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Mark Toney Aug 2023
[Verse 1]
Vikram lands so softly
Modi on the moon
India cries out victory
Modi on the moon
Pragyan rover ready
Modi on the moon
ISRO team so steady
Modi on, Modi on the moon

[Verse 2]
Russia, U.S., China
Modi on the moon
Russia, U.S., China
Modi on the moon
First to land at South Pole
Modi on the moon
Finding water one goal
Modi on, Modi on the moon

Modi say
It's not just India's day
But today
Belongs to all humanity
What a way
To demonstrate technology
"India is on the moon"

[Verse 3]
Chadrayaan-3 successful
Modi on the moon
Rocket science stressful
Modi on the moon
We must work together
Modi on the moon
We can live forever
Modi on, Modi on the moon

Modi say
It's not just India's day
But today
Belongs to all humanity
What a way
To demonstrate technology
"India is on the moon"

Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up

[repeat and fade]

Mark Toney © 2023
8/25/2023 - Poetry form: Lyric - India's landing on the moon is pretty cool. My "Modi on the Moon" lyrics were inspired by the music from "Walking on the Moon" a reggae song written by Gordon Sumner a/k/a Sting, and played by the British rock band the Police.
David Bird Feb 2010
Oi Modi you ******, yes Lalit,
Unpleasant to taste on my pallet.
   Arrogant and so brash.
  You make threats with your cash,
Your face should say 'Hi' to my mallet!

But Modi is right I must say.
The IPL in India should stay.
  They cannot just give in
 To all terrorist's whim.
Life has to go on, come what may.

Lalit K has a tongue and a brain,
Can he use both without causing such pain?
  He works best under stress,
 Well here is a fine mess,
Will he anger again, or refrain?

Tendulkar did something today.
Two hundred runs all in one day!
  Majestic and cunning.
  It simply was stunning.
No bowler could stand in his way.

How Sachin keeps on being humble,
Is enough to make braver men crumble,
  If Modi learned that,
  He'd be less of a pratt,
And my poetry jibes would then stumble.

These two things that happened together,
Were both better than English weather,
  In the passing of time
  One event will decline,
The other, remembered forever.
Two big things were hapening.

Lalit K Modi was ranting unrepentantly on twitter - wonderful (and shocking) to see in its raw state.

On the telly, Sachin was doing something else. Batting. Beautifully. Sixes have never been hit so gently.

I bet you all know what he scored, but can you remember what anyone else did? Or even who the opposition was? I guess you can, after all, it was only yesterday, but in a couple of months, those questions maybe tricker!
Nigel Obiya May 2013
The sun burned through his skin, the saltiness of the sea almost acting as seasoning on his flesh, he could make out the birds circling overhead as his vision cleared. They were seagulls, not vultures. Still, they had a menacing look about them. He sat up and looked around the little boat, everyone was asleep, Michael wasn't sure whether this was due to exhaustion or whether they were trying to conserve their energy. One thing was for sure, that fireball in the sky was draining them of everything liquid in their systems. He stared at the sea and, for a moment, considered drinking the salt water, weighing this option against the raspy dryness that he was feeling at the back of his throat. The salt water could wait.
He stood up, and the sharp pain in his chest reminded him of the arrow he’d been struck with, it was gone now, but the pain still remained. The guys must have found a way to dislodge it, brilliant lot. There was ocean everywhere, no land in sight, no hope. For a moment Michael wished it was nighttime so he wouldn't be able to see far enough to realize that he had no hope of finding land anytime soon, and also that fireball wouldn't be tormenting them so. He stepped forward then caught his breath as something moved in the water.
A shadow almost the size of the boat swam under it. Michael watched as it glided, gracefully through the water. He had no idea what he was looking at, only that it was huge. A shark maybe? King fish? Both sounded dangerous, and both sounded like food. He was delusional, but hunger tended to do that to people. The food swam a few meters away, teasing him, and then circled back. He swallowed dry saliva.
‘What are you doing? You should be lying down, save your strength Mike.’ Modi spoke from behind him.
So that’s what they were doing, saving their strength. Food passed under the boat again and appeared on the other side.
‘Shhh… food.’ Michel whispered, pointing. As if he would startle a fish that was bigger than he was if he spoke too loudly.
Modi came closer. A shark fin broke the surface of the water and dipped again. They turned to each other and both had a mini-heart attack.
‘We should turn and head back to the island man, I’d sooner face those savages again than this killer of an ocean.’ Modi was saying, fear written all over his face. He grabbed his rifle and aimed at the water, but Michael stopped him.
‘Save your ammo bruh, we might need it. And anyway, we’re in a boat, it can’t reach us. Stop freaking…’ but before he could finish his sentence the shark had bumped into the canoe, tilting it slightly, ‘…GIMME THAT!’ he grabbed the gun from his friend and frantically pumped four shots in the direction of the fish, which swam hurriedly away, unhurt. Michael fell back into the boat, breathing heavily. He was a mess, the smell of the caked blood and that of the sea water finally catching up to his nasal senses, he threw up.
‘Bruh, I don’t think that’s wise… you need to keep that food in your body, not the opposite.’ Hamisi was saying. They were all up now, the gunshots playing the part of an alarm clock. Time to wake up and face an awful reality.
‘Shoulda’ just let me sleep.’ Juma said.
Mentally, they all agreed with him.
Keep your eye on this space...
akin to Rudra present in every nugget of Kashi,
Modi is present in every Indian heart,
shaping the nagari of shiva on the Ganga ghat,
like great Hindu saints Tulsidas and Swami Vivekananda,
chanting har har mahadev of fourth khanda in kashi,
Modi has formed a clean holy arth Ganga

