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Robert G Page Apr 2013

it’d been a few years since the music died
i was a senior **** hard as a rock.
yep for buddy, jp and richie we sighed
when ever we listened to S and J’s “sleep walk.”

back in the days of crisp clean air
the colors of fall and new school year.
still living at home with nary a care
just thinking of sports and the crowd’s wild cheer.

gone in a flash the summer past
we lived so fast life couldn’t keep up.
trips to the lake, two bucks for gas
saturday night’s dance and dragging the gut.

this was our life most all that we knew
we didn’t see where our futures would lie.
our harvest jobs got our new clothes for school
while our parents pitched in for the car’s we’d drive.

first day of school we checked out the class
all with their bronze summer tans.
that’s when I saw this cute texas lass
with the very strange name, jimmie-lynn.

a few of my buddies had steadies you see
they never had to want for a date.
but getting a girl was much harder for me
for shy and unskilled I accepted my fate.

we went undefeated three weeks in the season
for the schools pride I was good at the game.
as the team’s co-captain there wasn’t a reason
that for jimmie-lynn’s heart I’d turn up so lame.

then with the help of a friend’s girl friend
i got to meet this girl of my dreams.
i felt so nervous I wanted to run
not knowing then I was the end in her scheme.

seems that she’d seen me the first day of school
with my curly blonde hair and dark brown eyes.
she couldn’t understand why I didn’t have a girl
and she really couldn’t see why I was so shy.

she was warm and friendly, and I soon felt at ease
word’s leaped from my mouth I’d never before used
like “whatcha doin’ after the game friday night,”
and “wanna go for pizza” or “what ever you choose.”

the days flew by and friday night came
the night air was cold and the crowd was wild.
and playing for jim I had my best game
with skill and speed and fierceness unbridled.

after the game a quick shower and change
into my chevy reaching under the seat.
my trusty jade east for the dance at the grange
and off to chick’s drive in, my jimmie to meet.

my home town was small didn’t have far to drive
the place was hoppin’ and inside was packed.
take a minute, calm down, and spot jimmie I thought
but with a hero’s welcome  couldn’t  help but be jacked.

we soon found ourselves off and alone
we just sat and talked three hours on end.
then jimmie told me she had to get home
she’d be going home with her sister and friends.

i asked her to the movies for the following night,
with yes she leaned in and gave me a kiss.
it was short but sweet. this was all that I knew,
not knowing before just what I had missed.

it’s been fourty some years since that october night
a lot of life’s river’s passed over the falls.
and though we’ve long since gone each our own way
i’ll think of that sixty third fall most of all.
JIMMY large nose natural hipster totally informed clever funny sincere yet aloof

JOEY tall tan lanky physique long thick brown hair in braid striking good looks yet self-unaware

SHANNON athletic build attractive brunette accomplished poet so good she doesn’t need to prove it emotional sensitive tough

ANNE Joni Mitchell good looks bohemian self-effacing impulsive submissive *****

ACT 1 scene 1

a deserted chic indie reception area somewhere present 8:30 PM

JIMMY (singling out Anne) you’re so beautiful i want you so bad

ANNE oh yeah you’re sweet to say that

JIMMY i mean it you symbolize hope inspiration in me

ANNE hope? oh god

Anne looks away runs fingers through her hair

JIMMY hear that song over the speakers?

ANNE yeah

JIMMY it’s “Home” Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes very cool check out rough trade east version on youtube

ANNE yeah right

Anne blows air out her nose looks away in Shannon’s direction

SHANNON (singling out Joey) do you read?

JOEY yeah some

SHANNON what are you currently reading?

JOEY uh a text about economic international relations

SHANNON hmmm interesting do you ever read literature or poetry?

JOEY nah not much

SHANNON like movies?

JOEY yeah sure some

SHANNON what’s you’re favorite movies?

