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Lawrence Hall Feb 2018
Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right * dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying * comrade Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right culy dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying * comrade Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right culy dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying * comrade Lefttard fascist libtard Russian troll loony mother * *er freaks stupid idiotic childish rant Antifa **** troll comrade idiots like you tide pod generation snowflakes * you Marxist serial felon MSM useful idiots street justice fanboy alt.right culy dunal trumpf lunatic leftist *phile ** * in your * your ****** loser freak pos pack heat ammosexuals smh screwball lefties community organizers trumptards professional agitators if we could ban idiots like you you donkey *s you lying ** comrade

*Employ all caps and strings of exclamation marks ad lib
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
In the very beginning
when God made woman and man,
He noticed some were smarter
and devised a glorious plan.

He gathered them together
and solemnly  commanded,
“You, my favorite children,
will henceforth be left-handed.”

So when you see a lefty,
please give your due respect,
and try not to be offended
by their greater intellect.

Although you are right-handed,
for which there is no cure,
remember God still loves you…
He just loves lefties more.
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2015
left, sinistral, left sided, left out,
left behind,
gastropod sea shells,
coiling counterclockwise,
when viewed from the apex

when that all alone,
left-out feeling pervades,
to the party uninvited,
for the team, unchosen,
stand out for not standing in,
invisible moat surrounds and suppresses,
life's outward bound sounds,
vision best,
when only looking inward,
remember this too well..

this world, this work,
was created by an
ambidextrous soulbeing
his soul,
favoring neither right or left,
favoring doing right,
and no one
left behind

cognizant that both sides now
are necessaries
for human and seashell existence

proof be that
the creator,
his perfection, at the very least,
in his design motifs,
made us all
sinistral shells

and sinistral poets

those apex corkscrewing left poets,
the leaven of human fermentation,
you and your sinistral tidbits
are the influencing spice
of an average world,
keeping the world tilting
on its proper axis

make us and
our daily bread rise,
sinistral yeast,
vive la difference,  
you are
the best of us
John F McCullagh Aug 2013
Today is National left handers day-
Only Southpaws are pitching tonight,
I suspect its all part of a sinister plot,
a coup against all that is right.

