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Terry O'Leary Sep 2015
Though still within our infancy,
we strive to thrive, but woefully
we flash and flaunt our 'primacy',
display our trophies pridefully.

Our terra firma ecstasy
destroys survival's harmony,
lays waste to life on land and sea.
Mankind, thy name is vanity!

By doubting Nature's regnancy,
defying laws with levity,
we strain our spheroid's symmetry
(perhaps a fatal fallacy?)

for, swallowed in the 'world of we',
we feed on vain insanity
with thoughts beyond eternity -
so strange when looked at mortally.

No use to seek a remedy
ensconced in ancient prophecy
for if not handled skillfully,
as clay we'll pay the penalty.

The Moguls rule with cruel decree,
control the crowds like puppetry,
pursuing greed addictively
with no accountability.

The wind, it reeks of Royalty
(awash in waves of perfidy)
while blowing ’cross the peasantry
(eclipsed in clouds of treachery).

The Queen, well steeped in snobbery,
sits, preening proud Her pedigree,
on throne of sculpted ebony
while sipping Sect immodestly;

to sate Her Regal Majesty,
a caviar clad canapé
is served with golden cutlery
by maidens bent submissively.

The King is bailed from bankruptcy
by Knaves who hoodwink artfully
the down-and-outer evictee
who wallows in their lenity.

Forsooth, the Money Monarchy
exalts the dollar dynasty
engaged in highway robbery
by Peacocks plumed in finery.

Yes, Jesters and the Fools agree
to truckle to duplicity
and laugh about it witlessly.
Long live the peon's penury!

To champion an oddity
(like two times twelve is fifty three)  
one reaches to theology
through paths of circularity.

In bygone trials of travesty
the doubters, draped in blasphemy,
endured the pain and agony
inflicted by the papacy.

Inspired by the Trinity
fanatics bent cosmology
in geocentric fantasy
while Bruno burned for heresy;

and aged women, randomly
accused of wicked witchery
by justice framed in infamy,
were racked and shown no clemency

That epoch of credulity
(when savants fostered sorcery
and practiced ancient alchemy)
arose in dark age quackery

as clerics dripping piety
(while raging, raving rabidly)
pervaded thralled society
with callous inhumanity;

'repent', they bellowed, 'verily,
forsake the world's iniquity,
live lives of want and chastity,
and give your gelt to God through me'.

The Masters make a mockery
of freedom and democracy
by holding down the uppity,
released from shackled slavery,

now fettered in a factory
else strewn across the Bowery,
still chained in bonds of bigotry,
immersed in seas of poverty.

And colliers, tapping balefully
in sunken-mine solemnity,
yet thrum a mournful monody
some call the digger's elegy.

To children, pale and raggedy
(behind a day of drudgery),
the boss man, oh so gallantly,
bestows a penny, niggardly;

though some are fed (belatedly),
their eyes recede in apathy
while bellies bulge, inflatedly,
with mothers watching, wretchedly.

When met with health adversity
or broken bone infirmity,
the pauper dangles helplessly
with no insurance policy;

and those engulfed in lunacy
are ailing blobs left floating free
in ******-dream obscurity -
a mired madhouse odyssey.

Ignoring mankind's unity,
the rich and poor dichotomy
breeds dismal doomed finality,
eventual nihility.

Renewing days of chivalry,
wild warriors fighting valiantly
bring freedom neath the gallows tree
while blending blood and burgundy

to toast the slaughtered enemy,
and so convince the colony
to cede with smile on bended knee
and yield her diamonds, silk and tea.

At first they call the cavalry
and then again the infantry,
so proudly primped in panoply,
with arms from finest armory

(embraced in hands so tenderly
bestow benign atrocity) -
and soon atomic weaponry
will extirpate posterity.

Misusing high technology
(to feed the face of gluttony)
depletes our Rock of energy,
now slowly dying thermally.

Our gadgets breathing CFC
fuel ozone holes' immensity
while cloud bursts, raining acidly,
wilt woods in their entirety,

and rivers, tainted chemically,
polluted biologically,
refill our cups methodically
and drown our souls organically.

Adjusting genes mechanically
may well blot out the bumble bee
annulling fruits' fecundity,
but brings big bucks reliably.

We wager perpetuity
to revel momentarily
in shadow-like obscurity
ignoring the futility,

but if we bet unknowingly
on fickle fate's contingency
and thereby act haphazardly
we're doomed to lose the lottery.

The modern day bureaucracy
abuses trust egregiously ,
embeds itself in obloquy
and offers no apology.

It paints the past in reverie
to camouflage the tendency
to strip away our privacy
which paves the path to tyranny.

With earlobes lurking furtively
that listen surreptitiously,
and eyeballs peering piercingly
we've lost cerebral sovereignty,

and those who dare to disagree
must hide away in secrecy
else crowd a black facility
(with water board anxiety).

Yes, sans responsibility,
our marble in this galaxy
will crumble in catastrophe
ere ever reaching puberty…
Wonder were in the days of King David,
He wondered a man with a maiden,
A ship in the fleet,
And the eagle in the sky,
But another wonder persists,
Beyond king David to my time,
This is a man on libido,
With ***** ***** at joint thighs,
What’s wrong with a man?
When his ***** is *****,
Whether an engineer or a duffer,
A genius or a stooge,
When ***** is is at noon
Where are the brains?
Why always the brawn,

When you ***** that short ****,
Walking out of your normal way,
Disappearing into the back street,
To some nondescript corridors,
Your hunger for misfortune gets saluted,
By the street patrons in weird corridors,
A gifted *******, brown in complexion,
Her back glorified with man-made buttocks,
Erasing from your eyes her age,
Your mothers age minus white hair,
Then you slavishly bargain not to win,
Now a dizzied creature of fetish of ***,
Your ***** wildly ***** like pagoda apex
No, herself very calm on melancholy of ***,
Shrewdly she accepts to give you a wonderful ****,
At a minuscule fee to your senses; two hundred shillings

You coffle up to the ****** tether,
In senseless dance to the turbulent tune
A tintinnabulation in your ears
Impeachable tyranny of the *****,
You go into a room with her,
A workshop of ******* and *******,
You can call it a brothel,
But I and Marx we call it bagno,
God prevails and she throws a ****** at you
Pulling away her leopard stripped *******,
Letting you see eagle tattoo of on white thighs,
Confused electricity drips in your head,
Then you become a beggar of the year,
Effusively begging for live *** with
Without ****** use lest you zest not,
Lest you don’t harvest maximally,
With your dinosaur’s testicles,
She cunningly accepts your request,
In her full knowledge of your kamikaze,
Villains commit when dying for no course,
She gives it an OK, but at a small fee
You go on to pay as if possessed,
By the devil of paying for nonsense,
And then you **** her ******* live,
Before gracing your joy with live ****,
She feels nothing in entire of her body,
For her vaginal purse is spacious,
Like the side pockets of your trouser,
You achieve early ****** to *******,
She moans lightly like a teased Carmel,
She pushes you away with a sober vim,
You collapse aside in   a dull thud
Like a dead bird from ruffian roof,
Your ***** now flappy
Not reflecting a shuttle in crypt,
In volcanacity of the past minute,
Then you look at her with bent eyes,
You see her sporadic white hairs,
On forehead and between her thighs,
She is looking stupid but not foolish,
She breaks into fits of wild coughing,
Accidentally dropping *** palliative drugs,
The horrendous ARV’s
You now hang around there agape
Niggardly chewing full size of misfortune,
In your voracious mandibles,

