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With eyes of restless mental fraught, with dancing dreamy thoughts,
and hope in lovelorn passion’s play,
prismatically amorous frenetic fray;
...yet your heart at apogee to mine today?

And if I say solemnity?
As you presage a beauty…

And if I say solace?
While you oh petulant beauty…

And when I premune peace?
You stir it with such beauty…

And as I yearn with much desire?
Commanded by your beauty!

Burning in my chest a fire,
An Eros to your beauty.

With eyes of restless mental fraught,
in-kind with dancing dreamy thoughts,
and hope in lovelorn passion’s play,
prismatically amorous frenetic fray;
yet your heart at apogee to mine today?

And you the beauty of my dismay. . .
The Wicca Man Dec 2012
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”― John Milton, Paradise Lost

Consider the mind
in whose deep caverns find
scatterings of memories
prismatically displaced.

Red recollections
that still incur wrath and venom,
arguments long forgotten.

Green recollections
emanate warmth that kindles
innocent times recalled.

Blue recollections
mauling at this bogus tranquillity,
scratching and tearing,
leaving oozing welts that fester
into melancholy.

Now hold this mirror shard
to these memories’ light:
watch the beams discordant
ricochet, obtuse, acute,
chaotically flaring into momentary awareness.

Consider the mind ...
Jade Oct 2018
⚠Trigger Warning; the following poem contains subject matter pertaining to self-harm and suicide ⚠
­The envelope
(delivered just this morning)
splits in his attempt
to tear away its wax seal
where her very breath still wanders.

he finds a razor blade--
upon being removed
from its paper hostel,
it glints prismatically
in the Autumn sun--
and a neatly-pressed letter
accompanied by an overwhelming
medley of scents--
mint lip balm;
it still smelled like her.

With butterflies rising like bile
up his throat,
he unfolds the letter,
reading over her
spidery handwriting
several times before
her words fully percolate:

"Do not return to sender--
she's already dead."
Don't be a stranger--check out my blog!

(P.S. Use a computer for an optimal experience)
JC Lucas Jan 2016
light leaps lengthwise
purging this promontory prismatically
awakening all us awestruck
shameless sleepyheads, spying
delicious daylight drowning
out obscurity and occlusion,
frameless fixtures focused,
beams bouncing back between
emphatic eyelids,
leaving lenses lacerated,
despair defeated,
darkness destroyed.
Looking into your eyes
In a beautiful forest filled with butterflies.
We weren't alone.
We decided to move to a different zone to talk.
We took walk on the sand, and we're wearing no socks.
The sand was warm on the soles of our feet, and we had a plan.
We wanted to clear our minds, and leave everything behind.
We thought about visiting the ocean metaphorically, and literally.
All we can think about is the bright light in the ocean.
I wanted to go on this adventure with you, and me even if we fail or win we know our adventure will begin.

I embrace you in my arms.
I can feel the sun touching our skin.
I want to us to discuss our sins, and put them in a bin covered with dirt.
We might be black widows, but I don't want the posion to hurt.
I know in the past we created webbing to catch unfaithful prey.
I want it to rain to stop the pain, and wash away the past today.
We know we're jumping into a perilous fray.

When the clouds begun to move away.
I could see the blue sky, and birds fly south.
We started to kiss each other mouth to mouth.
I wanted no poison, or no sin.
I wanted to feel refreshed, and I wanted to breath again.
All I can think of is a breath of life like husband and wife.
We need an antidote.
We believed in hope.
We had to remove this poison, and set sail upon a new horizon.
Like a tailor and sailor that's sowing up the past.
We knew we had to sail fast, and avoid rocks so we can talk.

The concealed secrets we kept in our ***** pockets, and the dilapidated ships that we touched with our hands and lips.
The ones we harboured away for years, will start sinking into the ocean because the truth that was aloof has fallen through the roof.
There should be only two ships,lips, and hips to steer in the ocean, sea, or pond.
I want to be the one, so let's begin to travel in the hot sun.
I want us to have a future, and we need to be captains.
I want us navigate safely again into the ocean.

