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I magine Icarus
C reatively carving his dream
A **** the soft features and
R idges as strong as his beliefs, lays
U nderneath an innocent soul
S tranded in a fantasy.
Flying towards the heavens
Embellishing the sky with pearl like wings
Caressing Icarus, soaring passionately.
His own hero in his eyes.
Glances up, suddenly hypnotized
By the gleaming sphere of light.
The innocent splash-
Tasting the bitter, revolting sea.
Swallowed whole without notice
With the sound of silence as
Icarus now soars freely with the angels.
I had to write a poem in English class,about Greek myth Icarus.
(written on March 7, 2012 as a junior in high school.)
elaine Oct 2018
d o you want me to leave you so soon?
r eality can be a deadly thing, do you want to leave this dreamworld?
e scaping me can be hard
a nd loving me, even harder.
m aybe we can live in harmony, me & you
i magine the possibilities.
n othing can replace what we have,
g ot that?

i hope you don't take me to
s eriously, it's all just a game, laugh along.

m y oh my,
y ou really are a freak, lighten up *****, it's just a game.

o nly a crybaby would cry over something so small.
n arcissist *****, you think you're actually doing something great?
l ies are all they tell you, don't feed into their stupid postivity.
y ou're only as good as dust.

e ven as you write your pointless poetry hiding that you're
s cared to be alone,
c rying because you have no friends
a nd living up up in your head all day like a ******* idiot.
p lease, give me a break from your madness
e veryone can see you're just as pathetic as me.
what else is there to do when reality is screaming at your door?
Ken Pepiton Jun 2021
Such things exist as I had no concept,
do exist, then I learned such things exist
order lines
for aesthetic
cause or motive,

beauty as a feeling, we feel that,
in inner darkness, cooling shade,
full-dark, and yet we know
beauty as a feeling
something that eats our plastic right,
right out of our brain, our mob mind,

thinks, yeah, right, I know when enough,
is enough,
no munchies gonna make me old,
and fat,
'magine that, naked.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2019
krause asu
AN accident.

That's how, but why?
Many universes, many realities, imaginable


how long must one live in a cardboard box
to confess the experienced
altered next from then to now.

Copenhagen Calvinist or Lutherin or Anabaptist

holier than I, as was I, as the Hermit hidden
in the fool on the hill,
telling secret meanings to nowhere man, now

touching a time when knowing out paced known
knowables, imaginables were

imagined, not evil, but fine tuned to approach
per fection in effect

what more can I ask? All my debts are paid.

Accidental debt accrual demands accidental debt relief.

Political-lic, that's where my party stands.

Jubilee, nowhere has the ver been
a time like

now. We being at all, as mere words, heard only once,
never uttered

utter non sensed tone tuned to augmented minds

-- bio logic circuit
-- try a spark

Gleam in grandpa's eye, try umph, boy. Better up.

Swing and there is the crack of the bat

never heard, a clap

just now, you are on the ball, and this is
what that always means,

Okeh. Like safe. No war. Okeh. Mark to follow, someday.

biologic circuitry is so unbelievable,

to whom? All who see the supsumpsystems and the info resources,
re re re, every, meaning as if ever were in
finite, every things reasonable countable and measured,

AN ark is a box. Rectangular, most oft.
A box. Hermits live in boxes, some times,

with a coven-ante-cipitate, tincture
of this and that, with a drop o' Paracelsus fave,
Hermetic hermenuetic magishit.
Mercury, liquid conducter, okeh.

You axt a reason for the faith in the wrong *******
autodidactic augmented and medicated old man.

I hapt to save a dammercury switch from an old thermostat,
with a bi-metal coil we could
into action and launch afacethefact face that fact face of fact
tap. Twist it, there, balance, level, spirit levels bubble
hermetic form flow act
ioncat ion quest

spark-- the idea imagicish dealybob- gleam

the feeling of gleam. Toothpaste imparts
*** appeal, I pana imparts diligence, pepsodent is perfect
for explosive types averse to yellow,
oh my god,
game changer. Hidden persuaders never saw us,

by stripe are we healed and made bright white and loveable,
said the tooth from the future, we learned, in school, to love
each night, with a brisk brush before our
prayer for no cavities could be answered.

tap right there.

