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Max Neumann Dec 2019
wieso es nicht gelang
wieso es gelang

als sie mich suchten zum liebemachen
als sie mich fanden zum liebemachen

wer von ihnen sang
wer von ihnen sang

sie kamen in scharen
mit freunden verwandten
all jene damen
all jene herren

ich weiß nicht wann
ich weiß nicht wo

doch ich weiß wie
ich weiß es wie

mir ist bewusst:
dichter und autoren werden
keine liebe füreinander hegen

(poet's note: my opinion on
the last three verses above has
fundamentally changed since i been
publishing here.)

liebe mich freund
liebe mich freundin

gib mir
schenk mir
suche mich
finde mich

ich habe mich auf der suche nämlich

kennst du, bruder, den weg?
den zugfahrplan?
die bedeutung der stahlstreben?

ich brauche eine antwort von
den damen
den herren

finde mich
suche mich
verschenke mich
vergib mir denn

ich schrieb über zivilisationen
von witterung und gier

witterung und gier
freunde sind zwischen dem glitzern
auf dem fluss versteckt wie perlen

sie aufzuspüren zwischen dem wittern
zwischen dem wittern
während des witterns

ich weiß nicht ob du weißt wovon
ich rede
ich rede

aber das ist in ordnung freund
aber das ist ok freundin

wir müssen bloß bruder
wir müssen bloß schwester

sie sitzen am gleis bei den zügen
sie sind immer da
wie der

“ICH-BIN-DA” aus der kinderbibel
meines sohnes

verstehst du das?
begreifst du das?
fühlst du mich?

viele afro-amerikaner fragen
“you feel me?” wenn sie
etwas ausdrücken und teilen wollen

ich liebe
diesen ausdruck
er zeugt von
etwas gutem, das manchen
menschen fehlt

auf der brust trage ich das tattoo
welches du abschriebst
in einer stunde aus

ich wollte das
ich wollte dass

du zu mir kamst
zwischen den schatten
unter der gier
über der witterung

in einem augenblick des
“you feel me”

wie unsere häute glänzten
wie unsere augen glitzerten
wie unsere hände zitterten

wie wir…

ach komm!
was sage ich dir, freund
was sage ich dir, freundin

du weißt es doch dir
ist es bewusst denn du schriebst
mein tattoo ab in

ein buch mit perlweißen seiten
ein buch mit onyxschwarzen seiten

du bist perlweiß freund
du bist onyxschwarz freundin

du bist perlweiß freundin
du bist onyxschwarz freund

ich liebe habeshas
ich liebe äthiopien
ich liebe meine frau
ich liebe meinen sohn
ich liebe meine tochter

you feel me?
I don't know if I should translate this poem/song of mine into English. Not sure yet.

Check out "distances" which I wrote and translated:

Today is a good day.
Lucky Queue Oct 2012
My friend lives
With anemia and a stomach ucler
With the past of an alchoholic father and an abusive brother
With emotionally abusive ex-girlfriends
Who sometimes plays the butler
With a crammed-full-to-the-seams schedule
With a previous eating disorder and cutting
With the mind of a genius
With the heart of a saint
With the hands of an artist
With a bevy of friends, willing and eager to help
With freedom and a job
With with me, Wyatt, Julia, and Tom on the other end of the phone
Waiting for his call for help
But he is so quiet, pushed into a world of silence, dark, and miserable art
He shelters himself from all, and so we hover nearby
Searching for a crack in the walls of his dungeon, but all we find is a window
He holds the key, but does not yet realise it
So we coaxe and console and soothe, vocalising our concerns and aid
Reaching towards him to pull him away, to touch his heart with the
Hope that a gentle caress, a well placed sweet stroke of kindness may
Free him from his torment
But as of yet, we are still trying
LJW Feb 2016
Der Tag war weich,
leicht wie eine Feder,
Ihr Wunsch der Schönheit
links Freude in meinem jedem Atemzug .

