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Po Lista Jul 2016
the titanic
sitting in my chest
Robyn Neymour Oct 2013
It’s irritating,
When words seem to be
Unfaithful blemishes
Of yesterday’s past,
And a constant annoyance,
Unwitting today’s unknown.

To think about your what if’s,
And should don’ts of,
Repetitive reminders from the scars,
Engraved in you’re witty,
But beating heart is a daring,
Challenge to an unfaithful mind.

The fear to hold joy,
When a dark rose neglects,
The power of a white one,
In it’s purified significance,
Unveiling the worth and,
And the death of its own demise.

But no one realizes the faithful
Beauty of a dark rose.
To sting, to warn to challenge,
To be truthful to the subconscious,
Of the heart that also has protection,
Held and brace by pericardium.

Even the heart needs to be comforted,
And the mind in need of consolation,
So remove the stones blocking your eyes,
From your visual death,
Of growth and compassion,
Love is blind,
The mind is weak.

Then there is fear,
You can overcome.
So overcome it,
With the passion in your eyes,
The smile that you have,
For the very truth of your wellbeing.
Kim Denise Sep 2015
I keep my stethoscope close
because I need to check my
heartbeat from time to time.

Sometimes I hear it beating so fast,
and sometimes I can't even find it.

Maybe I am looking in the wrong place.
Maybe it's not in my ribs anymore.
Maybe it's in your hands and

*you don't even know it.
Elaenor Aisling Dec 2015
The house, when empty,
feels like a moseleum.
Everything is dark.
It is strange, how literally I can feel the heart tear.
Pericardium and myocardium,
ripping with the slow, tough **** of time and waiting,
atrium and ventricle split.
Far away my brain turns in on itself
as I stare at the candy on the road,
left from a Christmas parade,
Defined by the things its left behind,
though they lie unwanted.

My soul has fled to the wilderness
birth pangs of grief beginning,
prepared to deliver a stillborn heart,
As another star falls out of my sky.

It will go dark, I know.
One by one fall, without wishes to bring them back.
I stare at my sister's golden hair
and dread the day when she will be the one lying white,
in a hospital bed.
Oh my mother, Oh my father,
are you to fall away, too?

Light. I scream, I need light.
But I will not throw bits of glass at the sky
to pretend I have re-lit the stars.
krista Oct 2013
you always ask me about love when i think that we are creating it.
when our entwined legs mimic the twin quotation marks encircling
a silence, your fingers tracing out crop circles onto my chest as if
they're attempting to communicate every scar across the galaxy.
i will answer with an alarm clock heartbeat and a tongue that glides
through your ear like honey: some people only love in the dark.
it's guarded with a harlequin smile but what i wish i could say is this:

i believe that people's hearts meet like plane engines on landing pads,
crashing down just long enough to leave trails on the concrete before
they realize how much they miss tasting the air between their toes.
i believe that when sid first saw nancy, his bloodstream confused her
smile with the iv that supplied his starving veins punk rock & poison.
i believe that love either leaves you to bleed or to wish you still could.

but i also believe that love can last. for nine long years, hachiko
nuzzled against packed concrete and waited on empty railway cars
because the odds were, his dead owner would have to come home.
there is a man who serenaded his shower walls with the name of a
disappearing girl; i hear he still makes love to her ghost every night,
surrounded by a stadium-lit choir who wouldn't recognize her face.

the last time you asked me about forever, i realized that stars don't
even last that long, let alone feelings we shove inside pericardium.
what we deem unsinkable can hit one glacier and send a thousand
into the sea; forever is three syllables that even titanic can't touch.
my nineteen years are a paper anchor if this ship ever goes down,
but i'll be ****** if a psychic's visions of fire and ice and endings
stop me from falling in love on deck until the band stops playing.
// for ml
Hailyn Suarez May 2017
your cephalic is now distal from my axial
posterior when you used to be anterior
missing our deep talks, instead of superficial ones

your orbital region all but glances at my mammaries
tilting your mental up and away from me
ignoring my lateral buccal

