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Ken Pepiton Aug 2019
drumm drumm drummed in two
ranks of
filers whacking keys and levers and springs
quantum of scripture
i e o u y vowels of no need-- back in cunieforming time
then came those monkeys with the typesetters
whose keys never got stuck
marko per stroke
five 'undred per bit of etaoinshrdlu
click click cliche'
time measured by degrees in fractual
sym-metry wit' bio me

Tumeric kicks in,
eases the swelling of the bubble.

Imagine the imaginings of a child reading
funny papers
in the privy, smokin' grapevine for no

known reason, or,
maybe it appeased the flies, while I sat
upon the throne
in a tower of my own

wandering through memories of
Terry and the Pirates saving Dalai Lama
from the clutches of
the abomb-in-abled snowman,

Yet-i isis now, the Prince of Persia, once more?

No, this battle is not mine. This

at that crossroad in Perry's Cafe
when the offer was made: star a footnote here
aster-risks have not been invented... we must reduce opacity.
histoical he refused the deal but  did Write the course
"The Internet in One Day"

work for hire, a good gig, then Netscape went public,

reality validated verification of the efficacy
of Feynman's reversible NAND gates,

the future was super positioned
No taxes, tarriffs or tithes; pay flat
twenty percent
for eighty in return, guaranteed in for by of
we, the people's adaptation to

Paredo's Principle versed in Solomonic Wisdom,
re-de-clearing no non new things
under the sun,
trial by

total emersion in a sea of green sans
yellah submarine,

acid etched re
collectibles dust and debris,
flotsam jetsome wetsome old girls dream

it's now, the future, 2019, and some
of us
survived the seventies in hiding,

we're back.
wee voices you ignore at your peril,

not every inspiration is from for by good.

Some are.
Some words live in the sounds they make,
hocus pocus
cadabra, for instance... is heard by children

as the leaven-less wafer
transmogrifates at
the spoken words Hoc es Corpus

Genutim, non factum
thinking is nothing like

what you thought, child.

The message is believable, the messengers
be otherwise. EH? ***-eye-say-- eee- eh?

Self-evidence is acceptible, take a hold,
get agrippa comprehension

persuasive enough to mask the bitter
after taste of century eggs left in the fridge too long

Biome, bio-me, self-effident-icacious
ness, ac
knowledged... these words lived
the eggish-isms egging us on, go
on, only you...
not me, I'll wait
I've slipped, I've fallen... where's the beef? Was this a common quest?

1972. Sheizbomb, pirate orange sunshine.
1973. We reached escape velocity
1974. Trajectory changed
1975. Lost contact, she's near Cuyguna
1976. Prego
1977. Aha, the reason is born

Future 2019 will seem as real as you may
imagine. I promise,

Ever after, all, as real as you may
imagine. I promise

look, see self evident truth, act asif you know
and understand
angel talk

there remains a rest for the cadabre we inhabit,
"Dancing Queen" "Fernando"
Abba's body of disco hits, missed
by missing one decade and a half,

in sanct-if-ication vacation
to become a hermit when I grew old, if ever,

hoc corpus, eh, as long as faith remains
rememe-r-able post Sini-ification of Suffering,

(the Dragon from the East is not the beast
embodied in the west with golden head,
silver breast, brazen *****, iron legs
and flaking rusting feet of steel
in sludge ponds and stump ponds and undrained
swamps and sloughs {called wet lands by frogs and ducks})
Ah, so

The golden-green-blue dragons gracing slotmachines,
lure hopers to the slime, not
green Nickleodean slime, real slime from century eggs white
jelly gone dark, dark brown and stinky...

even if i'd tried, I'd never have imagined
eating a century egg
sans chewing, just
swallow it whole. Din't choke gk kg.

deja vu? no, you missed something.

waiting is being
Dalai Lama, half-scientist, half-otherwise aware
there, in exile,
remains hoping a peace past standing under the
acknowledging of good
and evil,

new mercies on one side, meaculpa, mea
maxima culpa,
on the other.

Who pays? Me or Jesu or the pariah one step
up from a cockroach?
Wait and see. Be still.

Don't ask Mother Teresa, she had no clue.
But she finished what she began,
that was her plan,

skip as much purgatory as abody can stand
imagining worth it all.

Me, says the hermit,
I took the grace Noah found. Wait and see. Get ready.

