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GHOSTiePOST Oct 2015
Up with the sky
No one could pull me down from that height
Then I saw her face
Followed by loss of appetite
Out the pit I’ve had since she left
Empty and hollow, you were expecting polite?
I can’t ******* stomach you
Called us quits so I could get some insight
But I’ve been inhaling secondhand lovers
I’ll never forget those summers

Meanwhile broken whispers chant:
oly oly oxen free
Finding who we used to be
oly oly oxen free
Back to where the wild things run free
oly oly oxen free
Running until they collide with the sea

"Come out and play"
But the Siren is hiding from me
And I from her
I’m burning down every lighthouse in sight
Hoping she never makes it home
Who’s hiding from who?
I don’t think this house will ever be your home
Rune amergin Jun 2010
what the hell is love anyway? why is there this supposed special connection to someone. And why do we fret so much when it goes away? what makes it different than a friendship? is it the extra doses of horomones you get from kissing? (wich, lets face it, is oly a trigger to the brain to think of ****** contact) why must humans search and find this ONE person the propose impossible promises to? Most animals just let their ****** need envelope them when they choose and dont think too much on the subject. But doses of religion and morals of society prohibit us from doing that. Are those morals the things telling us to seek out this unreasonable aspect of love? are those morals the secret to these pain-inflicting circumstances? becasue, all feelings are are certain levels and mixtures of horomones in the brain, so love is nothing more than a science. The thing that seperates the link between enjoing someone as a friend and as a suitor is ***. and the eason people get heartbroken and cry over losers who hurt them are merely the fault of morals
Ben Jones Nov 2013
Outside an average sort of house
Upon a quiet street
There stood a man of honest heart
All grim and weather beat
His face awash with bafflement
A letter in his mits  
With Lots of Love from God himself
And golden twirly bits

He'd read it over breakfast
Then read it on the loo
Considered re-addressing it
For number forty two
Within the silver envelope
In angel script, embossed
Were plans to build a massive boat
Materials and cost

It seemed, he'd have to build  it
As the letter looked legit
So off he sped, to B&Q;
To show the holy writ
The manager was confident
The price was mighty bold
Delivery on Saturday
For every item sold

So late, on Friday evening
He popped out for a walk
Upon his road, he drew a boat
In vivid yellow chalk
When morning dawned, a knocking
And some paperwork to mark
For a thousand tonnes of timber
For construction of an ark

He set out with his hammer
And he smote the nail and tack
By afternoon, the road was blocked
With traffic tailing back
A keel was just discernible
Beginning to take form
By evening, the media
Was whipping up a storm

Up marched a bold reporter
From the Three Times Weekly Herald
He said "So you'd be Noah then?"
"Not me" said he "I'm Gerald"
"I got this 'Oly telegram
And God has chosen me
I fill a boat with wildlife
And sail the salty sea"

By night he was a laughing stock
On YouTube and the news
But a sturdy man, was Gerald
And most vehement in his views
When asked to show the letter
He graciously refused
"Just have a little faith" he said
"We'll soon see who's amused"

The church were being skeptical
And held the press at bay
The Council sent him letters
At a rate of four a day
The hull was soon completed
And he laboured on inside
Constructing some amenities
To house them on the tide

A swimming pool for waterfowl
A wall of rodent wheels
With bowls for every kind of fish
And a big one for the seals
A filing box for butterflies
To stow them all away
A pigeon hole for pigeons
For the bees , a large bouquet

A puzzle for the monkeys
A wardrobe for the moths
A lion for the antelope
A jacuzzi for the sloths
A fully fitted nursery
For when the ewes had lambed
The wasps would have a picnic
And the beavers could be dammed

Through night and day he toiled
He relieved himself in shifts
In time, he built a sauna
And a pair of turbolifts
The council grew impatient
And the neighbours were in fits
They begged him to remove his boat
Entire or in bits

Then promptly, after dinner
As he sat upon the deck
There called a suited doctor  
With a badge around his neck
There followed many questions
With a host of funny looks
While outside went from 'fine and warm'
To 'just the thing for ducks'