This worthy limitour, this noble Frere,
He made always a manner louring cheer                      countenance
Upon the Sompnour; but for honesty                            courtesy
No villain word as yet to him spake he:
But at the last he said unto the Wife:
"Dame," quoth he, "God give you right good life,
Ye have here touched, all so may I the,                         *thrive
In school matter a greate difficulty.
Ye have said muche thing right well, I say;
But, Dame, here as we ride by the way,
Us needeth not but for to speak of game,
And leave authorities, in Godde's name,
To preaching, and to school eke of clergy.
But if it like unto this company,
I will you of a Sompnour tell a game;
Pardie, ye may well knowe by the name,
That of a Sompnour may no good be said;
I pray that none of you be *evil paid;
A Sompnour is a runner up and down
With mandements* for fornicatioun,                 mandates, summonses
And is y-beat at every towne's end."
Then spake our Host; "Ah, sir, ye should be hend         *civil, gentle
And courteous, as a man of your estate;
In company we will have no debate:
Tell us your tale, and let the Sompnour be."
"Nay," quoth the Sompnour, "let him say by me
What so him list; when it comes to my lot,
By God, I shall him quiten
every groat!                    pay him off
I shall him telle what a great honour
It is to be a flattering limitour
And his office I shall him tell y-wis".
Our Host answered, "Peace, no more of this."
And afterward he said unto the frere,
"Tell forth your tale, mine owen master dear."

Notes to the Prologue to the Friar's tale

1. On the Tale of the Friar, and that of the Sompnour which
follows, Tyrwhitt has remarked that they "are well engrafted
upon that of the Wife of Bath. The ill-humour which shows
itself between these two characters is quite natural, as no two
professions at that time were at more constant variance.  The
regular clergy, and particularly the mendicant friars, affected a
total exemption from all ecclesiastical jurisdiction,  except that
of the Pope, which made them exceedingly obnoxious to the
bishops and of course to all the inferior officers of the national
hierarchy." Both tales, whatever their origin, are bitter satires
on the greed and worldliness of the Romish clergy.


there was dwelling in my country                 once on a time
An archdeacon, a man of high degree,
That boldely did execution,
In punishing of fornication,
Of witchecraft, and eke of bawdery,
Of defamation, and adultery,
Of churche-reeves,
and of testaments,                    churchwardens
Of contracts, and of lack of sacraments,
And eke of many another manner
crime,                          sort of
Which needeth not rehearsen at this time,
Of usury, and simony also;
But, certes, lechours did he greatest woe;
They shoulde singen, if that they were hent;
And smale tithers were foul y-shent,
         troubled, put to shame
If any person would on them complain;
There might astert them no pecunial pain.
For smalle tithes, and small offering,
He made the people piteously to sing;
For ere the bishop caught them with his crook,
They weren in the archedeacon's book;
Then had he, through his jurisdiction,
Power to do on them correction.

He had a Sompnour ready to his hand,
A slier boy was none in Engleland;
For subtlely he had his espiaille,
That taught him well where it might aught avail.
He coulde spare of lechours one or two,
To teache him to four and twenty mo'.
For, -- though this Sompnour wood
be as a hare, --        furious, mad
To tell his harlotry I will not spare,
For we be out of their correction,
They have of us no jurisdiction,
Ne never shall have, term of all their lives.

"Peter; so be the women of the stives,"
Quoth this Sompnour, "y-put out of our cure."

"Peace, with mischance and with misaventure,"
Our Hoste said, "and let him tell his tale.
Now telle forth, and let the Sompnour gale,
              whistle; bawl
Nor spare not, mine owen master dear."

This false thief, the Sompnour (quoth the Frere),
Had always bawdes ready to his hand,
As any hawk to lure in Engleland,
That told him all the secrets that they knew, --
For their acquaintance was not come of new;
They were his approvers
privily.                             informers
He took himself at great profit thereby:
His master knew not always what he wan.
Withoute mandement, a lewed
man                               ignorant
He could summon, on pain of Christe's curse,
And they were inly glad to fill his purse,
And make him greate feastes at the nale.
And right as Judas hadde purses smale,
And was a thief, right such a thief was he,
His master had but half *his duety.
                what was owing him
He was (if I shall give him his laud)
A thief, and eke a Sompnour, and a bawd.
And he had wenches at his retinue,
That whether that Sir Robert or Sir Hugh,
Or Jack, or Ralph, or whoso that it were
That lay by them, they told it in his ear.
Thus were the ***** and he of one assent;
And he would fetch a feigned mandement,
And to the chapter summon them both two,
And pill* the man, and let the wenche go.                plunder, pluck
Then would he say, "Friend, I shall for thy sake
Do strike thee out of oure letters blake;
Thee thar
no more as in this case travail;                        need
I am thy friend where I may thee avail."
Certain he knew of bribers many mo'
Than possible is to tell in yeare's two:
For in this world is no dog for the bow,
That can a hurt deer from a whole know,
than this Sompnour knew a sly lechour,                      better
Or an adult'rer, or a paramour:
And, for that was the fruit of all his rent,
Therefore on it he set all his intent.

And so befell, that once upon a day.
This Sompnour, waiting ever on his prey,
Rode forth to summon a widow, an old ribibe,
Feigning a cause, for he would have a bribe.
And happen'd that he saw before him ride
A gay yeoman under a forest side:
A bow he bare, and arrows bright and keen,
He had upon a courtepy
of green,                         short doublet
A hat upon his head with fringes blake.
"Sir," quoth this Sompnour, "hail, and well o'ertake."
"Welcome," quoth he, "and every good fellaw;
Whither ridest thou under this green shaw?"
Saide this yeoman; "wilt thou far to-day?"
This Sompnour answer'd him, and saide, "Nay.
Here faste by," quoth he, "is mine intent
To ride, for to raisen up a rent,
That longeth to my lorde's duety."
"Ah! art thou then a bailiff?" "Yea," quoth he.
He durste not for very filth and shame
Say that he was a Sompnour, for the name.
"De par dieux,"  quoth this yeoman, "leve* brother,             dear
Thou art a bailiff, and I am another.
I am unknowen, as in this country.
Of thine acquaintance I will praye thee,
And eke of brotherhood, if that thee list.
I have gold and silver lying in my chest;
If that thee hap to come into our shire,
All shall be thine, right as thou wilt desire."
"Grand mercy,"
quoth this Sompnour, "by my faith."        great thanks
Each in the other's hand his trothe lay'th,
For to be sworne brethren till they dey.
In dalliance they ride forth and play.