like the lord shiva who is truly indestructible and creator,
Nation will value the Philosophy of Modi,
transforming the 70 years of civilization,
where each one will cherish the history
for precisely creating the bliss of credence in India

Modi represents Jñāna Śaktī as well Citta Śaktī,
has created a strong social and political framework,
inching ahead towards development of each soul,
taking care of nature and earthy soil towards salvation,
Nation is blessed to have a swami in Modi,
guiding the thoughts and vision of 1.39 billion to illuminate each identity.
the Dec 2017
there is one point of no return
an escape from the usual routine
drawn by stir, shattered by reliance
acquiring such thing isn't so easy, but the conclusions draw to the final proclamation

disjointed wisdom of a young porcupine
kidnapped fugitive released... and *****
by the laws of nature and their own stupidity
they stood next to each other and turned their bodies into two viscid twines, let alone be tangled

the pair of two, an insoluble equation
touching.. feeling... nothing but them
the bodies are lost and departed from society
leaving them both for themselves, acting like ***** dogs, they begun to slowly achieve their amusement

On the Coast of Coromandel
Where the early pumpkins blow,
In the middle of the woods
  Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
Two old chairs, and half a candle,--
One old jug without a handle,--
    These were all his worldly goods:
    In the middle of the woods,
    These were all the worldly goods,
  Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo,
  Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.


Once, among the ****-trees walking
  Where the early pumpkins blow,
    To a little heap of stones
  Came the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
There he heard a Lady talking,
To some milk-white Hens of Dorking,--
    ''Tis the lady Jingly Jones!
    'On that little heap of stones
    'Sits the Lady Jingly Jones!'
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo,
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.


'Lady Jingly! Lady Jingly!
  'Sitting where the pumpkins blow,
    'Will you come and be my wife?'
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
'I am tired of living singly,--
'On this coast so wild and shingly,--
    'I'm a-weary of my life:
    'If you'll come and be my wife,
    'Quite serene would be my life!'--
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo,
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.


'On this Coast of Coromandel,
  'Shrimps and watercresses grow,
    'Prawns are plentiful and cheap,'
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
'You shall have my chairs and candle,
'And my jug without a handle!--
    'Gaze upon the rolling deep
    ('Fish is plentiful and cheap)
    'As the sea, my love is deep!'
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo,
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.


Lady Jingly answered sadly,
  And her tears began to flow,--
    'Your proposal comes too late,
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!
'I would be your wife most gladly!'
(Here she twirled her fingers madly,)
    'But in England I've a mate!
    'Yes! you've asked me far too late,
    'For in England I've a mate,
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!'


'Mr. Jones--(his name is Handel,--
  'Handel Jones, Esquire, & Co.)
    'Dorking fowls delights to send,
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!
'Keep, oh! keep your chairs and candle,
'And your jug without a handle,--
    'I can merely be your friend!
    '--Should my Jones more Dorkings send,
    'I will give you three, my friend!
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!'


'Though you've such a tiny body,
  'And your head so large doth grow,--
    'Though your hat may blow away,
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!
'Though you're such a Hoddy Doddy--
'Yet a wish that I could modi-
    'fy the words I needs must say!
    'Will you please to go away?
    'That is all I have to say--
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!
  'Mr. Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo!'.


Down the slippery slopes of Myrtle,
  Where the early pumpkins blow,
    To the calm and silent sea
  Fled the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
There, beyond the Bay of Gurtle,
Lay a large and lively Turtle,--
    'You're the Cove,' he said, 'for me
    'On your back beyond the sea,
    'Turtle, you shall carry me!'
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo,
  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.


