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SassyJ Jul 2017
Strange birds roaming in grime
aligned to the ghosted tribes
sensualised in sensibility rites
transcribed to the ugly and pretty
in a petty embellished unheard world
of lathered tenders and searches
tamed and tanned, turned and timed
in invisible cracks of enstranged seams

Strange birds roaming in grime
on remnants of all there ever was
unloved in circus of undone pasts
transcribed to the ugly and pretty
evolved in an enlightenment trance
in hallways with all the little ghosts
Stroked and shocked, shamed and shunned
in invisible cracks of enstranged seams

Strange birds roaming in grime
on a heart where no love exists
lying tethered fields of the other side  
transcribed to the ugly and pretty
whilst perfectly creating a symphony
of all the beauty that lives and exists
wrapped and warped, wounded and wasted
in invisible cracks of enstranged seams
Feels great to be single, the world is so beautiful. Heart breaks are painful and takes time to find the real oneself
Tammy Cusick Aug 2019
Soft hands idling quietly by
snatching remnants of credibility
its cloak opaque to reflection
you grasp its hand,
like a double-edged sword
you hold on tight
wisping away into the night
never to be seen again.

The walls are dark and the smell is repugnant
death on its tongue
Decay in the teeth.
Smiling back as if a fun-house of mirrors
dubious, distorted, distraught
you hold on.

Cradling the noose like a new mother to its child
you gawk, admire, and dream
Of a darkness to bring you closer to the ledge.
Gently pushing formidable bounds
released to self-indulgence
you're alone.

As the world around you lights up only by screens
and reacts only by the ping of self-admiration.
A ghost among the blinded
walking slowly by as everything is in full speed.
Stuck in a repetitive loneliness
damnation of socialization
pity. pity. pity.

Pulling onto the strings of darkness
puppeting along madness
mastering hell as its vibrant and claw full of disappointment
you sit on the outside of the world
watching it comfortable in its cage.
With a gust of air, you blow our minds,
with your loaned swag
Your style's a brag, you life's a rug
Still, we node our heads in deep
worship to the dose of your repudiation
You bought yourself a high status, just
for mere acceptance
And you were left disposed of your real
Just for a sheer popularity?
But when we snap back to reality,
there's a void inside your heart,
A broken girl, with a lot insecurities
cries out
Craving a simple and faultless life,
For underneath all that glamour, there's
a vacuous and enstranged soul
Neeloo Neelpari Sep 2018
Twenty four hours
stretching to a century
Engulfing the four walls
Of the lonely abode
haunting the soul
Of the grief stricken me

An enstranged tear
restless to roll down,
My gloomy, rosy cheek
Steps down from their abode
Leaving behind a trail of
Tell-tale blackest kohl

Memoires of you,
Haunting, transending..
And Oh! this taunting moon
Hiding behind the moving clouds
Peeping out, mocking at
My vunerable, lonely state

Brushing back my wet locks
I softly murmur your name
Against my powerless slender palm
When will you help me out
from this pitiable state
O my Eloquer....!!

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
People are to smart to put up with self proclaimed poetic
alternative : Improvisation, random illogical wordplay, empty meanings, enstranged linguistic structure, dadaistic approach etc. is usually a Nonsense ~ non plus ultra ~ for looser's to tin the tons of their ******* poetry far far away

(for their eyes only).    

Exc­. me ... don't waste my time! ... I'm a serious Poet!
Kody dibble Mar 2015
Enstranged by the velocity,
Of reason,
Doubt self pity,

Glistening like the white moon bare,
See the door pressing onward, through,

Time for death's hopeless view,
People, places, things to do,
All in time to be as you,
Could have been before,
Searching the grit and iron at my door
Wangui Aug 2018
The other day something good happened to me and you were the first person I wanted to call. Today sometjing terribly bad has happened to me and you are still the first person I wanted to call. But we are enstranged and pride has me looking the other side. What you said ****** me off. Partly because i was hurt.  Am still wondering if what you said about is remotely true! How can we remedy this? Can it be remedied?
It is selfish of me to just think about my feelings! Am trying to not be self-absorbant. Am working on it. Not for you but for me. It matters to me that the people I love feel safe and magical around me.  
There are things I want to say to your face. It is strange to me that even after all these time I wish only good things for you. Not to blow my own horn but I am very smooth at grudges and plotting revenge. Its a gift from the dark side.
If this hasn't come across since you started to read this then I hope it is clear now. Our sister-hood still matters to me. As cramped up and damaged as it is now, I still have pieces of you engraved in my heart.

The Red_Head
My Generation?
What I expect from my generation???
Why don't we try it this way??
What foundation was my generation built on?
What moral, principles, values or doctrines were carved into the hearts of people from my generation???

Our foundation was already built, long before we existed
Clearly built by "the society" like we were always reminded, cause hell yes, we live in it.
But that was the beginning of our loss,
We met the society in existence, way before we had the guts to build our own foundation not to talk of the opportunity to challenge or even change it.
And it saddens me to say that I expect NOTHING from My Generation..
You know why?..
Because it is bleeding us out even before we existed.
It tells us today, education is the greatest gift you can ever possess
But guess who runs the market?
Soliders with maybe Secondary School certificates.
A great number of them as that.
Any traces of rebelling against the society who"protects you",  is kicked off from the devil's dinner.
And then we are enstranged from our freedom and have to start afresh!
The God damm society gave us the ******* fear we experience every ******* day!
To enstrange us from the devil's intimacy.
They say, you have to take risk to be daring enough to beat the society hands down
But guess what? We ******* don't choose the consequences that comes with the risk!
So in case you have some problem with your present social status, academic goals, crisis, whatever the ******* problem it is?
Get the **** up and **** the damaged society you exist in!!!!!.
And that's what I expect from My Generation.
Tables don't turn if you let the position of the table restrict you. Everyone knows the society has been established, change the position of your chair from the sides to the top with no other chair contesting your space with you.

— The End —