JOEY “The Devil Wore Prada” “Eddie” “I’m Not There” i don’t know there are tons of movies i enjoy

SHANNON interesting

JOEY i need to ask Jimmy something excuse me

Joey walks across area to Jimmy

JOEY that western shirt looks so cool on you

JIMMY thanks yeah it’s a hip shirt what up dude?

JOEY oh god Shannon is hitting on me she’s way too full of herself way too available

JIMMY hmmm nice toned body bet she’s a tiger in the hay

JOEY not interested

JIMMY me neither but i could be persuaded honestly i’m blown away with Anne

Anne approaches Shannon

ANNE Jimmy is a conceited **** he thinks he’s so cool Shannon you look so beautiful this evening your hair complexion

SHANNON funny I felt so blah all day what did Jimmy say to you? he’s not my type but not so bad if only he had Joey’s looks Joey’s shy sweetness look at Joey over there his eyes lips he’s so **** I think I’m falling in love and yet i recognize falling in love requires a huge territory of untried tolerance

Anne’s fingers stealthily pocket Shannon’s tortoise-shell comb while Shannon observes Joey fawning over Jimmie across room


refer to ACT 1 scene 1
david mungoshi Oct 2016
the twigs are still and quiet
            indeed the birds have flown
            soon it'll all be ice and snow
         and shrubbery in a white gown
     as everywhere traffic seeks ease of flow
           i see that the birds have flown
      and that no more grass has grown
no more daffodils, lupine and hollyhocks
or the bluebirds, larks, thrushes and nightingales
     that jimmie rodgers waxed lyrical about

     one swallow i see in acrobatic show
        of frantic rhythm to beat the snow
        but futile its extravaganza ever is
       for one swallow does not make a summer
      i see that indeed the birds have flown
being recently arrived on a visit to the british isles i was struck by the absence of bird song at the break of day. then it struck me that the birds had probably migrated to warmer climates. i couldn't resist the temptation to do a parody of the words of Charles the second on arriving at a belligerent parliament: i see my birds have flown. the pun is deliberate
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Now what do we poets do
When we fall in love ?
Unable to sleep the
Master bedroom frozen,
Their divan on fire.
Hearts longing throbbing
fire and ice peach cobbler
can't suffice to apeace.
Brains deeped in energies
of color purple in hearts.

Her poet longing for her diamond cave behind
her Jimmie Angel,
And El Salto del Moro
His poetess thirsting
for his jewls
behind his Dhrudhiya
swelling on monsoon
His Padajhar Mahadev
She's dreaming with his
Mount Abu
in Rajasthan.

Thus the poets
lay throbbing, longing
Sketching love's honey pots
The poets bunny bees!
Lay enamoured
by their waterfalls abliss..
By Karijinbba 2021
All rights reserved
A life true story of poets in love
Ms J Sep 2013
I was dreaming lucky
   But woke up cold in hand;
I dreamed I had a dollar
   But woke up cold in hand.

Woke up this morning
   Feel around for my shoes.
You know about that?
   They took yours too?

Sometimes I feel
   Like walkin'.
Sometimes I feel
   Like cryin'.
Sometimes I feel
   Like a motherless child.
Sometimes I feel
   Like I ain't no one at all.

Say brother,
   I can't make change
      For a nickle.

Say sister, oh sister,
   Can you spare me
      One thin dime?

"When a man gets the blues
He grabs a train and rides."

I know
   I ain't no man.

"When a woman gets the blues
She hangs her head and cries."

I know
   I don't feel
      Like no woman.

So when I get me back
   My walkin' shoes,
      Those worn out, old walkin' shoes,
I'm takin' this suitcase
   Full of blues I got
      And ride the boxcar blinds
Past Boogie Street
   All the way to
      Johnson's Crossroads.

