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Olivia Robinson Dec 2013
bindi's grace the top of her mocha forehead.
wrist draped with bangles.      African soul.
style so Afrocentric
             afro so black panther
fist high in the air she is black pride. she embraces the motherland with open arms and is proud of her heritage. music notes hidden in the blacks of her eye. she is music. hiphop and r&b.;
tupac's  lyrics ingraved on her tongue. words of left eye instilled in her brain.
              music gives her life.
voice of an angel yet  she stays mute. black ink at her fingertips and a notebook always at her side. she is a lyrisit. she is sassy. press the wrong button and she's gone for a moment but will soon comeback to earth. a beautiful quiet vibrant soul she is indeed.  stubborn and mean at times but still as sweet as the refreshing taste of lemonade on a hot summers day.
she is Africa. she is India. she is Haiti. she is black pride. she is music. she is poetry. she is wonderful. she is comical. she is lovely. she is classy.
she is my big sister.                                     O.Rob.
my sisters been asking me to write her poem FOREVER! with her being a poet, I'd think she'd understand that i can't just sit and write a poem, the words must come to me. finally they did and today's her birthday so I thought I'd give it to her as a gift.
Jasmine Mar 2014
If I tore open my chest
And let my soul come bleeding out
To seep into the cuts
Ingraved deeply on your hands
I would soak in so deep
You would have no choice but to
Taste me
In every breath you took
See me
In the darkness behind your eyelids
Feel me
In every spine-tingling chill
That made you feel so much more alive
And maybe
Just maybe then
You could finally feel
What is like
To be connected to someone in such a way
That you think they live beneath your skin
Powerless yet so powerful. My potential is left untapped. Greatness  unwrapped.

Placing a mask to fit in. " but how long will it last"

But the best part of all if this is your ignorance to all of this.
Your lack of care has made you inner being question its importance. I shouldn't care.
Yet I care
So much that every word you utter is tattooed onto my memory and re-ingraved every time I think of you.
You. Sir ma'am boy sister. Recognize your power
Stay  woke when when you vibrate. Recognize your energy because that stuff is contagious.

Don't cloud my aura with your pleague of self hate.
Love yourself.
Cece Jul 2021
Stripping the sheets that took away a soul
Life goes on we just replace it with a new one

Monthly by monthly days go by
Its not always sunshine and rainbows oh my
The fragile soul that was left here to rest
Will forever be ingraved here in my head.

Goodbye forever and may you rest in peace
I will remeber you all piece by piece
Mahdiya Patel Jul 2015
I can't shake you from my bones
I can feel you within me
Within my veins
Flowing steadily

I can hear you in my head
As loud as a babies cry in the earliest morning

I can't shake you from my bones
I can feel you within me
Within my veins
Flowing steadily

I see you in my thoughts
Like a musician creating composures that cause ones ears to bleed of euphoria

I can't shake you from my bones
I can feel you within me
Within my veins
Flowing steadily

I can't shake you from my bones
You are now ingraved in me

I can feel you within me
Feeding off my sadness

Within my veins
******* me dry

Leaving me with nothing to flow

I can't feel...
I am numb
INFINITEabyss May 2016
Honesty is the best policy!.... or is it privacy
heres both;
My hearts are scattered in 5 different directions and they all feel like home
is that alright?
Not all things need a label, we're not all products up for display and purchase
Is that alright?
Sometimes, gloves fit but there's 6 more pairs you need to try on,
You never have to wait you can go, but kiss me goodbye and promise You'll write.
Theres no such thing as an ending if names are ingraved in mouth pockets
And are never too far from the corners of lips
And you can call to tell me about the time you cried  and drunk too much at a party because there was a stranger you could imagine me falling in love with,
I meant to say I love you but the words found themselves tangled in a tornado in my stomach,
Honesty is the best policy.
Lolly Tii Nov 2014
It happened in the past
II thank God we made it
Every minute was great until we gave in

Thank God ii met you

Leaving was like power be drained
Left pullid
Your name ingraved in my heart
Becoming a fossil
As my eyes turn tears to crystal
They shine so bright like diamonds
But don't worry
What happened is a mystery

Thank God ii met you
bownz Jan 2010
Voices fade

Blade of grass

deserted Answers

Right truth

She tipped her hat to me oh

I spoke Hello Mrs. Misery

Firey glance back at me her lips

opened Excuse me? It is Ms. Destiny.

Left it at that equations in my mind

had some persuasion. Turned to wave

and my friend she had wed now Mrs. Mystery

I focused a little strain in my sight.

She was already dead lowered ingraved

on her stone was the number from

her phone next to that it said

“Call me if you have any answers

you would like to leave. If I don’t

pick up well I am probably deceased.”

Oh God save the diseased.

Cold and weary.

Mr. Mystery was

always kind of


I walked past her stone on my

way home, slowed my glide bent downn

and picked a blade of grass.

Listening closely to the wind like

it was my only friend. Just

another choice made I heard a

soul cry. Voices fade…

Stevie Ray Jul 2014
This life of mine..
This mind of mine..
This body of mine..
I'm twisted, I have to be..
A freak
how can one forget to eat?
to stressed for breakfast
can only be relaxed
when an automatic
rests against my head..
I only sleep when I'm close to death
Push my face deeper in the pillow of my bed
to the point I pass out, when the muscles in my body
forcefully relax
and I can finally sleep
enjoy dreams from the time of where I cease to be
seeing diseased poisoness needles injected into me
memories of where my Angel's leaving me
visions of times where it might become permanently
ingraved in me
Scars on my heart
wishing I'd have scars carved in my flesh
Rather have a concious operation
on every part of my body
than feeling this pain everyday
untill my mind will collapse
wake up everyday with regret
that I didn't die yesterday..
Gidgette Jan 2017
I'm sorry,
I don't know how, to make amends
I'm far too sensitive, see too much
To have any "friends"
My mistakes,
Ingraved, in stone
I can never be forgiven,
Nor left alone
For these strange sins,
I cannot atone
Like the water,
That so loves the moon
Someone like me,
Can never dance in tune
Beneath all others
I, am well aware,
But please, when I pass by
Could you kindly not stare
Do me this favor, just look away
As I'm well aware of my mistakes
And I know, I can never fit,
In this life of only "takes"
abed nadir May 2013
my body has left this earth so
i do not feel left alone
i had a dream of cause i was unrelived
it was about a tidius scene