When we opened up our seashells
We placed the shell close to our ears.
We we're feeling guility and in fear.
We we're in hell on a bus with no breaks.
We knew we had to evacuate before it was too late.
Our minds felt waterlogged with lava.
I would miss the times we sat under the guava tree.
I want you to be with me.
We needed to unplug this bug.
We needed to get rid of this heat.
We needed to warm up our cold feet.
We could of drowned.
I want us to be crowned.
I want us to be in power, and i don't want our relationship to be sour.
I want us to be King and Queen since we we're ninteen.
After all these years we should've armed the guards with spears.
They will guard us, and inform us not to trespass on the woman or mans grass because we know we will get cut by glass.
We we're out for the thrill, but we realized with our eyes and lies the poison eventually spilled on the table, and we had no more adult cable.
We couldn't run the show anymore.
There was no need to be on this channel because this would dismantle our ship, and the relationship.

We lived in despair with unclean underwear.
We smelled like rotted pears.
Like lies growing on the grapevine.
We broke our fishing lines.
We received no loot.
We know honesty bears fruit.
We will sow the seeds on the ground.
I love to have you around.
I know we can grow as big as a beanstalk.
I am happy we had this talk, so lets walk into the ocean.
I want a proverbial rehabilitative wave to wash over us, and cleanse our sins.
We won't fail swim because in our hearts we know we can win.
We love this adventure anyways.
All we can see is our destination in the distance.
I't begins to shine and intertwinewith resistance.
We feel immune all negative elements, that makes us prismatically optimistic.
With this positive energy I can feel you all over me.
I can feel the sea shells and star fish near our feet.
I love way we solved our dilemma; I feel like we will never cheat on our test in the future because we our faithfully cleansed by Poseidon's tidal wave to wake us up so we earn our diploma's.
If God couldn't help us, another God in the water could make our relationship swim, and sail in the ocean once again.
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
I am a dream that is awoken
In the palpable stillness of night

A feast of all things
Drowning in the crypt of eyes

So beautiful in silky aloneness

Scintillating like the shadow of an imposter
Gliding through the quicksand of glacial night

Grappling with the behemoth of humanity
Dancing with the fragility of raindrops perched on the sun

A tangled morass of limbs spiked with sentience
Colliding prismatically like an unruly flock of birds

Oxygen and mayhem fluttering
Upon the parading windstream

I am the delightful trickle
Of a distant waterfall's hushed rainbow

I am a boy sewn together from scraps
Of true love's wardrobe

Rising strangely through the thunder clouds of heartbreak
Like dawn whispers caressing every particle in the solar system

I am all of these things and more
Yet in the end only one truth remains:

When love paints the dappled clouds
With wandering rivulets of gorgeousness
That morph majestically from one lovely unnameable form to another

We kiss underneath a sky
Made of nothing but us

We kiss underneath a sky
Made of nothing but us
Linnea Mar 2018
I know I'm not much for the world to see,
yet I feel like I'm different,
like there's something hidden inside me,
stirring beneath the surface.

I often feel like a flower in the shadows,
or a shard of glass covered in dirt,
unrevealed, my true potential,
unpolished, unpretentious, unheard.

Yet, I dream of the day I bathe in sun,
and scatter my light prismatically,
but not for the world to admire me,
but to see for myself, how brilliant I can be.
CharlesC Mar 2021
Conversations display variations seeming as

Splitting wholeness..prismatic they are..joyful

Prismatically..without attachment.. as

Wholeness appears as glorious variety..

However..there is the attachment thing..the golden calf

Hiding the whole..hatching rancor and stomach knots..

World history thus resuming in each conversation..

All of this seems so..until we kinda back away:

Prismatic joy and golden calf..a storied split..

Are still wholeness appearing as this and that..

— The End —