Lines in Quotations are direct from Train Whistle Blues by Jimmie Rodgers, 1929
Poeta de Cabra Jul 2014
I was once a singer, a famous rock star
Every one loved me, I was so very popular
Sang with the best, up there on the stage
**** Jagger, The Beatles and even Jimmie Page
  I sang in all the big cities, all over the world
  I was so happy, being such a star, a popular girl
  Making so much money, but I was running amuck
  Forgot my friends and family, I didn't give a ****
No one else mattered, I was the important one
Forgot about my husband, and my dear little son
The things that really mattered, I'd lost all sight
There were lots of groupies, and parties every night
  Lots of *****, men, and the drugs, were never short
  If I ever felt bad, some powder I would snort
  No one ever told me, that I was doing myself harm
  By injecting all that ****, into the veins of my arm
I'd awake some mornings, feeling a ****** mess
But after some drugs, I became again, a Goddess
Everybody loved me, I was their favourite daughter
I thought the same, thought, I could walk on water
  One morning I awoke, all shattered and broke
  No alchohol to drink, and no grass for a smoke
  All my friends deserted me, left me for dead
  Said that I was definately, ****** in the head
It was all over, my life of ***, drugs and fun
My husband had long gone, and took with him my son
I had bought it all on myself, of that, there's no doubt
Spent a week in hell, just crying  and drying out
    I had lost everything, my good looks and my wealth
    And I was skin and bone, not a picture of good health
    Broken down I was, all drug ****** and spent
    Dragged myself outside, to the hospital I went
For weeks I was there, in bed on a drip
The truth and reality, I wanted to grip
Slowly I came good, to God I needed to talk
Then two weeks later, I could finally walk
    I'm living in a rehab center, at this very time
    Please don't worry about me, I'll be just fine
    I'm now a faded angel, don't deserve a lot of glory
    Just hoping that someone, learns from my sad story
Torin Mar 2016
I found you
After the lights were turned off
After the campaign for Moorish dignity
Failed miserably
Spin Fortuna's wheel
And hope it lands in a beneficial spot

Your voice still speaks
As loudly as if you were next to me right now
After you died in a car
Breathing in the fumes of life completely undiluted
I listen to Jimmie Spheeris
As I recognize we are living in a confederacy of dunces

And no neon bible exist
Without you
I was worried most would not know what I am referencing
Ken Pepiton Apr 2024
The evidence reviewed, this  a half time later.
"a man can
make up his"
own mind, my, me mine
myme mine mymemine nine iterations,

expand the basic concepts of topological
space time, in the neighbourhood
south of all three bridges into Saigon, on the roof

Make it up, make it all up, and wait fifty years.
And the mime in the street keeps the beat
silently reciting Kerouakoan streams.
'Tryna get to sunny Californy' -

Canned Heat, sterno still, sip it,  get back
Beatles became something akin
to a window left open now
fifty years, since January 1969, Radioman
and Tom Green on the Panasonic
music from the other side… the joke
'Look Fred, that man by the road'
Some *** fiend got in print in 1968

Get back, Jack. And that

started the whole world crying,
from the commonwealth to common woe,

-- Interesting times upon us, oh yeh

A hook, in a song,
Forty Million Frenchmen Can't be Wrong
- ah, allusion, get back, prophecy
- right, fifty years ago today, soon
- Ringo says Forty Million Churchills, back then
or late, lately as the topo-logical-ournearity
gets back to optimum
later there, we were, on the roof
of that old fishnet factory
dangled there before, me,
the deal, if you want it, come and get it
better hurry cause it's goin fast,
ricochet -
Highschool History, 1963,
Forty Million Frenchmen can't be wrong?