Eating with Lefties is always a risk
when Lefties your starboard assay.
but seated to port they're a jolly good sort-
if you get them to offer to pay.
Jenna Kay Jun 2017
Sometimes I swear my mother is colorblind
The other day she said, “Darling, if you were gay, I think I’d know”
Well Mom, there’s a rainbow inside me but you see straight through it
I’m a prism in your hands but you refuse to hold me in the light
Mom, I’m bi
But she won’t understand that
In fact, she doesn’t understand anything
She doesn’t get ADD, or anxiety, or bisexuality
She can’t comprehend my depression, my aggression, my emotional recession
She complains that I don’t open up enough, but when I explain, she is the one that’s closed
What more can I say
Why does it take a panic attack to realize I’m not okay?
The other day when I told her “Sometimes I wish I didn’t exist”
She looked at me as if she was seeing a new color for the first time and she just couldn’t put a name to it
Can I really blame her for it?
All she has known is black and white and I’m showing her a light she’s never seen in her life
She sees a band-aid in her hand while I see a knife
I want to say everything that’s on my mind, but Mother, I’m afraid that you’ll lecture instead of advise
Instead of comfort
So I keep adding to these lies
And apologize
The other day you asked while I was crying, “Are you suicidal?”
And it broke through my heart like a wrecking ball through a brick building:
Loud in my ears, heavy in my chest, and smoky in my lungs
Because for the first time you felt the heat of my fire that you should have felt years ago
You only see a dull hue, but that’s a start for you
You’re finally seeing me, but you’re not going very deep
There’s so much within this glass skin of mine
I’m trying to shine but you cloak me in darkness in an effort to keep me warm
But I’m lightning in a bottle and I can’t control this storm
Soon I’m going to explode and you won’t know what hit you
The other day I wasn’t okay
And I’m still not today
I’m fighting my way through every minute, every second
So while I look like I’m getting better, I’m slowly deteriorating from the inside out
I just want to love who I love without being judged
Be who I am and know you’ll understand
I’m so tired of trying to conceal my lightning out of fear that I might strike you
But maybe my electricity is just what you need to wake up
Every day, I set my alarm clock for 7, 7:05, 7:10, because I just can’t seem to get out of bed
Sleeping is the only way to calm the voices in my head
But my antidote is her poison
You only see it as healing if you’re the one that heals me
You’re holding out that band-aid but I’m running from a knife
When I was little, I wrote left handed
But you made me switch to my right
Well Mom, did you know that lefties are more likely to be artistic, have insomnia, be disabled mentally, have ADD, and be bisexual…
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2016
and maybe after clarifying homosexuality
with all the political graces,
you suggested an education:
     well, not all women are strong-men *******
who like to excel in ****...
but you didn't bother,
                 you didn't say: homosexual fancies
of men needing **** translated into
the heterosexual practices, guess what,
not many women are born pederasts,
and not many would wish for attache permanent-******
rather than strap-on guises to switch sexes...
because your political correctness
bred both dictators and mob rule:
we need another world war to
               curb these retards talking,
walking and elsewhere playing the Urban II...
               that's how i seem them,
impotent, child-molesting lefties and Conservatives...
******* waste of time, and better still
easier coming a waste of space...
maybe that's my asthma cause and solution
in one... i once talked to an asthmatic girl:
start smoking... why? learn to make your
breathing rhythmic... i was shoved into
the goodbye pile: what an idiot that said he
forgot who he shoved in a playground
with not nostalgia: i always thought you
inherited the one type of teachers,
never to inherit being taught by your contemporaries....
they always do... the failures of their parents
you inherit... when you tell them:
err... you were also part of the family which
you forgot to engage with...
                                        you are rightfully
entitled to a nomadic status... go on... *******
a second time to Australia...
           let's see you coming back with equally
congenial smiles after you left the colonial places
equally stating: Hong Kong divided the nations,
                   and King Kong rattled
the hairy chest of Grecian example:
city state!                 and so it was, doubly true when
Iraq was invaded. learn to be a contemporary
in historical matters... without history books...
or do what i do: wait for the statistics...
oral *** is like trilling the tongue on
                             the non-rolling r -
you're hatching an east end venture?
         too sure...
                            like saying 'ater -
            depending on silent w or h -
      and the missing t to a mad one...
they made homosexuality legal... but 70%
of women said **** was nice..
counter-argument... well, they're born with
clever loss of ****-restrictions...
                  she said it hurts...
i said: i fold my ******* rather than conscript
to Abraham's *****... so i enjoy life more than
you are expected to enjoy ***...
                 but no one listened...
no one ever does...
                                 hence the god-****-right
                            you force a pregnancy unto me
i force the world onto you...
                                         then the lies,
and more lies,                   and more lies...
Angus Mary or the Argentinean way of saying hello...
              hence the liars and womanising ones...
clearly out without a beard or a mane
                                  because a lie is much better
to bed a woman than a rose or a bouquet of
                       it's so, and forever remain so...
but i just don't get how they managed to
   liberate homosexuality (yes, it's odd feeling
pleasure from **** ***, esp. if you're a woman 70% don't)
but entombed womanhood in what became
textile industry of ******* and leather shoes...
                  migraine cure?
     with enough number to suffocate the easy sleeper
into a cult-like endeavour - the sloth of the last breath:
and enough talk in the obituary; just enough
             for a ***** notice next to the half-prize
           packets of salted herrings.
                 we are we are: youth of the nation...
   we are we are: youth of the nation...
               yeah... it's a shame we encouraged
the politics of accepting homosexuality
           when homosexuality speaks no truthful ****...
given the years it struggled with, no surprises...
         but at least it could end its
  misogynistic target and said: not all women will
fall in love with what we do...
                                 well... no chance of that...
sooner Goofy on screen than Pluto and the slobber...
      than the slurp and the goof-ball stutter...
              but they didn't, they took revenge...
now we're all **** minded wishing we weren't
or wishing we were...
                   and there's me, with bewildered prostitutes...
paying an extra £10 on each hour spent with them
and the entry fee for the madame at £120...
                      ******* at her mega-****** *******...
well... let's just say:
                                          a little bit illuminating -
enough for a moaning harmonica and a jealous
gag intended for pedestrians
from a brothel window in Amsterdam by Puerto Rico's
chubby lovely: or as the black guys said in school:
                           more cushion for the pushin'; oh gee...
too true.
Note: I wanted to be able to read this almost in the voice of either Shaggy from ******-Do or like a really nervous like, crazy kind of guy in a group session. So hopefully if you can imagine any of those voices while reading this then it'll make it even better.