Google translate the Latin Mass, then imagine it
being a message you must hearken to

drum drumm drummmed into your brain before
your prefrontal
cortextual tester circuits formed and your responses

were ever etched
on the tables of your faith belivin' childheart,

just think, what if good news gathering is
even-jelly-if I can. Evangelical, if I say-tion sugar pi,
event-tually we see, fine,
details, points to every true story

a bed of nails no liar may rest upon

'fi say so, semper fi.

{evangelicum laude graduates bher no bad news in ever}
--phi beta kappa, key that opens what?-- do you know

what meaning signals breathe? beat?

Take great gulping gasps of air,
affording your self
evident right

to surface, as a bubble you can breathe in.
I think we're alone now

there doesn't seem to be any one around, now

1977, that was four whole decades ago?

Right. And whenever you are, dear reader, this was
ever ago. I testify, I examined this life.

It has been worth the effort. Now I wait. Still.
Try it. Here, there,

no condemnation, the act it self just
is null-ift before asif goes whatif and we lose our value,

we balance madness. We work closely with Cleo,
she handles historical re visioning.

time out-- essential term screams for discretion, get to the grain---
What noise is this... mmmmm
Muse- muse- just, muse like
music, drummm drummm hummmmm
Define, fine, granularity, like salt or sand or sugar
but qualia
mysterium familiarus

Term definition. Lord means h'laf weardan, {Welsh}
protector of our bread,
by which man does not live alone,
owner of the tower in the vinyard where your captive enemies
languish in your wishless hate.

We wait,

we companions be, joined by the leaven from the sky

leaving footprints in granulated sugar salted sand,
feel it,

sorta sticky, like toe-jam. like mebbe toejam spreader
and the Walrus was
CS Lewis level mere signposts at degrees of little thinker
steps tick tic tic
clock wise from up,
counter-clockwise from down

forward, ever onward, off is impossible in the land of on,
here for ever is
too much good stuff,

but that lasts (to the same level of qualia judgment degree)
mere mortal moments

flash. Here we be, wondering and wandering, to an fro,
to get a feel,

for real. This can't go on for ever, they say.
Shall we see, I say... as I passed away.
Life goes on, and no lie follows

it's finished, that's all we need say. Live on. Be good,
or die trying. No lying about anything.

What if ever did begin and you simply failed to be aware?
Musing, as a pass time, not a wast of time nor a killing of time, but a use by right of time. This is my examined life. I find it worth living more loudly as I age. The ripeningin, reminds me of cheesy-ness.
It's after the magic happens.
It's our own personal time, when time stops,
When our eyes make four, and in that moment my heart drops.

We understand that no place is better than here.
Where love in our hearts is the only imperative thing,
Our fingers entwine, I'm your Queen and you're my king.

Everything about you seems different, yet somehow still the same.
Here you have my heart, you can be the  puppeteer,
I don't mind the submission, I'll gladly volunteer.

You have my undivided attention because the look we're giving each other cannot be divided.
Your body is warm like a summer's day,
I can't for the life of me explain this feeling in my chest, not even in the most simplest way.

I'm speaking but your eyes are focused on my lips.
Forgetting what I said, I'd rather not bother,
It's probably two minutes, maybe ten, but it feels like forever.

The emersion of the sun breaks our gaze.
Now it's that time again to cut our ties,
It's unfortunately time to say our goodbyes.

I yearn for our time once again.
With an aching heart I give you the final kiss,
You leave and the sweet smell of your perfume is stuck on my body, that I'll truly miss.

I look through the window.
You open the cardoor.
"Wait", I silently say, but you could hear me no more,
As you go to put one foot in, an abrupt pause I saw.

It's like your heart heard mine.
A sharp turn and there you run,
The sound of the door open proves that both our hearts beats to the same drum.

I stood there, and multiple the emotions hit me all at once.
You were like a cagged animal being set free,
Fright, happiness, excitment...all rapidly came over me.

In your arms you held me, as we manage to make it up the stairs.
The atmosphere is silent, cool and absolutely beautiful,
Your skin seems to glow more, I could see into your soul, it's wonderful.

Back to the bedroom we walked.
For after we made magic, we would pillowtalk.
                     ~Gabbriella with 2 b's~
E G Fellenstein Dec 2012
so let the words bubble.
so let the words churn.
precipitants always settle,
unless they're stirred or burn.

eyeballs bigger all the time,
seeing veins of tulip leaf no more.
only balloons will satisfy.
apples have too much core.

swimming: is emersion, is not to float.
dive on in, dive on in, dive on in!
the world sees the world through a glass- bottom boat,
though we’re each and all born with a
Jess Jul 2020
Fluctuations, Frustrations
A Dragon tears apart emotions
A Master tapping on my shoulder
Bewildering, indeed,
But are you going to open?