That night, began the deluge
So Gerald found his crew
He robbed each local pet shop
And attacked the nearest zoo
Collected every animal
And fastened them in tight
The waters coursed along his street
As dawn replaced the night

'Twas then a thought occurred to him
A kind of mental swerve  
His road was more a crescent
So his ark was on a curve
But just then the currents took him
He sailed off along the bend
For six weeks, going round and round
To land at home, The End

Dustyn Smith Jun 2013
That crazy colored tribal pattern
That almost matches your purse
With the edges that are fraying
And the rubber that's separating

From the streets of downtown Oly
To the sandy shores of the beach
Down the Cherry Creek Trail
And Easton Town Center Mall

Soles worn down and coming out
White rubber now turned brown
Seams pulling out, fabric ripped
Stretched and worn to a perfect fit

CO to WA, OH to ON
All around and back again
Mountains, plains, oceans, and streets
They're always on my feet
A poem about my favorite pair of shoes that my mum often refers to as "you know, those hippie shoes"
jeffrey robin Aug 2010
the last soft pretzel  has been sold
he puts the mustard jar
......back into the cart

and "home" he rolls


there was an old lady who lived in Sheboygan
she had so many children

she moved to new york city
and got on welfare


he was a "podigy"
he coulda been jesus

but he decided to be
........................lebron james


gentle breezes
the bicycling boy
yellow shirt against the park's greenery

and the deep blue sky


growing unto  night!
the angelic sense of "her nurturing"

all in her EYE

an obvious "sentence"

the world's been imploded!

(and is an ugly worn out place!)


the towers have fallen

oly homeland security
on the c.i.a.

watching us now
Blind Distance Nov 2016
Rab országban rab a lélek
Álmukban látják, hogy eszerint kélnek
Sokszor érzik, hogy tenni is félnek,
Mert elmenni vagy maradni egyaránt vétek.

Rab országban rab a gondolat
Megfélemlítő a véleményáradat
Köves partjain töredezik a vakolat
Bélyegét rányomja az uralkodó-i hangulat.

Rab országban kirakatválasztások
Üvegarccal ellátott ó-rendszerváltozások
El nem feledett múltbéli hazugságok
Alkotják fog hegyén a megrekedt átkot;

Hisz rab országban megállt végleg
Nem érdekel senkit a rothadó lényeg
Belülről zabálja széjjel a féreg
S démonok torkából zeng az ítélet,

Hogy a szabadság nem egy állandó tényező
Csak addig a miénk, míg van hozzá levegő
És nem nyugszik bele búsan a független megvető
Hogy szépiaszínre vált lassan egy gondolat, oly felemelő,

Hogy csak szabad országban lehet szabad az élet,
Tengerkék igazával megvetettek a remények
S nappalok, holnapok, éjszakák vagy fényévek
Távlatából sem csorbulnak a ránk váró jövőképek.
S Smoothie Feb 2014
Dominic ******* › Love So Dear by BR  39 minutes ago
This poem is so ****** I pooped blood out , check mine out people 100 times better than this **** , ,100 times

Dominic ******* › funny how it turns by Sylkie Smoothie  39 minutes ago
Your poem is **** , check mine out people , 100 times better than this , 100 times

Dominic ******* › **** by GussE  40 minutes ago
What a ****** poem , check mine out people , 100 times better than this piece of crappp

Dominic ******* › Life In The Battlefields No. 50 by David  41 minutes ago
****** poetry dude , check mine out beoble 100 times better than this . 100 times

Dominic ******* › Untitled by Oly Light  42 minutes ago
This is **** , check mine out beoble ! you poem is **** ! mine is better , like a 100 times better

Dominic ******* › saeglopur, ii by C S Vincent  46 minutes ago
*cocked mouth * i lyk dat bby