Hello, my name's Paul Lauer. This is my first group kind of session so I guess I'll start off by saying I have an addiction ! I can't stop doing it, no matter where I go. In my room, in the shower, in the woods, in my therapist bathroom like four year ago before it was my turn to have my thoughts dissected. I feel so ***** admitting it but I think it's time I washed my hands of this when I say: I love to daydream.

   I know, some of you may or may not be shocked. It's almost obvious to the ones who see through my facade of a confident white teenager. For starters my shaky left hand, constantly gripping my sturdy, hard pen while I put thoughts onto paper. Each word sloppier the faster I write, ink spewing itself then drying awkwardly on my pinky cause lefties drag when they write.

   The more I think the greater intensity the daydream is. It's like I'm in the fantasy itself. Don't get me wrong though, I like romance just as much as the next person does. But there's just something about spontaneous daydreaming that gets me so heated, I can feel my blood pumping faster throughout my body it feels like I might pass out from exhaustion.

   I feel so ashamed but when I whip my imagination out in public I just can't stop. I have to see through it to the very bitter tasting end. Does the warrior save his girlfriend from the onslaught of giant evil robots trying to crush them? I don't know, but what I do know is that I love to use my imagination while I daydream.

Especially in public.
John Stevens Sep 2010
Author:  Kristen Stevens
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Words are wonderful
Current mood:  amused

So last year for Christmas I bought myself a dictionary. The Oxford American Dictionary to be exact. (psst it won out over the others because it maintains that "irregardless" is NOT a word and thus remains improper...hooray!) Anyway back to business. I was going to buy myself a thesaurus this year but didn't find one I liked. Oh, there was a pocket version that was entirely suitable but I didn't find a hardback one that really worked.

I really think people should have to read the dictionary then they might speak with more precision. One of my favorite sayings, and I am being facetious (sarcastic for those who don't know what "facetious" means), is "I think I unconsciously knew that." NO YOU DIDN'T! You can't unconsciously know anything; you can subconsciously know it. if you are unconscious you aren't thinking anything. It is your subconscious that prods you. sigh

On a semi-related topic, etymology is fascinating. I would be willing to bet most people don't know the roots of the word "unanimous". Un (one) and animus/anima (heart, soul, mind)  So it's not just about people simply agreeing about something but putting their soul into it as well. Handedness is very prejudicial. Grrr you rights!! All words dealing with being right-handed are good skilled (droit, derecho, recht, etc), but lefties all seem to derive from the Latin siniestra (sinister)  or a imply "clumsy". Just look at "ambidextrous" ~ right-handed on both sides. 'ambi'-both + 'dexter'-right (side note: no wonder Dexter is a serial killer) It's opposite word is "ambivalent" that means 'left handed on both sides'  I love learning new things.
So as a left handed-American I feel constantly belittled by the daily assault on the way I was born. I can't help it. Hahahaha. No, just kidding I'm tougher than that. I've learned to cope and no longer fear the right handed scissors.

Last interesting thing:
The French mer, Italian mar, Spanish mer, etc all derived from the Latin word mare ("sea"). Latin derived it from the Sanskrit MARU, which meant desert, sterile element where no vegetation grows. I am going to find out how lifeless desert became an ocean teeming with a plethora of life.
MARU would be also the origin of the latin morire (to die).

OK wow lot to read, congratulations if you stuck with it. reading skill has increased +5 Ah-hahahaha I couldn't resist. If your game you get it; if you don't, how sad. Oh wow look at the time why am I still awake? sighstupid insomnia
Breezy Raye Aug 2013
Your little , EX ample shizzz
Undo nothing, undid the funk
The ****, fump bumble
Don't it have a rind, uh ring?
The shapley shinny thin\g .
Ta To tadootoo da rink, think you have this taste.
Of what in terns your feeling, windery feeling
To you your sense of being, bling hold neck
Berdy , beck oning on this bright little thing
Round about, wheel hot .
Search lights off, hands on.
A room for four, fore two .
Had an idea, that they thought they could grew
Just one seed, like a giant sunflower
Flow in the distance , lime green pinchin'
Jelousy of a not thing , what are we missing
Happiness loses meaning, in the mean
Multiply the number of a fine little number
Luck edd and the tables .
For the love of drive, she keeps lefties
Just for the six, race trucks
Tracks afloat, loverall
Over the cost of fars, FAREWELL .
We move and the time doesn't .
ConnectHook Oct 2015
Bernie Sanders hatched a scheme
to rant an old progressive theme.
He left the greening mountain heights
to bellow forth for Social Rights
descending to our nation's valleys
milking the faithful at his rallies.
Mr. Sanders sold the farm,
sounded socialist alarm;
Trading professorial tweeds
for bloviating human needs.
He set the lefties all a-twitter
bartering the sweet for bitter.
He glared through academic glasses
at the doubtful working classes
wondering why they failed to note
just why and how they ought to vote.
Sanders patched up race-relations
fixing holes with reparations,
working up his magic wonder:
horsey voice of righteous thunder
till the clouds hung heavy and gray
portent of a darker day...
Warming up leftover Hope
he spared no change for hangman's rope,
sputtering on, he blew a gasket
redistributing our basket
scolding, bellowing, pumping fist
and waving fingers from the wrist
like politburo retro-chic
a tousled old white-headed freak.
Vote for Bernie Clinton everybody !!!
Louise Leger Mar 2014
A silly and unlikely scenario… but if just a couple words were changed, would it still sound preposterous?*

