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O Lord, my everlasting God,
Your splendor warps my thinking;
this Cosmic playground of Yours,
encourages me to keep expanding

in my search of finding You near,
in the nuances of my existence;
I’m surrounded by circles of Life,
which are endless in persistence

and repeatedly bring me back to You.
I’m dumbfounded with awed amazement,
that You conceived a dynamic world
of challenging, eternal excitement

that constantly extols Your majesty.
By countless wonders, You’ve shown,
the source of Love’s creativity flows
outwardly from Your Heavenly throne.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Psa 8

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
Hal Loyd Denton Apr 2013
They were clouds but they formed the longest white feathers it wasn’t the noted war bonnet of the
Plains no this was a head dress for a maiden that could only be the glory of love embodied to look was
To stall and stop time your breath slows your eyes grow wide in the throes of elements started in loves
Dreams untamed without bounds or borders the cherished object grew it was everything man knew and
Then more was created as the heart dared explore all the possibilities love drew and did spew the
Tantalizing the finest detail from the long mist of islands truly cloaked in mystery she walked somber
Paths her silence and grace tripped the scale of wonder elegance it termed in language that only poets
Could write her soft touch was the trinity of sun light moon light as it practiced the art of creating
Earthen things by just a softening glow with at touch of waters mist to complete the total design of
Natural fabrication out of all that is natural and human it bespeaks of spiritual clandestine movements
That created life in the first place all this resides in her eyes and the starry crown she adorns in the night watch where she shares her magic to all who seek loves possessive hold on every fragment of thought
And being stir this scene with angelic fingers romance set adrift with the power to make emotions that
Last beyond life times the bedrock foundations of generations from thee eternal sky her forever
Dwelling place all lovers say thank you

If I ever become brave enough to suffer the amount that you have to get special answers from God I would make this request that Enchanted love’s dwelling place be taken from its written form and be tailor made to fit your life exclusively the sentiment the piece extols would go beyond a golden gown made from golden thread for you to wear but mix it with your sweet precious soul these beautiful thoughts be your adorning this is our wishes and prayers from all who know and love you from your writings that includes Joe Tim and Hal just to mention a few God bless you special one
This rolled growth of sweet Mother Earth,
now between my fingers I hold
her breath, bated, much like my worth.

Barefeet and barebones, renewed dearth
of repose, sanity consoled
by role - growths of sweet Mother Earth.

I’ve worked sweat from my brow, my girth
diminished. Love sits in green bold -
her breath, baited, much like my worth.

We consume each other. Rebirth
my sunken pulse from mellowgold,
this growth of mother. Rolled sweet earth,

up in smoke around Cheshire mirth.
With numbed senses, today I’ve sold
my bated breath, much like her worth.

And so we journal language, like Firth,
while The Sativa Saint extols
this rolled growth of sweet mother earth,
her breath, bated, much like my worth.
Emilio Valdez May 2023
There's not a sun that rises by
That dulls her opulence
For every day my heart beats on
I fancy I'm her prince

My ardent lust may never cease
Mind, heart and soul know this
Black rolling waves with curves so soft
Sign in winter solstice

Indigenous blood with values true
Her traits my soul extols
With duties carried both out and in
She stands firm heart, firm soled

Soiled sanctity is not my wish
For once, and just this once
Entombed in full by your embrace
Your enraptured, enamored dunce
how you fade out in me:

to the last strand of intruder hair
on the cold tiled floor
no lift of gleam extols
yesterday's rumpled ticket
to a cinema
the blast of light on your
beautiful face
your keen eye on the smolder
of the word
up until the final
worn-out, knotted breath
and the tear-stain when it
started to rain and our parasols
were rid of their jejune roles
and i leaving a space
after the air prevaricates
the braid of trees in summer
still hoping
still hoping
poetryaccident Mar 2019
Look to darkness for a laugh
chuckles pulled from the pain
sadness has a new lease
loneliness in the extreme
their companion is not light
when the absurd is brought forth
to contrast with absent joy
survival discards the empty smile

the void demands something else
on the altar of the felled lives
if existence must proceed
beyond the phantoms of deceit
monsters of direst dreads
provide the truths few accept
except when the veil is dropped
pulled from the rod to the floor

when holiness becomes absent
the profane will take its place
forcing choices among the scraps
some are better than the rest
a sacrifice is brought to bleed
as the basin collects the drops
an offering of darkest taint
extols the pure that it’s replaced.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190307.
The poem “Look to Darkness” is a poetic investigation of the nature of personal darkness.  Beyond the threatened doom, the gloom is both an ally and a teacher.   It becomes the sanity that’s lost when the remainder of the world is proven to be the greater grimness.
Ikimi Festus Jun 2023
In shadows deep, I find my place,
With heavy heart and weary soul.
Can I, like those great men of faith,
Meet the standards that God extols?