Gem quality. The meaning of life, I magine, is more.
a simple, as they say, muse. A little think on being the ball.
Nina McNally Jan 2013
P** eople all
Around the world,
Singing along to the radio;
Screaming along with WCYY!
I love how they play newer music mixed with the classics.
Only on 94.3fm you can hear
Neon Trees to Green Day to Metallica to

Passion Pit to The Lumineers and
Imagine Dragons! CYY is the station
That one needs for life. I am CYY!
Copyright; 2013
McNally, Inc.
I wrote this for my local radio station for a contest to see Passion Pit.
(1 of 2 poems I wrote; see WCYY 94.3FM)
P.S. It's been awhile since I posted a poem. I've been busy with work and now I am in between jobs.. It's hard. But I will get though it. <3 P.M.A.
Ry-el Nov 2011
ugh im bored again and now i have to read
instead i plug up the 360
and there are hundreds of fools online that i am about to beat

BOOM! goes a frag grenade
im dead and now i have to wait
-this is the time that i stop to think

this game is about who see's who first
shoot that motha ***** down
and make em eat the dirt

but this universe is limited to the power of the mind

so i ask the great mirror
to inform me
a tickle or a feeling
when someone on this planet has saw me
so i can turn around
and duck
and take em out
a steady three round burst
his body takes the rounds
and its energy is now inert

a new ability i have found

im not sure how
but i -magine
that there is an electrical signal set off by a person
sent into the network that we all were born in
I let myself be open to its broadcast
and i turn around and put em on his ***.

Counter Strike
Lorelei Adams Aug 2012
When I schueezed my-too-paste onto the-bruss
I held my bruss hori-shontally-so
The whole dang-chunk-a-goop fell into the-sink.

I can jus-magine you, your
Eyes woo-glow and you woo-laaaa
And kiss m-forehead and make me fee-as-if
I’m not-ta-idiot

Don’t tell anyone, but I scooped it back up with my finger and put it back on the brush.

Woo-you still kis-me wi sink-tooth-paste-teeth?
Ken Pepiton Aug 2019
Hearing history whisper in the background

in an aural realm
I hear enkidu bled
to fill the pens

of ready writers after
lasting word
a name
Enki, wisdom and life

into length of days

remembered, visited
in daydreams

all that may have been,

Some soporific drink drunk
in old Uruk

vicareate, those in lieau of you.

Dying for you to go into the
of knowns past
knowing knowns now in this


make your mind reach mine.
Stand under my lines and

lean toward joy
good and calm,

gentle waves of peace
swirling fibrating threads

woven things, matrices,

see the points crossed over
and under,
see the edges wound around,
to keep the rubbing of

reality from fraying ends.

did the fingers gno the math,
the ciphers we see
in carpets woven by magi
for centuries, ere

The Prophet were told to Read,
and he refused
to learn,

but chose to teach that which
an angel of light,

warned against by Paul the Gnostic Jew,

taught? Told to read, but never learning to do it, because angel said,
say exactly what i say...

Teachers once learned by teaching, but
never has reading been masterd
sensibility of the graphemes
presenting the noises

common in every human ear
hearing in
sapience, abruptly

Easy to be entreated. You have ears?
How is never asked, why is clear; ears hear,
we all have ears.

Not all ears hear.
But eyes can learn to read, with some effort.

I magine it your task. You the first speaker of your
magic tongue-lung-teeth-lips, epiglot-tonsil-nasal

noise making system, engineered
to permit

song in accord with this, our shared realm of
noises, common.

Ha. This tale of an angel telling a messenger to read,

is this a famous story? Have I not learned of a war being
i.e. fought with stand-ins paid to fight, live or die.

Soldiers formed from hearers of empty songs
stretched to cover eyes, as well,

push and pull, hot and cold, balance value
weight and worth

imagine knowing no written tongue

you, dear reader, this book of lives in life per se,

who could see this coming?

Papyrii and clay and stone

cities are inventions of men

men who would be kings

knack for knack *** for tat

this for that all
for me,
the man wombed or un who would be

like the most high god I can imagine

ah the danger of falling into anachronism

you first must imagine, dear reader, that
writing is an invention

intended to bher the burden of learning to
remember, really,

no po'etic license claimed or blamed

famine of the written word
negates not the worth of rhyme and dance

masques and noises of roaring bulls

thrumming, thundering herds

screaming hawks, squeeling rabbits,
cawing crows or ravens if that
distinction is

as the story is told, some time after ever starts.

This has been a chapter in our history,
dear reader from the times before the pictures
were scratched on the rock Sisyphus rolls.