I snap my fingers
Deep breath, palms extended
Music plays
I move along

What words can describe
these contradicting times?
Layered with clarity
Awkward and confused

But I'm done with managing
False control dismantling
No means of direction
or need for protection

This is all mine

How easy it is to play with distortion
what a misfortune
to pervert such purity
assuredly, this takes maturity  

to all that I am

It does not require definition
Just allow this transition
No force No exertion
This is the simple emersion

There is No Separation
This spirit is mine
This Energy is me
My awareness is no one else's
In my own oneness, I am free
Oct 26, 2019
If the sunset had a voice , it would sound like yours.
If the smokey mountains had eyes, they gave their never ending blue and green to you.
If thunder had breath, its chest would rise and fall late at night as yours does while wrapped in a mess of sheets.
I can't help but to be reminded of your beard as I run through fields of tall golden grass , it brushing on my bare thighs.
If warm summer breeze had a laugh , it learned its warm emersion  from you.
I never knew the ocean would gift its crashing waves to someone's hips
Once great oaks had a heart, surely you have stolen them,
Along with my own.
Universal Thrum Apr 2014
Waking up feeling as if I were born tired
Missing the on ramp to the free way
lost in the alleys, back tracking

Rebelling against the Universe
I Slap away the open hand
and eschew greener pastures
for a land sewn with salt
I Lick the bitter taste spread across my cracked lips
and dream of loving hot sand
slipping through my fingertips.

I once bottled the wind,
and believed that lightning bugs lasted forever in a jar,
when the luminescence faded,
alone with an empty bottle and a jar,
I popped the tab open to release the wind,
a peacock feather flew from my brim,
away into the unknown.

I stared into the jar
and saw knives piercing hearts
My own heart began to bleed
one hundred barrels of boiling quicksilver
bathed in ache
contaminating my chest

exposed, naked in front of a mirror,
I took off my mask and stared into black shadow holes,
I held out my arms for 11 minutes,
index fingers pointing to Jupiter
raged with a primal yell and saw
the animal inside my face,
alive, quaking red,
a bulging flesh emersion of veins and teeth,
and shiny eyes that see into the night
breaking the bonds that tattoo our souls
Caged birds fly free
set ablaze the brown grass
where I used to lay

Lover, you lie
and the lie you deny becomes truth
because we are animals inside
and we want to feel loved all the time.
Prophecies fruit on the tree planted by forked tongues,
plucked and tasted
yet are they hearty enough to fill you for years?

A fortune is left on the table,
there amongst the shattered pieces
of manilla cookie shell
It reads,
"In this destruction, see the meaning"
KorbydAngyle Nov 2020
A perplexing trust for trial ends this endeavor, a blending blasphemy, of me this court does suggest.

As preening voids, the zygotes, blyme, they be gouging the eyes of the word; not hither then upon the afore, tenure observed as a state, which exiled is you.

Now begin in amorous help. Fiend, friend, to begin hath thou the gaul? To annex this; thus we will begin.

"Player, composite, Sauls of my own form... You can't believe how beautifully, grievingly misunderstood is all that a mutual sanctuary stands for...truly is... or unwittingly shall...and is not!"

Priests, clubbers, Demons, usurpers, lovers all envied of miscue(the default form). Their lives of shores of the Sea of Calamities, stern amuck the floam... temerity to continue their negations play.

"Therein thinking a theory of thought. The theory is Daemon of poverty, the emersion of hope, empathetically ill 'con'.. 'truaght'. As
I had thought. Now be seated, all and sovereign thimbles on tinders of papyrus, tinders on kindling, fires of the"

The Judge said, "We begin again."

I warn thee now, Saints of lore didn't enjoy the mentioned or the heretofore.

"Neither Satan nor God, Fairy nor Preacher could'st so understand that I said, ' I couldn't take it anymore, I cast my very last spell and found myself in bed'"

The chamber abruptly decried of calamity and doom. The sanguine despot of evil's charm pleading for mercy. This tale did not end...

"Of majority I inform 'The persecution had formed a **** and shales of deviance of Heaven's abrupt roofs, feln at no mercy...a request.'"

"A mentor is nor promiscuous and the dabbled in victory is ours in study and form!"
So reckoning for further remorse, no time off, no deliberations for jury's recourse.
"Settlers with lanterns, the mocking Tern with letter did bring'st. A written confession entered this forth for duly appropriated evidence..."
Should mercy do require of
my plea, then bickering, is
of how many, of killed. Which
Jury member, flauntingly, tauntingly
it should be!