From a very young age

I knew I was a little different from the other kids:

They all wrote with their right hands,

But I always felt compelled

To pick up that crayon

With my left hand.

But I was terrified that all the other kids

Would make fun of me for being different

And that my family

Would shut me out…

I later found out that there is a name for this

And that I was not alone:

I learned that I was “left-handed,”

And that this is true for roughly 10% of the world

I spent a lot of time building the courage

To come out about my


Then one day I couldn’t bear to keep my secret any longer…

I told everyone that I was left-handed

And you know what?

My family said that they would love me

No matter what hand i wrote with.

Some of my friends thought it was a little weird

But for the most part, they were okay with it..

Some weren’t. But hey,

They weren’t my true friends anyway

It’s tough being a south paw

In a right-handed world

But I have faith

That one day

It will be fully accepted and normal

And that lefties will one day be able

To proudly show their true selves

Without being made to feel strange
My Blog:
Soup from the great big garden
and we canned it all just so
helped to wear the weather through
when the land was dressed in snow

and checker lesson Saturdays
with two lefties at the board
you helped to teach me fairness
when I lost, and when I scored

you kindled my love of books
and encouraged me to grow
i learned the best ways to say yes
and subtle ways to say HELL no

while writing this I realized
you're one of the few whom I can say
if my young life was a fresh spun bowl
your hands would be covered in clay

i remember most the times we'd play
and in the game of life, "I'm all in"
since you happen to be [MY] grandma
looks like this time I win

but seriously,

there is so much more to speak of
but I have a life to live
and I promise when I am done with it
I'll have taught how a grandma gives.
For my grandma's birthday
Ken Pepiton Jan 2024
Continuing, in time, out of time, as mere thought,
ready for you to think, one thought
through, thoroughly
right, fixed pose, put so as
to stand up right,
on the mean point
of any grave object spinning,

in, or against, the wind. ROI. Invest an hour.
-------------------------- here it is 1:03 PM 1-1-02024
sunny, shady side of a local oak

Hear -- sense -- feel
agrere, ag re re feel mind heed,
agreed, as our we mind discerns
all around us noise
of us is louder than life,
we cannot hear our selves
think I am, and beside me, is you.

I think you being, made ware,
art effecting genius, magi-formed,
imagined magi-wise, presented phenomenon
of harmony and order in beautiful random reality.

How can one imagine two,
if one is such a one
as never was in ever before,
alone in all at once,
unique, solo uno,
you, in spirit
and truth

and this line,
and this line, establishing the shape
of signal sent,
line upon line, word by word filled
with mean common sense, consensus
on the spectrum of sense words make, meaning
things in spirit and in truth that allow
for colloquial we all uses you all fail to notice,
first uses of the fruit life requires, true science,
knowledge, birds and bees and ants and serpents,

first use, meaning agree, push comes to shove,
catalyst to payload, we,
become the bomb.

Oh, none privately interpret reality, we,
in fact exist to resist dying long enough
-infinite form- to
comprehend the winds of change, loosed
from fists imagined divine, scripture,
amusement themed re-liga-ment,
le-***-a-mental, right thinking,

in deed,
done so fast, we past all understanding

where wisdom contentment is tested.
the rules
of order, noble souls,
rare incorruptible powers
that be,
as we so often proclaim,
beyond me,
as we so often contend
in pride, resisting heroically,
with the consensus, us
against all not us, alienated minds,
foreign reasons adhered
to for war, as reared,
around the hearth,
absorbing value from your worth-ship,
my most right mind, my satisfied mind, we use
when the authorized performance
of the formula, demands clapping
one hand of each kind, to synchronize our watches.