Through the silent-roaring ocean
  Did the Turtle swiftly go;
    Holding fast upon his shell
  Rode the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
With a sad primaeval motion
Towards the sunset isles of Boshen
    Still the Turtle bore him well.
    Holding fast upon his shell,
    'Lady Jingly Jones, farewell!'
  Sang the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo,
  Sang the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.


From the Coast of Coromandel,
  Did that Lady never go;
    On that heap of stones she mourns
  For the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
On that Coast of Coromandel,
In his jug without a handle
    Still she weeps, and daily moans;
    On that little hep of stones
    To her Dorking Hens she moans,
  For the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo,
  For the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
Nigel Obiya Apr 2013
Continued from part 1...

There was a thud as someone behind him hit the ground… probably the recipient of the bullet.  His chest hurt, everything from his neck down was on fire. Michael tried to get up, and gave up. He slumped face first into the shallow water, taking a mouthful of sand in the process.
So this is how I was meant to go? Was his last thought before everything went dark.
The commotion brought him back, the smell of battle and violence, blood and guns, arrows flew past… rifles went off. He decided to stay down for a moment, until he could maneuver how he was going to get up without being hit. Tilting his head, he looked back up the beach, they were more than he remembered… and seemed to be spilling in from the dense forest. And then he turned and saw his comrades. Five brave souls, an arrow whizzed past his head and struck! Four brave souls. Mark fell off the canoe and splashed into the water.
Hamisi and Lewis were yelling at him to get into the boat, he tried to get up but his arms failed him. The arrow had done more than enough damage, He was bleeding out fast. The pain was excruciating, but he needed to get into that boat… or he was definitely going to die on that beach… with these savages. No can do. Michael made one last determined effort and pushed himself off the ground, his broken ribs grazed against one another under his chest… the arrow wasn’t helping. But he was on his feet and dragging himself to the boat.
Lying on the floor and peeking out the front of the boat, Juma and Modi, the two coast guard officers were shooting down bow and arrow wielding savages  one after another. Michael got to the boat and managed to catch a glimpse of a head hunter as a bullet struck him clean on the forehead. A head shot! He caught the irony. The ragged fellow in a filthy and tattered brown shirt and blue jeans that were equally as tattered, was ****** of the ground, legs in the air… arms flailing and then landed ******* his back. His right leg flinched once, and then he didn’t move. Juma took a moment to admire his marksmanship with a slight smile. Then he was firing again.
‘They’re too many! We need to go now!’ Hamisi was shouting as he grabbed one of the oars and began to row wildly, Lewis lunged at the other one and followed suit.  An arrow struck the floor of the canoe between them. They rowed harder.
As they pulled away from the shoreline Modi and Juma began to laugh, slowly at first, then it got more intense, the other two joined in and in a few seconds all four were in hysterics in that little boat. It was more of a nervous celebratory laugh than anything else. Michael attempted to join in but his ribs shot waves of pain throughout his nervous system.
He blacked out again…
The saga continues...
Marshal Gebbie Aug 2014
These Great Reviver’s wild reforms
Now sound like all Hot Air,
Narendra Modi’s new India
Still bogged down in despair.
Shinzo Abe’s revised Japan
Still wallows to stagnate
And China’s Xi Jinping’s grand scheme
Continues to deflate.
Collectively they stumble
In their plans to stimulate
Asia’s great economies…..
But have failed to shut the gate
On the Shadow Banking industry,
Their vague structural reform
And the fossilized grey politics
Which resemble, now, the norm.
Rhetoric is their keynote here
Real action’s in decline
With their mandate clearly squandered

23 August 2014
These pretenders all came to power recently on platforms of great  economic reform. Collectively their rhetoric has been long and very deficient in detail, with the consequence that their nation's economies are now floundering and unless there is some BIG BANG ACTION soon????
Major debt default is just down the road for Asia's Tigers.
Goutam Raveri Oct 2014
So what if I have squint
Or money I don’t mint
I know my eyes blink a lot
Or most of the tasks I just forgot

What is the matter if I am a buffoon
Or my life is much more doomed
I know I hue and cry
Or talking to chicks I’m a bit too shy

To those who understand
I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand
take me as I am

not under your control
I know where I stand
Won’t change to suit your plan
Take me as I am

From childhood I did what you said
From waking up to going to bed
I am sorry I missed that one mark for DU'
Now don’t look down at me in dread

I deserve that seat more than that OBC" guy
Or the seat that rich dad did buy
Sorry I could not prove your expectation
Courses are full, don’t worry ill do animation

I’m facing blasphemies of life
I’ll write satires on Modi or the wife

To those who understand
I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand
take me as I am

not under your control
I know where I stand
Won’t change to suit your plan
Take me as I am