Another fluster. Time consumed. Wits prancing on Hate's Gate made deference of the decree, but not for the court, of whom, we entrust all our wit!

"Now, now. Simple folks we've all had our drinking sessions and fancy empaths, who lie on erudite chagrin, not the actual words for which a Daemon does hold within." The defense tried falseness, perjury in the evening debate; as cautering of word with unholy terror should be met with.
"If no further evidence is to be beheld, the deliberations can pass into the hasty congress which we hold honored and true. Be returned by the midnight hour, for it's then with this Daemon, dear folks," the Judge complained, "we'll know what to do."

Valkyries, Cavaliers, Angels, innocents wept as time upon the throne, the jury, until churning of clocks, the jury was kept.
Gathered were children, vixens, nobles and common citizens, as abrupt, did begin this midnight hush.

"Have you found a contempt, a fortune 6 for 6 plea 6? A jurisdictional deliverance of which light can not alone ***** the passings allotted by thee?"

"We have your honor"

And so the final waves, as durational salient crying vows, were set to broken upon virgins, churches, and broken tree boughs.

" Guilty is the Daemon, no mercy to be shown. The sentence is passed, a proclamation which we defend as appropriate, all noting to the taken of, spoken of in the heretofore."

All were quieted of vices with meals made for axes and guillotine, as somber looks denied those unfortunate to find; Skink a friend not a fink. Then the words resounded, a damnation did sound...

"Implored of a vice that shant be similar in any such derivation of a humanity which we call binding, the voracious need to be freed under the conviction of the guilty Daemon's bidding."

And so we awaited kilter to the proud. A slurry of legions both curious and in an ironic way evily proud.

"To scour the Earth in no other form than that of the distraught and unwanten, and begin again the vicious cycle of death with no life till thee's crime is forgiven."

Ordinance and plethora's of charm shall never question the Daemon of said name and claim.

They did'st disarm.

As surely as to the very day until in the future no other sentence could take the place of understood powers of the court whom you have been advised of and; if adversary crosses your path you must invoke with no alarm.
fun little archaic partially scheme and poem
aurora kastanias Feb 2018
Eyes dimmed by calicanto vapours find

ecstasy in blurs as sandalwood scents arise
from burning candles, melding to provoke
an original entrancing redolence, a fay’s
potion delicately sending me into raptures.

Cocooned in the crystalline aqueous lymph
nakedness allows fondling drops to slither,
softly caressing skin with each emersion only
to immerse once more for greater pleasure.

Intensifying warmth enhances my perception
of this bliss persuaded, that nothing else
could touch me in this place, placental womb
imperturbable enchantment, secluded, from

reality shielded by a shell made of steam.

Enthralling haze incites fantasy to unleash
enticing indulgence in blind hallucinations
where ethereal substance imposes its flesh
upon my liquescing essence.

Chimerical cleansing drowning impurities
that will escape, when I’ll remove the cap
I will watch them whirl away, sheathed
in my bathrobe a chalice of red wine

will remain untouched as I’ll refuse
to relinquish the beguiling delight.
On little leisures
December 17th - 22nd, 2020

At an Old Park Bench, She Let Herself Drop,
Seagulls Soared as they Travelled at Her Stop
Below her Feet, She Saw them Land, and Stare at her Brown Paper Bag
But the Aves Brought her No Blooming Smile, No Joys of Generosity
To Her, their Eyes were Stationary & Sterile, Like Glass Models, Just Beaks on a Hunt
There was No Way for them to Relate

Above Her Lumpy Seat, Nirvana was Seen in the Sky
An Emersion Filled with the Growth of Amethysts, Sparkles of Cider, and Deep Ocean Water,
To Her, All that Energy Didn’t Matter, its Beauty Bore her No Sightseeing Delight,
The Composite in the Clouds Held Empty Meaning
She was Blind to a Bright Blue Day, a Heavenly Rain, or a Pinprick of Snow,
With Her, the Day’s Dissolve Only Expressed Violence, Sewn Within its Violet Hues

She Slid her Hand into the Old Paper Bag
The One the Seagulls Eyed,
Yet a Loaf of Bread Did Not Appear
The Bottle Wasn’t Meant to be Shared,
Like an Assassin’s Dagger, She Quickly Swiped the Wine Free
She Gave a Sharp Glance, Made Sure No One was Near
Then She Lifted the High Shoulder’s Spout to Her Lips
Its Meeting was Her Most-Desired Mix

