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Brendan Hicks May 2018
Shalla is the name
The name I hear
Shalla my dear
My love
My hope
The dreams of fear

The dreams of fear bring Shalla more dear
The lights that reflect Shalla to my eye
The darkness neglects the panic and shy
The dreams of darkness aspire my mind
To neglect the dreams without Shalla

The dreams that hurt my soul and core
The dreams I neglect to accept false lore

Shalla my dear
The only name that fills my bones
Joy, contentment, and lust
The name I hear
I’ll always hold dear
For Shalla could turn to dust

Long after
The storm is gone
The mangled corpse of Shalla
My lovely swan

My pride
My joy
My bride
My love
My trust
My dreams
My swan
My dove

I’m driven to pain
Inescapable clenching
Of remorse and broken opportunities
With the only one I could hold dear

Shalla is gone forever
Shalla my dear

The dreams come back
And so I here
The true lore that brought me fear
My neglections blinded me
Drove me to denial

Brined me and sliced me open
So vile
That beast I neglected for so long
Showed me that Shalla meant more
More than I knew
More than I thought
Shalla my swan

Shalla the eternal torch
I extinguished by my lack of thought
I ignored her and murdered her
I left her to rot

My dear Shalla
The fault is mine

My beast
My carnage
My venom
My toxin
My death
My hate
My fears
My tears

My neglections of true horrors
My ignorance brought me your death
James Tuohy Apr 2011
Surprised neglections, broken mirrors show faded reflections.  The tiles on the floor play while you begin to forget everything.  In and out noises make skin feel absent.  Lights are streaming, and it looks like the scenery is crying.  Fiction plays with the mind.  A wasteland to remove purity and hide pain.  A burned out shell filled with smoke and ****.  Can't find any means to escape. Lay here to discard  any meaning of anything as the system runs on empty.  They beg for an ending that seems fitting.  Yet punishment laughs for they did their own undoing.
TheModernHippie Sep 2017
Face not the version of yourself
That begs you to melt into the molds
of inactivity and content
Face not the man in the mirror
who beckons you
"Time is enough, time will let be"

These are faces of you
That I clearly bear too
And these versions of me tell
Of a clear blue well
Of reflections with a face
And versions I need to chase

The same man of fires blazing
The same man of passions razing
Weaknesses and twin demons
That if I let be, will raise legions
Of more neglections of me
Those I do not wish to ever see

Strip the shell that covers the strength
Time is a length well traveled, see
We seem we're baffled by how much we try
But if you look closely at you and you
It might be clear and finally true
The timely definition
Of I
"I will write my deliverance"
Kyle Mooneyham Nov 2014
As a boy thinks about his durations
Of walking through his field of striped carnations
He spots one that was different than the rest
It was of a lovely color which we all know is best
He was stunned of the beauty as he froze
As he starred at the magnificent rose
The boy became active again
And soon his walk came to an end
In his mind trying to retain
The past compassion he had spend
With life filled with neglections and rejections
To where he had posed imperfections
With curious thought he ought to sought
Which he hope wouldn't end in naught
But as nature always deny
The one thing he wants of endless supply
Only to be buried
Discarded by many
With emotions so varied
And unseen by any
So as he reaches for the flower
With his mind so sour
The rose transform into the others
When given the druthers
So the boy remains alone
In his house not known
Pratham Nagpal Mar 2019
Who's there?
Leave it, you do not care..
Say what?..
The moment we do any blunder
You torture us with hunter
We always show loyalty
But there are more cases of your cruelty
"Came from my mother's womb
Thinking I would love it,
Beaten me, separated me & all I saw was doom"
"From Ambanis to Jonas
I became a mere piece of showiness"
We know you're more fit
I guess this is why you still refer us with "it"
Inhuman to us in many ways
Thus our number decreases on new days
Did neglections, rituals and even rapes
A mankind so contaminated
by people without capes..
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
From a budding eye romance, from a hot flame of deer eyes, a ****** circulating romantic seance ensues! The throbbing of the Universe is secretly hidden by our talkative face! Giving donation ruffles and excites the playhouse of our curious subconscious; can the immortal Infinite be felt with each other's bodies?! A dwindling, balmy moonlight kisses the knife-splintered grids on our donor body so that we can feel the fall of heart-petals in an eternal, holy minute and stay together!
Our bodies are secret self-defense armor with which we protect and cover the other; our faces still glow with faith in loving pleasure, we cherish the image of the distant, imagined future in his contemplations! As curious as mischievous kids who are themselves explorers, mini Colombians; superstitious, with our Heavenly kisses we try to weave our secrets even closer! Enriched in ourselves, the trembling Summer refreshes; True pearls are immortal jewelry for our lovers!
We forgive each other for our sins and our shameful neglections! You shaggy, primeval Enkidu body, my pear-breasted tiny, jingling rest; your giggling desire screams! Can we both arrive in the proud Light? If we let go of each other's hands, how long can we be alone in Life to survive Tomorrow with confidence! The sure motto of our silent muse: I want to! We take care of each other and keep the night of mortality moving! "The prey-tomorrow, as a prey-earning vulture-animal, lurks on us to surely capture our eternal feelings for one another!"
Between whispered deceptions and false intrigues, we can be sure that each other's committed emotional integrity is healthy! - As a noisy silent partner, we already feel everything and know about the other, because his beating instincts are incapable of lying!

— The End —