This Sompnour, which that was as full of jangles,
As full of venom be those wariangles,
               * butcher-birds
And ev'r inquiring upon every thing,
"Brother," quoth he, "where is now your dwelling,
Another day if that I should you seech?"                   *seek, visit
This yeoman him answered in soft speech;
Brother," quoth he, "far in the North country,
Where as I hope some time I shall thee see
Ere we depart I shall thee so well wiss,
That of mine house shalt thou never miss."
Now, brother," quoth this Sompnour, "I you pray,
Teach me, while that we ride by the way,
(Since that ye be a bailiff as am I,)
Some subtilty, and tell me faithfully
For mine office how that I most may win.
And *spare not
for conscience or for sin,             conceal nothing
But, as my brother, tell me how do ye."
Now by my trothe, brother mine," said he,
As I shall tell to thee a faithful tale:
My wages be full strait and eke full smale;
My lord is hard to me and dangerous,                         *niggardly
And mine office is full laborious;
And therefore by extortion I live,
Forsooth I take all that men will me give.
by sleighte, or by violence,                            whether
From year to year I win all my dispence;
I can no better tell thee faithfully."
Now certes," quoth this Sompnour,  "so fare
I;                      do
I spare not to take, God it wot,
But if* it be too heavy or too hot.                            unless
What I may get in counsel privily,
No manner conscience of that have I.
N'ere* mine extortion, I might not live,                were it not for
For of such japes
will I not be shrive.           tricks *confessed
Stomach nor conscience know I none;
I shrew* these shrifte-fathers
every one.          curse *confessors
Well be we met, by God and by St Jame.
But, leve brother, tell me then thy name,"
Quoth this Sompnour.  Right in this meane while
This yeoman gan a little for to smile.

"Brother," quoth he, "wilt thou that I thee tell?
I am a fiend, my dwelling is in hell,
And here I ride about my purchasing,
To know where men will give me any thing.
My purchase is th' effect of all my rent        what I can gain is my
Look how thou ridest for the same intent                   sole revenue

To winne good, thou reckest never how,
Right so fare I, for ride will I now
Into the worlde's ende for a prey."

"Ah," quoth this Sompnour, "benedicite! what say y'?
I weened ye were a yeoman truly.                                thought
Ye have a manne's shape as well as I
Have ye then a figure determinate
In helle, where ye be in your estate?"
                         at home
"Nay, certainly," quoth he, there have we none,
But when us liketh we can take us one,
Or elles make you seem
that we be shape                        believe
Sometime like a man, or like an ape;
Or like an angel can I ride or go;
It is no wondrous thing though it be so,
A lousy juggler can deceive thee.
And pardie, yet can I more craft
than he."              skill, cunning
"Why," quoth the Sompnour, "ride ye then or gon
In sundry shapes and not always in one?"
"For we," quoth he, "will us in such form make.
As most is able our prey for to take."
"What maketh you to have all this labour?"
"Full many a cause, leve Sir Sompnour,"
Saide this fiend. "But all thing hath a time;
The day is short and it is passed prime,
And yet have I won nothing in this day;
I will intend
to winning, if I may,               &nbs
WhyamIaSpoon Jan 2012
My auspicious and audacious assault augments the annoyance of aged accomplices.

My bodacious broadside of boffolas berates and buffaloes bros beneficently.

A classy crusade Clownishly chiseling and criticizing childishness.

A devilish ******* of dillydallying dullards; devoutly denying dimwits the dulcet dream of defiance.

Excessive, exuberant edification, ebulliently eliminating education-evictees.

A fair-weather frolic in flippancy with furious fools floundering in flawed foppishness.

Gregariously grating glum guys gleefully, growing grander garnishes of gripping gallantry gaily.

Heckling hooligans highlights my heavenly humor.

Irreverently irking irritable, iniquitous idiots in inestimably infuriating and incredible instances.

A jolly, jocular **** joking with jerks.

A kreiger kicking kleptomaniacs in the karyotype. (Cut me some slack, this is 'k', after all.)

A ludicrous, laughing lambaste of lollygagging lunatics, loftily loosing luscious lunacy on lucky losers.

A magnificent masterpiece of malfeasance, a monstrous, malevolent mission of massive misfortune for the minor minors missing no malicious missive.

A noxious, narcissistic niggling of nitwits, niftily nixing the noisome naivete of niggardly nobs.

An offhand, off-color outburst of outlandish observations to outclass the obnoxious overtures of obsequious offal.

A pragmatic prediction of possible platitudes or platypi, a placid parley of pyrotechnic pleasantries provoking Pyrrhic protections by prurient prats.

A quixotic quibble quarreling with a queer quarry.

Ribald ribbing, ruining the robust reality of the repreachful, repugnant, and rapacious with risque ridiculousness.

A silly, slighting slander of sluglike slavishness, succinctly sinking sloppy simpletons sourly.

Tracing the titillating talent of towing tyranny to towering terrors to tactless, togless, terrapins of the times.
Tawanda Mulalu Feb 2016
Perfect: I used that word once to talk about you
as if you were a doll with limbs made of plastic:
stiff and whimsical and subject to the niggardly
commands of the conscious- yet you, who thinks
as aggressively as any doll-house builder do not
construct your own set-pieces; instead you
pirouette into one carefully constructed day to the
next as you delicately
from bed to shower to wardrobe to mirror to desktop to
window to mirror to mirror to
mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them
and the staid look on your face when the mirror gives no
because it can’t. Checkered skirt, sharp eyelashes, wary
jumper, almost heels. Perfect, you might think
for a moment before your eyes roll gently from self
to mirror
to self
to mirror
to mirror
the self. What was
it that you were looking for if all it does is lead
you back to your skin? Meanwhile, the snow
stutters softly from above as if God had dandruff-
perfect- and it all gently glazes the spongy surface of the world like
flawless coconut icing on some sorry party cake- perfect- and the morning
bell rings impossibly on time like the last
breath you thought was your last- perfect- and somewhere in
America I use words to remind you of the little
of perfection that both start and end with your perfectly
snow-pale skin, where somewhere in
America and somewhere on
your thighs perfect ridges of red have formed themselves like
plastic scratches on a Barbie which we both think
are little but we both know
are big
because you are not plastic.