The day was soft,
light as a feather,
Your wish of beauty
left delight within my every breath.
C S Cizek Oct 2014
Is it my counter-counterclockwise
mind wasting time? Elbows
on the dining table pulling my angel
hair into grid-like times tables.
I’m invested in this non-conversation
table. Ich liebe dich, mein Freund.
I’ve got commitment issues and four-ply
tissues for when my eye lashes start
peeling apart. My grandpa died in 2005
and I’m all but over it. I’m holding
his kite string, but the reel is almost done,
like VHS tapes rewound then fast-forwarded
to the good times. Power Ranger birthday
and everyone’s wearing dunce caps
with elastic chin straps ‘til they snap.
Snap! Snap! Snap me back to three-years-old,
and I’m singing in a Robin costume
‘cause I knew I’d always be second best.
I had an identity crisis around fourteen,
so I stopped buying sunglasses
because I found myself in other
peoples’ shadows. But now the only shadows
they’re casting are the ones from their headstones
and from the fields of flowers cradling
them like they once cradled me.

Fast-forward, I’m genuflecting in gym shorts
before myself in a mirror smudged with plum
felt. And I seem small compared to my life
spelled out in Expo marker markings.
I poem for my deceased relatives, especially my Grandpa Cizek. I miss you all every day.
onlylovepoetry Sep 2017

Good Acts are like Good Poems

"Good acts are like good poems.
One may easily get their drift,
but they are not rationally understood"

Albert  Einstein

Ach, mein guter Kumpel!
Ach, mein bester Freund!

how could I not have known,
the syncopation, the synchronization,
between what I write, and the impetuous impetus within,
that caustic sense that burns words
from my chest
directly onto the paper
are more than correlated,
even causation-ally related
after all, you, naturally, the master of relativity

but you know me Al,^
I, the quibbler from  NYC*
have to have a slightly different take,
in my gemeinschaft city of eight million strangers,
we always must have eight million and one

true dat, when I am on the fifth or sixth stanza,
realizing got no clue what the poem is rambling about,
but it sounds so good, lovely, pretty words,
why ***** it up with scientific rationality?

but good acts are easy, uber understood,
rationally we live to survive and
do what we to
make the species survive, common sense triumphs,
disguised as sacrifice, forgetting to roll the dice,
doing what comes like a good poem,
and what needs doing or writing
is so intuitively obvious,
just love poetry,
a global necessity

so check out Houston in two thousand and seventeen

here's hoping life in heaven ain't boring  
know that you've seen, peeked, peaked,
at the theory of everything,

resolving the contradictions
between general laws of physics
and those pesky tiny quantum mechanicals,
even solving that 'other' equation

" you know me Al" by Ring Lardner
Sept. 6th

Lucky Queue Nov 2012
To my bearded bear friend;
I've started this 'bout thirty times
And ended just the same
I couldn't get it just quite right,
Or make sure it wasn't lame
So I've decided heck with it
I'm writing this and posting
So my dear friend Troubadour:
Thanks, for all you've done
You've been a terrific friend
Enjoyable and fun,
Thanks for the conversations
Both really short and long
And may I say, once again
Thanks for being awesome.
Danke mein Freund,
Du bist super, und das ist
Die Wahrheit!
Sam Jan 2017
Dare tell me not,
those things
on your tongue

of what you want
me to hear.

Never shall those
words, part
from your lips

i swear
i'm making this clear.

It is not to be
said, it is
not to be done

for this
is something i fear.

Never shall you
speak, of them
in that tone

if i am
the one who is near.
I appear to have found your address
myself   I have lived in the same house
for twenty-two years
I have been meaning to write
leave an ‘xo’ of my own
tomorrow   I say   it will happen
so you know   today is not a blue day
but more   of course   will come
others from long ago
have blown away   naturally
age will do this to us
circumstances   relationships
only widen the gap
I do not converse with them anymore
they will miss my funeral   instead
I search for meaning in writing
happiness comes in ****** bursts
then vacuumed back up
I can only find solace in little pleasures
why has this not happened to me
what am I missing   did I lose anything
I point my finger  
I sigh   my fault
or so I tend to believe   so it goes
I carry myself as if I am a mirror
reflection the same but looking different
every day   I mean to play my guitar
in the same house I have lived in
for twenty-two years
besten wünsche   mein freund
I feast on your words
a delightful banquet
and so I said   your address
I will send you a letter
Written: February 2014.
Explanation: A poem written relatively quickly in my own time (and as such is not quite as strong as it could be), shortly after receiving a letter. The style, structure and theme is partially influenced by a poem written by Lisa Marie Basile. The German phrase translates as 'best wishes, my friend.'
R May 2016
You gave me conversations
I otherwise would never have
You let me talk about the things
I've always wanted to talk about
but just couldn't find the right listeners
You've let me be my geeky self
and you listen to all my weird stories
about art, travels, music and literature
the same way I listen intently to yours
In a way, you allowed me to grow
you allowed me to see the world
through your own light brown eyes
and your own wonderfully delicate words
and I'm thankful for the weekends
we've spent roaming around the city
trying not to get too lost while still having fun
In your impending departure, I wish you well
no matter where you are in the world
I hope you'll remember your friend
your skinny little friend who loves sugars
and museum walks and philosophical talks
I hope I've touched your life
the way you've touched mine
It's an imprint I will always cherish
Auf wiedersehen, mein freund.
Til we meet again.
I will miss your funny stories, C.  Hope we'll be in touch for a long while. )
Und dachte ich bei mir:
"Was ist dieser Duft?
Woher kommt er?
Wieviel kostete der?