Dominic *******

started following C S Vincent  46 minutes ago

liked ruins by kimberlyxlynn  46 minutes ago

started following kimberlyxlynn  47 minutes ago

started following SoundOfRain  49 minutes ago

Dominic ******* added a poem  2 hours ago

Dominic ******* joined Hello Poetry.
2 hours ago
Welcome to Hello Poetry. site administration should take care of this - hopefully.
Prathipa Nair Dec 2017
Christ’s glaring birth in a
Holy exquisite manger to
Ring the arrival of godsend
In this grim world with a
Sacred peaceful smile and
Tender divine eyes in
Mother Mary’s pure hands
Arising like a graceful
S**hining star full of love!
I tried my best ... please forgive me friends if there is anything incorrect about Christmas and Jesus
Nina McNally Jan 2018
"Confess my love........ you're
Holy to me." You get me, you
Understand me! I love you! You make everything better.
Right now, I just want to be with you, "a time
Capsule for the future"...."I'm just a
Human trying to avoid certain doom."
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and my fiance.
Sneha shenoy Sep 2017
I hug her,
I laugh out with her ,
I play with her ,
I kiss her,

I take her everywhere,every day
I tell her the stories of my heart.

Yes now im in love with her
After you have gone...
After I let u go with him...

I hug her out of sorrow,
I laugh with her crying Fr the lost tomorrow,
I play with her so that she doesn't remind me of you,
I kiss my painful heart...
I tell her the stories of how im dieying
After you said adieu

You found your new boy
And I found my new gal
Oly difference is u chose him over me..
& me left with no choice,accepted her
And she is pain,loneliness,darkness
Blind Distance Sep 2016
Meglöktek; gurultam szét s váltam végtelenné
oly sokáig próbáltam egy maradni
szerettem volna légben felhő lenni, de
elkapott egy tajtékos szellő
és üveggolyóvá változtatott.
Te voltál az; ki útnak indított véletlen
Elvesztem benned és veszetten kerestem életem
Értelmét. Nem maradt több kérdés, érdekes érzés
üres órákkal játszó, meddővé lett merengés
holnapokat tagadó féltő késztetés, hisz
Te-engem kelletlen, meglöktél s én engedtem;
Futottam az árral, míg volt hova mennem
és énekeltem az éneket a legszebb hangig
mert addig nem ér véget, míg meg nem írták végleg
kölcsönhatások bárgyú foglyaként
Meglepetés; az utolsó dalt is.
Astor Nov 2017
cut back
trace the outline of my shadow
with caution tape
Holy ****, I'm about to die

Metronomical beats
****** the tempo
with a chorale prelude
This time in Pig Latin:
Oly-Hay Uck-Fay, M-Iay Bout-Aay O-Tay Ie-Day

Out of key
with somber inflections
Press on my dear, Press on
with a dog eared national geographic
bookmarked to all the places I want to travel
One more time for someone who cares:
Allison Wonder Nov 2019
Restless, dreamless,
I'm lying here awake.
Just another 3:00AM,
Trying not to burn at the stake.

For the witchery, I must play
To lie alone here in my head
Is something others long for.
Even if I wish to be dead.

It doesn't come easily,
Lots of running and being chased.
You grab me, and use me,
But oly if it's below the waist.

The screams escape, as I
Run along cobbled stone.
I know once I awake
All these wounds can be sewn.