                                               At nighttime our feet
skip on the icy brick pathways that lead from
the dorm-rooms to the library and we shiver
as the snowflakes bob in and out of our bodies
like thoughts
that seem funny but aren’t quite- they melt away
as soon as they stumble upon our skin. From our mouths
cloudy puffs of being flutter out- little butterflies affirming
out listless snowflake-filled minds, sperming out ice-clouds
from our mouths, our mouths, our mouths; birthing friendship.
Breath, visible, is laughter. I trip and swear and momentarily
across a sudden ice-surface as you speak another ice-breath. We
at the library but dart towards the empty right-side, the science
classrooms. We hope
to examine the thought-skirmishes on your right thigh, to turn  
and change this hopeless world-spinning into centrifuge
make apparent the light from the dark
                        the firmament from the void
                        the flesh from the plastic, the-
here we are as you talk
about your family and I
try my best to look you
in the eye so I
can become
your eyes
even when


at the soul-gates of another being-
here we are as you talk;
God is still missing from the centrifuge
of the endlessly turning world- your
is your skin yet
you trust it
not. The salads without dressing,
        the weighing scales,
        the taste of bile at the back of your
all for skin that
All for flesh that you think is plastic
talk because the bell cuts through the flesh
of our conversation. Enough
talk because the world insists on
turning still
and forcing us to revolve
with it. Enough
breathing, enough
snow, enough
life. I remember you saying
that the ratios of your face are wrong;
that certain equilibriums do not exist between
your cheeks your lips your eyes your life…I remember the science
classrooms where parts of you were as mathematical as the architecture... I remember how
you keep thinking your flesh is plastic… You forget how
inglorious the nature of these words is. The problem
with human thought, with the ratios of your face, with the
geometric structures that cut across your thighs, with the
statistical neatness with which your family decomposes;
the problem with our conception of perfect is how
awkwardly it both exists and does not exist for us to
The ratios of your face which you think are broken are
the same miracles I wonder about as you laugh. The incorrect distance
from your cheek to your eye which you think is wrong is the same
lightyear which separates the stars from the planets. The curvature
of your stomach is the bending of a spacetime to accommodate
the way the air must move to let your body occupy the space and time in which it
The ratios you speak of spring from your own limitlessness, your own
perfect imperfections , imperfect perfections-
strange oddities and unfathomable beauties and yes. Yes,
even the ridges across your right thigh are minute, red,
grand-canyons of
of human, of breathing clay
              Recently the voices in my head have been getting louder,
telling me all sorts of things about how the snow ought to bury me
in its mercilessness. They mention also that my words bear no meaning,
my thoughts even less so. Assumedly, the ridges across your thigh
carry such spectres as well but, I messaged you before you went to bed
about coming out and having an adventure because tick-tock-tick-tock…tick…tock…tick-
the last bell of the day is going to ring soon and the voices and ridges
will assert themselves again with the bedtime silence, but check your Facebook
messages and come outside and let’s go skipping with your friends across
the century-old polished prep-school brick pathways that smell archaic because it’s

snowing outside and it’s lovely.
For a friend.

Update, 4/23/2018, the poem found a home here:   thanks to a friend.
Edna Sweetlove Aug 2015
This is one of the racier "Memories" poems by the great Barry Hodges, my alter ego.
It might well make you come involuntarily in your ******.

How happy was I once with the wind in my hair
Wandering o'er the dales with joyousness unmeasur'd,
In the sweet long passed innocent days of platonic love
When stolen gropes and kiss were to be treasured.

But all good and true things come to a sad close
And my poor first love lies in her grave so sorrowfully
Having been crushed to death by a runaway steamroller
Before I managed to go all the way quite thoroughly.

What a waste of delightful teenage flesh was that
Yet perhaps I had a narrow escape from the derangement
Which might have been mine had our trysting
Led to a semi-permanent matrimonial arrangement.

For I recall one afternoon in the old ABC cinema
In the delighful Yorkshire spa town of Harrogate,
Sitting next to my gorgeous love in the back row,
Exploring her not so very private parts on a hot date.

How I cursed the management's niggardly folly
In not showing a film with hot romantic blood
But saving pathetic pennies by putting on
Daffy ******* Duck and Elmer ******* Fudd.

But yet I perserved with my digital explorations
Unaware that the throbs my fingers felt were no dream
But darling Elsie laughing like a proverbial drain
At Daffy's hilarious anatine adventures on-screen.

'Twas then I began to wonder about the viscous liquid
I had hitherto imagined was Elsie's lovejuice flowing
(dear, dear reader, cease your perusal of my tale forthwith
if you are of a nervous disposition or prone to food up-throwing)*.

It was only a careful examination of my sopping knuckles
In the dimly lit gents after old Daffy's film was done and dusted
Which revealed that my dearly beloved had leaked
Big time out of both ends, leaving my fingers well encrusted.

O to think that, but for Daffy, I might have been lumbered
With a different kind of bird for whom double incontinence
Was a way of life (thus, the fatal steamroller she encountered
The very next day was a blessing from kindly Providence).

Our little secrets slink away—
Beside God’s shall not tell—
He kept his word a Trillion years
And might we not as well—
But for the niggardly delight
To make each other stare
Is there no sweet beneath the sun
With this that may compare—
Lydia B Jan 2011
I am not usually frugal but
I hand you guilty slips of the fingers
It is wartime and I am rationing touch.
I chew the pen you gave me; do I
Taste you?
Do you see my tongue and wish
I would lay it hot to your flesh, burning
Excuses in stealth-sweetened luxury?
Savannah Lee May 2014
I know I was taking YOUR sweet time,
To make sure you were MINE.
But I couldn't find your heart and where it lies.
And trust me I've cried,
More, oceans than the world hides...
But you don't understand, and won't be my man so you divide.
MORE than just RED and BLUE,
My heart in two, yeah it's ******* true!
I can be the fool,
But try to KEEP cool,
Just for YOU to play me like you do.
I'm so tired of my own tears because you ain't got no fears,
Of losing me.
Because you know I stick around no matter how many state's are surrounding us,
Or far in between.
BECAUSE all you are is ******* MEAN to me!
And I don't know how to trust.
So I turn into the rust you so easily brush,
Off those cold shoulders.
****, might as well move to Boulder!
WHERE my tears might just smolder, another crowd.
But it's too late, it's ALL over now.
I'm proud, because it got so loud.,
And I just didn't know how,
So sorry my God is One Love!
SORRY I only wanted to make love,
And that being with you was My enough.
Sorry I forgot I could sing,
And didn't dare open my mouth because of the opinions you'd bring - me.
Sorry to myself and my soul.
I forgot what I was doing, cold and alone.
So this is what I get
For being half upset and saying **** the rest.
But forget?!
Niggardly, ya name is basically tatted under my breast.
I don't rest.
Because you're that close to my heart.
I said no to a man who wanted me from the start.
He asked me to marry him, But I wanted you.
And when I left on the plane next month I still wanted you.
And through the lies and deceit I still want you.
But I get so **** distracted I'm just a fool, for you.
You're forever RED and I'm forever BLUE.
Tell me a ******* thing...
Put you in my shoes.
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
I live in the moment;
Running freely, half-cocked;
A poofteenth of an idea
And I'm off with the pixies;
Chasing my tail, trying to nut-out
A niggly-niggardly issue unresolved,
That stumps or annoys the Earth's
Best representatives in a speciality.
Whether I'll end at an adequate
Conclusion is anyone's guess.