Sitting in the dark I forget,
Sweetness, sourness is all I get
Everyday having the bitter pills of fate
Missing the time we chatted till late

We bunked periods to find solitary places to sit
You asked me to love you and I did
Traded my emotions for a counteract to commit
Now you know my faults and have gone so far

Your confessions in my name
Now just give you fame
What all we dreamt now and then
Now you have got someone to blame

To those who understand
I extend my hand
To the doubtful I demand
take me as I am

not under your control
I know where I stand
Won’t change to suit your plan
Take me as I am

I keep my secrets in my skin
What all I did with innocence and ignorance
Now dealing with my sins

What all is left of me is in a cage
To protect death from dying from my carnage

I have done much, don’t expect anything from my life
Let me be me, done enough truce and strife
'DU [ Delhi University] is one of the most prestigious universities in India
"OBC refers to Other Backward Classes, as there are a fixed number of seats reserved for them in the colledges
Mohd Arshad May 2014
The clouds have been dispersed.
The sky is blue.
The prople are dazzled.
The eagle is on wings.

We people keep building
Houses on water
That stand no chance
To stand for a single second of life.

The pegions,
The deer,
The old lions fear their necks
On the sword.

Who can change the will of fate,
The scheme of God?

Do we know better than God?
tangshunzi Jul 2014
Se devo essere completamente onesto .avrei davvero mai sentito parlare di Gotland fino ad ora.Ma venire a scoprire .è un vero gioiello al largo della costa della Svezia (grazie Google) e l'impostazione di questa pastello storditore da Sara Norrehed .Pensate capannone industriale incontra rive Beachy incontra perfetta storia d'amore con una splendida sposa e lo sposo rubare lo spettacolo .Si rompe lo stampo matrimonio nel migliore dei modi .e stiamo amando ogni secondo nella galleria qui .

Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsWarehouseStylesCasual

Da Sposa .Quando ** incontrato la prima volta mi sono innamorato .e sorriso .perché si sapeva .Beh questo è Shakespeare .ma lui deve aver letto la mia mente !E quando la persona più bella che abbia abiti da sposa 2014 mai incontrato proposto a me su una mattina di Natale io ero la ragazza più felice del mondo !Lo sono ancora .

Prima ** incontrato Gabriele non ero mai stato a Gotland .che è la più grande isola della Svezia situata al largo della costa orientale .Egli è nato sull'isola e la prima volta che ci siamo andati insieme mi sono innamorato di questo posto magico .Così.quando era il momento di trovare il posto perfetto per il nostro matrimonio abbiamo capito che doveva essere qui .Eravamo in una ricerca di last minute per un luogo e un giorno ventoso in aprile abbiamo trovato la posizione più incredibile in un vecchio tiglio pozzo .I luce .la natura .Tutto era pura magia .Come un sogno .

L'ambiente e gli edifici di questa ri- modellato .vecchia industria chiamato Fabriken Furillen sono molto spoglio e crudo con un sacco di cemento e metallo arrugginito .Questo si è rivelato essere il perfetto contrasto con il tema romantico che avevo in mente per il matrimonio .Essendo una persona furba fai da te volevo tutti i dettagli per essere personali e fatti in casa .Molte ore e fino a tarda notte sono stati spesi per piegare rose di carta .trasformando cucchiai d'epoca in segnaposti e fare zigoli juta .Il risultato era più di quanto potessi mai potuto desiderare !Mi piace che ogni impostazione tavolo era diverso.con le vecchie sciarpe di pizzo utilizzati come runner e candelabri Usato mia

mamma aveva raccolto per me dal giorno in cui la data delle nozze è stata impostata .
La sera prima del grande giorno avevamo un barbeque e tutti i nostri amici e parenti eravamo lì a mescolarsi .vino e cenare e festeggiare.Un ottimo modo per iniziare il week-end !Sul grande giorno il tempo era fortunatamente a nostro favore .La cerimonia è stata aperta su un piccolo portico con l'oceano successivo .La cena era deliziosa con abiti da sposa 2014 prodotti locali .i nostri amici e parenti fatto alcuni discorsi indimenticabili e tutti abbiamo ballato tutta la notte.Vorrei che potessimo farlo di nuovo !Avevamo un fotografo straordinario che è riuscito a catturare tutti i momenti preziosi e mi piace come le foto si è rivelato .assolutamente bellissimo e molto artistico .L' intero matrimonio era caldo .amorevole e divertente .E la cosa migliore di tutto questo ?Sono ora sposata con l'amore della mia vita

