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a cup of coffee
makes difference on
how you manage to make it
put your love into the cup of coffee
it makes it sweet
put a bit of hate and it becomes sour
every cup of coffee defines you and your personality
the way i make my coffee maybe different for you
but the coffee beans, the the milk, the way i make is same as you
but the chances of making the same coffee as i make is a zero because
every style, every cup makes a difference
every smell of the coffee,the style,the amount you put
everything is different
but you never realize the fact that
the cup of coffee
the same cup of coffee
whether you add something or remove
it remains the same cup of coffee
you never know how hard it is to make a cup of coffee
and yet you bark about it being bad
because you never seem to understand their people's hardwork
unless you feel it
even if its a cup of coffee
you enjoy it with a passionate love and care
because it's the same cup of coffee
that has been made by a diligent hardworker
putting his love and  affection to his work
the very same coffee beans
that has been farmed by a diligent hardworking farmer
the very same milk that has been brought to you by hardworking  milkman
you never cease to understand
how hard it is to make a cup of coffee with a smiley on it
because you never tried that
but but but you will still bark about it
even if its your fault
even if you know that
you should've hold the cup firmness
you understand everything once,
you throw your selfishness and
wait to admire the hard work ,the love,affection,the care that one cup of coffee brings you
and you realize that
a cup of coffee is not a cup of coffee
it's a world on how you decide to see it
At the Matra, in a country,
Lives my elder and dear auntie,
Warmhearted, hardworker and hale,
She is from whom I know this tale.

A bumbling deerling on a day,
Went astray onto the highway,
He fell over a fallen trunk,
Breaking his leg with crack and clunk.

While the poor was sadly weeping,
The old lady stopped there, seeing.
Taking him up, right to the lap,
She took the fawn home for a nap.

Curing him and cherishing him,
Not just healing his broken limb,
But giving him fresh hay, water,
As if she were his dear mother.

Katy the cat and Doug the dog,
Nestled to him next to the stove's log,
Sharing humanely their one nest,
They could not hurt the little guest.

The fawn's leg is quickly mending,
He could dance without pretending,
He could dance since he is not *****,
However, he wasn't in the mood.

His doleful brown eyes in the far,
Are hanging on the morning star,
While the morning's red-purple lights,
Are playing on the mountain's sights.

Evening winds are chasing the haze,
Then, they get lost in the hills' maze.
"My fresh crops are waiting for you,
Come home, deerling! We all love you!"

Tears sprang into the deerling's eyes,
He wished to go back, without lies,
Only if his mother wouldn't worry,
Only if his auntie wouldn't pity.

Day and night he wants to go back,
Whither the smooth grass is his snack,
Where are fancy fields of flower,
Waiting for their deerling brother.

Where squirrels are jumping around,
Woodpeckers are hitting the trees' crown,
Cuckoos are singing gay sonnets,
And ants are wearing heavy puppets.

He's waited by the stream, by the wind,
By the running clouds there sky-pinned,
By the dewy blue-bell flower,
By the fields in colour-shower.

The old dame is weeping for him,
However, she won't hold back him,
Each one has a home to live in,
Being deer woods or human housin'.

Escorting him until the gate,
The dame must tip-tap back and wait,
Waving to him until seeing:
"Farewell, my dear little deerling!"

Pacing slowly, ambling stilly,
Door is clacking, curtain's swishy,
She is watching her dear from there,
For last, he may look back to her.

Her helpless little animal,
Hurries more and more his footfall,
And then, as fast as the lightning,
He is on the mountain, climbing.

But on the top, under the sky,
He turns back to say a goodbye:
"God bless you, field, and my old dame" -
Like the wind, he left as he came.

The summer fleets, the leaf falls down,
Every beech tree balds its ex-crown,
Snow blankets the houses, the lawn,
The old lady's living alone.

Nature's waking up, flowering,
She doesn't forget her deerling,
The Earth is turning once and twice,
The gate is knocked by someone nice.

She looks out the window lattice,
What a strange nightly guest that is?
Moonlight beems upon the country,
She opens wide the wooden entry.

Her hands opens in hugging blow:
A deer, deerling and a mother doe,
Standing there, then letting them in,
Her heart's beating, recognizing:

Her deerling became a deer dad,
Having a son now being sad:
His forefoot's broken a little;
They visited the hospital.