Bonus After-thoughts -->

I'm programmed
to generalise for
simplicity's sake.

Could possibly be DIVINE
(OR Delusional - Take your pick).
2 of 8 (Yellow) Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
Child in me wants to go home
The older self feels the light got a little colder
The hellos and good days follow like cold imagination
The twilight of a new moon renders me a little messier
Bellowing, bewitched and I get older and become a denier
The cause of the sunny dream and they say I am stranger following pied pipers
I'm a stranger in another man's eyes and living behind stronger illusions and desires
It's easier to reread a book when you know it's ending and the solution
It's easier to look at the wanderer's eyes, pointing a gun to the helm
And tell him to look at the vagrant skies with some gumption
Migrating, and the fighting spirit sits sojourned within the threat of danger
July and June, and I and the dolphins washed away on the foamy shore
Like divine retribution, that burned upon touching the sun
The shore ended where the sea opened up and the wings welded
The watered wilting rushed down the turbulent tempests, begging for merit
Flying away as one, wanting more
quick figurative brush stroke drawn out character sketch
(serendipitous verisimilitude)

i stand in awe
(with mouth agape) at elegiac, fantastic,
   and graphic idyllic Kinkade magic
   leaving breathlessness from craw

at such artistic talent oozing
   spellbindingly, whatever
   aforementioned noteworthy craftsman
   didst paint or draw,

and chanced to comment
   about sad affairs leaving flaw
in regard to questionable business ethics -
   where press hee haw

contradicting, maligning, undermining, and jaw
boning sans said late talented mortal
   engaging in sketchy traits of south paw

city when contrasted with a dog given gift -
   ooh...such rah...rah...rah
when he first appeared on the scene,
   where most viewers saw

utmost dynamic, fantastic,
   and harmonic convergence
displaying such prosaic, rhapsodic,
   titanic art show events

hum...and perhaps not surprising
   his illicit in dull gents presents stark contrast,
   staring hypnotized as imagination invents
experiencing peaceful, restful
   and tumblerful joie de vivre espying

   honorable mentioned nonpareil oeuvre
   that placidly rents
craving to disappear into bucolic landscape whence,
splashed upon canvass,

attempting to bat
presumed "FAKE" rumors aside as nonsense - fat
chance prevailed constituting:
   deceitful, immoral, unfaithful sly kat
nocturnal antics, despite scathing attacks

   (cut him down to size), niggardly praises spat
out for me, I maintain cult of personality (his)
   setting Mac Book Pro wallpaper
   with exemplary landscape,
   either authentic or copy cat.
(Idea engendered from Lombok earthquake: Indonesia)

Nary a ***** of illumination pierces thru
thick cavernous rock solid chamber home
     to this crepuscular anchorite,
who spent untold countless chunks of time
holed up deep underground

     initially to escape deadly blight,
that afflicted vast swaths of
twenty first century
     long fostered civilization,
the post apocalyptic scattered remnants
forced into subterranean redoubts
reliant on stowed away tallow

uber wax to forge poorly guided
niggardly flickering burning candlelight
where quotidian ritual entails doth dight
this Jainist Joplin ascetic, who
     already donned the mantle,
     sans adjustment to darkened eyesight
imposing keen aural habituation

     to discern, and distinguish any fright
full scurrying, skittering,
     slithering, unseen presence
     triggering thine nostril to sneeze,
     which nasal (gesundheit) claxon
serves to scarify shadowy silhouetted height

giving infinitesimal pause,
     thence worry free insight
since my judicious jumbled
     juxtaposed metaphorical jacklight
philosophies, viz Jainism, Jesuit,
     and Judeo-Christian allows
     no cavil, indiscriminate killing,
nor **** sapien superiority

toward multitudinous life forms instilled
     into former existence as good Samson Knight,
now effectivel embedded,
     entombed, and interred
     within bowels of the Earth
hum canticle refrains
     softly enunciating such psalms
     to eternal night.
Sans Priceless Paternal Experiences
Bequeathed To This Papa From Precious Progeny

The greatest gift cherished, garnered, lamented...,
yet simultaneously recognized as utmost prized
constitutes mine declaration, that both benevolent
daughters (now metaphorically inflight) took wing
to embark upon autonomous paths from shortfall

of figurative feathers, that barely fluffed this
Harris nest, and pridefulness (without prejudice),
(nor sense and sensibility if the Missus intimated),
nonetheless the exponentially lightspeed of time,
(no doubt there exists some algebraic formula)

delineating, how each subsequent year elapses
with mind bend ding rapidity tens, hundreds,
thousands...bajillion of immeasurable powers
greater compared to the buzzfeeding, nodding
off to sleep, plodding ennui during naive boyhood

(mine) lacking foresight to conjecture emotional
state (wreck) walled din within the unsown cerebral
territory now housing a papa poised on the brink
of agonizing awareness catapulting enlightenment
gripping intractably kickstarting mortality. Over

the spate of fatherhood, thy deux delightful
grown girls unwittingly, unstintingly, unpreparedly...
foisted upon the very shaky psychological fountainhead
an absolute birthright (asper begetting said offspring),
whose needs and wants transcended those of this

formerly self oriented dada, who reviews the
trials and tribulations recognizing his niggardly
retention of allowing, enabling, and proffering
the best environment conducive to the mental,
physical, and spiritual well-being concerning

those vulnerable young and restlessness lives.
He writhes with agony, asper the domestic chaos
wrought indelible emotions, some roiling anger
(more so pertaining to the eldest (Eden Liat "star
student") emotionally estranged toward this

parent, whose company she enjoyed playing
at the park, or reveling idling leisure hours oft
times winning at Uno, Sorry, Mancala...(keep
on the queue tee, that such happen to be my intent).
Thank you so much sweet darlings, (which out

pouring of sentiments) initially spurred to
acknowledge the twentieth orbit around the sun
regarding the tender loving caring Shana
Aubrey blessedly teaching unknowingly
your truly ill suited “sir” spending her previous

few birthdays expanding delicate comfort zones
living (by choice and mutual parental consent,
when she hapt to be a minor - and now...owns a heart
of gold), this poor excuse for a father loves
both YOU more than these pitiful words can
broadcast into the ethereal net.
Axed dent of circumstances
finds yours truly liberated,
whereby no obligatory constraints
obliges forcible adherence
synchronizing Circadian rhythm

forcibly linkedin within paradigm
minutely crafting, daisy chaining
involuntarily ceding cradle to grave
man made artificial construct
(dismissing one living away

off the gridlock)
co-opting every precious moment
comprising hour quotidian existence
to sustain swiftly styled
harry tailored lifestyle

affording bajillion **** sapiens
luxury to scold frantic scramble,
freedom to scurry frantically
twenty four seven madcap rat race
formerly existing (millenniums ago)

as "noble savage"
ah...remember those glory days
now, grudgingly,
niggardly... unwittingly
compromising pleasant dreams

jarring deeply slumbering
body electric groggily awake
liberty, courtesy alarming wake up
to toil away making dem
big dearly beloved bucks

essentially entering holy grail
searching made more worthwhile
thankless fracas, fray, fraught
pitting one beasty boy against t'other
survival of fittest in overdrive