Fotografia : Sara Norrehed Fotografia | design floreale : ! Vaxthuset Lindsay | Scarpe : Jimmy Choo | Gioielli : Tiffany \u0026 Co. | Gioielli abiti da sposa on line : Jarl Sandin | capelli: Nyans | Illuminazione: Bordodesign \u0026 Technology | Abbigliamento dello sposo : NK Stockholm | fascia per capelli : Etsy | Luogo : Fabriken Furillen | abito da sposa ( " Aglaya " ) : Elie
Svezia Wedding da Sara Norrehed Fotografia_vestiti da sposa
tangshunzi Jun 2014
<p><p> sposiamo !è il segno che ha salutato la famiglia e gli amici sono arrivati ​​a casa di questa coppia e quello che seguì è stata una bella festa intima catturato da diana marie photography .E ' un affare di famiglia .con la più bella sala di setup cortile sotto le stelle e una vera celebrazione dell'amore accoppiato fino al più semplice dei dettagli .Vedere molto di più qui .<p>Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsFallSettingsHomeStylesAl Fresco <p> Da Sposa.Mike e io ci siamo incontrati estremamente breve tramite un amico in un college .Si era laureato stesso programma che stavo prendendo attualmente e probabilmente abbiamo detto due parole tra loro .Anni dopo .** solo così capitato di stage presso la stessa agenzia di pubblicità ha lavorato per ( in una città completamente diversa ) - si potrebbe dire che era destino .La prima volta  <a href=""><b>abiti da sposa corti</b></a>  che abbiamo appeso fuori .Mike mi ha portato fuori per un drink e un film per il mio compleanno e dopo siamo andati per un caffè e parlato .Abbiamo parlato così a lungo che la caffetteria chiuso e siamo stati costretti a lasciare .Non sentirsi come se la notte era finita .abbiamo fatto il nostro modo al negozio di alimentari 24 ore e vagato per i corridoi .comprato a caso alcune stelle filanti e sono arrivato al parcheggio dove li abbiamo bruciati giù uno per uno .prima che finalmente dire buonanotte .Abbiamo iniziato a uscire come amici .ma nel tempo capito che siamo stati insieme più che eravamo a pezzi e sono stati da allora .Col senno di poi .quella prima notte prefigurava il nostro rapporto a venire.come siamo raramente a parte e non abbiamo mai a corto di cose da discutere .argomentare .o parlare - e non avremmo alcun altro modo .<p> ispirazione dietro il giorno : Volevamo fare qualcosa di elegante e un po ' vintage.che era abbastanza e speciale ( al di là di una normale cena ) .ma confortevole e informale .Abbiamo voluto la nostra famiglia per godersi veramente il giorno .nessun dramma .nessuno sforzo .solo una celebrazione delle nostre famiglie provenienti insieme .Abbiamo trascorso gli ultimi <b>abiti da sposa corti</b>  due anni della nostra vita progettando e costruendo la nostra casa .quindi era naturale che ci sposiamo lì .E ' un ricordo che sarà sempre vivo in queste mura .<p> ricordi più belli della giornata : Oltre a sposare il mio migliore amico .questa domanda è difficile.La sorpresa è stata ovviamente un punto forte .anche se i nervi e l'emozione rendono la memoria leggermente sfocata .Tuttavia guardando i miei due nipoti da parte di Mike .guida la mia nipote più giovane (sul mio lato ) lungo la navata.per me.davvero simboleggiato le nostre famiglie a venire insieme e mi ha riempito di gioia .Filanti tarda notte con le ragazze .era anche qualcosa che non dimenticherò mai .<p> scelte musicali: la cerimonia e il nostro primo ballo erano Jill Barber una delle nostre preferite .Avevamo una lista di brani molto misto per il resto della giornata .soprattutto bossonova a cena e canti celebrativi felici durante il ricevimento cocktail .Consigli <p> per le spose pianificare ora : devo ammettere che era bello avere tutto sotto il mio controllo .come nessuno sapeva che cosa stavamo facendo e quindi non poteva offrire le loro opinioni .ma allo stesso tempo abbiamo perso su un lottodella 'tradizione' di un servizio tipico .Il mio consiglio sarebbe semplicemente essere consapevoli della vostra famiglia e gli amici che sono stati lasciati fuori dal processo e cercare di trovare modi per ridurre al minimo i loro sentimenti feriti .Questo per me .significava che costituiscono apposite scatole regalo e mazzi di fiori per i miei nipoti che hanno sempre parlato di essere una parte del nostro matrimonio e l'utilizzo di alcuni cimeli di famiglia tutto l'arredamento ( Nana di anello e la scatola di sigari del nonno .ecc) per assicurarsi che la mia mamma sapevaquel grande sentimento è andato nella  <p><a href="" target="blank"><img width="240" height="320" src=""></a></p>  pianificazione - sono le piccole cose che contano <p> Fotografia : diana marie photography | Videographer : Matt Dorman | Fiorista : Fleurish design Studio | Makeup Artist : Rebecca Marie | Sposi Suit : Hugo Boss | cravatte : Mirtilla .Minnie | abito della sposa (su misura) : Lisa Van  <a href=""><b>abiti da sposa on line</b></a>  Hattem | Sedie : Affitto Partito Pat | vacanze : Affitto Eventi Speciali | vacanze : Il mio evento chiave | Wedding Cake \u0026 Catering : generale</p>
Un matrimonio a sorpresa Backyard alla sposa e dello sposo casa!_vestiti da sposa
judy smith Feb 2017
He has given a luxurious twist to the dying art of weaving and popularised the use of Khadi. Award-winning textile designer Gaurang Shah is more than happy that the Indian fashion industry has welcomed handlooms. “As a textile designer, I would like to say the Indian fashion industry has embraced handlooms with lot of admiration and helped revive our ancient traditions of weaving art, like the jamdani weaves, that we use in creating our fashion pieces,” Shah told IANS.

