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NJ McGourty May 2013
October brings a flurry of trigger-happy handymen
to carpet over the potholes, puddles and last year’s cloth
with that emerald bract that’s rusted in seasons past and
now swarms in copper opulence.

I often wondered why sky’s most subtle inclinations
did not bleach the meadows into hues of tarnished brass
but will glaciate them rather than pull at the soil’s gums.

How I would thread a coat from those discarded teeth
and wear them out before they abandoned me.
Jess Hulley Jun 2019
a personal pronoun.
The only concordant definition of a woman that exists in lightyears of our literature.
Today I glaciate our fluid chronology.
Freeze the sequential order in which past events have occurred and continue to occur
Forgive me if I sound like David Attenborough but
Today there are 3 billion,
804 million,
160 thousand,
198 women that breathe the oxygen pulsating from our trees.
That wake with heartbeat because of a single seed.
Their atmosphere is polluted by a quiet kind of disease.
Where bodies develop like a delicate striptease.
We aim to please.
They probably say bless you to someone when they sneeze
But are still defined by obscurities or their sexuality.
prisoners of social construct that enforce her reality.
This is me.
This is you. And you too.

164 Thousand,
635 people died today.
Their burning passions extinguished like a pathetic cigarette in an ashtray
If they were still here
what do think they would say?
Jess you could only fit into a size 12 on a good day.
Jess I saw how much turkey you ate on boxing day.
At the buffet with all the gourmet ha!
you thought they looked away
Jess you have child bearing hips which means you will never dance ballet.
Jess the only way you'll lose weight is if you literally run away.
I mean You will never have a fiancé.
Or If you do
They will probably go by the name of 'Cheese Tray'
I'm sorry but
That is not what they would say
That one voice is very much alive.
it is very much mine.
Patriarchy is a force that I feel in my spine
Why is weight still the way that girls are defined

Why is weight a crippling consistency that is picking at my mind
Why does weight tangle reality like jewellery,
impossible to unwind

When meanwhile
16 year old climate strike leader Greta Thunberg has been nominated for a nobel peace prize
When meanwhile
Money donated to Notre Dame would be enough to clean the great pacific garbage patch by comparison of size
When meanwhile
250 people were murdered in Srilanka less than two weeks ago.
When meanwhile
We are in an age where the president cyberbullies his own people through the later Iphone
When meanwhile
Consumerism has been more newsworthy than crime
Why is our society so unbelievably blind
Why are we so concerned by the size of our THIGHS

496 million,
325 thousand,
200 women are illiterate today.
Until I was twelve, my teachers believed that I couldn't read.
I was a blip in an anomalous cluster of academic failure.
I can't speak Chinese though I learnt its script from three.
I am an Asian with Bright blue eyes and blonde hair
What does that say about me?

It's okay to not know who you are sometimes.
But do not unearth dirt that only you see.
Do not let that hole deepen to a grave in which you will fit.
Here lies the self-criticisms that stop personal growth
Here Lies my self-hatred more potent than god's oath.
Here lies a girl who hides from exposure like a glove.
Rest in Peace.
For I am a women now
And I embody self-love.
Spoken Word poetry
icelar Jan 2021
for what it's worth,
all this work will be forgotten by sunday.
for what it's worth,
my accomplishments will be forgotten by sunday.
for what it's worth,
all my ambition and drive will be forgotten by sunday.
for what it's worth,
i hope they will remember on monday.

my ambition and drive might burn itself out,
but i'll just blow on it and stoke the flame
it'll set the entire world on fire
taking it by storm, hurricane after hurricane,
until the ash settles and the water recedes,
and a single snowflake settles on the tip of my nose.
(and then melts immediately afterward)
that snowflake'll turn into a raging blizzard
screaming my name until the cold snap is over
and the world is covered with the glaciate, bruised feathers
of birds once in flight

i'll kick up my feet on my frozen desk, blow the smoke
from the crumbling shell that once was my determination
and smile ruefully and the world i first took over and then destroyed
yes i know i used glaciate as an adjective when it's actually a verb forget it okay sometimes i need to make up some word uses just for the sake of the poem
Darren Nov 2014
Haltingly plummeting
Down and downers collide
Into the walls of my brain

Glaciate the teardrop eye
Morphine expand my perspective
From syringe end-
-To the bottom of the bottle I fly

Lines on my cheeks reflex
Down in descending sorts
As I catch the winding specs

Hindrance verify the valley
Varicose gatherings sped thin
Slick my wings-
-With the kerosene that blindly gleams

Tail a lax lolling tongue
Flick the cardiac beat
I silently haven't sung

Tunnel make the flood waters dance
Demise to my landlocked yard
Leave me afloat-
-Scared to touch a tide's happenstance

Detritus rise to sight
Broken glass and liquid
Ride the current to the right

Spaces have no resemblances
Careless dive into my lids
Shake the tree-
-And out come a fruit of strange sense

Zebra stripes combining
The blur awaiting none
Sends my whiskers bestilling

Swimming to the musical tones
Forget where I was before
Taken far-
-Contentment to wake in another home
Originally written on November 1, 2014.
Deviantart page:
Michael Marchese Apr 2023
I am the dementor
Gimme your soul
I’ll unfold
Its undoing
In withers of woe
As the shivers
You in skeletal clutches
My touch is
So cold
And I sow lonely
Atop blighted fields
As I sap the life out of
Your energy
Shall it yield
To me screaming
In resonant fear
When before you
My spectral dread
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2021
Guitar Chords.

G/ I want to make my thoughts  
Am/ get louder

G/ you can listen to what
Am/ I fear

G/ Amplify my darkest
Am/ demons

Am/ So you got something new
G/ to hear


F/ My mind is a septic think

C/ blood shot eyes that never blink

F/ My mind is a septic think

C/ blood shot eyes that never blink

G/ I want to make my mood
Am/ get colder

G/ so you can feel it when
Am/  you’re near

G/ glaciate my inner
Am/  torments

Am/ then you'll have something new
G/ to share


F/ My mind is a septic think

C/ blood shot eyes that never blink

F/ My mind is a septic think

C/ blood shot eyes that never blink

G/ I want to make my sloth
Am/ more docile

G/ so you can see that I'm
Am/ my lair

G/ emphasise my lack
Am/ of caring

Am/ hibernating like a
G/ bear


F/ I went to sleep in the foetal

C/ position

F. I went to sleep in the foetal

C/ positon

G/ unwind me if you

Am/ care

G/ unwind me if you

Am/ care
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2021
I want to make a thought
get louder

so you can listen to what
I hear

Amplify my darkest demons

they’ve got something new
to fear


My mind is a septic think

rapid eye movements

but I don't blink

I want to make my wrath
get colder

so you can feel it when
you’re near

glaciate my boldest felons

they’ve got something new
to share


My mind is a septic think

rapid eye movements

but I don’t blink

I want to make my sloth
get lazier

so you can see that I
don’t care

emphasise my narcolepsy

hibernating like a bear


My mind is a septic think

rapid eye movements

but I don’t blink


Not finished, be back.
with chords soon.

— The End —