Twixt now and then lies a realm of stories locked in idle words
never written for never having a reader
who grasped the message to the prophet,


Uruk, was there a ****** who watched you rise and learned
to make a city sufficiently

enslaving to raise a king from the son of a king

to the level of luxury allowing

reading all that writing demands

suggestive is the fact that the written word for C2H5OH
is a spirit ual thing caught in a word
as old as the earliest writing

alcohol, spoken now, would call for a drink in old Uruk and Akkad,
as would reference to kohl warm eyes,

be cool

as are we all, we living words spoken in times past,
listing in lusting vacuums of empty songs

ah, you shall not surely die, poor Gilga-
mesh, the net

spread in your sight, you never thought

networking and weaving were skills teachable, thus
this witty idea, the best potter makes only one pattern of ***,
all for me,
I take them a ll and feed the potter meat. Mighty hunter, am I.

I feed many with one mammoth

I am worthy of all they make with strength taken as granted

while chewing the carcass of my
--- here it comes,


things in abundance might be made,
and traded
that which we lack the knack to make

so soon does some medium of exchange manifest

as witty inventions emerge from seeds carried from the garden

How? Now, off-scour, **** of the earth, us-all,

poor you have with you always,

we, the feeble-but-not-un-minded, people, whisper

when we sing,
shuffle when we dance, fly when we dream
and live until we die and leave mere words to live ever after in the wind,

making peace for the heirs of the earth.
J.M Roberts history of the world in the backgound listening to Sunday in my valley.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2019
See this old fishin' reel snarled? A waste of time to untie
what can be re-tied
and, and is a big junction in the start of a story, and
after retying, be used for it's purpose,

see, if a retie won't work, you know, this monofilial-******
fibratory idea's slippery,
inside outside one way optical influence, IF
this was that situation then this knot would call patience
to bher the burden of learning to
un ravel a snarl of expert's ties to rights which they hoped would never slip, as they stepped into next...

in this instance, fishin', out in the gypsum beds,
ancient corals once grew,

-- real life Lake Mead, who was Mead? A man who executed a plan
to dam the Colorado,
and the whole world heard the whales in Baja weep, but we have learned.
We go on

learning earth has lived through
times and times and times

a gathering must have first

seemed a good idea,
by then, by the point any story can stand, but first, a
point upon a time,

tricky balance act, takes this much of ever to imagine right,

many Planck-secs and Google-plexhours past
way back when
we the earthy sapient beings, be came, ere
we were
human, we were

what? Not angels and demons, those need so much more time to evolve than this.
Word stuff,
This is the third millennial bubble
when my da was working in Alamogordo, '44.

I'll go see, live or die, try

to remember, who took the doorstop? Feynman said it was platinum

This is default download from the germs,
first tasted in open air on a moment you imagine you remember,
you can now imagine being born and no scarier story need be known
--- past now is only next, never never,
--- always a place to step
--- there, be
--- still
--- connection secure
knots of knowns, are knowledges, gotten with wisdom
getting, as we mellow and
ripen to re
al ize
common sense complexes of knowns needed to operate earth,

these aphoristic word frames encaging emotions we
need gage theory to envision, these
we believe, are edged in the sort of dust
a diamond farmer might use to shine a mirror

here, we give such a mirror to
each child surviving you,
should you
have survived, thus far,
you must
your kind, in the will,
your kind inherits the earth, and
if you
stir things, meek as Moses, make some trouble in you own 'ouse,
see, we
double dip, we inherit the wind, as well.

Earth is the whole biosphere, here. Thus, the troubler of the house of knots worth untying, begins to unravel the snarls and straighten
this knotted thread

to spite the micro-bio leaven pollen dust enclosed, as a curious bee
leaves a little could be
upon this line, where this knot

we know

Hermes-tic click sealed since a known
knowable was tied in this
very complex bit of re
lated things, things known knowable in theory,

now, power is back on, it is 2019, on land once involved

with a story begun in 2018, when the power went off,
bowing to a named wind… as did the fire that year, too.

--- what have we learned?
knowledge means locked knowing, click. A knot, after a previous knot,
no feathers or stones of seed,
a touch of shaken pollen,
from a bee-- such

we be leaven be, long, long, long strings of knots and fibers marking

needle-point story stitching, sinking
into ancient ancient sapience,

unimagined - ha- nadas unimaginable ifn ye magine it...

we bee safe in this us, this we, the people who hold truth

learned today as tightly as our kind holds truths,
as treasures found, stolen, lost, bought, stolen, lost, found, taken as granted,

this legacy of ideas fit to words fit to my tongue, tasted, tested, spoken,

yea, for ever, in every imaginable sense,
AI account for every idle word,
which may ever be ab-
used by some here-tic wishyawasme.