“It also reinforced its unparalleled beauty around the world,” he added. The designer says that one must acknowledge the passion and intense amount of production hours every weaver at the looms puts to bring out timeless pieces of handlooms.

“The fashion industry did contribute to bring them back into vogue in recent years,” he said. Shah showcased his latest collection of 40 garments titled Muslin at Lakme’s Fashion Week Summer/Resort 2017. His anthology for the gala was inspired by romance of nature.

Giving details about his range, he said: “Our collection incorporates weaves and techniques from West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The amazing all-in-whites collections integrate gorgeous Mughal motifs and geometric patterns on Khadi, chikankari embroidery and Parsi gara.”

The designer’s collection involved 50 weavers working relentlessly for over six months. Shah, whose handloom creation made its way to the 69th Cannes Film Festival when Deepshikha Deshmukh, producer of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan starrer “Sarbjit”, stepped out in an ensemble featuring Paithani and Kanjeevaram details, says that handlooms are a glorious heritage of India and it is important to preserve and help the artists’ community grow.

“I would like to add that a few years ago this beautiful art was fading away. Thanks to persistent effort and motivation from label like ours, followed by the efforts of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, that pushed Indian handlooms to higher level of acceptance,” he said.

Shah began his journey in the textile world with just two weavers and today the label works with 700 weavers, and the number is still growing.

“The biggest contribution we as a designer can make is to keep our artisans motivated and also help them gain confidence that it is a highly profitable profession,” said the designer, who has styled the stars like Vidya Balan, Sonam Kapoor and Kirron Kher.Read more at: |
Mark Toney Aug 2023
Vikram and Pragyan
mysteries of the south pole—
India's moon phase
Chandrayaan-3 dreams came true
Modi's quite over the moon

Mark Toney © 2023
08/23/2023 - Poetry form: Tanka - - Congratulations to India, as it becomes the fourth country to land on the moon, the first to land on the lunar south pole.
Once while sleeping I saw a dream,
In a beautiful ground was playing,
That was lying near a lovely stream,
A pretty smile was the sun displaying,
Grass was tickling when we'd run,
And dew disappeared as shone the sun.

In the game, so fast I ran,
And found myself far away,
Saw back but no friend I sought,
But my eyes met an old mourning man,
May be, he forgot his own way,
I reached him curiously in this thought.

When he turned his lovely face,
I recognized, Ah! Our National Father,
Whose tender heart was full of grace,
'Why thy eyes wet? O my father!
Practising on thy doctrines, now India is free,
But, ye weeping, O ye must be gee.'

Wiping his tears he broke his ice,
'Why to be happy and on that to be gay? '
He spoke in his woeful voice,
They again and again me slay,
My home affected by violent flood,
And my yard is full of human blood.'

'I'm unable to imagine, O what we say?
How thou be slain again and again,
While from thy home thou far away,
And on thy attire, how is this stain?
I've seen thee cheerful in my books,
But, why sorrowful thy face looks?

'Open thy mind and understand me, O child!
Where peace resides the place I attain,
And thou know well that I've been mild,
Thy white clothing leaders made on me stain,
Ah! Gujrat, My Gujrat is full of human blood,
Wild Modi has brought a violent flood.'