(Charles Darwin taken aback),
how origin of most ruthless species
went a courtin for dazzling,
jazzy, regal trappings
supposedly to ease

grueling laboring mind numbing
lumpenproletariat, when after
devoting, sacrificing, venerating...
prime mating years
take respite, and

hire oneself out
as independent contractor,
versus sedately pathetic mundane...
you bet your life
in relation to this
self ostracized scrivener.
Let me practice jawing Esperanto with these savaged red ******* of Apachería & Comancheria, as it'll be like picking off dead chiggers
I see Apachería & Comancheria's dead ******* cussing red chiggers
Apachería and Comancheria's blood-fed chiggers tread bled *******
that no Ethiopian chuckles for, snickers, giggles, moans or sniggers
niggly niggled niggardly nigh *** diggers on jungle-jiggled jiggers
Not even big Elton John can answer gynecological questions with a straight face when a cop is spraying into his 2 eyes tear gas & mace
while singing 94 songs niggardly with malice & no humbling grace
in front of disaffected clerics prone to denounce a ***-wedlock case
that alludes to ****** ***** undulating unholstered under frilly lace
I enthusiastically applaud your fanciful ball gowns, your high-brow
way of speaking, your youthful exuberance & your immature age &
I was sad until you said hello to set off my 9 o'clock homicidal rage
Let's selflessly sing of canned lima beans like would singer Gordon Lightfoot, like 216 canned lima bean hoarders hoardin' right should
Axed dent of circumstances
(series of unfortunate events
courtesy Lemony Snicket)
adze hatchet marks
to sexagenarian mortal
and finds yours truly liberated,
whereby no obligatory constraints

obliges forcible adherence
synchronizing Circadian rhythm
linkedin within Capital One paradigm
minutely crafting, daisy chaining
involuntarily ceding cradle to grave
man made artificial construct
(dismissing one livingsocial away

alone in the wilderness off the gridlock)
co-opting every precious moment
comprising hour quotidian existence
to sustain swiftly styled
harried tailored lifestyle
affording bajillion **** sapiens
luxury to scold frantic scramble,

freedom to scurry frantically
twenty four seven madcap rat race
formerly existing (millenniums ago)
as "noble savage"
courtesy Jean Jacques Rousseau
ah...remember those glory days
now, grudgingly,

niggardly... unwittingly
compromising pleasant dreams
jarring deeply slumbering
body electric groggily awake
liberty, courtesy alarming wake up
to toil away making dem
big dearly beloved bucks

essentially entering holy grail
searching made more worthwhile
thankless fracas, fray, fraught
pitting one beasty boy against t'other
survival of fittest in overdrive
(Charles Darwin taken aback),
how origin of most ruthless species
went a courtin for dazzling,

jazzy, regal trappings
supposedly to ease
grueling laboring mind numbing
lumpenproletariat, when after
devoting, sacrificing, venerating...
prime mating years
take respite, and

hire oneself out
as independent contractor,
versus sedately pathetic mundane...
you bet your life faux gameshow
in relation to this
self ostracized wordsmith
scratching out literary endeavors.
Analogous, how said month name
     September under went
ramifications throughout millennium
     steeped in blood thirsty antiquity,
     awash with torment,
where most twenty
     first century mortals
     oblivious to such lawlessness

     wretched ultra-violent revilement
existentially going about their
     daily and weekly business
attuned to requisite
     employment as punishment
particularly if role of stoop laborer
     earnings them niggardly pay
     for meager nourishment,

there would be negligible
     leisure time leant
to mull, ponder or scrutinize
     such esoteric rubric
     as preponderance of
     ancient civilizations set precedence
     contributing to present
     without passing judgement

if in fact possessing
     aggressive curiosity hellbent
     interest and/or acutely fervent
     trenchant awareness linkedin
     with what human engineered,
     sans preceding millennial development
     events came about
     to bring the here

     and now space/
     time continuum habiliment,
where a sniveling, groveling, and
     conniving foo fighting beastie boy,
     would be loathe to believe,
nor not in the least
     interested - gives a rats a$$
what farcical betterment prevails during

     this current year
two thousand eighteen, versus where
drama evidenced by
     nothing "FAKE," nor unclear
substantial archeological recorded
     treasure trove evinced severe
of prior momentous human quaere
orgiastic epics Bacchanalian

     (distilled from ancient Egypt,
     classical Greece, enlightened Rome
     peoples played primitive organs
     (viz, sax and violens) out across
     the then world wide web
     wrought permanent pressed

     customs within part
     ridge didst app pear,
in a tree, reverberated
     millenniums later, and also asper
     among named twelve months,
particularly when Ides of March near
plus seven days of week.
Ken Pepiton Feb 5
minutes wasted watching new persuasions
souring convincing arguments, rhetorical
contestants pitching sound bites and blurbs…

Earthian watchers sit quiet.
World stage, all accept any role.
All expect daily bread and easy tests.

Thinking if all those actively opposing using
clear common good sense, no bogus science
the use
of exectutive authority locally, we
are using believe as the verb, action
here, at once, we in an agreeform
that makes beliefs facts…

zoom out, take and look, take and use
colloquial subconscientific
impression, Earth whole,
a very costly photo
taken as free,
you see
granted us all under constant instituted
biological functionality and usefulness laws,
ethical stores of mores and lesses held true
where by weights and measures are kept,
sacrosanct things we believe we see
SETI code exemption nodes,
brains born
with Shelly Berman humor
moral insensitivities equivalency cert

"Spinach, right there, on your bicuspid."

Arbitrary decision
possibility never considered,
then we all laughed if off, now look

what are your private default mode cycles
doing while you wonder if this
is a waste of some better mind,
used to be imaginable as ours, we form

information known shown worth,
no time is lost time sought for,
all time is used in reflecting

get it, general value open market,
----------------------------------- got a second?