Ah, mein Freund,
du riechst sehr
nach Anmaßung!

Wie heißt dieses Parfum?

Oh, jetzt sehe ich;
es heisst dein Ego."
And I thought to myself:
"What is that scent?
Where is it coming from?
How much did that cost?

Ah, my Friend,
you smell strongly
of Arrogance!

What is that perfume called?

Oh, now I see;
it's called your Ego."
Alexander  K  Opicho
(Eldoret ,Kenya;

Du sie sehr spat meine freund
Wo war du vor sie ***** ?
Sie ***** von verweiflung
Im welche du walzen
Ahnlich die sklaven in sklavensch
Wer kahn singen dein lied ?

Vergnugen !
Souleater Dec 2017
Beziehungen im allgemeinen
sind Dinge die einen vereinen
Dein Partner gibt dir Freiheit
und ihr wisst zeitgleich das ihr niemals allein seid

Kein Grund sich einzuengen
einen immer versuchen zu etwas zu drängen,
sondern Freiheit zu schenken
und nicht nur an sich zu denken
Gemeinsam mehr sein als eins
Gefühle verstehen solang bin ich deins
Bester Freund und Partner in einem
klingt komisch über dieses Thema zu reimen

Was lockeres schön gut
endet jedoch meistens in Wut
Denn irgendwann werden Gefühle entstehen
dann kannst du nicht mehr einfach nur weitergehen....
sie wurde
zum alltagsgegenstand
geliebt und gehaßt
zeichen schlechter zeiten
und beschränkungen

von manchen
    gleichmütig angenommen
    als neues mode accessoir
für andere
     ein bedrohliches symbol
     für vorschriften von oben
für viele
     nur ein notwendiges übel
    das wieder verschwinden wird

wir müssen sicherlich
unsere reflexe
beim anblick maskierter personen

   zumindest in unseren breiten
   waren masken meist kennzeichen
   von banditen und räubern

nun tragen sie die guten
und die bösen nicht
aber … wie sicher können wir sein?

es ist eine ernste herausforderung
aus den bewegungen der augenbrauen zu ermessen
ob du einem freund begegnest