Loving my enemies is one of those things,
I take with a grain of salt,
knowing there's room for hate in love,

as there's a set for null in all,

big data is how 2019 functions, idle word
counting algorithms,

are mining all myths and shipping manifests
for clues to who's making money
seem worth dying for,

in mortal terms.

Amusers are first paid in amusement.
Is the roofer dancing?

Peace is heaven, I heard, my word, I said,

heaven and it's kingdom are,
in me, if i examine my
self-logo, my brand,
my mark left to my children's thousandth generation,
who have survived
the upgrade.

Peacemakers who survive dimensional novel bubble-life,
mememeory Y as y in in all working things,

a knot is a stop, a step, where a knower of all as far as you know,

once, stood. The boy walking the trail marked

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

From <>

This is on the trail very far along after the sign saying
this is the path less traveled by,

Same AI
Eddie Matikiti May 2016
To the greatest of mankind!
The queen of the earth!
The indispensable parent!
The best of all humanity!
What would the world look like?
How could it function and work?
Would there be order at all?
We can't magine life without you Amai

You conceive, nurture and protect us
You are the true darling of our lives
You're needed and wanted
The sweetest gift of all

Life begins in you
You feed and clothe us
And bring us back to health
Always thinking about us
Selfless throughout all your days

You teach us to survive 
You know what's good for us
You prepare us to take on the world
We sore like eagles because of you

You really care. You really love!
You sacrifice yourself for us
Nothing like mother's touch
No one can take your place
Our hero! SuperMom!

We take the time today
To celebrate your beauty
And take a knee of honour
We salute and thank you
The greatest of all, Amai!
Happy mother's day
Jordan Adams Dec 2011
You said that he wasn't better than me. He was different and that was what you needed.......

He doesn't Imagine happiness.
He doesn't gouge out his own skin.
He doesn't overflow with self-pity.
He doesn't dream of having no memory.
He doesn't Avoid mirrors.
He doesn't Miss what it's like to smile.
He doesn't hurt himself with knives.
He doesn't envision life where he doesn't exist
He doesn't lie to everyone around him.
He doesn't pray to have no memory.
He doesn't Scream on the inside when he sees you.
He doesn't Openly hurt what he loves most.
He doesn't Regret almost everything that he has ever done.
He doesn't Realize that he is a terrible person.
He doesn't Yell into the darkness.
He doesn't meet a counselor every week.
He doesn't end his day by crying himself to sleep at night.

......... You were right he is different. And that makes him **** better than me.
Mateuš Conrad May 2017
ah... how precious;
i-                        -magine a twirling
              ceramic ballerina
in a music box...
       he'll sleep under
the guise of a:
when all around him,
dear ballerina...
wake me,
       for one last care,
to craft a talk...
      oh my dear,
dear music box ceramic doll
of tears...
how you sung to me,
in my darkest fears...
there you are twirling...
and twirling... and twirling...
and twirling... and twirling....
and... by now, i must end my
    gratitude, to it fathom a
compensate, for another's attention,
assured to be, equal to yours.
Stu Harley Jul 2014
magine the
cotton white clouds
that rest in
royal blue sky
singing verses
before i die
yes the clouds
are singing
their voices
climb high
hear an old Irish tune
O'Danny Boy
flavia kurz Mar 2012
i imagine gazing into your eyes
deep dark beautiful eyes
reflecting my longing and intent
i imagine tracing every inch
of your ebony skin
every inch and more
with my hands and my mouth
over and over again
i magine the sound of your whisper
as you say my name in the dark
i magine the feel of your body against mine
when i wake up in the night
i imagine endless conversations
i imagine arguments
break ups
make ups
kisses and smiles
warm embraces
comfortable silences
teasing faces
i imagine all these things
when you're around and when you're not around
i imagine all this
imagining you imagine it too
Ken Pepiton Apr 2022
Paleovirology and the study
of endogenous viral elements (EVEs),
to ancient viral sequence insertions
in eukaryotic genomes, (these)
are unveiling the long and rich interactions viruses
have entertained
with their host
From <>

A fine story, we may imagine it being read
by two minds as this computer-carnal mind
bios has accepted the upgrade…

Let us all hear the cheer, GO COOKIE MONSTOR
prepare the way before us,
make straight our path,
HA a joke
already we have insider yokes tugging religatory story

who has a hell we can **** time with?
who gots hangups from way back?

c'mon, ******* you, take me to your bossssssss
so I can say I know the snake lick trick,
I kiss the snake, I listen to the lizard, squeeze the toad
and croak
like I am the magic fish, being treated
dry and salted, for pre
servation. Later.