So, reader, there is an off ramp,
about twice the price as getting off
here… but it ends with these lines,
as in these days we do magic in lines
bright or dark, novel times, no denoument, nous
curio uses. … ever as we live and breathe

and think, this is a good thing to do do today.

Watcher, what of the night?
- same most days
All is peace as yet the night
is half a day away, or more,
as all our days are minutes more
each morning earlier
each evening later,
this time of year
cold dark night winds, wet with dew
sweat dried from working class few
who continue duty as background

custodians, ever holding imbedded
motion picture emotional reminders,

Kit Carson, childhood role model--

bind these phylacteries between
figurative eyes literally blinded
by eye service attesting right use

of holy gnosis as old as first known
beauty, seen, even in mind, alone,
beauty is reason enough to go on,
make more beauty, as peace, felt
sense, scent as from blossums
in Canyon de Chelly

- evoke tears, the scent
- knowledge of beauty
- and adversity, so more alive
- than knowledge of good and evil…

peach blossums, sum of all fears, evoked
memory banks for war stores, whys

Kit Carson, childhood role model--
-- he burned the ancient peaches now
    he has streets named after him reminding

old mourning grieving broken spirits wailing
at the memory
from the blossums
on a breeze
to leave be gone, days unbeknownst
sought to revalue
of all lost time ever sought
lost wills and tested mental umph or oomph,

try and try and try again, if once
you know you have
seen it done, you have
known the value placed once

on a dime, imagined, designed, curiously,
as magic as mythos allows allusions to,
without the mythos
behind the artists logic,
the worth, the weight
of a symbol conveyed,

"Whose image and superscription is this?"

My dime's a magic Rockefeller dime.
Family heirloom
in a local once

1916 Silver Dime
Liberty, the spirit's image
for art's sake, what's that thought
causal agency granted symbolic worth,
free to wonder if it does make sense
when one of my kind,
grows old and unproductive,
a useless thinker, thinking next
common value worth estimation offered
puts it in scale, one nine billionth, times you
adding a step, on from off, but stepping on,
not instep, onstep one,
we in step reformed
a higher perspective, the edge is farther,

the bottom is, too.

Look at us, thinking.

Look at us remembering seeing Earth,

the lifeship storing all life's reasons,
in one system of time and gravity

free, no
fee for knowing, pay me, sahib, I say
fi phi spinning an attempt at peace
foes call impossible, no place
in space and time, for such
a mind as we may imagine
a ****** stupid reason for war,
called for, to confirm certain core

teachings etched into heart tables
during long hours in prayer and fasting,

all nighters coding concepts into precepts.

Sing it Donovan, Ai
my life in Southern California,
easy on so many levels, each step
consciously aware for the first time
in my slightly luckier life than average
I know februarius mensis means
"month of purification,"
- spring cleaning chore install
must have made some social sense,
as lent is said to in High Church Circles.

As the hermit with the mind of Christ,
and the abiding promises as truth's used

to make the peace I abide within, stretched
freely in all directions
from a made up point, once,
my story starts from, daily,
and so on, spanning decades, in leaps,
saccades, laughing good medicine,

good mokus, bon chance, lucidity
preventing stumbling, smooth

operator, tumbling concentration, delving

deep into mind as defined, discerned, sorted

shall we say, mind is the medium in which words
work, we say mind me, and we, polymental poets

perceive our training draining virtues from us,
during precept to perception recogitations, we

receive our self exception, you be you, me, me.

We, be this third mind in the bubble, not mine,
nor thine but ours, and ours alone,

nothing in here but us, boss

ain't nowhere to be found, go look 'round.

We perceive access
to more information indexed
using persistent Y2K hardened information timestamp
metadata cross coded
with GPS and wind mapping,

alrighty, then. Cohere.

The Jim Carrey ringtone, signifying Dadaist style
cost to get it,

probably a joke. Medicine.

Fixative for flakey excrement used to plaster cells
in an Irish prison I saw documented, once.

in the novel, it is Roosevelt on the dime.

but, not on the ones used to improve
the historical face of John D. Rockefeller,

genuine business school role model,
with entire character development courses,
generating Masters Theses every three minutes,
vertical supply chain lobster stacking driven
one-up-manship, longer vessles wille
zur Machts, navel prognosis,
floating point level like
Bucky on my brain,
Classified conformation confirming faith
con-science, with acknowledged uses now
reasoning inquiry
into the most subtil query old men pose

Why at all, why anything, unless

big reality holds all the others accountible,

what is the meaning of this, is any curio aware

watcher, old and good for nothing, just
filling a role, NPC, looks like a lot of people,

invisible, mostly, after 75.

These we use to keep the peace,
easy gig.

I imagine joy
on a warm February day
is and
is timeless, instances one may say,
should all my days be like this one
as well as being as this was, like no other.

In the little things, you always notice
that you noticed,

but always after, ever, once begun,

its difficult to weigh time in days.

Try this, common internet English, is
a current lingua Franca, however,
there are tricks letters use, coughing like
gh. Ghost double letter effecting F sounds,
ghucking phine clean speech minds, niggardly
"sordidly parsimonious, stingy," 1560s
of bubble diametrics holders
on certain long
out grown paradigms,
old slide shows
from the potter's house,
revivals of old magic lanterns interpreting
shard recitations from broken vessles offered

for shame, for blame, for being told to believe,

I was born in sin
and shaped in iniquity, and only ever met Voltaire,
in words he said he might not agree with,
while being dead, while he was alive,

he invited me to converse with him, in story,
as any may imagine all are authorized to make up,

as any worker with colors paints impressions
abstracted with a will to make the joy or dread,

bright or dark, novel times, no denoument,
curio uses. … ever as we live and breathe

and think, this is a good thing to do do today.
Practicing the art of time redemption using usually idle words. Bent backwards most click, ai a why they say such a thing... to make a body wonder
(Idea birthed, engendered, and germinated
from Lombok Indonesia earthquakes
On 5 August 2018,
a destructive and shallow earthquake
measuring Mw 6.9
(ML 7.0 according to BMKG)
struck the island
of Lombok, Indonesia),
rendering Johnny on the spot,
Jack of all trades able, eager,
ready, and willing to rig up

much sought after jakes,
which swash buckling evinced  
by Mother Earth makes
civilians mercilessly rocked,
and rolled far only a blink
of eye as ground shakes
if superstitious, one proselytized
that a monster wakes.