What does that mean? I asked
Miss Dinas, who was plump, and cheery,
and she lived with Miss Some-name
I forgot
to notice, due to, the clue
in the way Miss Dinas winked, that one time,
at me, when she said
Forty Million Frenchmen Can't be Wrong.
-- look away
Some squared away artist cries, stop the lies!
Gray-ace, go fish
happy soldier character- no, Fernando- a bull
ABBA , not winking - snorting
at me, when she said
feed your head,
autistic community, com-unionize AI
alize the musical, a means of saying things,
silly, silent
hints of splendor in the grass,
and weeds, and black-eyed suzannes,
growing in the road,
Tobacco Road,
down at the end of town, where
skid row hits the river,
long and wide,

milk and Hohner on t'othaside
sharp hone mama
Sioux wee, Sioux e- baby, be my baba now,
Humbaba, guard
my forest
sein, mein, wine and rosy days being wise
in thine own eyes,

as we warned, eh/ wahrrmmmnned edu
mcate edumacation, the deal was…
I was to learn to
become a maker of papermoney clips
from plastic straws on a trus'line, about to rupture
and spill guts
on gumption swallowed whole.
Koans and Cohen and all
-- If it had been my will
I'd a been so dead, so long ago, I'd be
as if I'd never been,
-- If it had been my will

True rest, needs a weary mind,
to weigh its worth,
hangdown yo' head, Tom Green, duely done
do tie yer Jimmie Lee Jackson
Bronc Rider Trophy Buckle to m'line
let it out
come think a mile with me, let's
see what come to mind.

--whistle break
-- heads abobbin, we rock on, Sisyphus
the first,
agreed we got the message in the medium
evolved by will worship alone,
rock on, roll on un
aided, no doubt by the spirit advisor
to old Abraham Lincoln's jot on the margin
"a man can
make up his"… hmmm, his own mind, hmmm

wouldjaremind me, what was I thinkin'
"a man can
make up his mind to be as happy as he is…"

Free to be. I think free to be alive, maybe,
Lincoln was athinkin'
as a we, the people agree we do have title right
to life, awe
and liberty, I suppose, we must define, to refine,
down to the gilt around the frame,
on the back side, wasted glitter, thin film of actual gold
I'll be, did you ever see the like, a
jurer or a presti-digital simulacrum truckin' on and on
sayin' come on
sing old songs, ones we ever
learned again
what you never thought possible, just a minute
as we ponder the effect of a silly millimeter longer
rising in a ribbon
past lips of an apple green shade,
Inspiring but fun with the tensecond leaps forward and backward
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She appears nightly in the window, under a fading out blue gel spot light sporting cheap lingerie...

Her red slapped **** fit a bit too tight!
I was strung out on Cutty Sark, the whole darkish day!

Thunder clapped overhead; the rain threatened the would be turn-out of bums!

Prima Donna, was her ****** stage name: she hid the newborn kid under the bar...

He resembled Jimmie Durante,
The baby smoked a cigar!

Live *** *** Show: read the blinking orange neon sign...

She pretended she was a road house star!

Her stretch marks indicated she had been tossed around...

Town to town, bar to bar!

Now she travels in a carnival trailer...

She drinks herself to sleep when no one is around: can't be seen crocthless!

Wide spots in the road are the small time attractions...

Her fat *** boss sells China made fake Rolex time pieces...

