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Departing summer hath assumed
An aspect tenderly illumed,
The gentlest look of spring;
That calls from yonder leafy shade
Unfaded, yet prepared to fade,
A timely carolling.

No faint and hesitating trill,
Such tribute as to winter chill
The lonely redbreast pays!
Clear, loud, and lively is the din,
From social warblers gathering in
Their harvest of sweet lays.

Nor doth the example fail to cheer
Me, conscious that my leaf is sere,
And yellow on the bough:—
Fall, rosy garlands, from my head!
Ye myrtle wreaths, your fragrance shed
Around a younger brow!

Yet will I temperately rejoice;
Wide is the range, and free the choice
Of undiscordant themes;
Which, haply, kindred souls may prize
Not less than vernal ecstasies,
And passion’s feverish dreams.

For deathless powers to verse belong,
And they like Demi-gods are strong
On whom the Muses smile;
But some their function have disclaimed,
Best pleased with what is aptliest framed
To enervate and defile.

Not such the initiatory strains
Committed to the silent plains
In Britain’s earliest dawn:
Trembled the groves, the stars grew pale,
While all-too-daringly the veil
Of nature was withdrawn!

Nor such the spirit-stirring note
When the live chords Alcæus smote,
Inflamed by sense of wrong;
Woe! woe to Tyrants! from the lyre
Broke threateningly, in sparkles dire
Of fierce vindictive song.

And not unhallowed was the page
By wingèd Love inscribed, to assuage
The pangs of vain pursuit;
Love listening while the Lesbian Maid
With finest touch of passion swayed
Her own æolian lute.

O ye, who patiently explore
The wreck of Herculanean lore,
What rapture! could ye seize
Some Theban fragment, or unroll
One precious, tender-hearted scroll
Of pure Simonides.

That were, indeed, a genuine birth
Of poesy; a bursting forth
Of genius from the dust:
What Horace gloried to behold,
What Maro loved, shall we enfold?
Can haughty Time be just!
Marissa Navedo Apr 2012
Will time halt when the Mayan’s long calendar ends?
Or is it a mere cycle, a hoax disclaimed by all scientists alike.
A misnomer believed to have held truth,
such as Pluto being a planet, or a tomato a vegetable.
Will the tornadoes sweep away all the lies?
spread out on the west’s open plains.
Will the oil seep into the veins of politicians?
So that they will know the pain inflicted.
Will it **** the lives of those without health insurance?
Or will it reach out to the moguls of New York?
Where will the old shrimpers go?
When their skiffs are broken down,
on the abandoned Gulf Coast shore.
Where does anyone go to be safe?
Safety is hidden in the ashes of the towers,
intangible as democratic peace.
War news blaring form chrome flat screen televisions:
when will our troops return?
Death tolls pile up like discarded lotto numbers,
yet you keep playing with chance:
hoping for that jackpot to flash in fluorescent lights.
Yet victory is bittersweet when tainted by blood of the innocent.
Osama Bin Laden’s death calls for celebrations,
yet the war still rages on.
When will America be restored to pre-9/11days?
Or is it irrational as solving the 15 trillion dollar debt,
that escalates as the housing market plummets and gas prices rise.
Can you recount a time that it was under 3 dollars?
What has happened to America?
As I walk through the supermarket now,
California strawberries 6.99 a pound?
“Can I get a federal discount” my father asks.
He carries the satchel leaden with letters and packages,
although he is appreciated like junk mail.
3,700 post office closes their doors,
I notice the news article you tweeted.
I text you as I walk down the aisles,
oblivious to the techno music that plays,
and obese children beg their mothers-
for that candy bar with blood mixed in with cocoa beans,
from the African child wage slaves that harvested them.
This is what America has become.
Michele Obama tries to end obesity,
but we all know it is a fruitless claim.
As television ads are imprinted in their brains.
Ronald McDonald noted and not MLK.
We are too caught up in our fast paced lives,
to teach our children how to read,
it’s not our job we decide.
Caught up between late night snacks and filing away-
our dreams on the shelf, so they are not seen.
Ambitions lie in the cracked linoleum tiles,
in this supermarket neglected for countless years;
since no one cares, all that matters,
is profit, a quick fix.
You can’t just slap a Band-Aid on it America!
I can still see your wounds.
Cash or Credit?
“Credit” I say as I slide the sleek plastic card,
my I-Phone hums in my pocket.
Steve Job died? I hear Obama’s remark:
“He changed the way each of us sees the world”
Did he really?
My perception of the world is in accordance to Wi-Fi locations:
Skype contacts, Facebook posts, hashtags-
I talk with the causality of a text.
The glow of screens and keyboard strokes barricade my reality.
I realize this as I read your enumerations.
I read articles of what states pass gay marriage,
and wonder who you would have married?
I wonder if you would have help Emerson,
pick up New England’s shattered pieces after Irene?
I wonder if you would have protested Wall Street,
since you are the 99%, the common man.
Would you have advocated for immigrants’ rights.
Fought the tarnished racist ideas,
corroding the Statue of Liberty’s ideals.
I spray paint the words of your poems,
On the brick buildings of every city,
trying to restore America.
revised verson
Howard Zagrebson Mar 2010
The quiet town of Sheridon,
Held a very curious myth,
A Crazy Bus that steals children,
Then empty's them off a cliff,