In his tearful eyes I saw horrible sights,
Men be killed, burnt, cleft and badly drawn,
Surrounding one be ripped if one who fights,
Tearing womb, infants are wildly drawn,
Infants're cleft before their mothers' eyes,
With a painful cry I closed my eyes.
copyright @ muzzammilshah
Ksjpari Feb 2018
When all the world is a giant burden,

Banerji sir, my colleague, a true SST Allen.

“Maan ki bat Modi ke Sath; rest other shun,”,

Says always my friend Banarji, never stun

Or stagger or startle, never remains barren.

Best friend who teaches Dhruvi and others Balkan,

Or India with psychology, without an apron.

Kenil, Hari, Bhavin, Shivani had some unban;

With Favourite dish of Dada, a fish; talks on Patan,

Sings hymns, buzzes about Mahakali one.

Says, “Your age is less than my profession.”

Scolds us, “Worst batch of year” – a Pun?

He is Bangali babu, wears dhoti, kurta even,

Talks about SST, and about doors wide open.

He is a Brahman, takes plausible action,

Wearing a chevron, is our Divine’s lion.

Meshwa, Diya, and Pitambar are clearly won,

With Aryan, Harsh, Nupur, Dishal and billion.

Let it be Shakespeare or Keats or Byron

He is through with all, has a great fortune.

Appreciates my Monorhyme and region

Never keeps quiet, but is pure bullion.

Dear to my students, Esha, Jeet or Rohan.

Prosper a lot is my wish, Oh! Aaron!
Friend, divine, teacher
Nidhi Jaiswal Aug 2020
Ram Mandir"Ayodhya"
after 500 years a golden moment in indian history of india💖
Ram Mandir to be built in "Ayodhya"
I feel so proud to be country like in India.
There are many conflicts between communities here but the love and respect for other is always greater.
I have no words to describe my "INDIA"
"diverse country where peoples of many religions live together peacefully with their on separate cultures!"
Oldest culture of world around 5000 years...
narendra modi.

Ram Mandir"Ayodhya"
Again a proudful moment in Indian culture.
Àŧùl Sep 2019
The BJP has impressed me,
Welfare is their priority,
They have improved as a political party.

They used to be the capitalist kind,
Completely rightwinger it used to be,
They used to be crony capitalists.

But they have improved,
Their worth they proved,
India administrated by them will be happy.

They have made sacrifices,
Who can forget Shyama Prasad Mukherjee?
Once they know him - they can't.

Who can forget Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji,
Or the living legend, Lal Krishna Advani ji,
Or the fallen soldiers, Sushma ji or Arun ji?

We have many more leaders,
All distinguished in their spirit of Indianness,
Narendra Damodardas Modi, their scion.

They used to be plain capitalists, yes,
But now they are very different,
They are the Left of Right.
India, as a majority, is very happy and positive.

My HP Poem #1773
©Atul Kaushal
Azgar Ali Aug 2019
Azgar Ali

Bullets are  roaring
and bloods are danching—
Some have come
and some are comming
From a dark cave
****** eyes of satan are watching—

The Angels are in crisis
as the heaven of earth is covered with vulture  
Here and there spread out
danger and the ultimate vulger

Zamboo Eagles  are flying
An all set war is calling....
Bullets are roaring
and Bloods are danching

It is night; at noon
All the beautifull stars are hiding
and also the moon
Crying the Zilam and crying the  hill
Only stone eyes of gerua satan strong and still.

Kids are shouting
Womens  are crying
Nothing He can heard!
Where His eyes is closed
There Modi is the God...
The price to pay
There is a problem it might appear as a sideshow
Now that Europe is averting their eyes
Thinking of Brexit.
Prime minister Modi of India has the plan to turn India
Into a Hindu state, this sounds remarkable until
We realise it is fascist by nature, pure race and all that
Hatefulness that follows such thinking.
There 180 million Muslims in India.
Modii’s thinking is inviting civil war by two nations
With the nuclear capability.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
There was a footnote with
an NB after the PS at the
end of his last email to me.

The main text of his missive
was about how dangerous
USA was due to their Nukes.

Can't be trusted, they used
them before in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, did you know?

Well I did, but I refused to go
see the Enola Gay when I was
in Washington D.C.

Ended up with the NB which
said that I could kiss my ***
goodbye if Imran hits on Modi!

The thing about it is, we might
have Niobium's to kiss if they
decide to do what America did!
The price to pay
There is a problem it might appear as a sideshow
Now that Europe is averting their eyes
Thinking of Brexit.
Prime minister Modi of India has the plan to turn India
Into a Hindu state, this sounds remarkable until
We realise it is fascist by nature, pure race and all that
Hatefulness that follows such thinking.
There 180 million Muslims in India.
Modii’s thinking is inviting civil war by two nations
With nuclear capability.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Tata, Imran Khan,
Modi Operandi ready
with Popa bombs and
Spice Jets, shaky heads
and Hen Doo's.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2019
Modi modified kites
Pakistani over flights
Eye for eye dead Shiites.