Character is all you have when no one else watches...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
La Strata goes Vaudeville... poetry... drama!
shanta young Nov 2015
It was back in 012 did a couple of tapes did a couples of DVDS but I made a couple of mistakes. Didn’t know what I was doing but I put on the cape know it’s which world tour should go on today?
See you told me I would lose but I won I might cop a million Jimmie chews just fun. Because ******* couldn’t take what was in me Australian Kinney might run up to Disney out with in LA with fenny. I got the eye of the tiger the lion of Judah.
Now it me and my time me and just me and my prime everything I tried to teach them they gonna see it in time tell the ******* to get a stick I’m done leading the blind. Got two shows tonight out in Brooklyn and Dallas then a private hand party in the new British tower you can see me in sight it’s my time to shine all the people in line which mean I have fly like a movie no commercial its lil-Tay more money yah I’m universal.
I hear they coming for me because I hear the top is lonely what the **** they gonna x2 say I’m the best doing it x2. I’m the best
I Rember a time they didn’t give me a time of day just spit in my face then walk away couldn’t buy my mother a couch now I’m sitting at the closing board brought my mother a house you can never understand why I grind like I do damaiyah and abri why I cry like I do cause even when my real mother was on crack I was crack now the whole album crack you don’t got to skip a track I don’t have  to get a plaque I don’t go to get a reward I just walk out the door
all the girls would applaud All the girls would commend as long as they understand that I’m fighting for the girls that never thought they can never can win but before they can begin you told them it was the end and I’m am here to reverse the curse that they live in. got two bones to pick but Imma only chose one you might get address on the second album which mean you breathe tells my mothufucker to say so tell all my bad ******* I can see your halo.
I hear they coming for me because the top is lonely what the **** they gonna say x2 I’m the best doing it x4 I’m the best x2 its ok x2 as long you know as long you ******* know I’m the best x5 I’m the best doing it
Kenshō Nov 2014
"I wonder what kingdoms rest in the clouds?",
Said the little hopeful girl to the mother with a queer frown.
"I wonder what's at the center of the earth or beneath the ground!"
Crushed was Jimmie by reality's pressure~
Those people who ventured either suffocated or drowned!
"Listen, it's the faeries, do you hear that sound?"
Said suspicious the child to whom all was around.

To all whom searched,
gave up,
or are no longer around..
Wonder no longer..

Nothing was found.
don't take it literally =P it's just a poem that came to me
Cecelia Francis Jan 2015
To be the
unlocked door
before you

Jimmie in with
bobbi pins and
credit cards
Knock politely and
wait, ring if left

Maybe I'm still
in the shower
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
i have absolutely no idea why this world is built
upon the stagnation that good
is equated with being stupid,
and that evil is prime intelligence...
or primarily so.
take the retards away,
and what you're left with
is what democracy challenges....
democracy is a kind of politics
that allows for crimes to prosper...
take Jimmie as an example
a belief in strength is not a belief
bound to rebellion...
democracy breeds a faith in rebellion
and the distribution of injustices,
where everyone can suddenly
exclaim: NOT MY FAULT! hands
raised flapping, the innocence plea...
the dodo's: i shouldn't be dead,
but i am, nonetheless, here i out-flap
the attempts of pigs at flight!
so too the chickens croaked,
and didn't coo like pigeons;
so too the Krev Ørn:
na ma hyrna jar! ska hurn sad nah!
and then death followed -
hi sfaldnjier ga'rm!                  d + n + j = ð
                           dneerie... or ~, or quasi....
or nearer -     knee earned ear -
harpoon tagline ooze!
knock knock. who's there?
onomatopoeia. onomatopoeia who?
echo! echo! echo!
                 so spoke the chastised pigeons
when hearing the morose croaks of crows.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2024
Spukhafte Fernwirkung//

On the morning
of March 16, 1968, American soldiers
from "C" Company came
into the village of My Lai…
-Conti's testimony, he stayed
Second tour he got arrested,
he was an armorer for First Cav,
I know a guy who knew him
when he got arrested, on duty.
About 1970, before Cambodia.
Back at the itch to think about 1968
from 16 MAR 68,
spooky was a DC3 with six miniguns,
spending nickles by the ton.
spukhafte Fernwirkung//

The next day, these toes
on the end
of me,
touched the tarmac
at Bien Hoa, beginning this memory
of instants, impressionistic
at best, something like YouTube shorts
from chronological context
to fit the news between ads
for aging related aches and pains past
and present.
mehr spukhafte Fernwirkung//

In my 20 year old self,
in quest of lines showing duty done,
on my political career Résumé of fitness
to lead, to  me being mentored by Newt,
in American History, as he saw it, true,
Newt forsaw the EMP threat, and
scored an audience of told yous,
proud to have learned bullet
making after school… at the NRA clubhouse.
und mehr//
-ping ping ping

Triumphs and Indians, ' never saw a flathead Harley
until the summer of 1969, I saw the wreck, a Harley
wrung young Jimmie Hudgins neck, and he lived,
but he never went with us who did, and came back
as different as night and day, other people,
through and through,
truly on another trail, beyond the reason used in war.
fur spukhafte Fernwirkung
we took to spirit warring, with quarks
on our side, holding this thought

Pop, we inhabit bubbles as big as we imagine.
I long believed we live in bubbles of all we know.