Younger children could see the bus,
But adults hadn't a clue,
The youngens told of what they saw,
But the oldens thought not true,

Many offspring dissapeared, 
For reasons unexplained, 
Thorough investigations to find the truth,
But the myth was quickly disclaimed,

Many family's fleeing the town,
In fear of hurt to their young, 
Detectives believed it must be a killer,
While the myth continued unsung,

The children continued to tell of their seeing,
So watchmen were sent to the cliff,
But still nothing came apparent to them,
So the theory returned to a myth
Faizel Farzee May 2020
covid -19
a killer unseen, without uttering a threat
it has the world pulling at every nerve, it has them down on their knees.
It has people creating songs about going crazy in quarantine
While Trump is really going crazy,
he cant throw money at it
for someone like him, this is unseen,
now his true colours shows
his fake, while the world bleeds
he is still trying to save his stake.
he has ample, yet he still pulls at every last cent.

If you cant see this, he must have stolen your eyes
he keeps it with all his supporters minds,
it's in his refridgerator, he keeps it on ice.
locked in a safe
now they all mindless, so they play by his rules
yet he control the outcome of dice.
he dont care about the human race
you can clearly see it on his unsympathetic face.

Why dint he react in haste,
maybe his just slow?
He is worth 8 billoin dollers, i really dont think thats the case
he cares more about the economy,and  losing face
he knows if the US economy drops
at the table in the whitehouse, he has to set china a plate.
give them the morning paper run their bath
and under his breath, he would have to quietly hate.

He would rather let the world burn,

They miscalculated this whole situation
they thought they were unleashing an attack
they forgot to disable the homing pigeon
it did a 180, knocked at their door, politely disclaimed Hi , I'm back.
Talking about money he has to track, that they paid to create this monster
is it just me or has the whole world been smoking crack.
we glossed over that, i get it  
He can even in song confess, our hands will still be tied
money is power, an intoxicating lust
the jury has already been bought, the justice system unjust.
truths are not pretty, neither is the world
so the darker truths we have to highlight
this whole situation, it's like im living in the zone of twilight
my mind cant compute, it doesnt feel right, what nex, t get abducted at night, now aliens can be real, parralel universes
truth shivering in fright this unholy night.

Departing avenging spirits
In the dead of winter;
love has assumed to know all hearts,
But what stands before thee
Are the cowards of the lost?
all they bring is wickedness,
what has happened to true love?
Oh, tender hearts,
Why did you depart into the dark?
the gentle touch of lovers’ hand
Where the beauty of spring;
this old town has humiliated me,
But then the knight looks and sees
His love under the leafy shade,
Writing her heart away,
He looks with a stunning smile
upon his face that couldn’t be removed
if she is near; words of anger started to fade,
but then he looked around and she was gone,
His anger ragged like a villain;
He looked at the cowards
that has been making war,
what is it you have done?
That is when the cowards started to run,
Then one of the cowards
stopped and looked back,
Saying, Dark Angel is taken his queen home,
There was this big hesitating chill
that moved faintly in the knights’ heart,
a darken trill of the dead of winter
moved in his soul;
The knight heart became cold.
loneliness came from love;
while the cowards of the town
laugh so loud towards the knight
he pulled out his sword;
and told them if they come back
they would lose their heads,
Clear, loud he stood his ground
In the old town, he called home,
Wide is the rain that brings on pain,
that gives free choice to all who bleeds,
you can love or run from it;
or you can love and fight for what your
heart beats for and will die for it,
like a true ‘’ Shakespeare’’ theme;
that has been written in true passion of love
that gives feverish dreams;
Dark Angels, deathless powers,
The knight takes on his delight
that verse how he truly feels,
love is where his heart belongs,
But his queen her heart is no longer function
She has disclaimed her love for thee.
Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Judy Emery
Sphoorthy Soma Dec 2010
The fountains mingle with the river
and the rivers with the ocean
the winds of heaven mix forever
with a sweet emotion