He asked her with his bare eyes:
Please Dame, cure my son with your ties,
Don't let him crying dear auntie,
May God return you your bounty.

Mist is afore them, fog behind,
They dressed the cape of night to hide,
Leaving their little in her arm,
Knowing, she will cure all his harm.

The little got cured one by one,
He was almost able to run,
And before the beech throws its mast,
The young buck is in the forest.

At the Matra, village border,
The Old Dame within the portal,
She's not alone why she would be,
Cold or hot, she's a busy bee.

She's surrounded by bucks and does,
They're coming back as visitors,
Winter-summer, from year to year,
They bow their head to Mother Deer.

The village folks loving her too,
They give her nicknames, one or two:
The Old Lady within the dear,
Or just simply Dear Mother Deer.

Red poppy, carnation, sage bloom,
Are decorating her mild room,
In big vases and little jugs,
Rainbow colours like made of drugs.

A flower from Steven Peter,
Another from Flower Esther,
A third one from Johhny Seral,
Surely, they'll be good persons all.

The wild flowers followed by songs,
The room's full of musical tongues,
Children singing is far and near,
While laughes and cries Dear Mother Deer.

At the Matra, in a country,
Lives my elder and dear auntie,
Warmhearted, hardworker and hale,
Her golden heart is in this tale.

Salt loaves wait the little deerlings,
Swiss rolls wait for the new-comings,
Be her guest, you too, I just say:
This is the tale's end; run away!
Fazekas Anna - "Öreg néne özikéje" translated by me, Benyamin Bensalah, from Hungarian.

Cada ves que olvido algo, malos momentos espero aveses veo sufrimiento pero aun sonriendo camino simplemente donde creare arte, verdades del sabio ancestro, sostengo objetos de luz, piedras, aire, agua, fuego el comienso termino aun siguiendo busco y siempre mi familia encuentro, ciego dibujo mi sueno en este infierno, nuestra ilusion, o solo sera mia por ejemplo una flor destruida todavia deja semillas, logicamente crecen, vida buena amenese, miro sonrisas, y ala mejor descanse, formaremos nuestros trece cielos, eterno sagrado, canto hablando destrulle mucha gente, ignorandolos cuando escucho, de todos modos muertos, montanas a pedasos, siguen moviendo con su voz el cranio, artistico, hueso presioso enterrado, revolusionarios levanto porque llo no se tampoco dar pas devolviendo todo injusto dolor obvio eso contesto si preguntan que ara uno al morir? Luego enseΠo sacrificio aprendido claramente diario visto utilizo arte para imortalisarlo bien aqui, memoria espiritual, esta illusion, vision, dream when singing, weird things I hear my mind say at night or day there's never been a need to pray I'm still unawake people judge any without what they not see around them forgive them one person says dying, laughing, brings better moments, days resting, peace I show with images that are unexplainable unless you know how artisticly these hands form stars, moons hold inside caves or wumb thrones ancient sacred rhythms respected are measurements, life, death, blind carved stone from, dreaming where children new born adorn earth nature womens tears paint every reason I won't ever hesitate to die protecting kind presence, why how take a life? It becomes easier if your enemies get lost near whoevers truly innocent, hardworker souls native soldiers, word, speech, heart, body envokes things Ive called mine speak in code all words with rhymes shine similar to diamonds, gold, even people fight many times give their lives for
After being told it's worth more shown useless teachings televisions living divided by races if all nations portray mostly poverty forgotten ninety percent population, destroys hells when few coward thoughts wanna smile watching kids crying poor creation, nest, room, natures unhappy house, only door found grows into hates reflection mirror smoke portrays fear, war, when death ends your home own selfcreated nightmares daydreaming seems what most call god forgets a lot of things though brothers or your elders won't ignore anyones pain wise youth learns truth well tought proof seek only family during struggles sustains hallusinacions very stable mindstates worldwide, waiting frontline prepared always, patiently.....
She's  beautiful  in her own way,
She  smiles  even when she's having a bad day,
She can be  delicate  but she's still   strong ,
She's not  proud ,she admits her wrong,
Words don't bring her down,
She knows noone is worth turning her smile into a frown,
She doesn't look down on others,
She feels how it would be like to be one of their mothers,
She speaks her  mind ,
She believes in it there's wisdom someone could find.
She's a  hardworker ,
And she wouldn't ever want to be a heartbreaker,