I was wrong.
Become unmazed, unentangled, literally
free to define what you leave be true,
testy, feisty, wanna fight?
Or phuckaround with physics and spells,

Hallowed has meaning, yet, amen?

Even odds, live to the end…

See, I had been infected,
seeing as I held
memories and lines,
I took for testimony Stephen Crane
put to ink, made me link that
now, not then, to a canvas,
Ms. Butler's Roll Call,
one approaching
the age where children are taken for war,

National Religio Significado duty accepted
as each pledged aliegiance, under God,
or else the communist spectre
brought unspeakable
horrors of HIROSHIMA!

Downwinder's loved to watch the flashes
- line on  crypto classification;
- subject locus south of river
On my DD 214, I was eligible to live on
Partaking of Largesse I earned by being
still alive and secretly, something
of National Pride Proving Passage right,
my nation, now,
pays me to breathe,
and learn until I die or ever happens,
Popt to your situation, reading
not involved,
after all
way beyond ever
after that revelation,

this is it, we did not die, nowhat,
Put on this mind, think these words,
you are you at last phaze myelination,
or your signals are phading,
but we got clear text 5 by 5, read on
a survivor
of a specified exposure
to war,
a year, was deemed enough, and enough
to share
on circumstantial instances
when you think
okeh, what good could I do if
I accepted the truth
of the tree
of knowledge teaching only permanently

through experience passed through
and seen from this side… so then

I freely say, I know, what this is…
my life's cache of idle words, accounted for,
and activated
wise decision weighs against luck,
choosing liberal arts and sciences
to become a force made right
by the blood of Jesus to fight
any enemy
so declared,
by God's local employees
and the men He arranged
to be shaped
into wielders o
f carnal weapons, so awesome
cost for the risk not taken
2024 chances, short odds
of the answering invention's wise domain
above all answering witty inventions used

- to blow our little holy relics to dust

to make boys believe there is glory
found in fighting
for Nobel aspirations,
for asking noble questions, much glory
-+- does peace made
with words earn,
to deal with
all ra' adversity to intricately, functionally
beautiful towb be left to become the message.

God's chosen Nation's policy of people use.

As Stephen Crane has been said to have said:
They come, I write them, that's all they mean until you read them
Stephen Crane
. In terms of style and inclinations, he borrowed from many categories but settled on none; he was a Romantic, an impressionist, a Symbolist, a naturalist, a realist, a Modernist.

oeuvre or opera,
operational patterns impressing
conscientious objects indelibly,
meme grit destined to be teardrop pearls.

A Man Said to the Universe

By Stephen Crane
A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”

In the Desert

By Stephen Crane
In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, *******,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;

“But I like it
“Because it is bitter,
“And because it is my heart.”