nothing in this world is single
all things by a law divine,
in one or other way stay together
then why not I with thine?

see the mountains kiss high heaven
and the waves clasp one another
no flower in love would b forgiven
if it disclaimed her lover
the sunlight clasps the earth
and the moon beams kiss the sea

what are all these kisses worth,
if thou kiss not me?
Wolfey Oct 2013
Whispering willows,
slowly singing a euphony.
Cries loud enough to hear through soundproof walls
and covered vents.
Leaves that fall to their death.
Only to be then shattered beneath a plastic,
sadistic platinum foot.
Sad trees no longer visioning its "Great Perhaps"
A cup of tea sipped every second to Pluto,
who has tragically been disclaimed as a brother,
and back.
No long wondering who and why,
when and where.
Indebtedness being a rare occasion.
The colors of summer,
adapt to the mourning sun.
Fall has come.
Where reincarnation is now the cycle of life.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2019
so Olson (#2), Honorarium

around here,
poets have been advised and disclaimed
the genuine praise of others get repaid
in kind, in k i n d

no, nope, not in
succinct pithy praiseworthy commentaries
that pays the quid pro quo bills

no ******* it,
a full blown poem is your honorarium,
you have torn open that envelope, and gosh ****, golly gee...
debts must be paid for the scales can not exist imbalanced,
until pieces of me equal pieces of you,

and I hate owing (for one never can be owning) poems...


this lonely business, never paid the rent,
at best, I hear them whisper, leave him be,
he’s entranced in other galaxies, breathing
words of nitrous oxygen, which has oft
produced excitable effects, copious weeping, hysteria,
and uncontrollable hyena laughter and
a sadness so deep, we fear for his retrieval

conversing with others in his head,
but when he writes of honor & love,
beware his bewitched bewitchments,
when all flu-like symptoms starburst all at once
the words are corded and stacked.
for fiery consumption in a hearth hearted fireplace,
word fries with aioli spice tendered in repayment

not a one lost, for those poems, though up in smoke,
lung imprinted, and breathed out into the clouded atmospheres,
dragon exhaling, poems roaring, stored and restored
honorarium in the crematorium of word debtor prison

an “the end” sigh dot dot dots the bitter end,
the anchor resting on sandy bottom,
at last, the last word, debt paid, honor restored

this, this
he loves best, when the beast released
and then returns to rest-in-chest and
await his next self imposed commission,
immolation in isolation
Ben M Jul 2017
The liquid and mutable subconscious
Can always return disclaimed feelings.
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2024
~for all the old poets,
especially one so denominated, my old faithful friend…~

emboldened and italicized,

are whispering and whimpering,
that I’ve gone
lost possess of mine
facilities and faculties,
no longer able and capable
to command, demand, in hand,
a decent poem
from & in the English language(s) to

lost my edges,
hide behind the hedges
of inconsequential ancestral
and incestual rhymes,

do oft appear as voices in my
now emptied and unemployed head,
but familiarity breeds contemporary
contretemps of contempt,
for they are remiss,
in dismiss when the eyelids
the noble temporal lobes
’tis thy~thyme ole man,
for spillage of your