Divide the sky,
I look north, you look south
imagine we agreed already to look for life,
is it here?

You do know, few weigh mere words for worth,
a mortal, according to the culture adapted
from hunters served milk and honey
by pastoral people's adapted
to digest lactose.

Serious word use, with signs and wonders,
began when man assumed he was as wonderful
as life,
in truth.

Ask and you shall receive, the means to leave a message,
without a riddle.

The medium is the message, rub that in, what you are
speaks so loudly nothing else makes sense,

Be, be on, go on, singin' in the rain, I happy again,
boppity boo, too, go on

Thinking worthy ideas rethinkable,

let me tell you prosaically, perhaps,

words with understood stick-to- bottom
like rice, re
think ai as art intuition, think
to the bottom of the ***,
some first word sense is held, still good.

El, breath, yes, alive am I, bverytrue,
I survived to look back and laugh,

thinking to myself, the augmented mind,
the unbelievable believed let go, be free
of human kindness, your kindness.

Most revered reading mind, read mine,
let it seem at home in your reading mind.

There. We did that.
This is after that, long after reality agreement,
this is it, Dr. Zorba taught all boomers,
birth, death, infinity…
Dr. Zorba, on Ben Casey…
I knew him first as Gunga Din, {deen}
I learned a certain lie, glorified, just if-I'd…
I gave birth to the emperically deceived mind
- trump mindghuck attention diversion attempt
- flaunted and foiled in one fell swoop.
the feeling, wah who won, we won, raw raw raw,
Victorious Peace rush, whoosh we won
science is
fundamental heavy,
base mortal honed most point,
extremely dense, in every conceivable sense.

heavy, primordially pre next, post never,
that was the unbelievable part, never
we one, we was always we, at the base, fundus
z bottom of all hell broken loose,
at points past
our peace, perhaps,
at the moment,
now is not all
of this ever after, we have in truth,

hope must answer to, in truth, eh, wisdom
possible, in you
in me, on time in time, we do

what the truth would do if it were you
in this wedom of words we all comprehend,
This old Vietnam veteran of the class still alive in 2023.
The entertainment deme aimed at -- action
with grey hair heros.
Long haired, bearded old dude, once
reported as having been a bearded youth,

Now, I am a rumpled specimen
of those media reflections,
my mind resighing,
interruptions are as sure
to come, as offences, pinched
nerve Patriotismismismismism sheisschismmmmm
I was walking on my reward, my own treetop deck,
thinking something I was doing was not right,
like low down right,
lowest known, right, which hand do you throw with.
Right, lefties, to this very day, exist,
to put a twist on things,

politics is polimental agreement formation,
monstor's are made this way, evil knowers, thinking
nothing ever after is real, any way,

we words to the wise, we say nay, laugh, knowing
science wins, by faith in wisdom's promise,

this is the way, first peaceable,
peace be with you, we say, amen,
you, too.

Like romcom love declarations, difficult
to make meaningful after alls been seen done.

Neurons that mirror amused mind states,
we contain, as wet ware, we feel emotions aimed
at us, at any age,
Fantasia at age two, for me. '
Formed the informed me.
And you,
now that I think about the qwerty guy trained
ambidextrously, that is me, I can type, on a keyboard.

And I know monkeys cannot, but many have imagined,
Shakespeare was Bacon, and Bacon, St. Germain,
and Julian Huxley's tech level made me think that,
link thinking to Aldous, 1957 M.I.T.
What a piece of work man is.

Gaseous we, the concept, passes as common knowledge.

I read as much, who cares, I ask, I wish to know, I say,
we must needs agree,
or our intent to implement the bomb

worked. This is 2024. I did not die in 2023, I think I am a thought
thoroughly satisfied with the seed I have sown and grown
into another hap filled future for however long it seems...
This is ever after all.
Big Virge Sep 2021
So What’s Happened To Thinking... ?
Cos’ It Seems To Be Sinking...

Into Holes Filled With Fools...
Whose Schooling’s Not Schooled... !?!

It Seems More Like Confused...
And Fuelled To ABUSE...
How Thinking Should Be Used... !!!