Source: Twentieth-Century American Poetry (2004)
Harold r Hunt Sr Jan 2015
Somewhere tonight
Somewhere tonight they will sing from the heaven above.
Playing the music of the great for all to hear.
Good old Hank will sing your cheating heart he is so lonesome he could cry.
Patty Page she will take the stage with a song only she could sing.
While Bill Monroe gets ready to play with Conway and the boys.
They sing with joy and welcomes the newest
As little Jimmie Dickens belts out a song .
There is no rest for the best.
As somewhere tonight they all will sing.
As the sky fills with song may they all R.I.P.
Ghetto Mozart melody flowing to ya heart
Cant part from these poisonous darts
I lurk the dark black lagoon spotting June's
Summer fly girls with the biker short shorts
Light a new port blaze the fire rewire tapped
The metal flyers got em flier reaching higher
Destination devastation rot atomic creations
Its the black Dutch cobra clutch aint much
You can do once I break off ya crew drawin' blues
Mississippi been a hippie since she met jimmie
Rock the spot the flashlight over rocks ***** knocks
Out the biggest men well then again I turn to gin
Rebirth through medicine inject hip hop syringe
Cold cringes from my friends check the spins
Rims caught smoke from the gust of the wind
I'm burning rubbers sitting fat on money like Jabba
The hut heir to King Tut soldier feelin' bolder
Got Jafars diamonds in the rough catch a bluff
Watched em get stuffed trunk fantasy
Island investors hawk at leechers like Ester
Pack the desert ease as a protector inspector
Over ya decks beats i check mics i wreck
Give em the Van Gogh art effect woods peck
Choppin' off the haters list to gain respect
Words hit like a tech infant godly flows dialect
Feel me flow ocean tide to hide the gloomy pride
At the lakeside of funk got much ***** chunk
me an Alley op me a beat watch the rhymes dunk
suckas cant know they can't compete
All of a sudden (upon
     immediately arising refreshed,
     whar these lovely
     bones did not ache

getting shut eye lasting
     amply time for
     fatigue to brake,
     long enough for tear ducts

     to generate sandy granule
     size piece smaller
     than a Jimmie
     sprinkled atop piece of cake

an inexplicable fanciful
     notion gripped me
     to circumnavigate the globe
(then during or after

     write a poem or journaled)
     possibly like Sir Francis Drake
who lived (circa 1540 –
     28 January 1596)

alight to adventure found
     yours truly though
     no longer tired
     i.e. once adequately

     rested and awake,
(despite sleeping respite
     did reckon asthma
     second daily nap,this not "FAKE)"
ah ran to the community room,
     cuz sigh did hanker for coffee,
     sans one of the (perky,

     finely grounded, Earthy)
     residents, who faintly resembled
     a Minnesotan from Land o Lake
did brew, filter, and invoke love

     said coffee she did make,
tubby extra sure boundless energy
would keep me alert for:
     long day's journey into night

and while walking briskly
(this took about a bajillion
     orbitz round the sun,
cuz ah...unfairly small feet

     for this opaque
     grown man hoop ping to partake
of sipping a hot cup of Joe,
     (despite the outside temperature

     feeling like a bajillion degrees -
     courtesy of global warming)
mouth (analogous to
     the dog of Pavlov)

     started to salivate
for desperate caffeinated
     thirst to slake
after a couple swallows...

     ah (no idea why butta)
     Zarathustra channeled
     thru me didst spake.
Mississippi in the middle of a dry spell
Jimmie Rodgers on the Victrola up high
Mama's dancin' with a baby on her shoulder
The sun is settin' like molasses in the sky
The boy could sing, knew how to move, everything
Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for
Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please
Up in Memphis, the music's like a heatwave
White lightning, bound to drive you wild
Mama's baby's in the heart of every schoolgirl
"Love Me Tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle
The way he moved, it was a sin, so sweet and true
Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for
Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please
Every word of every song that he sang was for you
In a flash, he was gone, it happened so soon
What could you do?
Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please
Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please
If you please
If you please
If you please
JD Halpert Apr 2021
I remember the first time meeting my good friend Jimmie.
They said he was addicted to whiskey.
Maker’s Mark to be exact.
I was longing to be in my natural habitat
A country musician who’s skin’s black.
Pop-country is supposed to be bad.
I never understood that.

Nobody ****** with us.
Immediate joy and trust.
Our minds clicked like a clique on a beat.
“Stick around with us. Show us your mind. Have a seat. Maybe you could be a part of our team.”
A connection I never had yet.
People finally considered my mind an asset.