I miss our manus's clenched together at the median
your pollex rubbing my digital
palmer's together

my thoracic lunges at you
trying to grip onto you using all my pericardium
my umbilical region hurts
written at CGCC
vircapio gale Feb 2013
given                                emerald veins
enfracture           sightful           caverns
of        this           pulmonary        gaze,
earthbeat        pericardium     of  whim
and mystic with a settled dew of ages--
some  heady  ancient   script     of    silk
still        gathers      fragile nourishment
and            struggle warmth     to drain
my        needless      thoughts   of flight,
center          span to dome         the air--
geodesy                                       of form
enframing                               emptiness
and                   crimson                   fates
to                                                  quench
Ravindra Kumar Jun 2013
If you question
             Straight thyself,
Commanding pride of trust
             Prefer to maintain love,
Resort monotheism
             Make the land paradise
Would receive ne'er
             Own assertive voice.

When fear to death
             Exists in whole,
Quick forget old differences
             Fretful prepense firm release.
Don't care,
             About breed and community
None trace
             Ground of velocity.

Though well teach
             The religion,
He is above mighty one
            Only regulate each pericardium,
Universe call His pleasure
            Man's power mean nothing
Could e'er leak retired
            Let have many logic gorgeous worming.

His angry look invite
            Cruelty by innate,
What melodious seen
            Guess enjoyed requisite -
Set on single platform,
            Fast evade blind destructive belief
Sail arch over brotherhood
            Cultivate rectitude in live.
Possession of 'Monotheism' within our soul is one of the greatest achievement in this mortal world.
Val Chavez Jun 2015
I was thirteen when I made the first incision on my ****** heart, allowing its contents to pour out in a heavenly wave of confusion and innocence.
Which is fine.

I was fourteen when I tried to stitch the pericardium back together with the “I love you’s” that were never meant to be said, the heat of the activity, and the temporary “Stay Strong”s.
Which is also fine.

I was fifteen when I learned that the heart muscle can only regenerate in small, limited quantities, that it would never be quite the same in its entirety.
Which is, again, fine.

Now I am seventeen days from my sixteenth birthday, and I’m learning that time spent alone can not only let you find yourself, but can also lead you to parts of yourself you weren’t meant to discover quite yet.

But I am almost sixteen, and it’s too late. I cannot forget what I know.

Maybe seventeen will be kinder.
Tony Lee Ross Jr Mar 2018
There was someone who loved me before I loved him. According to medical researchers his heart failed, that is before he was impaled. They said blood and water came out, Because he was stabbed in the heart.The pericardium is in the back, odds are they punctured that sac. So when we talk about heart break, let’s think about someone who’s heart was actually broke under the force of a spear, the reason why anyone in heaven can say “this is why I am here, I no longer have to fear.” Love that I can’t fathom, love is not an ******. Love actually matters on the grand scheme of life, so in light of this, let us believe in the Son that gives us light and let’s treat each other right.
Allyson Walsh Aug 2015
I let him hold my heart in his hands
Hoping he would be gentle

I prayed he wouldn't leave me
Like the others before him

He was promising
His hands sheltered my beating muscle

His fingers were a ribcage
Palms - a protective skin

But the commitment wasn't enough
And he dropped my ****** vessels

He stole the pericardium away
And left me with an infection

He dangled his theft in front of me
He watched me try to mask the pain

Knowing he took the protective layer away
Adding more pain to my already battered heart.
I haven't felt this hopeless in years.
Ileana Amara May 2020
open wounds tear through my flesh,
dead weight fills up my heart's pericardium,
darkness of sorrow slowly consumes my soul,
a habit of relentless grieving of the unforgotten.

there's a tombstone in my head,
in a graveyard of old memories and undead people,
not quite fancy, but once in a while
I sit beside it with a mug of coffee and anxiety.

I talk to it as if it were alive,
sometimes as if I hope it would talk back
and take off the dead weight and misery in my heart,
I grieve for the gone yet undead people whom I deeply loved.

sometimes I would bring some kerosene and match,
hoping to scorch down the place to ease all the pain,
but I am human; I exist, I love, I feel, and I remember
I may grieve of the unforgotten today, but I will live.