Cos’ It Shouldn’t Cause Feuds...
It Should Surely IMPROVE...
The Way Humans Move...
And Should Now Embrace TRUTH... !!!

Instead of Breed Thinking...
of... Critical Thinkers...
Who Do NOT Wear Blinkers... !!!

UNLIKE These Politicians...
And Their Submissive Minions...
Who Deal In DIVISION... !!!

So What Is The Mission...
of Modern Day Thinking... ???

And Technical Visions...
of A Future That’s Driven...
By Robotic Technicians... ?!?

And NEW Gender Groups...
Who Get Angered By Views...
That... DON’T Fall In Line...
With Their New Gender Vibes...

And It Seems Now That Tribes...
of Various Types...
Are Living Some... BIG LIES... !!!

When It Comes To The Cliques...
That They Choose To Move With...
Who Deal In... HATRED... ?!?

Do They THINK About This...
Before Cashing Their Chips...

Whose Thinking Enlists...
Using Negroes Like CHIMPS...
Or Yeah That’s Right Monkeys...
Who’ll Sell Souls For Money... !?!

So They Can Run Their Mouths...
Just Like Puppets And Clowns...
Whose Thinking Is Pulled...
Like Strings That Are Used...
By Puppeteer Crews...

Are These People So Weak...
That Their Thinking Now Speaks...
Just Like Human Sheep...
Or Sheople Who BLEAT...
Like... Sheep In A Field...
of Sheep Dogs That Creep...
To Affect Their Psyche... ?!?

Is FEAR What They’re Thinking...
When They’re Out ACCEPTING...
Societal Deals...
That Then CONTROL Their Speech... !?!

Because What I Now See...
Is Thinking That WREAKS...
of Speech That CONCEDES...
To Much That’s... CRAZY... ?!?

New Thinking That’s SHADY...
And Clearly Quite Lazy...

When It Comes To Music...
And Creative Movements...
And Those Who Are Linked...
To This... INDUSTRY Biz’... !!!

Where … Entertainment...
Is Still Making Payments...
To Heads Who Are RACIST...

Whose Thinking Breeds Statements...
In... TV Locations...
As Well As News Stations...
Where Lefties Are CLAIMING...
Their Nations Hold Greatness...
When Racists Are Stationed...
In... Whitehouse Locations... ?!?

And Let’s Not Forget...
About Modern Women...
Whose Thinking Is Driven...
By... STRONG Feminism... !!!

That’s Driving A WEDGE...
Between Women And Men...
That’s Causing PROBLEMS...

When Men Now CAN'T Speak...
Or Just THINK... Sexually...

Is This New Feminism...

While Transgender Women...
Are Making Transitions...
That Now Have Them Winning...
Awards That Were Meant...
For WOMEN TO GET... ?!?

Does All This Make Sense... ?!?
When You Take Time To Check...
New Thinking That’s Set...
Some Very Strange Trends... ?!?

And Of Course We Have Wars...
Now Waged Between Hoards...
of Young And Old Thinkers...
About Our... Traditions...

That Are Clearly OUTDATED...
To Young People Claiming...
That Old Heads Are Hating...
And Just Need Replacing...

Well Thinking Does Change...
And Progress In Ways...

That May Well Seem Strange... ?!?
To Those Who Have Age...

But I Have To Now Say...
That Thinking These Days...
DISMISSES Brain Waves...
of... Common Sense Ways... !?!

And Many Young Minds...
Have Been Bred To DECLINE...
... Common Sense Lines...
And Thinking That’s WISE...

They Can Hate All They Like...
But In Time They Will Find...

That OLDER Opinions...
Are Driven By Living...
That’s Created WISDOM... !!!

It’s WISE Heads Who LISTEN...
To Thinking That’s Driven...
To STRENGTHEN Positions... !!!

Rather Than Be Submissive...
To Thinking That’s Sinking...
And CONDITIONED To Shrinking... !!!

Cos’ It’s Now On A Mission...
That Should Be FORBIDDEN... !!!

And Common Sense...