Code names and NDAs to protect the stars Stoney Creek would create.
She was supposed to come along someday,
but she had no patience to wait.
Absorbed by past dates and bad fates.

Code name’s “Whiskey,” because I matched shot for shot.
Shared my story, heard their thoughts.
Told me I had made my mark.
“Whiskey is a Mark Maker. A genius writer and creator”
We made our mark with Maker’s Mark.
We gamble often off the charts.
Take some time to play some cards.
Write some songs straight from the heart.
A connection that’ll never fail.
We knew it from the start.
In 1930 crooning actors Jimmie Adams (1888–1933) & Bud Jamison (1894 – 1944) performed as "The Rolling Stones." Y mas intriqué: Dan Blocker never met a gall bladder surgeon who didn't **** him. [Without pain there can be no Spain.]

PIGS AT BOTTOM, of heart, chest, entrails...
Why are blondes attracted to *******?
   Furnace expert: “I don't care who freezes to death!”    
   Furnace expert's wife: “My husband beats me in the cellar!”
   Unemployment expert: “I've been employed as an
unemployment expert for twenty-seven years.”
   Richard Nixon's barber: “Since Richard Nixon crapped out
I can't distinguish between **** roast and hind quarters.”
Comics Jimmie Adams and Bud Jamison released their
record "Down By The Old Rio Grande" as the Rolling
Stones in 1930. It's available on You Tube.
what is in a name4?
he didd
didin't utter his personal name
he who hides them (masculine plural)
Quake Tyrant of
the Legit Literacy
asking the Egyptian without
asking the Mandarin
god who survived the Ho0locaust
beyond the Crucifix
imagine a God of a People
not the God Christ Odeipuss of
Individuals: i can cast spells you know!
a name that gave prison planet of Islam
Je Chowa...
kurwa! kur V ah!
if there's a YH
way: via the pitchforks of Vah VH

Jesus Christ has no part
of my literary journey
Jesus was not
Flaubert's Madame Bovary...
is Jesus Cheese
just for literary border like my Edie
my Stacie my hmm
doll...       doll can you make me coffee?
the tragedy
   if i had a son i could
keep these ego castcades into earthqwuakes
and water...
v                     but a daughter:
god is looking for a name
to be known personally:
the Jimmie Saville shy
with James Bond:
you're looking for that sort of guy
girl i'm your guy...
the vanity serpent is whispering...

je non suis:
isch: bein: being not good
byne: huh? trenches trenches
mind your rat rhasp zodiac
march: don't gorget the flute:\
rhythm paanther
the dyslexiac serpent...
the lion
nd baron
healthy woman
reset many memories:
i willl use pornographjy
learn early
that's what i implied Early with Judge
Judie and reyla...
mix max up stream of consciousness
slow prose
and playing with DYSLEXIA
YHWH would know
etc       i'm the friend of the father of christ
i am
the Jerusalem
i am the friend of Christ's Father
i am
the Paraclete!
Je-ChoWA: he who hides them!
in niqabs!
Jacob's ladder
and Joseph's Son the Christ...
didn't Joseph have a smoking
and i was drinking
buddy at the movies
          Alexander is i am Matthew
and there's the ****** Mother
****** Mother:
the genius of da Vinci was that
he was a *******:
so mum was a ****
no one ever thought
as the son
with the ****** Mary
being a **** Victim...

i didn't know
but i ex[ected
the story to be
a return
a Christ
a REayla story
the unconsciious drift
a **** story
so Mary was *****...
so the god is a mystery of ****
it's a mirror: gentlemen!
we are! so so, so so close!
we have cats as torpedos in
sumbarines and whales:
the Holocaust happeened!
let us not believe the Anglo-Saxon
Satan Liberalism:
they lost the partty very early!
James, Bond...
     James... Bond... and Austin Parker...

i'll make a ******* Copenhaghen out of you!
every time
i switch from *******
and onto pictures of:
oh, i especially adore your hairy: ***.

— The End —