spinning under my feet  
only stopping once i set foot on land
and see you
for even the briefest
of seconds.
positivity feels like a drop of water in a desert
and i'm tired of calling you with nothing to say
because if the desert were an ocean, i'd be the curve of a wave
something forever shifting, steep then still, steep then still
constant, but not the same
(splash splash, ripple ripple
a storm and a tide shift and a push of an oar
but then i guess even shipwrecks have anchors)

it's something my math teacher taught me to think of in numbers
the idea of a shifting wave
a fundamental of calculus, easily measured by tangent lines and graph paper,
a protractor and a trusty dixon ticonderoga number 2
(the best pencil in the world, i've been told)

but textbooks, backpacks, and the smell of dry erase
never gave me any clue of how to deal with seasickness.

do you like that world?
do you sit at your desk staring at chemical equations
considering a list of things that dead white men did or didn't do
a pencil in one hand (dixon ticonderoga number 2)
a knife in the other,
blood and ink and a bathroom sink
spilled like oil on pavement across your mind
(thick and dark in a toxic puddle, bad for the earth
but if you look at it sideways, sometimes you see rainbows)

when you go to bed and your hands shake and your breath
shivers out of you like a ghost,
are you satisfied with your world of locker slams and ABCs
and choices that you're told are yours?

maybe you're the desert
maybe i'm your drop of water
i'm tired of calling you with nothing to say
because really i'd guess i have too many words
i'm an ocean, motion sick from my own fluctuating sea,
and i would never want for you to be like me,
you're beautiful with your mountains and rocks and sand
i just with i could make you understand
how ever part of you glows when you talk about music
or how free your voice sings when you talk to me
while you're aimlessly doodling masterpieces
on some stupid vocab sheet.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
I feel like it's my turn, and it's forced to the limits! Stupidity as an apocalyptic seasickness on the cheap canned canvases of raging shows! Why can everyone just be trained for objective observation?! Like a forgotten piece of stone here, we are swirling towards the vortex on the ladder of our vulnerability with helpless hands! As an arbitrary passenger stranger, I lay silent in the depths of teary eyes, in the last soft handshakes there could have been something humanly valuable worth waiting for liquidation!
Single-split rails, even steel ropes, become ideal suicide resting places! Stigma wounds can still only throb in the depths of my hidden heart! As a denier, I have already languished in ongoing casting auditions! Left behind by their nickname I have always had a harder time prospering! In grotesque hierarchies set on tops, even the foundations can be intentionally damaged! And he who grew up in the hinterland because of his selfish fears cannot open up to more renewable opportunities! Deterioration is already reported daily by some current Celeb couriers! The guaranteed, promised Quality idiot begins to perish as an effect; they can bark in the ancient Nihil they bezzeg!
Jaccudzis, Dolce's sense of controversy is overwhelmed by bomber-bikini fairies, while the omniscient intellect is churning in chewing gum instead of their hazel-sized little brains! The last zac era has been knocking on the door for a long time! Who doesn't think about it, the very first hairline crack ran through them: now we should only toast to silent prophets: "Be vigilant!" - Possibilities and touches are a bachanal madness, a small-style human essence that can be played between interests
All I see is all this darkness that is hanging all around me, Those evil eyes of the fallen keep close to me, they stand always so near casting more fears, bring me down in flooding of tears, it has been long painful years. The sea is angry and the tides are on hight, and so many have fallen with an illness, while like seasickness, they have been vomiting and screaming until there wasn't anything left but death. The winds are hissing like a painful madness, everyone is emotionally out of control. They push the dead in the sea as they started to float. I can still hear their sighing for life while they were slowly dying. I cried out YOUR name, that's when they started giving me more blame, They looked at each other and then back at me like they are ready to attack and throw me over into the sea. Oh, Jehovah, pleas hear my voice and don't let them hurt me. But if they do, take me in your loving care, Soon I started hearing the voices calling out saying bad things to me, Like, look what you have done, you cast your evil spell and even darken the moon. You say you are a prophetess, so where is your God? Then they started laughing and pushing me down just to see me fall to my knees. I started begging for you Jehovah, my God to hear my sighing, and to set me free from the traps that have been laid out for me. Don't leave me, keep your eyes always on me O my God Jehovah. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I escape safely.
Judy Emery © 2020
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Judy Emery

— The End —