Then darkness comes again,
It thinks this time I'll be it's friend.
But I know I just have to survive,
Until daylight comes, and starts to mend.
T Oct 2018
Outside the rain it falls
Inside a voice it calls
The fog rolls off the water and into the streets
The radio playing some insane beats
My heart it pounds with passion
From the night of dreams
The music gets louder and drowns the screams
I start to wonder what does it all mean
As I travel to start my day
The understanding comes to me in every way
Because of things that happen in the night
All of the signs make it all right
Music is the only sound
But the thing is I hear it coming from all around
That same song that played the night before
It started getting louder as I walked out the door
All of a sudden as the fog it lifted
The sun was shining a dog was whining
The music it has stopped and so have I
Standing still in the middle of nowhere
The funny thing is that I didn't seem to care
All of a sudden I opened my eyes for it was oly a dream.
#this poem was written before inspired by the love of my life (T.C.)
T Oct 2019
Outside the rain it falls
Inside a voice it calls
The fog rolls off the water and into the streets
The radio playing some insane beats
My heart it pounds with passion
From the night of dreams
The music gets louder and drowns the screams
I start to wonder what does it all mean
As I travel to start my day
The understanding comes to me in every way
Because of things that happen in the night
All of the signs make it all right
Music is the only sound
But the thing is I hear it coming from all around
That same song that played the night before
It started getting louder as I walked out the door
All of a sudden as the fog it lifted
The sun was shining a dog was whining
The music it has stopped and so have I
Standing still in the middle of nowhere
The funny thing is that I didn't seem to care
All of a sudden I opened my eyes for it was oly a dream.
T Oct 2020
Outside the rain it falls
Inside a voice it calls
The fog rolls off the water and into the streets
The radio playing some insane beats
My heart it pounds with passion
From the night of dreams
The music gets louder and drowns the screams
I start to wonder what does it all mean
As I travel to start my day
The understanding comes to me in every way
Because of things that happen in the night
All of the signs make it all right
Music is the only sound
But the thing is I hear it coming from all around
That same song that played the night before
It started getting louder as I walked out the door
All of a sudden as the fog it lifted
The sun was shining a dog was whining
The music it has stopped and so have I
Standing still in the middle of nowhere
The funny thing is that I didn't seem to care
All of a sudden I opened my eyes for it was oly a dream.
Someday Aug 2022
Nem tudom, még mit mondhatnék,
Amit nem gondoltam ezerszer,
Mint hogy levegőt sem vehetek,
Ha nem melletted veszem,
Vagy hogy a szívem se dobbanhat,
Ha nem érted dobban,
Hogy beszivárogtál életem
Minden szegletébe, életem,
Hogy tű sem eshet kezemből,
Ha nem vagy ott, hogy felvedd

Nincs több szavam, gondolatom,
Üresség tombol mindössze bennem,
Ha nem vagy ott, hogy feltölts
Új gondolatokkal, érzésekkel, emlékekkel -
Ha nem raksz belém egyesével
Értékes értékeket,
Ha nem adsz értelmet
Mondataim kezdetének

Csak te élsz bennem,
Minden más létezik, túlél, stagnál,
Pazarolja a levegőt
Ami valamirevaló -
Mert csak te élsz,
Így csak érted érdemes
Létezni, túlélni, stagnálni

Amikor nem vagy itt, akkor is
Csak rád gondolok,
Amikor meghalnék, akkor is
Csak rád gondolok,
Amikor szétesek, akkor is
Te tartasz össze,
A boldogság csak akkor ér,
Ha átcikázol rajtam,
Ha létezik biztonság,
Csak te lehetsz az

Csak te tehetsz oly csodát,
Hogy békét teremts bennem,
Hogy helyre rakd gondolatim,
Hogy nyugalomra téríts -
Csak a te hatalmad
Végtelenebb nálam,
Csak a te erőd
Enyhíti fájdalmam

Nincs bennem más, csak imádat érted -
Semmi kósza gondolat vagy homályos ötlet,
Csak rád várok nap, éjjel, s minden köztes órában,
Mert csak a te szavaid lehelnek életet
Zsibbadt végtagjaimba,
S csak a te lélegzeted juttat oxigént
Zsibbadt tüdőmbe,
És minden más mellékes
//this description was written with the intention of "what if a random person read this and/or what if I became a famous poet & people misinterpreted this", I'm not deleting it cause I like it, but it's, y'know, cringe or whatever

This poem is meant to be paradoxical & self-ironic on some level. It's to give space to thoughts & feelings I'd otherwise push away & to show them at their most extreme. It isn't meant to be taken at face value, it's honestly mostly just cathartic for me to have. That being said, poetry is art & meant to be personally interpreted! So if it works better for you as something 100% genuine, then feel free to see it that way! /g
Written; 2022.aug.9.

— The End —