(first poem of the day)
thus kneecapping the cancer
of a restless dark hour period
where failures and faults,
of lines
crossed and uncrossed,
bear you to pieces,
bare your lifetime
laundry list
of pulsing, palpable,
fulminating and always ruminating faults
of which penance cannot be bought
by the bags of pennies and sordid assorted coins
that THEY
will find in the back bottom of thine closets,
along with the manuscripts
of the discarded and forlorn,
unloved and unpublished poems that you chose
to have buried with you,

lest you think that
eternal rest
will best
them voices,
they will accompany you
to permafrost of forever dark,
their once and future demise,
a travesty of


lists of to do’s;
the exercise of delaying death
for one more day,
by trodding on the treadmill
that postpones the inevitable
that can
always tun longer and faster
and cannot be outdone, outrun,
this poem
disgorged and disbanded,
it’s bytes,
will not bite mark me
in the forever future
their bytes are alive now,
free to be chomped and well chewed,
and once fully digested,
be return to our Mother

where some disclaimed poems
go to be buried
within it’s eternity
Christos Rigakos Dec 2020
Inquire not of me, nor of my life!
     All knowledge, by instruction, is withheld.
     Our blood line cut, your kin no more my wife,
     your right to know by your own hand dispelled.
Your silence had you ousted from my heart,
     when I besought your most beloved names.
     Your hush kept me at bay, and us apart,
     as I sought you, my son-ship you disclaimed.
Now if perchance a thought of me has raised,
     please quick extinguish it and mind me not.
     Why resurrect the ghost of one you've razed
     upon your kin's request, and made as naught?  
True love, when born, has immortality;
when false it lives only conditionally.

(C)2018, Christos Rigakos
English/Shakespearean Sonnet
jayant om Aug 2018
Happenstance, my resentful muse appeared in front of me,
in a bleak and bitter night
to mourn over the death of my feelings.
and, I standing over the edge of a cliff
a snowy cliff
I was not alone,
my feelings were by my side.
my feelings which are
half parched, half shriveled
and I began to strip those feelings furthermore
so they can be heaped
and I can exhume them for good in the fire within.
the sullen muse smiled apathetically; Ironically my lips curved too
as we both knew each other.
And, the night was astonished to see us smiling.
and I took my confidant, it read.
The coldness within is far colder than
the snows; you might meet soon your beloved at the dawn
but that dawn never ever came to knock the closed doors
of my heart.
my heart like a cloak
has encompassed my being
and it knows
what they call LOVE
as relationships are always
a gamble, merely a prediction
which by the times turns into
a dessert.
and the dust of time
makes is barren
more barren by each passing moment.
Night, by then was about to bid adieu
and it stopped just for a while
to say
your disclaimed existence is not a song
it is a lullaby of your soul
which is in a deep slumber
and I along with dawn shall make you love again.
it is a promise to you.
And, that promise is even today remains a promise
unfulfilled promise.

© Jayant Kumar Sheen
Sia Jul 2017
Do you love me
Despite my love for she?

Are you ashamed
You're sister has been disclaimed?

When I took the flag
For being a ***
They blamed me for red
For when I left my families heart to shread
Screamed orange
For when I went for that slow plunge
Questioned yellow
For their woe
Cried green
For they believed I was merely a teen
Who could never tell purple with blue
Yes, they told me I had no clue

I insisted on love
On my wonderful ladylove
It was she
My cup of tea
It was love I let win
Not sin

Departing avenging spirits
In the dead of winter;
love has assumed to know all hearts,
But what stands before thee
Are the cowards of the lost?
all they bring is wickedness,
what has happened to true love?
Oh, tender hearts,
Why did you depart into the dark?
the gentle touch of lovers’ hand
Where the beauty of spring;
this old town has humiliated me,
But then the knight looks and sees
His love under the leafy shade,
Writing her heart away,
He looks with a stunning smile
upon his face that couldn’t be removed
if she is near; words of anger started to fade,
but then he looked around and she was gone,
His anger ragged like a villain;
He looked at the cowards
that has been making war,
what is it you have done?
That is when the cowards started to run,
Then one of the cowards
stopped and looked back,
Saying, Dark Angel is taken his queen home,
There was this big hesitating chill
that moved faintly in the knights’ heart,
a darken trill of the dead of winter
moved in his soul;
The knight heart became cold.
loneliness came from love;
while the cowards of the town
laugh so loud towards the knight
he pulled out his sword;
and told them if they come back
they would lose their heads,
Clear, loud he stood his ground
In the old town, he called home,
Wide is the rain that brings on pain,
that gives free choice to all who bleeds,
you can love or run from it;
or you can love and fight for what your
heart beats for and will die for it,
like a true ‘’ Shakespeare’’ theme;
that has been written in true passion of love
that gives feverish dreams;
Dark Angels, deathless powers,
The knight takes on his delight
that verse how he truly feels,
love is where his heart belongs,
But his queen her heart is no longer function
She has disclaimed her love for thee.
Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Judy Emery
Anna Nov 2016
Love unites two persons that used to be miles apart
Based upon friendship that should be firm as a rock
It is something you give to someone out of reason and heart
And should never destroyed just by jealousy and betrayal

