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Solaces Mar 2016
Star glass and light.  Emotion engine, dream machine. This is my Lightcycle!  With just thought I can catapult myself across the galaxy!  I remember home and the fields of blue bonnets and Indian paint brushes.  I remember looking up at the stars from Earth.  Wishing to one day see them.  But nothing is more beautiful than that blue star from afar. Earth shines and sings sapphire among the blackness we call space.   But as I enter my solar system I no longer see her.  I quickly thought stream home and find my planet is covered in a sick gray shadowy nebula.   Something is here and is trying to take away all the souls of the Earth!  I try and break through with my Lightcycle!  The star shell fills with my anger and despair!  Reds and tornados made of light dance within my Lightcycle! But to no avail the nebula seems to counter act my will!  I close my eyes as tears flow.  My lightcycle cries colors on the inside.  As I open my eyes I see a cloud within my lightcycle that is made of all colors!  It then clears as I see the harp with light strings the Dragon Secalos gave to me.  This was the dragon I escorted across the galaxy!  The harp then materialized in my hands and I played the melody of the star serpent!  I cannot begin to describe the melody to you.  It was like my dreams were playing for me.  From afar I could see a blue star growing and growing.  Only it was no blue star at all! It was the dragon Secalos!  He was even more massive than before. His wings shined Star Earth blue.  He must of been the size of our moon.  He looked to me with glowing blue eyes!  He spoke to me with his mind.   "  I will help you in thy darkest hour as you helped me."   The dragon then flew toward our sun and completely back in an instant. He then emitted a beam of light that was all colors toward the dark gray nebula.  The dark grey nebula filled with colors and seem to almost dissipate.  The beautiful majestic Earth seem to almost smile back at me. " Thank you serpent of the stars!" " Thank you rider of light. "
Help one another
Solaces Dec 2015
Star sapphire blue was filling in the star shell of my Lightcycle.  I rode past the Binary suns of the Tri-axis Solar system.   In between the two suns I saw a small sapphire speak of light.  I rode toward the sapphire glow and saw it to be a massive dragon.  Its wings were shining star fire.   It was gathering energy from both the suns.  It was in a sleep state among the stars and sister suns.  As I got closer my Lightcycle begin to fill in with the memories of the dragon itself.  It was a beautiful beast!  But this dragon was 2 beings in one.  It seems at one point that this dragon is actually a person of some strange magic and lore.  It was on its way to a light calling it on the other side of the Galaxy.  The dragon then opens its eyes.  Fully charged from the sister suns the dragon looks to me.  It turns out it will take close to a month for the dragon to reach the other side of the galaxy.  With the power of my Lightcycle I could get him there in a day.  And so I escort the dragon to the other side of this galaxy.  I carry him along my emotion thought stream.  We arrive to a planet covered in darkness.  The dragon then turns to me with shining blue eyes.  He gives to me a harp with strings made of light.    It reads "  The melody of the star serpent Secalos."   To summon in thy darkest hour."   The dragon then entered the dark atmosphere to begin its long battle.  I rode back into the expanse of never ending dreams..
The melody of the star serpent.
Solaces Nov 2015
I find a small lonely sun that illuminates only one Planet. I ride my Lightcycle to this planet and find that it has no life whatsoever. The skies are as yellow as the sunflowers back at home. I ride through the strange purple sands of this dead lonely planet. My lightcycle star shell fills in with purples and yellows. There are no kind of mountains or structures. Just endless purple sands. No winds sing on this planet. Its like a planetary purple canvas made of endless sad sand.

And then from the yellow and purple horizon I see the most beautiful blue I have ever seen. A sort of blue that almost seems to emit life itself. A strange machine flies on by! Leaving behind a life stream of endless blue. The yellow sky begins to almost melt away into the blue. My Lightcycle fills back in with the blues of my thoughts. The machine then flies in an amazing circular pattern creating a monstrous hurricane that covers half of the planet. I then ride alongside this machine that is known as a Lancer! I have never seen one! The Lancer senses me near and begins to speed away. I try and keep up as we leave the Planet but the Lancer is by far to fast for me! As I turn back around and look to the dead planet I see that the Lancer has left behind the most beautiful blue filled Planet.  I travel back to its surface as the genesis of life begins again!
I finally saw one!
Solaces Apr 2014
The path made of me.. The soul within that becomes the energy engine that drives this beautiful soul filled Bike of the 9th universe..
I travel on the belt of Athena.. This is where stars are made and sent off to be born among those whom have the pleasure of gazing at their beautiful luster.. It is also the place where stars still shine even after thay have long faded into the blackness spirial abyss they roll on..  My lightcycle, soulcycle, Emotion engine machine streaks me across the cosmos..  I transcend my dreams and become the rider of the new universe.. I cross on over my heavens and pass all that emotion could ever feel..  This moment I see inside my Lightcycle the formula of creation..  Life rides with me.. Where ever I may go.. Because now I know how alive even a beam of light is..  My Lightcycle shines STARFIRE BLUE..  The creation.. The music..  The love..  I feel all of you here..  Watch me blaze! Watch me Blaze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hop on!!
Solaces Oct 2016
Some of those streaks of blue you see in the sky are not comets are falling stars.  Someone has found their star glass machine, hidden in the darkness of doubt and despair.  They have learned to ride and balance on thought. On memories of light and imagination caught, within a star glass machine the emotion engine starts.  