Job, the perfect and upright one,
Feared God and shunned all evil's touch.
But can I, in my brokenness,
Emulate such strength, oh, so much?

Faith, the substance of hoped-for dreams,
Evidence of unseen realms above.
But without it, I'm left adrift,
Unable to please the One I love.

Abraham, called to unknown lands,
Obedient, though uncertain of his fate.
Offered Isaac, his cherished son,
Could I bear such trials, or simply break?

Moses, forsaking a life of ease,
Refused the titles of earthly pride.
Chose affliction, suffering with the chosen,
Could I relinquish what I hold inside?

The walls of Jericho crumbled down,
After days of endless circling round.
Their faith unwavering, resolute,
While mine falters, cracks upon the ground.

And David, the man after God's heart,
Anointed amidst Saul's demise.
But can I, with all my faults and flaws,
Capture the essence that God implies?

These great men of faith, they haunt me,
Their towering presence casts a gloom.
In my weakness, doubts consume,
Am I destined for eternal doom?

Oh, Lord, I tremble in my doubt,
Lost in the shadows, faithless and weak.
Can I ever stand like those before,
Or am I condemned to endless bleak?

The burden weighs upon my soul,
The fear of failure grips me tight.
Can I meet the standards set above,
Or am I destined to dwell in night?

In shadows deep, I find my place,
Yearning for a glimmer of hope.
Oh, grant me strength, divine embrace,
That I may find the faith to cope.

For in my brokenness, I plea,
May your mercy wash over me.
Guide me, teach me, light my way,
That I may stand, redeemed, someday.
poetryaccident Dec 2018
Sing a canticle to wind
the storied words wrapped in hymn
carried on currents none may see

unroll the story for all to hear
by the concealed that topples hills
forces unleashed on tongue of praise

acclaiming with music also unseen
this combination of the veiled
a whispering shout seeking truth

believing nothing may exist
echoed by the utterance in transit
extols the breadth of everything.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20181222.
The poem “Canticle” was inspired by memories of the classic sci-fi story “A Canticle to Leibowitz”.
Ron Conway Dec 2019
The rain, so jealous of the sun, did hide
And let her soak up all the accolades.
Although she could not stay the swelling pride
She missed his flashy thunder serenades.

In time the earth began to dry and crack
And fractal patterns formed where once were pools.
The planet feared calamity would wrack.
The just extols now turn to ridicules.

The rain, at long last, saw the Sun's despair,
Accepting this was largely his own making.
He set about the damage to repair;
His place within the scheme of things retaking.

The sun and rain together cause a spark.
They show it in a multicoloured arc.
poetryaccident Jul 2018
Beauty found extols the muse
to perceive beyond a norm
revelation found in grace
beyond dimension most embrace

something more than curvy shapes
or straight lines without blemish
these exist beyond the norm
while loveliness seeks much more

look to the eyes to see within
hear the voice to note the song
the opus across an innerscape
splendor shown to fortunates

comfort found in the smile
the laugh expressing blessed charm
elegance compounded there
by the love covering all

the end result defies logic
while the muse states their case
even as society
seeks to force their vapid say

that cookie-cutter turned to flesh
now rejected in happenstance
as I found the refinement
beyond the veils that hide the best.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180726.
The poem “Beauty Found” is about how much more beautiful my friends are than perhaps they themselves believe.
Night's shadows on blinding sun rays ride.
White-maned the moon betrays the tide.
The sea in still'd splendour sleeps,
Dry eyed fulfilled emotion weeps

The ghosts of past breathe life anew,
Broken words in thoughts their strength renew
Lips strain to speak, there's nought to say
Dull eyed ache holds the world at bay.

Tormented season storms a changing land
Summer's snows they say are close at hand
O Autumn your bloom in mischief peeks
While Spring forlorn her flowers seeks.

Winter garbs the earth in shimmering heat
And lies the truth disdainful treat,
The dirge its merry note extols
Death roams the land, life fettered crawls.

As frenzied mothers their dryness curse
Young children will their parents nurse
Prison bars are freedom's last refuge
Tyrants weep to hasten the deluge.

Smile then you Gods your game is played
And tomorrow's awakening today delayed
Sober man now to the womb returns
Still-born the Child breath mutely spurns.
It's time that "atheists" found a more pious man to worship as, in print, eugenical zealot Richard Dawkins extols the virtues of pederasty (as he's experienced it), de-population, infanticide, vaccines (including M.M.R. contaminated with rabbit blood), expanding hate crime (thought crime) legislation & pre-emptive war. Dawkins pursues the socialistic goals of Bertrand Russell, G. B. Shaw & ****-muffin Charles Darwin.

— The End —