Love isn't something you do for fun
It sometimes bear the biggest factor for some
Love should never be constrained
And never ever should it be disclaimed
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
I didn’t know it at the time,
but my misspent youth was planned

          The training ground for what I’d write,
then hard to understand

The many schools, the teachers chides,
expulsions my reward

Postgraduate work for future truth,
all voices untoward

The risks were high, survival mined,
Shangi-La, a vagrant’s room

My pen disclaimed, all actions shamed,
flat broke one afternoon

From the diner’s window I heard the song
that turned my life around

As Gregg Allman sang ‘Melissa,’
my true destiny was found

And today I harbor no regrets,
there’s no one left to blame

As I write the words for me hard one
—my sinful past reclaimed

(Strafford Pennsylvania: July, 2019)
    ‘Thank You, Gregg—I Miss You’
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
You can’t embrace
the moment forever
whose verity
at essence ungrained

By definition
it must rename itself
once mentioned
decried and disclaimed

What came upon you
to die in place
where vacuums exit
in time and space

from life’s cocoon
and starting over
—Amayasvan moon

(The New Room: December, 2023)
KorbydAngyle Jul 2020
Troubled/ no or fair/ by the still golden waters cadence or refrain from the inclusion of an individual's own shackles/ which drum a constant clasp of the next intent based on the purity of the assessment/ schink shlank slap/
Cobbled were streets or hobbled we people/ their paths not just warriors but our own war with the weary looks of the discontent of gold without/ a mirror and resolved souls/
And so marks a facet to evoke endless return of magic's need for self preservation and the self that is legends own gold armour/ a victory we together pave/ Golden Stave...
If these are the truths we seek and/ the God or Gods to find answers/ then what anathema awaits or a convocation in place of that?... Of no less is our theory derived thus philosophy and deliverance interpose. Affine the nature of our path with a certain answer .. of only two choices... That which I am and that which I might convert
And we Christen this day with the memorialized self opacity - all persons but one in a mystic realm her story unfolds by the ancient altars bedlam...
What savvy morrows does clemency's graces trounce.. in upon as spiders/ no snakes assumed panderous/ a squander- no lions in a mane/ not lower but higher dragons by bane. Though the fury of deliverance quenching not a birth from dens of evil's title banned by ~gold~ and bones. In insipid shallows.. not a grievance shall I bequeath/ my final breath is upon the restless encounters sought by such velocity/.. of sallow's as any inner self. Such a contrast to presbyter zombies princesses and elves!
I was in a dungeon in Hell being tortured by the devil.
Whence forth all stitches of sentient docile was challenging farther than the girth of the Lord's great ship. Reaching souls by way of coast to coast..
Lords and Ladies sorceresses and witches in for the storm of temper and bulwark. Each I speak of naught for turn of fortune is for one to resolve (she touts the Golden Stave). A lament on a basis to which no lives' have dragon for my soul and the gold which I seek not nither or nye but in severed tones to the justice I speak. Hear me this..
And a world/ and a lot of confused self folly. This is not the Lord.. These are not my reflections..
Aluft cloud or mezzanine protections and wrong impressions.
What chain of holy command can virtue make if the gift you hold was never yours to take.
It was not taken foolish old Priest. It was found as if by prophecy that I find the wellness of such pious virtues endured by the plethora's gauntlet for riches in Heavenly retributions, a constant hierarchy contrite yet arbitrary of obfuscation enough for my own liberation.
Your epicurean delight now fiddler to tunes of which the canon shouldn't find disingenuous reprieve to be certain..
But tis mine.. .. Flying monkeys/ fangs and claws. Though driven as prayer invocation the involuntary inveterate invertebrate doesn't stay for boundaries moxie shall soon be broken..
In arbitration the rapid deteriorations invective hastens a new anticipation of vile amelioration for disclaimed lay you/ lugubrious maiden.
Slayer slayer mox of nether! Light nor lotus prayer! Deliverance from which I ran. What soul pientous aster fiends by world and legend n tales run ragged as all else falls by the wayside. To what lays in my pretentious individuals land as my true own disquisition thus began!!
it's actually taken from a heavy metal and dance musical i wrote with the stage and characters removed to show the flow and poetic style
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
When I want to express anger,
I get madder than hell