oder nicht
Corona erfordert neue Interpretationen visueller Wahrnehmungen ...
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2018
from all the drinking: one thing is for sure:
i'm gonna geet me a goo'
nigh' sleep! ye-ha! i can't be bothered talking
about BMI mind you:
the excess calories of alcohol intake don't
really allow you to
toast a hamburger bun and
talk video games: whether lean or
i'm really starting to see
an uncorrelative pattern
     i don't know what people
(a) who eat too much
are talking about
  and i don't know
   (b) what gym-enthusiasts
   are banging on:
it can't be that... no?!
they actually mean to
compete with:
    see down a 100m stretch
in under ten breaths?!
               but you know
something when
    a black guy says it in
more cushion for the pushin'...
**** right, esp. if
she's a puerto rican mid-life
crysis wreck willing
to **** in front of you into
a bowl while giggling
that you want to perform
oral *** on her...
**** floats like a butterfly
by then...
        an actual ride on
a ridicule giggle is worth
the diamonds twice over on
ridicule needing
to be summoned in a public
a man looking at a laughing
shadow is all it
every time becomes...
in a space not worth
contesting for a stage:
like a bedroom...
  or a brothel of Onan
that's his bathroom...
  hey... ***** ate fish:
i ate ****...
    point being i'm
  quasi-urban living in
a nocturnal environment
of the count-tree
asking: ich da verwackeln?
ja, mein ist!
        how do you tell the best
jokes in english?
talk a bitwenig aus doy: czcz:
    did i tell you the first part
means milking in a slavic
       oh right... because that
doesn't matter when
California cool was nothing
more than colegioespañol?
                      nio nio: n y c m 4...
Kenni gets a rap applause,
Niggy gets a rap encore:
i get what?
      a ******* mailing stamp on
a tongue with a blank
                   if you every get as chubby
as i have from drinking:
you'll counter argue:
but i'm also fasting...
1 meal a day and that's 100ml
are worth over 200kcal...
             how does that even
cling to your body?
             sure as **** it didn't cling
via a doughnut...
               but i can boom-rat that
sort of fact without having
to mind the consequences
of: pretending....
  because what sort of idiot
would buy a litre of liquor a day
and bargain for:
     perception is everything?
isn't it already certain
   that i'd rather pour milk down
a drain than
a bottle of ***** down
a toilet rather than down
my own gob?
      only people who are moaning
******* can't enjoy
    to be honest...
  all the wisdom i've ever learned
is worth only these words:
    freund: wenn sie nicht kann saufen:
     tun nicht saufen...
i know that's bulgar ***** german
but it's worth more than
the current german politico climate,
     friend! if you can't drink!
              don't drink!
it makes us (who drink)
                 look like idiots.
     most of the time it's like going
to a concept of nation in a multicultural
outbred polity of the urbane
trying to introduce a cousin...
          or worse still: a sister...
     the first thing, and last thing i think
about is either custard, or cranyons...
      easier that way:
quicker to spark a hard-on.
Robert Jones Sep 2018
You’ve seen it all
Done it all, all over.
Bit the biggest bite,
Soared, slouched, sailed
Swift from Heaven into Hell.

Accessing, excesses
Arranging my pain
Nitpicking my brain so…
Neatly, sweetly, completely
Eating your lover’s brain.

Showed up by Conrad
Exposing the Cain
You’d been found out
Shrinking, Showing, Sharing
Knowing himself, he knew you too

Button your vest.
Straighten your tie.
Pull the garrote tight.
Smile, smile, smile…
And head to work.

For all I knew
You started a martyr
My God! My Freud. Mein Freund.

For all I knew
You destroyed me
While you were destroying you.  

Did you destroy me
While cursing you?
For all I knew?
For all I am
Might I, for knowing you
Be ******, *******, My God?
She wasn’t pretty but…
She was ripe. She was…
As they say…Available.
And ripe ready to be shared,
Devoured: Dessert, a slurpy
With cigarette breath.
And I didn’t care.
Did not care.
I cared too much to care
To die violated by my own right hand.
Like you, I served the cause;
Eating someone young and raw.
Who. Like me believed in me.
Moses, Jesus, More…
A Demi-god. A Kurtz. Marlowed.

Like you, for all I knew
I was killing me.
Killing her ere I kissed her.

You knew.
I was raw,
She was ripe.
We sold the sweetest juices.
Nectars sweetened to taste.
From a long time ago when I thought I knew things.
Abel Dec 2024
In meinem Kopf, da haust ein Tier.
Ist schleimig und eklig, ist schrecklich und groß.
Fremde Augen tief in mir
Stelln mich vor mir selber bloß.

Will ich es lieben, hass ich es doch.
Bleibt es mir fern muss ich es suchen,
Und kommt es zu mir, dann lass ich es los,
Um es zärtlich zu verfluchen.

Ich will mich vor der Welt verstecken.
Will, dass niemand sieht und schaut,
Wie ich in meinen tiefsten Ecken
Mein Monster hab aus Angst gebaut.

Treten, schneiden, Ketten legen.
Hin und wieder brüllts in Wut.
Wills nicht lieben, wills nicht pflegen.
Geilt sich auf an meinem Blut.

Ich halt es fest und nochmal fester,
Dann stöhnt und schreits soviel es kann.
Mein einz´ger Freund, mein bester.
Es stöhnt und schreit in Stille dann.

— The End —