Endless blue blazing fills my Lightcycle machine, lightning bird wings spread far and wide, I travel at the speed of thought to places unseen.  Across the stars and into your mind.  I find the universe and your beautiful shine.  It is all endless! All forever! Eternal memories, Infintie light melodies.
Ride with me.
Solaces Nov 2015
I mount this magnificent machine made of star glass and light..
The 2 wheels are made of shadow skin and glow alloy..
The machine is call a Lightcycle.  
Powered by an emotion engine that the rider gives power to with thought and soul.
The magic begins when the rider mounts it an the star glass shell fills in with the rider's imagination.
I mount my Lightcycle and endless blues and lightning fill in the star shell.
The emotion engine turns and I am catapulted to the stars..
Its then the lightning bird spreads its wings as I then reach speeds beyond light and darkness..
I wind up on the outer rims of the 17th galaxy Heaven's reach..
The Lightcycle
Solaces Oct 2017
The rain woke me up..
I got up and looked out the window..
And the rain fell with silent lightning dancing about..
I saw myself..
For a moment as the raindrop fell..
I saw myself..
For a moment as the lightning streaked through the sky..
I saw myself as the storm blue lightning sky..
It was then a strange machine lit up blue..
With my memories of me it grew brighter and brighter..
It was a beautiful machine made out of imagination glass..
It was a beautiful machine made out of memories of light..
I called it a Lightcycle..  Starglass and light... Driven by and emotion engine.. And endless thoughts..  The starglass shell filled in with lightning and endless blues..  
I built my Lightcycle again..
Simply by remembering it..
The lightning birds flew around me..
I was ready to open my electric wings again...
Its been so long..
Starglass and light....
Solaces Jun 2015
Deeper and deeper I go.. Into my mind I see the machines trying to know what life is..  I go deeper and see Dragons flying among the stars..  I go deeper and see Stardivers trying to save the universe..  I go deeper and see myself riding a lightcycle through the Tao nebula...  I go deeper and see a shadow plain full of dark life that is being visited by creatures made of light..   I go deeper and see a God teach their young how to build a galaxy.. I go deeper and see a cloud of all colors emit lightning bolts of all colors in the night sky..  I go deeper and discover all this is happening just inside my mind..  I can only imagine what is beyond that my mind has not yet thought of..  And when I do think it, will it be true somewhere somehow? Its as if all of our wishes never do happen here.. But they do happen elsewhere..  My thoughts have creation.. Thus a wish must have some form of energy in and of itself..   I then find out that I have not gone deep at all.. This is the shallow part of my thought ocean..  And I can't wait to venture deeper!
Walk the shoals with me...  Together we soon swim and dive..
Solaces Dec 2014
bring the beauty back..
it may be a random song, random moment, and a random poem..
but at times you will find the sadness of your god..
until one day he taught her how to build a galaxy..
away from darkness..
and i must say, it looked like a lightwheel dream..
so come and visit me in this dream chamber..
just find the light of the night..
if you can't fly ride a lightcycle..
come and break the curse of the serpent of the old world..
be a stardiver..
learn to moondive..
because all of you here are stars..
and i forgot to tell you the colors said H E L L O..
thank you for reading My poetry:
Each line is a title to my poems:
Solaces Dec 2016
Past the twin suns was a place known as the Angels twilight.  I ride on my Lightcycle to a strong disturbance that emits from this beautiful place.  A planet that was once so full of light has been engulfed in vile dead shadow.  Creatures known as Behemoths have taken over the planet.  They have covered the sky in black shadow creating eternal nights.  Many armies try to no avail to stop these giant wicked creatures.  Many are dying and soon there will be no one left.  I then begin to play the harp of the star serpent.  It is made of sapphire light with golden light strings.  The song I play opens up a small hole in the shadow filled sky letting in the twin sun light for just a moment.  

The next song I play is the melody of Secalos.  The song could be heard across the entire dark planet.  The fighting stops and all of the Behemoths rush toward me.   There were hundreds of them.  They towered toward the dark sky.  And then from above thunder drummed alongside my song.   The Blue star dragon broke through the darkness!  His lightning blue body shined like a sun in the sky!  He then took in a tornado of a breath an released a white pillar of light into the sky above.  All of the darkness seem to shatter all at once letting dawn appear.   The morning brought upon smiles and tears to all the people who had been living in darkness for so long.  

The Behemonths were dying in the light.  Secalos then released a second blast made of blue light into the darkness that was left.  Screams of darkness faded as it turned back into light.  Secalos and I headed back toward the stars in different directions.   Hoping that this race will find peace in the lighting of their darkest time.
Lightcycles and Dragons

— The End —