....... “ THINKING “.......
Thinking will always change, and progress.
However, it doesn't seem to be progressing so much to me nowadays.....
Duncan Brown Jul 2018
In the times before the current ontology being right was easy; a gift from a dextrous God. On the other hand, the world was beautifully sinister. The ‘metaphysics of the sinister condition’ propelled Immanuel Kant to conclude, that: ‘Looking at your right hand in the mirror you see a left hand, identical to right, but unable to replace the other, which, like God is right.’ Wittgenstein, a patient soul, was rightly amused and replied 200 years later, (that’s the kind of guy he was: prepared to wait a couple of centuries in order to deliver a dexterously sinister reply), ‘A right hand glove could be put on the left hand if it could be turned around in four dimensional space’. (Neil Armstrong, Captain Kirk and Doctor Who have ordered two paisley patterned pairs each).            
Machiavelli absconded from this digital count, citing an ‘a priori’ engagement with the Inquisition as a not unreasonable excuse for his point of departure. Aristotle replied: ‘Might is Right’ was true Philosophy
and fitted the world like an un-left handed glove, but he didn’t want to hang around to debate it, because his brilliantly sinister protégé, Alexander, played a very destructive ragtime with his band and was quite decidedly a great southpaw, who got dextrously cross being labelled ‘sinister’ and imagined himself to be rather charming, in that mirrored image kind of way.

Julius Caesar like Jimi Hendrix before the fall
Playing a right handed empire upside down
Until only decadent ruination was left
Second handed down to instant history
Carved in stone upon an ancient broken glory
The experience never left his soul alone
Unlike it left the beautiful Saint Joan
True righteous in all her blossoming
Left to solitary incineration at the end
Leonardo always painted in the mirror
Reflecting images from right to left
And made the distant appear quite near
A smile gazing in the closer distance
But there’s miles of mystery in the eyes
Everything else is just as he rightly left it
Beautifully left vertical on the right horizontal
Restoring your faith in renaissance artistry
Bounarroti worked the Sistine ceiling
With God outstretched in dextrous touch
Toward Adam’s innocently sinister reach
In that other Eden; Adam was left handed
Not dissimilar to the artist and the vision
Set high above the holy sepulchred floor
With its tabernacle likened door
Left so far and distant down below
The hell of all those dazzling heavens right above
Inspired Napoleon to abandon his rags
For a brightly coloured bespoke coat
And a gorgeously tailored left-ways hat
The woven garb to free a continent
And safeguard the very precious joys
Of Liberté, Justice and Egalité
The food, wine and song of democracy
In a very left handed kind of way
That was so right-on you loved him for it forever
And Moscow never looked the same without him
It’s much more Left Bank now in its Russian ways
Catherine thinks it’s Great, and in that style she left it
Then left was right an’ wrongs were righted leftly
Until everything left was rightly wronged in cruelty
And left a scar that rightly shamed a century
Nothing lasts as all things pass to dust and history
Yet the phoenix flies in the face of burning misery
While the ever salient Homer left us his republic
And his equally luminous sinister revelation
That Jack the Ripper and the Boston Strangler
But worst of all, Ned Flanders were all lefties
As it is in the end, so it was in the beginning
The ever brilliant Elvis has left the building
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2017
even if are still retaining the "something"
with writing left to right,
our grammar is backward onward
very much a jumbled
right to left...
                        i wonder,
  do languages written right to left
provide more lefties?

   is est id more correct
          than id est -

  well, depends on ?
that is................... is that?

id est versus: i.i. (in that) -
or the e.g.
          exempli gratia - as in:
example granted?
             or example given
versus: the given example?
                for example or:
the example given?

                people always tend to
give an example than makes
an argument for an example...
the example is for the example
to be made,
since there's an argument
to be made...
              an exempli gratia (e.g.)
ought to be predicated with
a conferre (c.f.)...
or e.g. squared...
one e.g. meeting another
e.g. on the c.f. pivot are, quiet simply,
always going to be naturalised
by differing, rather than integrating;

          seems that i no longer
speak a language, or write it for
that matter...
   i'm starting to sense that
i, curate it.

now i realise:
      i'm really bad at constructing
even in the medium of verse,
and how i will never write
something, worth singing;
   with due concern alternative of:
thinking about / being tickled by.

i do not pride myself on
labouring with a language toward this
point of abstraction...
    i would gladly give up this
"gift" tomorrow,
to gain the hands of a labourer -
to give up these idle if not merely idol
hands of the devil predisposed me
to handle the affairs of: blank;

mishandling language where i'm
hardly understood and thought
either mad or confused...
             a language like art,
rather than precisely mathematical in
coordinating vectors and minding
the traffic...
                 this... is what undisciplined
language looks like...
              shove a sonnet up my ***
and i'll spew out this sort of telegram.
They sing God save the King
and the pride that it brings
always puffs out their beer barrel chests,
see them posture and sneer
causing hatred and fear
with their slogans and Wife Beater vests.