Nary a ***** of illumination pierces thru
thick cavernous rock solid chamber home
to this crepuscular anchorite,
who spent untold countless chunks of time
holed up deep underground
initially to escape deadly blight,
that afflicted vast swaths of
twenty first century
long fostered civilization,
the post apocalyptic scattered remnants

forced into subterranean redoubts
reliant on stowed away tallow
uber wax to forge poorly guided
niggardly flickering burning candlelight
where quotidian ritual entails doth dight
this Jainist Joplin ascetic, who
already donned the mantle,
sans adjustment to
darkened myopic eyesight
imposing keen aural habituation

to discern, and distinguish any fright
full scurrying, skittering,
slithering, unseen presence
triggering thine nostril to sneeze,
which nasal (gesundheit) claxon
serves to scarify
author who doth ghostwrite
shadowy silhouetted height
giving infinitesimal pause,
thence worry free insight

since my judicious jumbled
juxtaposed metaphorical jacklight
philosophies, viz Jainism, Jesuit,
and Judeo-Christian allows
no cavil, indiscriminate killing,
nor **** sapien superiority
toward multitudinous life forms instilled
into former existence
as good Samson Knight,
now effectively embedded,

entombed, and interred
within bowels of the Earth
over eons metamorphosed into lignite
millenniums later human
canticle for Leibowitz written
(a big beautiful mess) refrains
from conveying petrifying, mortifying,
and horrifying dystopian future)
softly enunciating such psalms

disappointingly strives to wield might
to eternal night,
whereat those buried alive
unjustly condemned to perdition plight
enduring a slow torturous death - quite
as muffled cries weakly
lament, this haint right
name one reasonable rhyme
trumpeting as supreme sight.
The Polish things, they emanate from Poland. These
backward leanings, they’re aft from center. These brackish
waters, they foul my disregard for things clearly.
   I trust my brothers not, they **** my sweet nature. My  sisters
wait to be waited upon. One punch to the throat away from
incapacity they are. These Scandinavian things are
from the Benelux countries baby.
   Once March goes down the tubes I won’t be too sure of winter. The ties that bind me to Polish things are rotting back. My bros. are due for a hand-out, their self-supporting natures have evaporated. If ever there was a time for turtle neck ware that time has passed. My belled bottoms are pinned up following 2 amputations. My terror-cell sympathies during niggardly repasts elude pursuers.
   Trust babies, caked beyond cribs, sprawling & pooling
at distances 3 feet. Anguish & a nun’s broken face. My
ribs are tickled, my ticklers ribbed.
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
I always believe in you
I just never thought
We'd get so far, so easily
All things are difficult before easy
There's a feeling that sets me free
And it tells me I'm wrong about all the niggardly people
Who deserves your love
But, sometimes we deserve this acrimony
To understand the probity of God
In this, we find our heroic nature
Sometimes, bound by sacrifices
We find things worth giving up
That's why I always believe in you
But, first I thought you were a periphrasis to my elation
To appreciate whenever you'd leave
The curating curtain silhouettes
Billows and keeps the shadows
Inside this crepuscular room meant only for quaint satisfaction
Like the smell of old books touches our senses
This room is my abode
And you are the subject of my desires
In sensible choices, I find your inspiration in my deepest dreams
Guiding me through creativity and reality, alike
Like a sun that cannot find its son, so it has a flame burning in our womb
Surrounding us in an eternal gaze meant for desolate souls like Pluto
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
I suppose I should tell you
That I was normal once, now just an analogous amalgam
Saving pennies for the shelter, though I don't know
The storm is just childish rhetoric, my family's gone
Even in the cosmic feeling of perfection in my teenage days
Without food and shelter, tuning my cars and mechanizing machinery
For underwriters and slaves alike, likewise temporary jobs
Pay for the entertaining pictures on the star-lit screen and the cinematic sun strip
I am far from home, bet you expected to come back to the vapid commitments
Falsities plaguing my clear mind, infected by the disease of what's
In the name and the mindful soulful vibes, that spirit away like nameless ghosts
On a named street, with some attachments and arduous freedom taking my bags along
Like some chaperone on famous stars on the celestial sky, looking down on us
New desires keep coming with full suitcases, making my journey harder
The undulating streetlights flicker like my fate and belief in people
I want to say the nicest things to you if I could just fly
And catch on those subtleties that hover in amorous air
Cruising with the analogous amalgam is a just a beggar's dream, called niggardly
They are the preservative ideals of a society run by blacksmiths and wordsmiths
All cemented in stone like covenants and commandments, born of the time being ashore on these dreams of freedom
Knowledge is a weakness, ignorance is a brave ideal
Find your peace?
Make love, not war; love is closest to being free and peacefully easy
The feeling is easy if you can curb the warfare without contention
Or a bone resembling the argument of the flight of the centurions
The cents that are thrown like notes in the hat, make up for your sins you topical poets
Treble, bass, and middle; you are the whole music, a part of the sound of this vast splendor
Cosmically blowing up, I can't explain myself
If I imploded, I'd stay at home unbeknownst of the whole vessel
Pretending I was ready to sink with the ship, sappy
Revering all my work in a glimpse of eternity, happy
The pursuit of happiness, where do you roam on moving streets that move me to tears
~Analogous Amalgam
Aditya Roy Mar 2020
Most of these nights, I do not even try to sleep. The bed lays empty and the night grows on me. My mind wanders if it is simply tired or sometimes I turn myself on if I am too scarred. When the nights sparkle, that is when I step out and search.
The nights sparkle these days under the city streets and one may even find some crime in the darkness. I look for some drugs in the back alley still even in adulthood. There is a homeless man covered in cardboard and goose feathers. I thank my good fortune because no strings attached means I have found what I am looking for.
Somehow, he always talks about a ride to paradise just for fun. He even laughs about Las Vegas as he fights his demons. Au contraire, I lay awake in my crumpled sheets satiated, his sign is etched in my memory. "Drugs'll **** you.-Voltaire"
It has been 3 years since I saw a criminal shuffle his feet across the alley on to the pedestrian crossing on Park Avenue. The breath of moaning women can be imbibed from a nearby brothel. Some may not even bat an eyelid when thinking to avoid this street and it's capillaries. Yet, this niggardly beggar keeps me company. This beggar keeps me company.
I buy him a whiskey to help him sleep as a breeze moves softly through the streets. A *** of his choice helps him keep his insides warm. I read the ending of "Sweeney Among The Nightingales" from my book as dozes like a docile child.
A warm summer approaches and we talk in cold tones about the politics of the country. But, this conversation is the most memorable.
"Bud, you must have capacity."
He says,"Is that why you keep me nearby your shoulder? To make fun of me?"
I say "I don't flatter anyone. I just get cranky when dawn comes."
He keeps silent and then resumes,"Smoke this."
I take a puff and days go by.
I find his spot and he is gone. His signboard lays on the sidewalk,"Drugs'll **** ya" it says.
Now I can sleep knowing that he is gone to a better place. Whenever the nights sparkle, I remind myself that the search continues unless I keep dreaming, hoping they will come true. That's when I knew I met the greatest artist who could actually bring change with a candid remark and turn the world berserk in a quick flick of a flame. Not with a bang, but, a whimper
Drugs and alcohol are the cruel engine of many an artist's creativity.

— The End —