i felt so cold alone and done
done with this world for all not none
i have no pain inside that pride
i just don't get whats left for all

i needed a savoir
so found a good one
it helpt me see the ligth day
and when i woke up
i was their  say

my and your words have
led me to to see light that once
had been ingraved in my head

you lifted me when i was down
so i became what you wanted me to become
in my time of need i did what you said
cause when i asked for god only he replyed
Cas Mar 2015
pa doesn't act much like a human anymore. when he speaks it's as if he is barking at something that isn't there. like he got buisness to fix. badly. his lips don't creep into a smile like they used to now their cracked as if his aging is wrong--he never smiles with his lips anymore either now he's just mad pa all the time. in his left hand he holds a gun. that gun doesn't belong there i whisper sometimes ma's hip belongs there.

he's gone

i have come to realize i ain't got my cheery pa no more. now i have a grump pa. i have a pa who kills animals like it ain't got nothing to come back to. i got a pa who acts like ain't nobody worth his old smile anymore. not even me

i'm used to it now. i stopped staring at his face while he tears into the beef he cooked, looking for a smile to appear somewhere just for a quick moment. but then i remembered he only smiled for ma, his smile that was ingraved in my mind wasn't for me it was for ma. and ma is six feet under and so is dad's smile he created just for her.

he's gone
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
People die so young now
Leaving their bodies to still walk around
Their hearts choking on dust instead of pumping blood
Their eyes faded of all color except for the grey of the day to day
Selling their souls for the comfortable numb
No pain in their cookie cutter homes
Debt in their banks and death in their marrow
No love, no kindness, all given into the masses of blindness
Painted smiles over rotting teeth
Happiness a ghost and a lie
Nothing more than a comercial on a broken dream
Marching in circles to keep the gears spinning around
War and Hate building machine after machine
Religion blaming the devil while ignoring its own festering heart
Evil wasnt forged by the fires of hell
But invented in the hearts of man
Ingraved on every bullet and bomb and false reason of war
Generals and Kings all part of the lie
Someone has to carry the burden
Of dreaming up new ways
For young people to die
SaturnKnight May 2016
The essence of your fragrance
I will forever imbrace it
Inhale it in my soul once more
Memories of clothes stripping to the floor
The way you'd make my toes curl
Always had me moaning for more
Your light face
Green eyes
Will forever be ingraved in my mind
You always had the best of me
Not just physically, but mentally
You were like my therapy
Through fantasy, & reality..
Kept losing track of thought..
I enjoy the memories, but reality is troubling..
I miss you..
Here we are

I'm not sure if we'll get very far

But it's like you said

The initial attraction won't ever be dead

You're ingraved in my being

It's not at all freeing

You're carved in memories I've tried to forget

But maybe it's time to take that step

They're creeping up so I'm letting them out

If this doesn't work they'll be pain without a doubt

But maybe it's time we give it all up

Abandon control

And surrender to the one whose completely whole
Seema Jun 2017
The echoes, reunites shattered realms
Which was ingraved, many years back
Famous for it's soulful infrastructure
Nothing did the place ever lack

Wind brushes away eons of dirt
Rain cleanses the pillars to shine
Vines flourish with glorious flowers
This fantasy is growing in my mind...

Golden sun, beams its rays over the meadows
Where sleeps many bodies from the past
There in the corner, stands, an ancient shrine
Which once, was worshipped by this cast

On top of a pillar, there is an encryption
Blurred with dust, it's hard to understand
Standing on the bare ground, I feel the sea,
So near, as my feet feels the moist sand

I am on the opposite side of the shrine
Admiring the masterpiece of such kind
Wondering why no trace of humans around
This fantasy is growing in my mind...

Mohd Arshad Apr 2019
You do or don't help
Owing to discrimination

The rain always falls

Every droplet
Is an ingraved message
on the wall of the world
Kyle Edward wood Jan 2020
I do not know how I became
I came to spread love but they’ll call me insane
Sentenced from the heaven above
To fulfill my mission till the grave
I come with intention to save
The planet from the evil we’ve made
The descent into darkness
What a game we played
Now my times almost up
So I leave my message Ingraved
On my heart with the blood I paid
Kyle Edward wood Jan 2020
Open the blood gates
let the fire Rush in
its operation end game
see the stains
Pumpin veins through the membrane
Into the insane virus
spittin pain till I’m 6 feet In the grave
when there’s no more time left
To get saved only to get made
Marked by the beast of harlots.
Been drained of life force to the brim
of the oblivion’s ordained and sacred
to the cause of the system of the laws
that’s ingraved into the fabric of us all
go see wizard they call oz
when the curtain calls it’s no secret
who’s behind it all
You got the wrong clause
no rights for this deviant
so stop it or keep
it if you really want to know the truth
to this secret
Kyle Edward wood Jan 2020
Around and around we go
On beat with the rhythm I've known
Ingraved in stone
On the heart, within my soul

No one ever knows
The truth of your own story told
Nothing to hide
I let mine be shown.
Whatever is
Is so,

Whatever you see
Its all just a show
Lights and cameras
Hats and bandanna's
It's all how I manage
A life when it's damaged

— The End —