"Rule Britannia" they shout
"Get the brown people out
'cause they're just not the same as we are,
they're taking our jobs,
and I've heard they eat dogs
That Woke lot have all gone too far!"

"We need to be free of all Muslims you see,
cause they're bringing in Shakira law,
all these fighting age men that the lefties let in
will behead you outside your front door"

"They're not fleeing war zones,
they have Nikes and Iphones,
they risk death to leave France, it's bizarre!
Now they've come over here
and the reason is clear
it's the benefits, housing and Car"

They sing God save The King
and the "pride" that it brings
leaves the rest of our Nation ashamed.
With hands clutched to their chest
and the flag they love best
they'll destroy what once made Britain Great.
Martynas Oct 2020
once upon a time a southern stallion appeared in LA
he had a dixie cross
marked right on his *** ⌧
with the mane sticking out of the holes of his MAGA hat
you’d consider him a stoolpigeon if you didn’t know him
he walks 3rd street promenade of Santa Monica
feels uplifted
looks healthy and happy
just like Napoleon’s horse when he marched in Cairo.
Our stallion enjoys the neatest boulevard of the city
and no one stares at him –
here every man can express his extravagance in his own ways
all of them have their own unique story of abnormality
but our stallion
we should not forget
is from the classy Virginian family
pureblood I must say
his father was the elder of the stables of the White House
a light-hide-hunter stallion
white like a snowball
many times people talked of his ***** and how’d they want it
but he’s so peerless and must remain undivided
he cannot be simply cloned just for political loyalty
neither for a piece of preference shares
his father was first horse
with his rococo whinny
aesthetic leaps
always as fast as a meteor
and who among the elite
didn’t dream of mounting him?
even Obama rode
and he rode him to death
he fell like a star
on a green grass of Capitol
junior saw it with his own eyes -
that democrat ******, in his words,
all fraught with hatred to his own country
and it’s traditions
rode him old Virginia white to death
forcing him to skip over a barrier
and racing him like some born-to-amuse-bumpkin
they then brought another horse after his death
swarthy and stinky half-breed
suitable, to be frank,
only for ploughing the ground
and now his deeply offended son
comes from the deep south to LA
to take his revenge on the lefties
now that his father’s gone
he walks with a mountain of dynamite in his head
with the burning cross in his eyes
with the pain and anger in his heart
with the bleeding granite of Capitol in his ear
you couldn’t get very close to that kind of horse
you cannot tame that kind of horse
you’ll be hunted by that kind of horse
until that very moment
when you’ll lose
this tiresome and idiotic war
of the offended people.
Yenson Jun 2020
what will they do without me
in this climate of mattering
when a knee invited pandemonium
and the Alaskan cannot hide in snow blindness
at least down the old Kent Road the Reddies are jiving
reasons to be happy as we vent or frustrations in the twist
but woe betide for our street puppets are decamping in clarity
wised up to the unsavory underbellies of the rigmaroles of lefties
known liars campaigning for the rights to steal and call such revolt
give us falseness and hate to cover our shame
let our underworld connections do the contract
call out the Ungland Defence League in guises
all in covert operation we went for take down
and pulled out all the stops
but never has this happened before
all the mud in the armoury
all the damaged sadists
could not bring me down
so come out one and all
what will they all
do without me
Twizzle48 Jan 6

I really feel that politics has regressed
Yet it never was much from the start
For each generation, the needle shifts
But policy clarification brings no gifts
It always exposes deeper societal rifts
More motivation for all to stand apart
Little chance that all will come to rest

It’s been lefties and now it’s the right
Not centrist, but out at the extremes
Could one now even call them wings
With all the media coverage it brings
And each unguarded statement stings
Reconcilliation is only in your dreams
But with a growing tendency to fight

Our tolerance appears to have receded
Popular anger is now so ready to erupt
Now it’s political correctness gone mad
No way to separate the good from bad
The best chance that revolution has had
Failing governments, one may interrupt
Bold leaders are always what we needed

In Cromwell’s day it was the Monarchy
Even these days, still with threat of war
Whether it’s Ukraine or the Middle East
One should try and recognise the beast
And all to give peace a chance, at least
History can claim it’s been seen before
It is a cycle, not one direction, you see

— The End —