But wait for Allah to return
Hen's to dodo's he will turn
Hashish for ashes in an urn.

I looked it up on the map, India
it is a big country, and I know absolutely nothing
about its interior.
I once was in Calcutta's airport but this
doesn't make me an expert.
I wrote a poem about the last Bengali tiger,
but know little of its fauna,
I didn't like when Prime Minister Modi eradicated
the smallest currency of rupee it was not fair for
the small traders.
Then again he might have had a good reason
as I know next to nothing about India other than
it is the world's biggest democracy,
which I find surprising and have my doubts if it
is possible to practise democracy in such diverse
a country, like several states, hammered into one.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2019
Modi and Trump in Houston
Bear hug, but not too funny

Are Indians now like Republicans
Do they believe in nothing but money?
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2020
<> <>
China say chopstic
to finger lickers
           \ /
Modi Operandi hen
do chicken **** ha ha.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 2020
Dr. W.H.O. make phone
call to Donny T, check
palms of hands for cracks,
two people die at Taj Mahal
just after you and Melanoma
left, Modi thinks you may have
eaten contaminated China burger.
Ria Modi Nov 2024
Your masquerade altruism astounds me,
Glass-brittle displays of care and concern,
Your fake words I once again discern,
My word, I did not suppose you’d play the charade so long.

You believe you agonize me,
And I assure you, you’re wrong.
Your alleged torments cause no real harm to me,
Because I know you’ll soon be gone.

And that’s when I will truly be free,
Soft spring breeze rebirthing me,
Just ‘Me’, away from you and all your revelry,
And all your tall tales of you and me forever.

I grimace at your insincere gestures,
We both know that they’re simply hollow jesters.
I laugh out loud at my naivety long gone,
Yet I wonder how we came to be.

I am unmoved and far from enthralled,
By pretty compliments and fawning dolls,
I see through clandestine snide remarks and covert schemes,
But they, they do not affect me.

This is it, I do not care.
Not now, nor ever again.
For you’re just a narcissistic ******,
And that’s the elegy of your counterfeit means.

        - Ria Modi
Ria Modi Nov 2024
What you taught was more than words on a page,
Far beyond the ink, deep into endless landscapes.
From Shakespeare’s lines to modern prose,
You opened doors to paths unknown.

Though now you leave, the words remain,
In every thought, every day.
The books may close, but I’ll still find
The wisdom you gifted with every line.

So as you turn the final page,
And walk towards life’s next grand stage,
Every lesson, word, and part,
Will carry you within my heart.

I’d paint the world with words of love,
But it’d bleed into the moon and stars above.
And if I ever write a book someday,
Just know you inspired every word I say.
- Ria Modi
Ria Modi Nov 2024
Horrifying was the call in the dead of night,
When you heard that I found the ‘better place’ from my bed.
How it is better if I must witness your excruciating plight,
To watch your eyes glisten with tears unshed?

Less than 24 hours later,
Stifled sighs and muffled sobs fill the air around my freshly dug grave.
Touching eulogies and prayers, each one greater,
And I, from the shadows, feel the love they gave.

Your grief is proof of my life,
Oh, how we’d decided we’d never let go.
In every tear you shed, I am revived,
In every memory, our love grows.

Alas, the show must go on,
I’ll always be in your hearts.
Though my presence is gone,
I have very well played my parts.

- Ria Modi
Ria Modi Nov 2024
A whisper in the wind.
A phantom in the night,
A flicker of hope,
In the dead of plight.

Pull me out from my grave,
I’m still alive.
Show me something that gives me life,
Even if it’s the greatest of lies.

Anything that breathes hope,
Gives me the air I long for,
Funny how they’d brace you,
But become the ones who break you.

They say when you’re down there’s only up to go
Oh darling, but no,
The downward spiral never ends,
Trust me, I’d know.

You’re so close,
Yet so far away,
A step beyond,
A heartbeat is all it takes.

But that pulse, you took it,
That breath, you stole it.
It’s sickening, this feeling,
I make no sound, but I’m screaming.

You can see it in my eyes now hollow,
The very eyes that once adored,
Glimmered with pride,
Now they’re tormented with sorrow.

The master of ploy,
Attacked my heart as if its Troy.
There are words I can’t say,
Tears I can’t shed.

The gold string that pulled me into your embrace,
Has now shown its true face.
The Alchemy has turned dreams weak,
In the end, its only a hollow promise I seek.
- Ria Modi

— The End —