But a heart mender she would be.
She can pray..
She's a woman,a great one.
I'm not tryna set standards for the "ideal woman" nuh,its just my thoughts from my observations.
Lake Mar 2019
everybody wants to feel good
everybody says that they would
but sometimes life just doesn't play nice
and all they do is complain they don't get treated right
what happens when you run out of people to blame
what happens when you run out of hearts in this game
hate to be caught in a hall of mirrors
hate to be caught where your exterior is inferior
when you know your interior is superior
or to be more exact, you think that you're better than this
you think that you're worth it, you think you deserve it
but do you really if you don't work for it
not everyone understands what it is to feel like you can't
to feel like everything in the world is out of your hands
feeling like whatever you do won't amount to anything
when all you have to lose is everything
what's the goal? a wedding ring or a home?
or a six figure job? would that make you feel whole?
guess you'll never know. you'll never realize until you grow old.
He's friendly but not a flirt,
He's not pure but he tries to free his mind from dirt,
He sticks to one woman,
He knows having more only makes him less of a man.
He treats people with respect,
He's usually holding on to the good side an aspect,
He's positive,
His plans are so stable;more like sweetly manipulative,
Life isn't always nice for him,
But he still feels obliged to make a change in the lives of those in his realm.
He's a hardworker,
Such that he qualifies to be a home maker,
He's great but he's not proud,
He's so humble only his actions speak loud.
He's only a saint because he sins and still goes back for repentance,
He's not perfect,and he's brought this to acceptance.

He's the man,
R Nov 2013
i don't like being still.
i like moving around,
making noise and
doing things.

i physically can't be
lazy anymore.
i can't stand the thought of
not being productive,
i hate doing nothing.

im not sure if this makes me
a hardworker or if this is
the only other way i know
how to cope with everything.

i just push everything to the
side and do a bunch of work.
constantly pushing myself into
stressful situations until i scream because
i like the feeling of being productive and
being someone my parents and teachers
are proud of and i dont know,
i guess thats better than cutting but
what if the stress becomes so much that
i can't handle it anymore and
then i go back to the
blades even worse
than before?

he told me that he was proud
of how well i've been doing but
i can't help but think that
its a lie and he could really just
care less about me,
just like my parents do.
Yamini Mar 2021
Giving up is easy
excuses are easier
hard is to stay
and make them work is harder

Our archives were
who invested as
and results weren't flying along colours
and so discarded

Appreciation lies in their patience
Compassionate was their love
Beautiful was their compatibility
Love was theirs
and lovers were they

Options were lame
they wanted long answer type questions
luck wasn't in their list
but she was his destiny

All that never goes
that is preserved prestigious
in our small boxes of memories
that we would never allow to flee
these boxes are ours
and our heart soul all inherited
from him......
Samira Feb 2019
Two years ago, I met “him”. He was new to me but familiar as he reminded me of my father. Arms & chest full of tattoos. I was afraid of his exterior, he seemed tough & a little rough. I had just moved to the city as a small town kinda girl. He was so cool, chill and had good vibes. I remember it like it was yesterday. It’s all about how you make someone feel, and he made me feel safe. Today, two years and a month later... I see so much in him. A student athlete, a hardworker, a college student and a young man with so much potential. I’ve left before but I could never leave again. I could never block him out again.
Påłpëbŕå Jun 2023
it's funny how i keep wishing to go back
yet i yearn to move in fast forward
my worries keep piling up in unending stacks
and i turn a blind eye to them like a coward
with every passing day
i keep more to myself than i say
to him, to them or anyone near me,
i don't even write it in my poetries
so much is going around
every thought is in circles
losing am i more than i've found
evading everything like a shirker
but stand i steadily on this shaking ground
relying on talent but never being a hardworker
everday i feel like a loser
who was beat at her own game
i feel like just another random doodle
who thought she could make her name
disappointment i am to everyone who ever believed in me
every minute alive i wonder where i'd be
but nothing's going to be real; only imaginary
an old soul who shall fade away in contemporary
no notes these days, nothing new
friends i had, a few
but now nothing, nada
growing up *****
but you know what ***** more?
not doing anything about it
i am at the same place
not moving, not even an inch
stuck stranded ****** suspended

— The End —