When I want to give love,
how deep is my well

On those times that I covet,
how green I become

And when wrestling with hate,
the result zero-sum

When my face blushes red,
I wear it with pride

Excitement and fury,
then never to hide

These things at my core,
at your risk to defame

Like politics censored
—emotional correctness disclaimed

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2024
You can’t
embrace reality

Its tenets
restrict and

By definition
it renames

Once spoken
to then be

What comes
upon you
the moment laced

Where vacuums
in time and space

from life’s

In endless
— moon to moon

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
LitEm Sep 2021
I am the evil the bad, they portray me as
Even lesser men petrify my shadow
No care, no recognition
No dust of humanity left beneath the deep darkened soul
******* with a thousand heartbreaks
Hurting them with no feelings
Playing them like its a game
Earning love but yearning for fame
To my eternal shame
Broken vows for others name
But not fully to be blame
Never wanted any of these claims
I was Born from devils remains
Made from the very flames
What others disclaimed
Forcefully so i became
Nothing ever remained same
but then all changed when she came
Like a Childs game, i searched for her name
Intended to change her to my surname
had proclaimed young love
Instantly fell for each other
past is finally let go of
you are my love, my heart, my soul
Love you more than all the days and nights
Deeper than all oceans and skies
Seen with my own eyes
As faith even despised
My own blood had disguised like a snake, arise
That what gave me butterflies turned to agonize
Soon to fade, my true love dies
As soon as sunrise, i fall back to all lies
Realizing that i am Utterly left alone with my cries
Dark Angels, deathless powers,
The knight takes on his delight
that verse how he truly feels,
love is where his heart belongs,
But his queen her heart is no longer function
She has disclaimed her love.

Poetic Judy Emery © 1983
The Queen of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
Departing avenging spirits
In the dead of winter;
love has assumed to know all hearts,
But what stands before thee
Are the cowards of the lost?
all they bring is wickedness,
what has happened to true love?
Oh, tender hearts,
Why did you depart into the dark?
the gentle touch of lovers’ hand
Where the beauty of spring;
this old town has humiliated me,
But then the knight looks and sees
His love under the leafy shade,
Writing her heart away,
He looks with a stunning smile
upon his face that couldn’t be removed
if she is near; words of anger started to fade,
but then he looked around and she was gone,
His anger ragged like a villain;
He looked at the cowards
that has been making war,
what is it you have done?
That is when the cowards started to run,
Then one of the cowards
stopped and looked back,
Saying, Dark Angel is taken his queen home,
There was this big hesitating chill
that moved faintly in the knights’ heart,
a darken trill of the dead of winter
moved in his soul;
The knight's heart became cold.
loneliness came from love;
while the cowards of the town
laugh so loud towards the knight
he pulled out his sword;
and told them if they come back
they would lose their heads,
Clear, loud he stood his ground
In the old town, he called home,
Wide is the rain that brings on pain,
that gives free choice to all who bleeds,
you can love or run from it;
or you can love and fight for what your
heartbeats for and will die for it,
like a true ‘’ Shakespeare’’ theme;
that has been written in the true passion of love
that gives feverish dreams;
Dark Angels, deathless powers,
The knight takes on his delight
that verse how he truly feels,
love is where his heart belongs,
But his queen her heart is no longer function
She has disclaimed her love for thee.

- Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
I wish that I had cared enough,
to mention once or twice

That what I wanted now has changed,
old virtues turned to vice

The past left misbegotten,
and future long disclaimed

The present what I’m running from
—its hourglass in flames

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2020)

— The End —