Sadness is a ray of darkness
Blind photons darting in effervescent emotion
Melting away the grip of pericardium
Waterboarding tired heart
Smiles are labour pains
Laughter, a jaggered cut through grey matter of necrotic brains
Thalamus, grave of relayed impulses
Empty carotid, dead heart in danger
The night is darker
Your shadow, your stalker
Call the Bishop
Tell the imam to bring the Bible
The Abbot and the crucifix, love and no jinx
Wake mother, hold the door for father
A son is coming, their last daughter
Tell Mungo Galapagos is not Darwin
Basquait was a raincloud
A mean frown in the sky
Tell Kelly journeys have two ends
That tears are diggers
Say these before sunrise.
Lyn Dec 2017
He was the pericardium to my heart
Strong enough to withstand storm
Something happened
An uneven arrhythmia surfaced in the atmosphere
N we were parted into two
That’s concludes words are lie
Don’t believe in voices
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2022
As the rain teems outside the bathroom window, pelting like bullets against the double glaze,
I look into the mirror and see that huge scar extending around my right side, pink and shiny. It moves independently top to bottom, once cut never to be the same again.
Bulging unnaturally, there is a cannon ball within. Somewhere twixt the decapitated kidney and the sliced pericardium there lies a presence which I can never ignore. Solid and intrusive it inhibits movement and gives perpetual discomfort. It was never there before the operation, it has always been there since.

Gazing up into the 77 year old eyes I hate what I see, where there should be the  gleam of victory having vanquished the foe, instead I see the beggarly hallmarks of a victim.
The pallor, the network of suffer lines around the eyes. The lifelessness and ague of expression, the absence of vigour and the lack of will, of endeavor.

Not always is this so.
On good days I spring out of bed with the early light of dawn, smother the awareness of the cannon ball with two Panadol, swallowed with rainwater from the tap, prior to cleaning my teeth.
Striding down the hallway accompanied by the scampering cat, (leading me indelibly toward her bowl for food).
Cracking open the tin box and performing the ritual of the morning pill take… (6 with milk)
A cup of scalding hot tea, strong, sugared, with a touch of milk.
Then off to work with purpose, anesthetized against the ****** thing. Anesthetized against the negativity.

All my life I’ve been physical, proud of my muscular ability to achieve anything I set out to do.
My wife once said to me, “Marshal you never ask yourself whether you can actually do anything… you just do it!”
Those were the days!
Now I attack jobs, on the good days, and convince myself that something of the old spirit remains …and it does, the thighs pump, the hands, dexterously create…. The project grows and the spirit within soars….
Alas, two hours down the track with the cannon ball weighing like a tonne of lead in my gut and the wondrous physicality expired, I haul my weary self up the hill with the sure knowledge that I can no longer hack it.

Somewhere, in the twilight of my days, I have to come to terms with the limitations.
Celebrate the good and accommodate the other.
For I have faced the ****** foe and survived…and for this I must elevate myself....and be supremely and positively, grateful.
For I live and love...For what more can a man ask?

Foxglove@Taranaki, NZ
25 August 2022
Time has an amazing effect on the subconscious, with age the realization that you are no longer what you were, that your capabilities have been compromised beyond your wildest dreams, leads you to the realm of thought which enables you to put things in perspective.
Things are as they should be....Count now your blessings!
A cardiologist might say it is because I am suffering from pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium, the fibrous sac surrounding the heart), but I say it is reflective (& indicative) of my altruistical selflessness 'cause pagan Obama knew, knew how to enjoy gay pride month forever.
A cardiologist might say it is because I am suffering from pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium, the fibrous sac surrounding the heart), but I say it is reflective (& indicative) of my altruistical selflessness 'cause pagan Obama knew, knew how to enjoy gay pride month forever.
A cardiologist might say it is because I am suffering from pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium, the fibrous sac surrounding the heart), but I say it is reflective (& indicative) of my altruistical selflessness 'cause pagan Obama knew, knew how to enjoy gay pride month forever.
I have a big heart. A cardiologist might say it is because I am suffering from pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium, the fibrous sac surrounding the heart), but I say it is reflective (& indicative) of my altruistical selflessness 'cause pagan Obama knew, knew how to enjoy gay pride month forever.

— The End —