Her Savored Sips Soon Became Gulps
The Burn was Indulging as it Slid Down her Throat
And She Turned a Blind Eye to its Dry Ice Effect
A Cold and Sterile Connection, Leaving Scorching Flames in its Track,
For Her, Merlot had Once Been a Beautiful Word, Like a Poem, or a French Verse,
Now She Thought of Coins Circling in her Purse
Protean Drupelets, Floral Notes, Lost Within the Nameless Tonic

Swaying Away, the Birds Gave Her their Backs,
Without a Baguette at Arm’s Length, they Saw No Reason to Stay
Waving their Wings of Flight – they Took Off into the Impending Night
The Seagulls Soared Unbound – Toward the Painting of Heaven,
Left Alone on the Tattered Bench
She Tried to Sit Up, but Found Herself Slump,
Her Precious Liter of Red, Still Clutched in Her Hand
The Roots of Artificial Salvation,
She Took in a Breath, and Sighed in her Suffering
And Again, Drank from her Grapes of Poison
The Source of Her Love, & Her Agony
Shawn Adams Aug 2016
Her eyes break the silence
In my mind
                 There are sirens
To fill this place out
Ive memorized your face
This is unhealthy
I place your face in
Precarious positions
This intimate emersion
                  This rare inertia
A system of push
Pull me almost close enough
To hear what you are really saying
But for me to survive
              Must hide from
This energy
           Time for work
John Prophet Aug 2021
ways as
now known
No screen
in the
the screen.
Mind meld.
places to
as constituted
ceases to
In a
****** in,
to be
the brave
new world.
words spill into my mind
streaming delicately down my spine
swerving and curving with mind-blowing verve
unlocking visions with magnificent reserve
veiled for so long without expression
they pour and flow
thick and slow
exuberant ****** musings

they erupt and unravel without regulation
arriving delightfully at their destination
as they appear
on my blank page
i savour their conception
marie-anna holshausen
Integrity with specialized heat for my ******* husband...
Turn from **** into a something
Adorable. And functioned
Like fall for me with pumpkins
Halloween and turkey luncheons
Stunting like my daddy batwing
Butterfly is coming
Christ is love man...
Why my country man..
Take Trump and hatred over planet wide perfection...
Correction earthly disturbance...
Of emersion into determined lunchkits of love abundance fam
Meant to stay the fist of hunger
Like a mother gift consumption....
From the stomach of another man...
The un-captured still of a negative void.
Peaceful yet bewildered by simplicity.
It was never meant to last.
Even the great blank has a curiosity.

A blink of creation.
A spectrum of various shades of Amber in colour startles the black mass, causing a glitch of opportunity that tears the fabric of the void.

Came manifested fragments, coiling in a circular motion. A liquid droplet formed of the dawns resin.
A spirit that yearned for growth fell from grace.

Cushioned and cut the supple dew embarked in pursuit of a purpose,
that was yet to be defined.
Blinding passion illuminates the path, but where there be light, shadow isn't far behind.

Encountering textures tangled in emotions and experiences one engulfed like lava. The tulip, thorns and all.
Once set inside the imperfections spread like vines.

But with the patience to endure copious layers of existence,
the evolutionary heals and hardens.
Searching inward to discover an indestructible Daimon.
The two unite to gradually piece together puzzles that will forever last.

A flow that seduces.
Effortlessly sliding under.
Total emersion, cradled in a familiar creative bubble.
A time frozen dream state, to a crisp wide eyed awakening. The treasure that has manifested deep must rise to the surface.

Besieged by the many split personalities of the fluid aqua marina.
Baltic and encouraging.
Suffocating and limitless.
Treacherous and empowering.
The ripple and riot of emotional waves.
The force of three, friend, foe and I. All really one, fighting to thrive.

A settling clarity washes over.
Flaws glisten in acceptance of the past, present and future.
Win, loose or draw the battle dissolves.
What remains is just a playful game, that dances on the rhythmic tide.

For if fait decides to swoop the gem from the blue,
and hold it up for all to see her golden rays,
then so be it.
But should it not, the Amber will still be full of colour, textures and creativity. Completely changed.
A revolutionary to the one.

Amber J Dickinson
nivek Mar 2024
emersion in silence
bathes the mind
and fills the heart.
John Prophet Aug 2021
Global descent.
Puppet masters.
of the
The few
the many.
At all
of speech.
Mind control,
Mind control.
Mind warping.
of the
Us versus

— The End —