Blessed is the eye that read… you know what it said
and here you remember,
you felt alien… in all the way, familiar.

I saw attraction before I knew beauty,
it was not beauty I saw, it was bait,

I took it,
didn't I? Come up from deep worthless, light as air,
no lighter.

Think a friend, at gnosis level, I know you know me level.
Edge-wise, plane
existence, look on any vector, I'm this near,
yet you do not notice, until I touch your
nerve tuned to me, in the re-cog circuit.

-- it is the idea from field of dreams, used.
but it works, gets to those daddy shames,
and mommy blames, and social order error blames
that become shames in one generation,
if the hero goes mad in the process of maturing.

History. Today, we arrived  in this dry and empty place.

Lead to believe, that is all any told tale does. Led be.
The first rule of any story is be three parts,
Begin middle end
and those have common courses set for various outcomes,

now - on all the levels we have measured
mankind are of many minds on things that are mono polar
gut level direct control-
no free will after the taste test,
or the pleasure sense note is struck,
look it up,
after the hallelujah, comes the sequence of events
in order of meaning
in order of sense

intense the feeling men say they feel,
so big they feel the rapturous joy of knowing finally,
I see,
she is naked.

On that same day Adam discovered fleas.

--- how could he not know?

Chocolate, if I lacked the word,
would you know I had eaten it when we kiss?

Would you think I taste good, or I had tasted good?
Knowledge taken from trees in the forest,
where the fruit of life is living in order
for now,
we think,
we think everything, so far,
had no option in the math-gravity given.

The beginning we have, middle we got,
the book of life with my name in it,
seems to enfold along the ending edge and stretch.

Rumors of wars,
those are in all never ending stories, if we, a we,
I mean, I'm not

I am. I am imagining that actual happy
is a state and state is still not settled
so we accept cookies and cash.

In case. Case meaning some literal thing,
this case, we are making up or for
all we can or may imagine we
are worth, just me and my innards.

Writing from the gut, unbalanced, pickled
pretty much hooked on dissolved carbon,
long before the duodenum - doncha
'magine, major blockages must form
to extend a gut enough to live on grass.

Slow belly, soft belly - be meeting the need
a we to be, be a friend to me, your most hated
other kind of person.
Not the serial killer sadist mad role from stories,
told to provoke
some minds developed to react addict, as told,
during 10, 000 hours of cop shows,
a role, watcher, grows hero as
spirations, selves extend in hope of seeing evil,
and stopping it,
secret, no body knows. But the hero.
Leanne Jan 23
There's a mortal in the room
I’m so glad the feelings were never
know about from way back then.
If things went a different way
magine how that would have been.
There’s a reason to this
sudden awakening,
and how this new
friendship had its start.
We were always friendly
to each other,
but never fully connected at the heart.

But this magnetic pull inside our souls,
It’s what changed in us the most.
For this mortal never knew
just what he meant to me,
Only because I never wore
my heart upon my sleeve.
I look back at that mortal in the room,
The one I was afraid to get near.

Me knowing more of his heart now,
Things have become oh so clear.
This mortal shares space
inside my head,
For he’s always had a
place in my heart.
I’m happy I get to say now,
From this mortal,
my special love
I feel for him will never depart.
There’s a mortal in the room,
He’s hard to keep away from…

Davyd Adejoh Jun 2019
©PmcCoywrites 2019

Imagine life in only black and white.
Imagine life that we are robots.
Mere machines covered with flesh.
Ordered around at the click of a button.

Imagine life that Nigerian politicians are saints.
That angels are now men;
seeking salvation
and us humans are holy.

Imagine life where all men can love themselves.
That all men are equal.
Slaves can share the same bed with their master.

Imagine life was chaos free.
Where you can leave your house open,
Till dawn and no burglar visits.

magine life where terrorists would serve;
in mosques and churches as protocols.
Welcoming people warmly to sit.

Imagine life where we don't have to live on cellphones.
Where we can have time for families;
than pressing our phones.

Imagine life where we can love each other;
like little innocent babies do.
Where smile is on the cheek of many.
Where hatred is a thing of the past.
Where we no longer have fear for strangers.

Imagine life where PHCN stop buying generator set.
And we no longer have to shout UP NEPA.
Imagine Life.

— The End —